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Re: This is hilarious, can you believe this? (me at ebay)
3/8/2006 12:11:30 AM
Hi: ======================================= imho, Linda's clientelle are of a different breed (for lack of better words) than those of the so called "gurus". ======================================= That's it in a nutshell. There is an overabundance of people that will pay more for dreams than they will for results. Many of the "legends" of marketing show a face of concern publicly - but what they say privately is another story entirely. They see their customers as wallets and talk about how to "take them" again. And they laugh all the way to the bank knowing that most of their buyers won't do a thing with their materials. They know they're selling dreams, and they know the buttons to push. The conversations would disgust you. The people that lap that up aren't my potential clients. Those that are chasing dreams will just ignore me. But, every once in a while, a person will read my contribution to those materials and it will ring a bell. For those few people, I don't mind if they found me in the same book as people that I don't agree with. What's important is that they did find me. : )
Winston Scoville

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Re: This is hilarious, can you believe this? (me at ebay)
3/8/2006 6:59:15 AM
=========================================== For those few people, I don't mind if they found me in the same book as people that I don't agree with. What's important is that they did find me. =========================================== I don't know for sure if its the case, but it seems to me that the people you reach this way might also be some of the biggest promoters you'll ever have.

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