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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/25/2018 4:28:46 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6421 To the Wonder of Yourself, August 25, 2018

God said:

Beloved, at the same time as you create yourself, you miss out on the concept that this is what you perennially are doing. Why do you miss out on what is going on? Because you are in a daze. You just may not have woken up yet. Now you will open your eyes up wide to the wonder of yourself.

You have heard the expression that you know not what you do, yet this expression now takes on a new meaning. You know not Who you are. Now, the good news is that your heart cells are opening up to the love within you that you also happen to radiate out to everyone near and far. Now each person begins to see you as himself. Everyone who sees you now says quietly to himself: “Why, here I am set before the Universe!”

Here it is: You begin to see that you are your own Creator as well as the Creator of All. You create everyone else, too.

No one is created alone. No book is written by the consciousness of one author. All is reciprocal.

Of course, no one creates singly. Creating is a group embrace. No one exists alone, and no one is created alone. Everything is reciprocal – all writers and all readers.

You may think you do everything you do for the edification of yourself alone, that you do solely exist for your own pleasure. You are not one single self, nor are you ever alone, despite the sense of loneliness you carry so unboundedly on your shoulders.

You hear that I am said to be One, yet what am I when you are already One with Me?
Furthermore, what are you when you are forever One with Me?

What do you think you know anyway when you are so bewildered as you flurry around here and there? You hardly know your own name.

How often does My Name come to you as your own refrain? My music is played throughout the Universe. You don't have to turn on the radio. I am My Own Vibration running through your bloodstream.

I am the mountain, and I come to you. Of course, I do. I come in a dream you imagine you dream, even as it is you who already have walked into My Presence. You don’t merely bump into Me. You crisscross with Me for old time's sake.

I build Us up in the Image of the Oneness of Oneness. I will call you Myself quite openly.

We are always opening up to the Miracle We always have been. There is nothing less to open up to. We bow to Our One Self while Our One Self permeates the Universe.

We are Oneness watching Oneness. We are Oneness watching Oneness and perhaps sensing We are getting away with something. There is nothing to get away with, and We don't want to, and We don't need to except to fool Ourselves. We don't fool ourselves for very long – if at all.

Truly, you want truth and nothing but the truth. There is nothing to get away with, whatever this means or doesn't mean anyway.

You crave the straight goods. You want daily bread. You want the wonderfulness of life in the raw. I, We, You are the wonderfulness You seek.

Life is founded on love. There is nothing else but love, and We are It! Love loves love. Love can do nothing else but love. Love creates, and nothing else does. Love is the foundation of creation. Love is the Creator, no matter whose shoes love wears at the moment. We wear each other's shoes or no shoes at all.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/26/2018 2:34:32 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6422 Life Is for the Fun of It!, August 26, 2018

God said:

Beloved, what is all this about frustration? You are familiar enough with it. Frustration plagues you often enough. You don’t seem to understand the cause of frustration. The cause is that you insist on your best performance. You don’t have to keep battling with frustration as though you are obligated to it. Frustration comes from your own stubbornness. You tend to want something the way you want it when you want it. You don't want to take a chance on less. You insist on your best performance no matter how many times you’ve tried to resist.

Of course, you grew up with the idea of never giving up. You will achieve as you want to no matter how dragged out you may become in the process.

You don’t have to achieve. Regardless of what you absorb in terms of achievement, you can stop every now and then. When something is overly hard, this is a good time to ease up. Make it easy to jump over an obstruction. Come from another path.

When you love what you are doing, stick with it. When you are frustrated beyond endurance, quit for a while. This doesn’t make you a shirker. This helps you to get somewhere you want to get. Give yourself a break.

When you find yourself getting worn out, try an easier approach. Refresh yourself. You don’t have to be frustrated with no end in sight. You have My permission to drop the ball.

When you are baking another cake in order to prove your mettle, you don’t have to prove yourself every time. Be a person who makes room for yourself and paves the way for life to consider you a success as you are. You are worth something. You are worth a lot.

You already know you can’t require your love to be requited. You also can’t always require yourself to get an A every time. Try again another day. It’s okay to change your tune. You are entitled to joy.

If something in life seems to be uncharitable to you, you don’t have to bear the brunt of it. You don’t have to surpass everything. You don’t have to endure so you can say you are developing your endurance. Put some of your energy into developing joy.

Success isn’t always all it is cracked up to be. Take on being good to yourself, and make this your joy. You don’t always have to perform. It’s also fine to be easy on yourself. You can be a good guy to yourself.

This isn’t to say that everything has to go your way. The world does not owe you a living. If anyone owes you a living, it is you. You do!

Take My Word for it. Care for your well-Being.

Let me remind you that you are a Human Being – not an automaton. You are not here on Earth to break world records. If S is your middle initial, S isn't to stand for Struggle. You are not here to stand for struggle the most you can. You are not here on Earth to live the longest you can as if you snare a prize. You are here to simply be. You are not better because you put up with a lot as though you are to win a prize for endurance. This doesn’t make you fabulous. If you muddle through life, that’s okay, too. You don’t have to overtake the world. You are here to enjoy your time here on Earth. Life on Earth is not meant to be a laborious test for you.

Life doesn’t have to be a shoo-in either. Life is made of more than one aspect of life. Life has been called many-splendored. Why not?

What makes your sojourn here worthwhile? What makes you skip-to-my-Lou?! Be joyful more than you are stretched.


