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Re: Paranormal Or Unusual Experiences!
4/1/2006 9:12:33 AM
Dear John and LaNell, Another very interesting forum. Sorry I haven't been able to visit your other forums as much as I'd like. Aparna, sounds like someone was watching over you AND your family! When I was about 14, my stepmother and my father both started hearing voices. They would tell my stepmother my dad was trying to kill her, and tell my dad that my stepmother was going to kill herself and us kids. They finally realized something wasn't right, that both were hearing these voices. So, they decided to clean house to try to find the object that was connecting them to the evil spirits, and they called several members of our Congregation over that were willing and able to help. Now, up to this point in my life, whenever I got scared of something, I would freeze up and not be able to utter a sound. We started cleaning house, pitching everything we thought might be the object, which ended up being several truckloads full and many of our favorite things we had gotten second-hand. As we got further into our project, praying all the while for guidance, our cats began biting us. They had never bitten us before. They were also hissing a lot, which they never did. My dad took them outside, and their eyes began glowing green. Well, all of a sudden, my stepmother called me over. In her hand was a picture of my sister Sue when she was a baby, wrapped in a blanket with my mother's right hand in the picture holding her in place. Now, I don't know to this day exactly what I saw when I looked at that picture, but I remember it looked like something was coming out of the picture at me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and it took several people to help me calm down. I screamed and burst immediately into tears, and was scared to death! A few days later, they found a piece of that blanket that was wrapped around my sister shoved way up under the bathtub. We never had a problem with objects moving on their own after that, and they never heard voices to my knowledge again. And that was the scariest thing I have ever had happen to me. Thanks,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Drbob Siegman

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Re: Paranormal Or Unusual Experiences!
4/1/2006 9:47:35 AM
Hi John & LaNell, Excellent job! Way Cool Forum topics. I'll definately being looking forward to reading the entries. I'm sure there will be some fascinating stories. Best wishes, Dr Bob No April Fools, it's the Great Easter JV Giveaway - It's Now Live till the 9th Hurry, Don't Miss this One $$$$$ being Given Away with No Strings!
Scott Reynolds

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Re: Paranormal Or Unusual Experiences!
4/1/2006 10:17:41 AM
Hi John and LaNell, This one could get interesting! I can tell you that I have come close to death a couple of times. Only once do I remember possibly being out of body and that was when I was a child and was hit by a car while riding bike. I remember seeing the car spinning (it was me doing the spnning) then I saw myself lying on the ground, all was calm and peacefull and I woke up thinking I had just had a dream (untill I started hurting). I've been pretty mutch "grounded" sense. lol
Re: Paranormal Or Unusual Experiences!
4/1/2006 10:20:05 AM
Much was happening around spiritual master Osho (formerly Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh). In 1978 while looking into his left eye in a one on one meeting not much was happeing. When I swiched my gaze to his right eye I saw a golden tunnel of light which seemed as if I may have been able to enter into it. With some concern that there may have been no return I hesitated at which point Osho brought our meeting to a close. On another occasion I witnessed energy moving from his eyes to a group of people. It was like an explosion of energy that looked much like the air one sees under the jet of an airplane warming up to take off. Though I was on the other side of the hall I was hit with the energy which gave the feeling that one was experiencing life in such a wonderful way that absolutely nothing else was needed. While Osho is no longer with us in the body his commune in Poona, India is alive and well at Another personal growth center associated with Osho is the Osho Humaniversity in The Netherlands, a 45 minute drive from Amsterdam,
Stephen Conroy Improve Your Emotional Health--Reduce Your Stress Levels--Increase Your Brain Power
Arthur Webster

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Re: Paranormal Or Unusual Experiences!
4/1/2006 12:16:46 PM
Hi, John and LaNell, One of the things I am cursed with is dejá vu. The rational explanation I am always given is that my brain is acknowledging an experience on two levels but the two levels are not communicating or synchronised - primarily due to a tumour. This explanation does not always work, though. I often address meetings on ad hoc subjects and invite questions on any topic at the end - many times over the last 15 years I have been able to prepare answers to questions in advance when the topic was something I knew absolutely nothing about. The most remarkable one was at a meeting of the parents of children in a vegetative state - "To what extent does she know she is alive?". I had never tried to quantify this and was grateful for the warning. As for other experiences, One of the most frightening was when I lived next to a hippy commune in Reigate over 37 years ago. We were all having a party and someone made up a ouijah board out of playing cards. About six of us joined in and there was the usual good humoured banter as silly questions were asked. It was obvious that someone was moving the glass deliberately, but we didn't mind, Then the glass stopped moving. No matter what we did, the glass would not move at all. Four of us kept trying and then, without any warning at all, the glass flew from under our fingers through a crowd of dancers, fortunately hitting no-one, and smashed against an old fireplace. That was remarkable enough, but all the pieces fell to the floor and formed a perfect circle, about three feet in diameter, with the inner edges of the larger pieces and the many shards. The party ended very abruptly! Regards