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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/30/2018 3:40:53 PM
Heavenletter #6548 Where is the Rapture?, December 30, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you ask again and again: "God, am I truly once and for all, Your Beloved?"

"Yes, you most certainly are," so sayeth the Lord.

You are not in arrears, nor am I in arrears. Oneness is. Oneness is exactly where Oneness is meant to be. We are One as always. If you feel plagued, you plague yourself. No longer distress yourself.

Pester no one, and most especially don't pester yourself. Decide a good motif to run through your day. Stay on kilter. Unjangle your nerves.

Sure, there is the aspect that today is just another day. This is how days are. Who can say exactly how today is supposed to be and all that is or isn't to befall today or tomorrow?

A day is called yours because you enter into it and are part of it. Today belongs to many. Beloved, don't take any day amiss. You may just be seeing a shadow on tomorrow. You do not as yet know the whole story. You may not know the half of it. You may never know more of it no matter how sure you are that you do.

Who says you have to know all of the why's and wherefore's and how come's and what for's and why not's?

Soon enough, a day is done, and a life is done. Life takes its course, and you find yourself on another adventure. No two days are alike, yet take joy.

Beloved, you have asked Me: "O God, what is the matter?"

I, God, tell you frankly there is no matter. Matter does not exist. You simply get a run for your money no matter what turn life may take.

You go uphill and downhill. You walk across the street. You say, thank you, and you say you're welcome. You say hello and good-bye. You ask yourself, what time is it, and what time was it, and you ask yourself why do you care so much? Did I, God, make it so?

Shakespeare said: "Too much ado about nothing."

Child, you seem to see that a chapter begins, and another chapter ends. One day begins, and one day ends, and you are off to the races. The Sun rises, and the Sun sets. Stars blink. Someone starts his computer. Someone turns off his computer. Someone loses his wallet, and someone else finds the wallet and returns it. A car starts, and another car doesn't start.

You suppose that someone goes to sleep somewhere, and someone else wakes up sooner or later. Someone climbs a tree, and someone falls from a tree. Is this all that to-do about nothing that Shakespeare thought of before there were computers to turn on?

All of life seems so important, and then you start all over again. You plod along, or you bounce back, and the day is done, and the night begins. Where are you? Where did you begin? You understand that you never end.

What's it all about or not about, and what difference does it make? Where is the rapture? When do you begin to know something worth mentioning? And how on earth do you know how to tell time, and when do you remember anything, and why should you remember it, especially when it seems to haunt you?

Look! Here's another turn in the road, and it's all water under the bridge - as bridges are.

You know the alphabet and the multiplication tables. You know the gang's all here. What do you have to know anything for? What difference does the day make, and who, in God's Name, says so?

What time did you go to bed last night, and what time did you wake you wake up this morning, and what for and why not?

Beloved, you ask Me what I was just saying. What conclusion do I make? Which side is up, and which way is the way to go Home?

God, I ask You, am I truly Your Beloved? Am I?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/31/2018 7:53:29 PM
Heavenletter #6549 All in Good Time, December 31, 2018

God said:

Beloved, favor the idea of looking forward to miracles. What is there not to believe in in this mortal world? What cannot come true? Think of it! Babies are born. Life moves on. Life comes and goes. Thoughts exist, and thoughts travel, and new thoughts replace old ones.

Yes, be sure to know that miracles come true.

At the same time as miracles come true, miracles are not for you to insist on like a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Your will isn't to boss miracles around.

In fact, it is likely that when you insist on when and how a certain miracle is to appear, you may prevent the flow of the miracle. There is something called trying too hard. Miracles grow like flowers. Flowers and miracles grow on their own. You can't rush a miracle to appear. A miracle comes when it's good and ready.

You, too, like to call your own shots. Be careful about what you mandate.

Of course, there are Great Spiritual Ones who have a way about them that brings miracles to their fingertips or at least to someone's feet. Pretty much real-life miracles appear at their own bidding in their own time.

How much do you like to be hurried?

Pretty much you have a rhythm of your own and can't quite adapt to another's rhythm comfortably. To each his own.

Nor can you whip others into shape. Nor do you like the words "Hurry! Hurry!"

You prefer to hear: "Take your time, sweetheart! Go at your own speed!"

Your own speed is the speed that works best for you. There is enough time in the world for the clothes you hang on the clothesline to dry.

Since when can you hasten the sun that shines? Life wants to go at its own speed. You can't hasten the dawn. There is merit to the idea that haste makes waste. Better that you follow Me rather than that you whip your own horses. The temperature is set.

What is the hurry, Beloved?

