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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 7:29:39 PM
Hey Winston; ========================================= Ever say to yourself, "this is a no brainer" only to find out that you are not even on the right track to start with! LOL ========================================= Of course!! That's why I'm divorced. lol Sunday humor. : ) Linda
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 7:51:35 PM
It's a LOT shorter than the version I told Peter over coffee. It sure was. ;)
Cheri Merz

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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 8:24:31 PM
Linda, I see that you found an answer, but you must know that there are those among us who are compelled to give their opinions anyway, lol. First I want to give a disclaimer. I only recently found the teachings of Abraham, though I read Psychocybernetics long ago. So I'm not an authority at all. For that you need Linda Miller who has been a student of the Law of Attraction far longer than I have. I do want to set down my thoughts, too, though, because my mind turns to those questions every time I read in Abraham-Hicks's writings. I'm beginning to get a glimmer of understanding, but I still can't reconcile it with the babies, for example. The key according to Abraham is to understand that we are not finite beings, beginning with birth and ending with death. We are eternal conscious beings who have chosen to enter the physical plane, knowing that we can't be separated from Source. We do so for the joy of experiencing physicality and for the satisfaction of creating an expanding Universe through our choices. Now, Abraham also says many of us have become so distracted by the physical manifestations around us that we have forgotten what we knew as we came into the physical. We have forgotten that we know how to create circumstances that are pleasing to us. But having forgotten we don't stop creating...we are simply creating unconsciously. Therefore, we often create negative circumstances because we are giving attention to a lack of what we desire, rather than to the desire itself. As far as the people you mention, what if they did the things they did because it felt good? What if Mother Teresa saw a starving child and thought, 'It would give me pleasure to feed this child."? If I'm right about the Law of Attraction, that thought would attract more of the same until what she created was what it was. As I said, I'm a new student. I don't know how to answer all of the questions, but I do know that as I have practiced the processes, or games, my circumstances have changed, and continue to change for the better--that is, are more pleasing to me. I've learned that I can choose my attitude. I can direct my thoughts toward something that feels good rather than focus on something that feels bad. What feels good (in the sense of the emotions it evokes) to me might be completely different than what feels good to you. No one can create someone else's reality. You can only create your own. Refer back to unconscious creation. That's as far as I can take it. I'm thinking about what causes wide-spread negatives, like war, and can only assume that there are a lot of people who are attracting the same vibration. I've seen reference to an experiment in Washington D.C. where a number of people came together to deliberately think thoughts of peace and love. At the same time there was a corresponding drop in the crime rate. The interesting thing is that apparently you can't exclude a negative. Focusing on it includes it. But you can attract the positive in such abundance that the negative is excluded by that abundance. Kind of like chasing away the darkness by turning on a light. You can't shoo the darkness out of the room, but it disappears when you turn on the light. I find it to be an interesting way of thinking of things. Abraham says that a thought practised many times becomes a belief. I guess that's what's happened to me. That I seem to be a happier person now is an added bonus. Cheri
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 8:48:19 PM
Linda, ========== You're so funny. You mean you read all that? Wow. lol ========== Have you not yet grasped that I read EVERYTHING that both you and Peter post. I don't comment on them all, but I do read them all....could you imagine if I posted in response to ALL of them...I'd be THE #1 POSTER!!!! ========== Was he trying to "fix a broken world?" Or trying to make this world a better place? =========== My opinion...depends on who's making the statement to know both the intent and motivation behind such statments. I for one, like to help others because it takes my mind off my own problems, make mine pale in comparison in some instances, and makes me feel good...all selfish reasons, I know, but you can't say I'm not honest.
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 9:30:01 PM
Being that the title of this little thread does include and make reference to "" I would like to throw some of the bleeper>/i> way of thinking into the mix. Let us look at Newtons Third Law of Motion and how we can apply this to the big picture even in a small way. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the force on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs – equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs. The examples of this pure law of Physocs are endless, how a gun works, how a bird flies, how a car attains motion, and so on and so on. Now let us move this Law along into the world of bleepers and Quantum Physics. Can you see how this might be applied given what being a bleeper means. To put it in the simpliest of terms while explaining the complexest of ideas: "You can't touch without being touched!" and that is Newtons Third Law. It really is very simple F(1,2) = -F(2,1)

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