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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/20/2018 7:41:06 PM
Heavenletter #6538 Say Good-bye to Woe, December 20, 2018

God said:

Beloved, free yourself from all your internal cross interrogations. They visit you rudely and at length. You go over and over these cross examinations. You wear yourself out. You would like to erase them and stop dredging up what you didn’t say and so wish you had said. No longer belabor the past.

You don’t get anywhere. You pick at yourself and repeatedly get nowhere yet go through the interrogation process as though somehow, someway you will do better this time. You keep wounding yourself without getting anywhere. You have already punished yourself enough. You may go on and on to no avail.

Yes, get off this treadmill and the appearance of powerlessness. You tend to go over the same damaged goods, getting nowhere and yet, as if, self-hypnotized, you keep going on and on about what someone said or did that rankles you. You keep pounding away at another’s errors and your own as if glued to earphones. You may bring back the bad news and play it over and over without mercy. Your mind keeps fiddling with the dials.

Ask Me and your own Self to stop this parody once and for all. Ask:

“God, I beg You to replace this script for me. What in God’s Name is wrong with me that I can’t let go of this subject? What do I think I am doing? This isn’t minor in my book. God.

“God, I am like a terrorist who tortures myself. Please help me to turn this off. Am I doomed to keep going over and over my life to no end? Once an unremitting replay is enough.”

Beloved, you are faithfully under a spell from the past. You try too hard to get all this off your mind. Release these unfortunate thoughts. They give you a headache. How do We get your mind off yourself altogether?

You don't have to go down Memory Lane, for you may compound your sense of helplessness. You repeat and repeat and, you listen in on yourself again.

Remember White-Out? Metaphorically paint over the front page of your news with a paintbrush of white house paint and let go of faulting yourself. Or start laughing out loud or run two miles at a clip or climb the Empire State Building or shorten three pairs of jeans.

It’s no secret to you that you have better things to do than replay wrongs done to you, or worse yet, wrongs you left behind for others.

You understand that there is a certain vibration that woe calls out. Why would you carry past woes with you – why would you?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/21/2018 7:42:46 PM
Heavenletter #6539 The Glorious Moment of Godwriting, December 21, 2018

God said:

Beloved, the Godwriting that will write itself today is as yet unknown to you. At the moment today's Godwriting starts to be written down, this is when My heart begins to become a revelation flowing from your hand. Godwriting is a spur of the moment occasion. It may well be your desire, yet it is not your decision. There will come to be a specific moment when you walk in with Me as One.

Godwriting is truly a gift from God. Beloved, what is not a gift from God? Good grief, what is not a gift from God?

There are occasions when you foresee something that you may think is ripe for Godwriting, you do. You feel its urgings. You may find that the actual topic appears differently from what you had anticipated. Beloved, consider Godwriting like fishing. There is a specific moment when the fish bites.

Beloved, you write down for Me so you don't have to try to keep remembering. Godwriting until it is written isn't known. It doesn't lock itself down. On the pre-levels of thought, My Words begin to arise. Godwriting is not of intellect nor logic nor precognition. You can't lock down Godwriting ahead of time.

A Heavenletter is borne of itself, the same way you cannot ordain when you will fall in love at a dance you go to. Your little self cannot ordain the content of a Godwriting. You do not birth the Godwriting. You witness its birth. You write it down.

Godwriting may bear a similarity to music a composer seeks to compose - something beautiful along a certain vein, yet, the music unfolds as it does when it does. You may find a different music.

Godwriting is not a known sequence. My words are unknown until they create themselves as if from head to toe.

Godwriting creates itself at My behest. Oneness reveals itself. You do not manufacture Oneness, nor do you manufacture Godwriting. My given messages write themselves. When Godwriting writes, God delivers it to you. Godwriting bursts from you - not at your will but at Mine.

In the world, every morning and evening, you relish the sunrise and sunset to their fullest. You love to observe them, let Me say, not by exerting force but rather from My desire as I reveal My Godwriting to you.

Godwriting lands in your lap, sometimes deeply propelled, sometimes almost by surprise, desired yet not at your command. Yes, you are right here willing to hear what I wish you to hear.

When a young child first learns to read in elementary school, there comes a glorious moment when the light bulb goes on. The glorious moment. There is no learning really. The new reader suddenly is self-propelled. There is a moment when reading is simply water falling off a log.