Hurry is how you lose stitches in knitting. What is so vital about hurrying? Who sets the pace? Who knows the pace to set?

Remember when life was slow and easy? Remember when you walked everywhere? Remember when hurry wasn't King? Remember when you weren't beguiled to order many treasures online?

Once upon a time, life was a piece of cake, and time didn't get all skedaddled. Remember when you had time to tap your foot, and no one had to get out of breath? Remember when you lived life one breath at a time. Remember when there was enough time for everyone and everything, and summers were slow and easy?

Miracles still caught up to you. Night and day still abounded. You walked one foot after another. You still got somewhere. You knew all you needed to know.

You paced yourself. You were not always going a-sputter. Spending time was not always the high point of the day. There was always enough time and space to live life by. You didn't run out of time. You didn't huff and puff. Time didn't always rule. Time was courteous. Time was patient.

Life was. You were part of life. You starred in life! You swung on the stars. You set the timbre of your life. You sang a song or two. You let life and everyone in life be. You did not count up catastrophes.

You played games and loved life as it came. You whistled while you worked. Life was resplendent, and you loved it all. There was always more than enough time and space. You soared.

Miracles fit in all in good time.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/1/2019 3:51:35 PM
Heavenletter #6550 Days of Self Service, January 1, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you mean everything to Me. You are My Beloved. You are My Joy every day of the week and year and for all the years to come – forever and forever. This is Eternity. You are My Beloved Always and Forever. You are My Happiness. It is for you that I, God, am forever. You are My tie to Earth. You are My Total Joy, hither and yon. You are My Heart’s Desire. Don't you know My abiding love for you?

You may not take this as the God's Honest Truth because there may be times when you do not feel well-served. You may have a sore toe or a sore heart, and you are not well-pleased with all the delight you see heralded in Me when you are yet left wanting.

You may make conditions. You may feel unloved because you believe that if I loved you, I would jump to My-Lou to change a bit of your life here and there as I deliver life to you.

If you only knew, you would experience life to its fullest with roses in your cheeks and gratitude for life at the tip of your toe to the top of your heart. Gratitude would steer you forward and no longer longing for what you feel you may be being denied.

It is easy to believe that if I truly loved you, you would constantly be filled to the brim to your happiest at every moment.

Beloved, if you are not experiencing happiness to your fullest now, you may think you are railroaded and lack the freedom of your own free will when you are capable of holding a full cup of joy to your own lips.

Freedom of choice matters to you. Of course, it does. You are not to have your free will tossed away. You merit your freedom as you choose.

Fill your happiness to the brim right now. Decide your happiness. Don’t shirk at it. Take your happiness at its full value right now. Are you waiting for your happiness to be delivered to you as if you are hapless?

Toast happiness to your Self. Accept happiness as I will it to you. Drink up happiness, Beloved. Make a toast to happiness for everyone in the world, and this includes you.

Beloved, you are not to be a slug-a-bed. Serve yourself loyally and royally. Everything is self-serve in the world these days. Don’t slog around waiting to be hand fed, Reach your arm out and serve yourself as well as others. There is no longer lying around waiting for Me to press a cup to your lips. These days are days in which you offer service to yourself as well as to others.

Few these days can lie around and be served elegantly. Serve as much as you can. No longer lollygag around waiting to be served tooth and nail. These are days of independence. You are the server as well as the served. It is also royal to serve another as your Self.

There is joy in serving yourself and others. Being waited on is no longer so divine and timeless. Waiting on others has its joy. For one thing, it is good exercise. This also means that to thine own Self, be true. Be true to your Self and to Me, God, Who is insatiably true to you.

Love. Love even without an object. Strew love everywhere. Love will be known. Love high and low, and you will know it. You will be love known to the top of the rafters. Love will be known because you are yourself love to be known in the springtime and in the fall, winter, and summer.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/2/2019 5:25:05 PM
Heavenletter #6551 We Are Solid God, January 2, 2019

God said:

Beloved Child, grant Me service to My heart’s content. From you, I receive great joy. No matter how beleaguered you may feel, Beloved, grant Me great joy for the asking, and I accept.

Beloved, I relish you. Keep rising up higher.

Be like a great Christmas eggnog you pour yourself, and you are agog! Thank you for bestowing upon Me, Beloved, the service I bestow upon you. I, God, feel your quantum leaps of love for Me. You fill My heart to bursting. Beloved, what are you if not My Greatness?

I, God, drink of your love for Me to the fullest. My love bursts through My heart to say to your bursting heart so that I know that your love for Me and the gifts I give to you do not go unnoticed, even as, yes, you are more awake sometimes than at other times.

