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Gary Simpson

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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/6/2006 7:53:19 PM
Hi Cheri, Whilst I don't doubt Linda's story about the butterfly being attracted to her daughter it may just have been the butterfly's attraction to the young lady's perfume or something else that she was wearing. As for my brevity... all I can say is hmmf... have you seen some of my rants and monologues on these forums? (I'm sure you have.) I have been trying to restrict the length of posts on forums as I feel that 3 to 5 short paragraphs is about all that other people have the attention span to read. I know that when I am confronted by a long post I tend to skim read. If there is more to post then you can always save it and make another post later. Best Wishes Gary Simpson
Gary Simpson

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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/6/2006 7:57:20 PM
Darn! I thought that might happen. The site said "experiencing difficulties" so I hit the post button a second time. Result? Two posts. And I was trying to be brief. Sorry. Gary Simpson
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/6/2006 8:54:50 PM
Hi: ========================================== Whilst I don't doubt Linda's story about the butterfly being attracted to her daughter it may just have been the butterfly's attraction to the young lady's perfume or something else that she was wearing. ========================================== She was about 7 or 8. Our neighbor had just pruned a tree and she was rummaging through the branches to find "good ones" for roasting marshmallows or building bird nests or teepees, etc. (she was always making something) She found a branch with a cocoon on it and carefully set it in the brick flower bed on the patio. She was excited to see the cocoon broken open not long after. As I'd leave the house to go get her from school, I could see the butterfly sitting on the corner of the flowerbed. When I came back with her.... you know the rest. It still leaves me in awe just remembering it. : ) L
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/6/2006 9:22:43 PM
================= "When I came back with her.... you know the rest." ================= You saw the butterfly flutter by? Gary Simpson
Cheri Merz

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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/6/2006 11:12:01 PM
Gary, ============================================ I feel that 3 to 5 short paragraphs is about all that other people have the attention span to read. I know that when I am confronted by a long post I tend to skim read. If there is more to post then you can always save it and make another post later. ============================================ That's the problem with being a linear thinker (moi). I agree with you about the attention span, and I've been publicly criticized for my long posts. I do should see them before I edit. I come from a long line of loquacious females, lol. Cheri

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