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2/16/2006 1:39:39 PM
Hi Everyone. I hope where ever you are in the world today, that the weather is nice & you are all safe & Secure. Here are 10 Tips on How To Avoid Crime, all very simple & all ones you should practise with your families. 1,Be Alert! Keep your head up when walking outside of your Home. Be aware of your surroundings & people in your vicinity. 2, Vary Your Routines. Predictability makes you a more likely Target. 3,LOCK IT! Your Home, Garage, Car, Office- Locks are your first line of Defence. 4,Make Your Home a Tough Target. Use floodlights set up with motion sensors, the sudden flare of bright light will make any criminals think twice about approaching your home. Get a GOOD Security System. If you do not have dead bolts, GET THEM! If you do have deadbolts fitted, ALWAYS USE THEM! 5,Foil Car-Jackers. Keep your car door's & windows locked at all times, most modern cars lock automatically when the car is in gear, if yours does not, make sure that your doors are locked before you leave home. Check mirrors & blind spots when stopped in traffic, stoplights etc. Stay one to two and a half car lengths from the car ahead of you. Sound your horn and flash your lights if you think you are being approached by a car-jacker. be specialy wary at stoplights with car window washers, beggers, flower sellers. 6,Avoid Car Theft! Lock It! Use an anti-theft device. Turn the wheels toward the curb when you park. Never leave a spare key anywhere on or in your vehicle. Park in a well-lighted place. Put packages, personal belongings etc, in the Trunk or out of site, never leave tempting targets. 7,Be Creative! Think of unusual ways of protecting yourself and your valuables, criminals know all the usual ways. 8,Be Informed Learn and research the Crime Trends in your particular area and work to protect yourself and your family against them. 9,Get Involved! Have you joined your local Neighbourhood Watch yet? If there is not one, start getting one organized, it's quite easy and your local police will be happy to give you all the information you will need and meet with you to discuss details. 10,Don't Give Up! Crime rates in your area can be reduced-With Action. not Apathy! For a full selection of American made Security products for American homes, please visit our Personel & Home Security Store. Be careful, be safe. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Dave Cottrell

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2/16/2006 2:04:08 PM
Hi Anthony, You have posted some excellent tips for staying safe in a modern, urban world. Another suggestion I would add; if you have the time to properly care for them, get a pet dog or two. I DO NOT mean guard dogs, just well-trained, pleasant, family pets - medium sized, solidly built dogs are best. Just the known presence of a dog or dogs is a very good deterrent. Anthony, I would welcome your information on the community forums at BusyBeeSafelist I have some brand new forums there on security. God bless, Dave
2/16/2006 2:24:02 PM
Hi Dave. Thanks for the reply. I have received your invites to the forum as I'm a member of your list, it's just a busy time at the moment having to get the corparation & personal tax's done by the end of the month, there is almost a light at the end of the tunnel... As for a good well trained Dog, that is a very important point. I must admit our's is well known in the neighbourhood and is well respected. He is trained to guard the Home & specialy to guard Pam. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Deborah Skovron

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2/16/2006 2:58:41 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank for the great tips. I am not only going to use them myself but I am going to copy them and give them to my Mother.(She seems to think she is Annie Oakley) LOL Your Good Friend Deborah
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2/16/2006 3:02:30 PM
Hi Deborah. Glad to hear your Mother is so happy but, yes let her see the tips, it's always better to be safe, than sorry. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.