In the same way, you can't make yourself fall in love at a dance no matter how much you want to. Falling in love isn't an order you fulfill. Love comes as it comes. In the same way, there is a magic moment when you catch on to riding a two-wheeler. You don't whip bike-riding into shape. You are simply sailing along perfectly balanced on your bike.

A moment arrives. There is nothing to it. Fulfillment bursts through. You are made for Heaven now just as you always have been. You find out that you are a Beautiful Soul and always have been greater than you dreamed yourself to be right along. I always knew.

Hallowed are you as I hold you lightly in My arms. Here you are. You are My One Love complete right here and now. This is how My Will is done, Beloved.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/22/2018 6:29:36 PM
Heavenletter #6540 If I Could Only..., December 22, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is no need for you to countermand what life happens to feel like today. I am saying that you may think something is wrong with life. You think it's wrong that you have a migraine headache. You think you have a situation that has to forego itself and have a different situation arise to come to your rescue. Who told you that life has to be different from what it is?

You told yourself so. I believe you did. Would you prefer that a life situation be different? Yes, you would, very definitely. Beloved, rather than insist that your situation change dramatically, change your insistence.

There is no question that some situations are difficult. You say you have a hard row to hoe. Clearly, there are situations that are very difficult to accept. Dear Ones, Instead of fighting tooth and nail, work on your acceptance, will you?

There are situations that no one relishes. No one is rolling over in joy at changes that seem to arrive uninvited and at a price.

You may come with a bias. No doubt, it's a rare person on Earth who doesn't like one thing less than another. No matter how hard you may argue one thing or another, you already know that someone else has met with harder difficulties than are yours by far, and somehow or another, they raise the meaning of their lives above despair.

Please understand My heart. I really don't ask you to say: "I made the best of what I got."

I ask more of you. I tell you to love and to love more and to find a vein of meaning as hard as this may be in the situation that you may be in. I am not going to tell you that you are marvelous to bury the hatchet. Beloved, I ask you: Must you carry a hatchet that now you have to bury? Why would you carry a hatchet that you now have to bury?

Remember this, and never forget it. You are not wonderful to forgive. If you still haven't forgiven, you have taken too long.

Here's a true story:

Recently, a young wife and husband had their first baby born happy and healthy in every way except the baby had no eyes whatsoever in his beautiful face. None. The young couple could moan and groan and protest their child's situation from now until doomsday.

They accept their boy with love and gratitude. They lifted their hearts. They said to Me: "Thank You, God. We will see that this boy will hear and touch and eat and laugh and smile and love life. He will see with deeper than eyes."

Life is not always a dreamed of life. Look, princes and princesses and all golden full-bodied children with every advantage do not always live perfect lives. Everyone has the same good sunshine. No one knows ahead of time the good that he or she may do.

Of course, you remember the story of the Lame Prince and also the story of the Little Engine That Could.

Not all liabilities are liabilities. Be glad you have great good to do. You don't have to say: "I will overcome." Nor do I want you to be thinking: "I will compensate."

When someone gives you Halloween candy and it's not your favorite candy, you don't say "Thanks, couldn't you have done better?"

What does a thank you cost you?

What the world sums up as a catastrophe also somewhere within it may hold a reward.

Thank God for every blessing you are given.

Sometimes you would undo life as it is handed to you if you could, if only you could...

There is more you can do. You can grace the world regardless of what you have or do not have. You do not yet know the heights you can reach and inspire others to as well. Remember you are the sons and daughters of a King.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/23/2018 9:23:25 PM
Heavenletter #6541 “I’m Okay, You’re Okay”, December 23, 2018

God said:

Beloved, so much in the world at large today emphasizes how you are supposed to change right and left. This is with the idea of getting ahead. I am all for progress, and for you to progress to your heart’s content, yet must you have to have a total makeover and become someone else in order to become what you most want to be?

Must you have financial success? Romantic success? Marital success, etc.? Be a phenomenal artist and play the banjo to the delight of all who hear you play? What resounding applause!

Must you be size 4? What’s wrong with you as you are? Perhaps habits of thinking. Perhaps lack of belief in yourself holds you back from stardom. You may have the idea that as you are isn’t good enough. Maybe what you feel is a lack of drive.

It’s also possible you don’t know who you are and what you want in life. It can be that you don’t really want to be a trailblazer. Maybe you are a late starter. Maybe you just haven’t begun yet. Of course, you can learn and grow from inside and outside.

