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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/9/2019 6:01:04 PM
Heavenletter #6558 Walk the High Road, January 9, 2019

God said:

Beloved, take comfort in Me. Take comfort in life. Take comfort in yourself. Alas, the relative world does not give you all the respect you seek and deserve. You look for some kind of proof that the world loves you as you deserve. You crave that the world honor you. Alas, too often the world forgets to respect itself.

Lift your own spirits. No longer believe that you are short-changed. Respect your own worth. Don't starve for greater legions of love. Grow love from the High Heavens. Love is true humility.

Release the idea that you are somehow deprived. Instead, be a blessing to all, including yourself. Love yourself from the inside out. Bless all. Be bountiful and feed the hungry whose spirits are wanting. You are not the only one hurting.

Raise the spirits of all those who know no better than to lay low. Lay down your heart, Beloved, and raise the hearts of all.

Life needs no agitators.

Would that the world treat you right so that courtesy would be constant. Share your love and not so much fire with fire. Your heart can lie down on behalf of all who require more love than the world seems to bestow.

Beloved, acknowledge all others as you do seek to be acknowledged.

There is also Greatness in the world. What is Greatness but Great Humility? What is Great Humility but service? For example, Nelson Mandela served in prison with the beautifulness of his soul. And did not his soul know enough to bow down to humility rather than to blaze with pride? Mandela bent his knee.

In so doing, he lifted his compassion to new heights. He nurtured his love. As he bent his knee, My honor in this simple man grew at its own rate.

Mandela honored those in all humility who seemed not to honor him. Mandela's humility is what made him great. On My behalf, he showed you how to manage the shores on Earth.

Hail to the world. Hail to the world and raise the world high. Is not peace, love, and honor for all hearts?

Spread the blanket of peace for all to walk on. Why not you? Why not you show the world how to raise hearts high amid burnt ashes? This is how to become free and to give Me honor. Lay down your arms by holding up the flag of peace.

Do not think of this as sacrifice. Rather, you give yourself great honor and simplicity. You do this for Me and for the world.

This is your way to Me. Most certainly, anger is not the way to Me.

To forgive means to give goodness to a seeming other ahead of time. Absolutely, you know better than to throw stones. Not on My behalf are you a spitfire.

If you want to find your way Home, complain not to yourself - not to yourself nor to anyone. Create the world you choose to live in. Try it My way. Kindly follow Me, so say I.

If time did exist, put time to good use at My behest. This is how to bless the world. Be done with anger from your wounded heart. Uplift the world.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/10/2019 6:52:19 PM
Heavenletter #6559 From One Gold Tree, January 10, 2019

God said:

Beloved, I know you hear Me. You may not know Me yet as much as you would like, yet I am well aware of you. I whisk you up in My arms, and I whisper in your ear to My heart's content. You are not the roustabout you seem to think you are. All are you, and all am I exactly as One, Oneness all signed, sealed, and delivered.

I grant you a soul, and I take care of your Holy Soul on Earth as it is in Heaven. What more do you crave? Accept Oneness here and now!

Your heart swings with Mine. What is more joy than swinging One Heart Heavenward? You are a Divine Soul. You are a Divine Soul for good reason. Once God's Soul, you are Mine unto Infinity. I, Who count on you, so can you count on Me from this moment forevermore. We are One Treasure. You are My Queen, or you are My King. In My Kingdom, beloved, One is Supreme. One. Lean back, and you will know what love is for the asking.

Sometimes My Words come fast or My Words come slow. What difference does it make when My Words sing the same song? I AM. You are One with Me. What more can you want, Beloved?

Oneness is Mine, and Oneness is yours for Eternity. Unified am I, and unified are you to My Delight and to the delight of the erstwhile world whether the world believes in Oneness or not.

If you like, write down My Words in gold or silver, or mark them in the sand with a gold branch from A Golden Tree. Is this not good enough? Yes, this is indeed good enough! Right here.

There is One Oneness in the sea to sail on. Oneness is. You and I are One Oneness for the sake of what you imagine as many.

This is the full joy of Oneness. Glory Hallelujah is the One Story. First the story, then its title flung to the stars.

You have always desired the stars. Claim them as One because you are One with Me. Star-filled, you and I are Oneness. Happy day. Reiterate My Words. I speak your language, and, in One Breath, you speak Mine. Oneness swings on the same star.

