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A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other *bleepers* and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 12:19:05 AM
Hi: I was debating whether to post/ask this in Linda M's forum or Cheri's, and chose to put it here so I don't take your threads south on you. lol. In 1960, Maxwell Maltz published Psychocybernetics. (An excellent book) Maltz refers to the vibrations of a tuning fork and how a piano across the room responds in the same pitch. He uses this analogy to explain that we are all energy, and we "get" what we "are" and to change what we get, we must change what we are. Today, that same theory is being talked about by more and more people. --> The movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" expounds on this and illustrates it with the story in the movie. --> It's the basis of "The Law of Attraction" --> It's the basis of the Teachings of Abraham. I read about the Teachings of Abraham at a couple of other forums. Of course, I went to look. (lol) I found this snippet; You Did Not Come to Fix a Broken World did not come forth to try to get others to stop doing what they are doing and do something else. You came forth understanding the value in the contrast, and the balance in the variety. Do Not Put Those Unwanted Ingredients in Your Pie Imagine yourself as a chef in an extremely well-stocked kitchen that contains every imaginable ingredient... (snipped)....Some of the ingredients in this well-stocked kitchen are harmonious with your creation, and some of them are not. But even though adding some of these ingredients to your creation would absolutely ruin your pie, you do not feel the need to push against those ingredients, or to ban them from the kitchen, because you understand that there is no reason for them to end up in your pie unless you put them in it. When I read those parts, something inside me was absolutely and horribly appalled. All I could think is this... ... It's a good thing Mother Theresa didn't think that way when she saw children starving to death. ... It's a good thing Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King didn't think that when they saw how whites treated blacks. ... It's a good think Ghandi didn't think that when he saw people denied basic civil liberties. ... (I could go on, but you get the idea) I'm glad that they DID mix those ingredients into their pie. I am glad they DID think they were here to fix a broken world. I find this confusing, because - you see - I DO believe in the theory of the tuning fork. I have never yet seen anyone that gripes and complains and whines and moans and feels sorry for themselves succeed at much of anything. But, at the same time, there is also the saying that all that's needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. And, there's also the thought that if I turn my eyes from that which is wrong because "I'm not here to fix a broken world" and all I focus on it what *I* want, doesn't that just SMACK of greed and selfishness? And, if it does, then am I really emanating anything TRULY positive? Now, one could say that those people (Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, etc) worked for good. That's true. They did. But to work towards good, they had to look at and focus on what was bad. They had to strive to change how other people behave. And isn't that focusing on negative to achieve positive? So, how does that fit in with the whole "don't focus on negative" and "you're not here to change anyone" theories?? I'm not asking this to be a pain in the posterior. I'm asking because I'd truly like to know what others think. lol So...? What do you think? : ) Linda
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 5:48:13 PM
Hi: Nevermind.... I figured it out. lol Here's me replying to my own post. Boy, that takes talking to ones self to a WHOLE new level. lol Funny how writing things down helps clarify thought. After I typed that entire post, I saw what I was missing. If you're interested, just ask. ;) Linda
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 6:21:42 PM
Sensei, Did you honestly think that I would not be interested? Your grasshopper awaits your reply.
Winston Scoville

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Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 6:35:37 PM
I for one would be interested. Ever say to yourself, "this is a no brainer" only to find out that you are not even on the right track to start with! LOL
Re: A Question for Cheri, Linda and any other "bleepers" and positive thinkers...
3/5/2006 7:19:47 PM
Hi Heather. You're so funny. You mean you read all that? Wow. lol So... here's what I figured out after reading my own rambling thoughts. (Sorry in advance if it gets long.) First of all, people who are in a bad situations are there for different reasons. Some are victims of circumstance. Others are victims of their own choices. For example, an Ethiopian baby that's dying from measles or of starvation did not cause their own circumstance. Someone who keeps falling for money making scams is making choices that contribute to their own circumstance. Martin Luther King stood up and said, "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Was he trying to "fix a broken world?" Or trying to make this world a better place? I think there's a fine line between them. And maybe, just maybe, that fine line is not focusing on what is (ie, what is wrong) but focusing, instead, on what could be. Not complaining about "what is" but focusing on "I have a dream.." And how does all that relate to me? In the same way, all I can do is remember that I can not change the choices people make for themselves. After all, I am not talking about children in Ethopia or racial prejudice. I work with people that make their own choices and pay the price for them. .. If people want to invest their mortgage in a gamble, I can't stop them from doing that. .. If people want to chase pipe dreams, I can't stop them from doing that. .. If people want to join a T.E.A.M. that pays them 32 cents for every product sold by a group that doesn't know how to sell in the first place - I can't stop them from doing that. But, they'll have to keep hoping. (lol - sorry for my twisted humor) Running around ranting about the choices other people make for their own lives serves no good purpose. I can provide information. What they do with it is up to them. The repercussion is theirs, too. Does that smack of selfishness to say I can't help someone that won't help themselves? No. It's reality. BUT.... when people really and truly want to know how to set up and run a business to help THEMSELVES out of a bad situation, I can do that. I can give people the skill set they need to affect change in their lives.... but only if they want to learn. And thus, I can focus on "what can be" instead of the things people are doing wrong. I, too, have a dream... : ) Linda Sorry this was so long. It's a LOT shorter than the version I told Peter over coffee. lol. THAT one, I could make a book out of.

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