I am all for your achieving financial success, yet I have to ask you: Is this essential to who you are? Are you missing out unless you are at the top of the production line?

You may not, as yet, know how to begin to know the strengths you were born to. It may be that your heart, your good heart, your wise heart, just hasn’t popped up to the current trends as yet.

Aren’t self-propagating desires worth fulfilling acceptable as well?

Must My children follow the crowd? Who decides this?

You could be a late bloomer that the world might say has missed the boat. Or maybe you don’t require the boon of being a show stopper.

Are there two lines for My children to line up in? One is called “Raving Success” at the head of the crowd. The other “Slow Learner.” Or as yet a story untold?

Must everyone be rated as a success in the world? What is the intrinsic value in this rating? It can be monetary. It can be how you appear in the eyes of the world.

Hmm, maybe we are talking about the fairest of all. Yes, you can break out from the past, yet must you demand it of yourself?

There is both inner and outer success in the world. It is understandable how everyone wants to be the star of the spiritual circuit as well. You wouldn’t mind wowing the world with your advanced knowledge of God.

You wouldn’t mind the bulk of people in the world turning around to look up at you in the bright lights.

If you are one of the children of the world, you would be overjoyed if your mother would have always admired you, not only as you could be, yet exactly as you were when you swiped cookies from the cookie jar.

I put My stamp of approval on you as you are. You don’t have to excel in a marching band to pass your muster with Me.

Do you remember in the world the time when it was in style to say: “I’m okay, and you’re okay?” You would pat everyone on the back for the pure joy of it.

What happened to this rough-hewn idea of being okay in this moment?

Never forget, Beloved, you are always good enough for Me. It’s okay for you to not have to perform. Just your Being can be great. It’s still okay to lie down on your back in a green pasture and look up at the sky chewing on a straw.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
12/24/2018 5:09:04 PM
Heavenletter #6542 Call Goodness to Yourself, December 24, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I don't tell you anything new when I say that into each life some rain doth fall. You already know this well. Sometimes you don't believe it, for instance, that even saints have days that seem unfair. There seems to be random pain. Gandhi was so for peace, and yet he was assassinated. Christ was misunderstood, etc.

What looks like grievous error to you seems to fall where and when it may.

I am aware that you are not desiring to give your pain away to others. You do not desire this kind of atonement for yourself and your loved ones. You would love everyone on Earth to avoid pain and suffering under any or all conditions, and you don't want to run into hurt either.

You wonder that cannons are fired, hit or miss. You cannot imagine that I would cause anyone unnecessary suffering, yet you see the repercussions that befall everyone hither and yon. Long have you heard complaints from every corner of life. Suffering is suffering no matter upon whom it falls. It would seem that everyone could use the protection of armor. There does not seem to be any armor handed out to anyone. Protective vests do not seem to exist.

Neither youth nor age protect you. Nor do your beliefs seem to spare you. You can do penance or not do penance and still not defray one kind of difficulty or another. Exoneration doesn't seem to be the way it works in the world.

No matter who you are or how innocent of wrong-thinking or wrong-doing you are, no matter how loving you may truly be, alas, you are unable to defray difficulty. Sooner or later, it seems that everyone suffers alike.

I ask you, regardless, to merit a portion of joy to yourself just the same. Go through what you must and not belabor it. Don't think that it is your right to suffer. It is fine to make do with the best there is for you to do. It is for you to keep your eye on the sun that shines so vastly before you.

Beloved, you have the cream of the crop to pick from. Your fate is more than one-sided. You have choices as to what to dwell on. You have more than one option. You have the contents of the whole Universe.

The idea that you must suffer is a man-made idea. I say kindly to you that it is primarily the world's idea and not your idea that you must suffer. You mandate that you must suffer, and then you account for the reasons. You add them up. You have an open-ended list, and, as it happens, the more you think of the people in your life who foil you, the angrier you become. Is it not like this for you? You heap up one report after another. You prove to yourself again and again that you are someone who is unfortunately unfairly wronged, and you hold onto your grievances in big block letters. Herein is how to bear the brunt of this world no matter what.

Beloved, you are a fall guy when you say you are. This is the picture you paint and the picture you keep looking at. You prejudice yourself. You call this wrongdoing to yourself and call foul, as though you are obliged to draw wrongdoing to yourself. You are rather obliged to call goodness to yourself, so say I.

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