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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: The Danube Delta
4/4/2006 2:31:28 PM
hello Lisa, Thank you for joining me on my trip to The Danube Delta. It is more exciting to be there, but... that's it now LOL Thank you for being such a good friend.
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: The Danube Delta
4/4/2006 2:33:16 PM
Hello John, It is an honor for me to greet you here. Thank you for your congrats. WIsh you the best.
Deborah Skovron

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Re: The Danube Delta
4/6/2006 9:31:29 AM
Hi Anamaria, I really enjoy coming here your descriptions are great. Thank you. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: The Danube Delta
4/6/2006 10:20:44 AM
You are always welcome Deborah :-) Hope, soon I'll be able to post the photo slide show too. It would be more enjoiable. I'm happy to have you with me on this trips.
Nathan Services Inc

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Re: The Danube Delta
4/6/2006 1:49:20 PM
Hello Anamaria, I want to express to you how great your writings are..Here in America we have the Discovery Channel on Television, your writings to me are better and even intriguing like the Discovery Channel, perhaps one day they will come to Romania and discuss with you all the beautiful things of your country and include you in an episode....I feel hypnotized by your writings when I try to imagine how beautiful it must be for you to be there....!!...rev. nathan