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Sandy Morgan

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Re: Why is there no posts???
4/3/2006 12:11:38 PM
You're so right, Leanne! Building relationships are important, both socially and for business purposes. I'm guilty of not posting enough myself. I also know my limits, for I type between 8 and 15 words per minute. At times, it boils down to keeping up with posts or answering my customer's inquiries...... Someday, my business will take care of itself, allowing me to post more. For now, everyone, please know I am reading post and interested in what everyone is saying:)
Re: Why is there no posts???
4/3/2006 4:25:18 PM
Hi Leanne, I use to be able to post on every forum I was invited to. But when my dad got ill, I just don't don't have the time. I too have been not well for the past few weeks. I am sure it is because of the stress & worry of my dad. I try my best. As I know other too try.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Why is there no posts???
4/3/2006 5:51:59 PM
Hi Leanne, We are dealing with percentages here. If you invite 100 people to be on your friends, I figure 10 % will respond. Of those I have found that only 2 of the 100 will post. Think of your surfing. How many have to see your site before you get even one click. Again percentages tell the story. Reasons for not posting. 1) not good at typing as already suggested. 2) What to say except thanks for the invite 3) Not interested in what they are promoting 4) Read and enjoy but don't feel the need to comment. How many sites are you really join to sign up for. 5) It takes a large friends list to get a good number of responses. For everyone that leaves Adlandpro you need to replace with active people. 6) Too many e-mails by the same people over and over. I do not need to hear 5 times a day from people on my list. 7) People do have a business to run and a life outside of "Chat Rooms" which is what forums are. This is all trial and error so keep on keeping on with a good healthy attitude. I would rather have 5 good posters on my forums than 1,000 people reading and no one posting.
Re: Why is there no posts???
4/3/2006 6:59:48 PM
Hi leanne, Mary hit most of the points! I read a lot of forums but don't post a lot. Reason being right now is, my wife and I are the soul caretaker of her mother (89 years old) and don't have a lot of time. I agree with Mary, I would rather have 1 interested poster than 1000 posters saying "hi, Thanks for the invite" Bruce
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Re: Why is there no posts???
4/3/2006 9:17:06 PM
Leanne, I don't know the real reasons why so few quality posts. Maybe it is human nature. Programs that insult my intelligence (claiming I can become filthy rich overnight while doing absolutely nothing, or almost nothing) seem to garner more interest and replies than they deserve. On the other hand, when someone tries to promote a high quality program which offers a potential to earn a reasonable income IF we work at it long enough and hard enough, very little response is noted in many cases. Have we become the "I want it all, and I want it right now" generation? If it requires hard work and patience to become successful in the offline world, how could it possibly be any different in the online world? The Internet has no right to try and suspend the "Laws of Common Sense" Instead of us becoming so greedy that we can't wait to "Join" every new program that promises to double our money in x number of days, why not look at it in the following way. Instead of wanting to get, let us put ourselves in the position of the one who gives. Let's assume for a moment that we are the creator of the latest and greatest program that will make the whole world become filthy rich overnight. Except in this case, we will not offer anything except the very best. It must be totally legal. It must not take unfair advantage of anyone. It must have a real product or service that people want and people need. It must be consumable so that people will want and need to renew it over and over again. It must offer as much value to the millionth customer as it did to the first few (who flocked to "get in early") It must be something that will work as well 10 or 20 years from now as it claims to do today. If we were offering such a program and had a burning desire to be fair to ALL those who joined (not just those who get in early) and at the same time recognized the need to earn enough for ourselves, so that this wonderful program will remain for many years to come ... How could we possibly claim to be able to give back far more than people put into it and do it all in a very short span of time? Now here is the thought-provoking question which might help us evaluate those fly-by-night programs scattered all over the Net. If we in an upright and ethical manner could not possibly reward our members with huge sums of money they didn't earn or deserve, why are we so gullible as to believe that someone else could or would "double or triple our investment" in their "program"? Just a few thoughts ... Wayne Ellis

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