This is the Story of One Universe; One Voice speaks on behalf of Me, and that includes your Voice as One with Mine. I suppose as One, I am Star-spangled. It can be said I appeared first, except I always appeared at the same moment with you, all-inclusive. Never a separate entity, eternally One! What can beat this?

I love being One with you to the degree that there is no you at all, pardon Me. This is Perfect Oneness. You may kid yourself that you are some kind of baggage, yet what kind of baggage would that be? You cannot be only part and parcel with Me. You are not an add-on. There is nothing extraneous about you. You can give up that idea, for it isn't true and never was. Why on earth would you, this that you referred to as you, ever want it to be true when the truth is that you are I and I AM that erstwhile you. By God, I AM and you are I and ever shall Oneness be and no less than Oneness. Of course, there is no more.

Then multiplication was invented and thought to be a variation of addition. Nothing can be added to Oneness nor removed from it. Don't get fancy or complicated on Me, My Very Self.


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/11/2019 4:32:03 PM
Heavenletter #6560 Stand Up , January 11, 2019

God said:

Beloved, there are times when you have to represent yourself, even pull yourself up by your bootstraps. When you have to, you have to. The world isn't always fair. Unless the world speaks up on your behalf, stand up. When something has to be said, it may be you who has to say it.

The world, as it reveals itself, may not always be looking out after you. You would love to be Cinderella and have your fairy Godmother ready with a carriage for you to step into. You would also like to have a prince who is looking for the tiny-sized foot that is yours to fit into the glass slipper just right.

No one wants you to become a wrestler, yet on the rare occasions when you have to stand up for yourself, stand up. Left to its own devices, the world doesn't always play fair. You are not to be run over. You do have a place in this world. You are not meant to take life lying down. It is not for you to be a scrapper. Nor are you to be intimidated. There are times when life demands that you be your own hero.

Yes, I am with you. There are times when life performs a fairy tale rescue, yet not always. Better you speak up than to compress yourself into a shoe too small or, like the evil stepsisters, cut off your toes to fit the shoe.

Make sure you are fair to others and equally fair to yourself. You are also to set an example. Lying down in the middle of the road doesn't set a good example.

How you wish that I, God, would intervene for you often and declare you the winner. You will get beyond this, whatever it is, and you will be up and running without a backward glance. Ever onward and upward, Beloved.

You will reach another shore and another. You will make life smoother for every soul as well. You will speak up, and you will be heard. Love in your heart will triumph, and then you will have established Truth in My Name.

Help others cross the street. Hallow-ed be thy Name as Mine. Giving is easy. Give in My Name. Bless the world you live in, and you bless life for all.

Create love. Lighten hearts. Ease the path to Me for everyone. Hasten all that which the world aches for. Remove yokes. Bless the rich and bless the poor. Bless the loved and the seemingly unloved. Bless God Who loves All. Allow yourself to be God's Beloved. Abode as well for love. Love now as if there were no tomorrow. Life and love are Eternal. Nevertheless, know the preciousness of life and love and make a habit of extolling them for all the world to see and attest to.

Something wonderful is happening, and you are part of the design. Maintain love. Disburse love. Smile a lot. Dive in the deep waters. May love and life amaze you. Leap high from the deep waters with the splash of a porpoise. What an emblem a porpoise is as its heart dives deep and then leaps high. Life is to be known and loved and to be danced to and applauded. Love alone is sanctioned from on High. This isn't a small project you are part of. It is a grand project, this unfoldment of the upliftment of the world you live in. Hark the herald angels.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/12/2019 6:51:05 PM
Heavenletter #6561 To Be Among the Brave, January 12, 2019

God said:

Beloved, the distance between what you call your heart and between My heart is no distance at all. Oneness is One. There is no distance between hearts. Of course, you may not yet have the confidence to accept Oneness once and for all. You would like to believe that what you call you and what you call God are One and the same. Wouldn't this be nice? This sounds so good, yet you dally.

You mistake illusion for reality, hesitant child of Mine. How you desire Oneness, yet you are unsure that Oneness can really exist for you. You realize the rockiness you live with every day. Of course, you would prefer the steadiness of My stride, yet you fear you might topple.

Oh, how you don't want to be disappointed. You may feel you have had all the disappointment you can live with in this lifetime and no longer can bear any more unsettledness. You may prefer established disappointment than a newly-dashed turn-down. Of course, you would like to be in sight of Home rather than to have the rug pulled out from under you. By and large, when is enough enough? You call for inner peace.

You want a semblance of security. The relative world seems to be about insecurity. You may feel you cannot take on any more. Not even one more down-turn on any other day. You say: "God, I beg your pardon. I'm just not up for any more."

