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Re: Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the POTW?!
3/6/2006 5:24:42 AM
Hi there Linda,[Craftie] "Thankyou" Linda my friend, you are a great support and a real Valued friend here in our Adland communtiy! I always love to see you! Many Blessings!
Re: Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the POTW?!
3/6/2006 5:30:56 AM
Hi there Donna Z, So nice to see you my friend! "Thankyou" for your Wish's and your support! Give those spoilt cats of yours a hug for me! God Bless!
Re: Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the POTW?!
3/6/2006 5:38:40 AM
Hey there girlfriend, I am already having a ball..LOL "Thankyou" very much LuElla for all your ongoing support since we first met here in Adland! You have been a sincere sweet friend, and I have enjoyed being in contact with you! I love your sweet spirit and your bright and warm happy face!! My Love and sweet Blessings to you!
Re: Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the POTW?!
3/6/2006 5:44:52 AM
Hello and "Welcome" Sam, Great to see you here! "Thankyou" for your support my friend, and I hope to see you lots more, now that you have joined "Wings of Success". I am here for you Sam if you need to ask any questions, feel free to contact me any time, I would be more than Happy to Help, Ok my friend? Many Blessings!
Jo Matthias

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Re: Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the POTW?!
3/6/2006 7:31:02 AM
Congratulations Ashley!!! Enjoy your week. Take care, Jo
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