Just the same, I, God, am besotted with your love overflowing that fills Me to the brim. You may not always be fully awake, yet never do you forget altogether your awareness of Me, for We, as One, hang out in the Universe. It is a done deal.

Together, as One, We dance a tango seamlessly. Ah, yes, I am One with you, and so are you One with Me. What is this wonderful attraction We have for Oneness wherever the One of Us stands in Holy Light?

Oneness doesn't know separation. Oneness is Oneness. Oneness is not two. Rather One for all time. Separation does not exist and never did. Oneness is. Oneness is Eternal. Oneness is Oneness. Oneness is real. Oneness is not a stretch. Oneness is close at hand.

Not for one second can Oneness be apart. Accept the Truth of Oneness. There is nothing separate. Separation doesn’t exist. There is no twain. There is Oneness all wrapped up in One. Better to accept as you accept your given name. You may not have asked for your given name, yet you accept it and claim it. You are bigger than life in the world, dear.

Despite what you may think, We are Solid Gold. You are none of this nonsense you may claim you are. You are on a straight path. You do not wander. You are full steam ahead.

The ocean you swim in isn’t dark. You are part of a Lighted Life Stream. You cannot miss. Oh, yes, you may seem offline, yet there is no break, and so it is. Oh, yes, you can divert yourself, yet diversion does not win the day.

You may put on a costume. Costumes are only costumes. Costumes are made up. Costumes are costumes. Costumes cannot fool you, nor do they fool Me.

Oneness is the real thing. Coke is not the real thing. Oneness is. There is naught but Oneness. Right here in this One beating heart; this is Oneness, and Oneness is the Real Deal.

Anything else you think of is a diversion from Oneness. You cannot divert from Oneness, try as you may. And why would you try? Except you do.

Good grief, join hands and heart with Mine. Let’s skip around on the stars. This is inevitable. We do not have many miles to go. Anything called distance is only a notion. You can forget about notions and remember Me, which is You as One Heart. Hop to it.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/3/2019 4:43:54 PM
Heavenletter #6552 What a Difference a Day Can Make, January 3, 2019

God said:

Beloved, can you let go of holding on so tight to life? Relax your hold. Let life speak for itself. You don’t have to be a controller of life. Easy does it. Sometimes you hold on so tight, it’s a wonder you can move your fingers. This is tension to an extreme. Relaxation is better.

You may have the idea that life cramps your style. It’s possible that you're holding on so tight, you cramp your style.

Beloved, everyone wants peace and wants it even when they hold on too tight. Release tension. Tension isn’t helpful. Fear isn’t helpful. Loosen your muscles. Soften tension.

Relaxation is mightier than tension. You can see better with relaxation. Tension is costly. What exactly is tension supposed to do for you?

When you cook soup, you can stir soup lightly. You don’t have to stir up a storm. Easy does it.

Let your soup stir itself. In cooking and in many things, you don’t have to work so hard. Be laid back. Look up at the sky.

I, God – I don’t work hard. I am easygoing. I am laid back. I don’t have to let off steam. I don’t get steamed up in the first place.

You don’t have to crack your knuckles.

You can stir soup without splashing. You can let life be what it is.

You are not life’s lord and master. Be life’s relaxer. Untense your muscles. Don’t try so hard. Relax. Bend. What is the big hurry?

Is there something you must prove? Is life a trial that must be adjudicated? Must life be sworn to? What if life is just as it is, no more and no less? You sure don’t want to be an impediment to life. Nor do you have to whip it into shape.

You don’t have to lean on the whole world. You don’t have to prove that you are the fairest of all. There is nothing you have to prove. Whoever said you did? You don’t have to hang up on life. Easy is as easy does. Who defines sorrow? Who defines, and what for?

What do you hold onto so tight for anyway? So what if your hair turns gray or if you dye your hair purple? Comb it just the same.

Have laughs along the way. Dance up a storm. It’s perfectly okay when life isn’t sensational. The most that life can be is what it happens to be when it is. You don’t really have to whip life into shape. Life has its own leads to follow. Life is life any way you look at it. Life can depart only so far.

What difference can a day make? It can make all the difference in the world to you.

You don’t have to take life so seriously. Life goes one way or another, and then there’s a blip. You can only take life so far.

You went for a ride, and then the ride is over. You come back home and hang up your hat.

Then you are back at the races.

Have fun while you are at it.

Did I already say that? Life goes only so far. Life tends to be episodic. Who can decide how life turns out when all is said and done? How much must it matter when all is said and done?

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