You would welcome being set aside and not under the eyes of the world for awhile. The carpet has been pulled out from under you too much. Your hair stands on end. You would even appreciate a little boredom for awhile now and then if that is not asking for too much, or, just to go unnoticed.

It's not that you feel targeted. You don't want even the possibility of one random upset. You might like a little walk in a lovely garden if this could meet your safety concerns. You whisper to Me that sometimes it seems that a lax excursion skips past you in the Garden of Eden.

All that you desire may not pass inspection. Alack and alas, My Child, you as I, God of the Angels, you would like to be on the sunny side of the street. Is it impertinent of me to ask You if there is anywhere that even angels do not fear to tread?

"Where, God, does all my panic come from? I don't quite dare to lie down with angels because of the inconstancy of life in the raw.

"In the unexpurgated world, where does danger of one kind or another not exist no matter who I may be or in what land I may live? I hear that all humans are born with fear of falling. It may well be that that everyone is rough and tumble.

"O God, give me freedom from fear. This is what I ask. I can wear all the seat belts in the world, and still fear pursues me.

"I want to serve You well, yet I do not pass the first screening.

"Tell me, please, God, wherein does security lie for certain souls?

"What happenstance has not already happened to someone near or far? From my meager point of view, things should not befall as they may on even one of Your beloved children.

"Beloved God, please do not test me, for I already find myself wanting.

"I want no one's heart to break, not ever. I never desire to let You down, not ever. It takes courage to be among the brave. I wait in line for an opening to serve as You beckon me to."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/13/2019 5:25:55 PM
Heavenletter #6562 Make Merry!, January 13, 2019

God said:

Beloved, how you want Godspeed. You urge it on. How you want to grow, and how you may feel you lag, and how eager you are to do cartwheels to please Me. You want, with all your heart, to extricate yourself from the past that holds you tight. You want to leap ahead, yet something deep within you seems to hold you back. You almost step across the ocean, and then you stop to think.

Beware of thinking! Let your heart drive. Too much thinking may make you frown and keep you from dancing across the starlit stage that awaits you. Never mind that you are onstage. Allow Greatness to arise. You may tend to try too hard and overlook the grace of life as it is. This may be the same as it is in Godwriting. In the the trying, or rather in the over-trying, is how you miss the target. This is a secret to life.

When I created the Universe, I didn’t try. The Universe arose before My eyes. I called the Universe to Me, yet, I let the Universe happen. I did not contrive the Universe.

Creating isn’t quite the same as constructing. I did not use blueprints. I burst into joy seeing what appeared before Me. I didn’t build a model. No, I saw a model, and there it was.

Then I said to Myself:

“Wow, this is Creation. This is a done deal as it comes down the spout. Creation belongs to Creation Itself. Hallelujah!”

Creation popped up of its own accord. Creation is not some kind of razzle-dazzle invention. Creation bursts from its own flame.

Then I said to Creation:

“How do you do, Creation! Happy to meet you! Yippity do dah! Hot dog! Look at You!!”

I took joy in what created Itself!

How does an author innocently write a great book? He feels an urge. He closes his eyes and lets what comes forth come forth from his pen as it comes in joy. He lets it rip!

How did Shakespeare write? It has to be that what he wanted to write wrote itself from within him through his delight in writing. Desire and writing met in mid-stream and, voila, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Theatre were born. Shakespeare’s plays existed, and Shakespeare’s hand pulled them down from the stars in a certain progression. Shakespeare discovered.

This is how life simply lets go of itself like an arrow.

A target appears on the horizon. Ready, set, go! Life pulls pack on the arrow and lets go. Life doesn’t run around chasing life all over the place. Easy does it!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. When you succeed – when you find a job you want, when the deed is done, it was easy. The job was yours set before you before you knew it.

Generally speaking, you don’t wrest something away from the world.

Generally speaking, something reaches you of its own accord.

There is something that is drawn to you and something in you that is drawn to the apple in the tree that falls into your hand.

Generally speaking, here you are!

Have the idea within you that life is meant to be easy. Let life happen as it wills.

Here is the Secret to Life to go by:

Life is not meant to be a struggle. So don’t struggle. Don’t declare war on life. Know that life works on your behalf. Shake hands with life. Allow life to befriend you, and you befriend life.

The advice of life is to make merry.

Begin now!

You may ask how you accomplish this. That’s just it. You don’t accomplish it. Life comes to you the way the Sun does.

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