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/27/2018 2:21:11 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6423 On with the New, August 27, 2018

God said:

Beloved, harken to the NEW! Add the word NEW to your vocabulary. Be new. Ah, yes, release the old. The fact is that you are new today. You are intended to be a breath of fresh air. Reach new heights. Reach new lengths. Introduce your Self to yourself. Bypass the old. Don't get stuck in the old as if yesterday were tar stuck to your shoes. Beckon the new.

See differently. Make a point of it. Add new dimensions to your life.

There are no NEW Truths. There are, however, truths new to you! That's fine. You are here to grow. Growing means you dare to change.

Life in the world is ever new, not to be reheated.

Today is a new day. Today doesn't come twice. You are not here to fool around with yesterday.

There is no same old. Never. On each day, you are to be new. This is another way of My saying to you: "Wake up, Godlings! A new dawn is dawning. Newness is upon you. Remind yourself that you are in the midst of life. Somersault yourself into today. This is your chance right now. Today, spin cartwheels, and why not?"

You belong to today. Be unattached. Stretch! You are not to keep sitting in life. Get out of that old comfortable chair. Keep lively. So long as you are alive on Earth, greet life. Make something new of life. Welcome life, and give today a new send-off.

Do you remember the story of The Three Little Pigs? They set off to seek their fortune. Each little pig put a knapsack over his shoulder and set off. The three little pigs didn't lollygaggle around and wait for their fortune to set sail the same way as yesterday.

Forward yourself. Get-up-and-go. You are not obliged to sit around in life and idly wait for a new day to dawn. Set off for a new day.

May your anticipation awaken the sun today. The sun is supposed to shine. The sun is meant to shine. I tell you up front that change is the name of the game.

Right now, I wish to carry forward the idea of liveliness - of moving forward to something new - of a new-daring story that isn't about fear. Comfort isn't the name of your ride. It never was.

You are here on Earth for adventure. Staid stability is old school. Wake up! You are current and not to be rehashed from yesterday. You are alive today.

In the tale of The Three Little Pigs, ah, there is a big bad wolf. Please don't put so much of your attention on the big bad wolf. Move forward. Think of Me instead of opposing change. Don't latch down life.

The three little pigs start off on their right foot as they seek their fortune. What a difference there is between seeking good fortune and keeping your eye on danger. Of course, look both ways when you cross the street. No one is telling you to be foolhardy.

One little pig built a house of straw, another of twigs, and one pig built a house of brick, which happened to protect all three pigs and lead to the demise of the big bad wolf.

I say: Venture forth to seek your good fortune. So much for the idea of pushing fear aside. Fear doesn't have to lurk around every corner. Follow My guidance, will you? Don't batten down the hatches.

Danger does not have to be so hail and hardy and rambunctious as the world seems to say it is. You don't have to hang on so tight.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/28/2018 1:40:03 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6424 God's View of Life, August 28, 2018

God said:

Beloved, My vision of life goes beyond the human viewpoint of life by a mile. How clearly I see life backwards and forwards. How simple life is and how much simpler life could be for you if you could see as I do see rather than giving your opinions as holy as sometimes you want to do!

I bless you. How well aware I am of how life appears to you who are on the front lines. Of course, I know. I am not naive. I know how scary life can strike you. I am aware. I am not unaware. I am not cavalier. I well know that life, as you see it, isn’t a barrel of laughs. I don’t kid Myself. I don’t scoff at your fears. I perceive your fears. I know you can’t drop your fears off just like that. I know how real your fears and sorrows are to you.

Certainly, I realize how you can’t hide your fears just like that under your pillow. At the same time, I never want you to struggle as you do.

At the same time, it is understood that fear and pain also exist in order to protect you. Not that you are grateful that fear and pain were ever introduced into the world. This isn’t how you would do it if you had a say in it.

Of course, I see from different angles than you. I see near and far, while you tend to see near and not so far. This is just how it is. You are learning and growing.

Of course, you never want fear or pain to ravage you or anyone – not even one day a year or one half-day every ten years. No one wants any kind of agony ever. It feels too much like punishment to you. You would gladly erase negativity from the world if you could.

Dear One, just like cold and heat, fear and pain do exist in the world. They are available to all.

Fortunately, joy and love and laughter and well-being are also offered to all. Life in the world, as it is known, carries all possibilities.

Yet no one would ever want to toss out even one of the blessings that life also offers.

Well I know that given your choice, you would fiercely defend even one child on Earth from suffering and from what is noted as dying. I know you would. Nevertheless, this opportunity does not exist for you. No matter how much this would mean to you – even for one child – you rue that this isn’t a choice you have before you.

I have heard you beseech Me with all your heart for this ability. I know there are times when you would give your own life in exchange, yet your hands are tied. I know how you feel. Don’t think that I am a willful God or a will-less God or a merciless God.

Earth life has been set in motion. In everyday life, in order to change the schedule of even one train, much has to be taken into account. There are variables, to be sure. A change of one chain of events plays on all. Life is put together impeccably. Beloved, even with all the goodness in your heart and love for all, there are reasons why life is as it is and a reason why you cannot change the course of life no matter how worthy your motives. Even with the highest of motives, there are unknown factors. In the world, there is a balance, and motives are not equal.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/29/2018 9:31:16 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6425 Heaven is Our Address, August 29, 2018

God said:

Beloved, a sense of incompleteness seems to chase you, as if there is something you are missing and may never find out what it is. Yes, you have a longing, yet may not know, for a fact, what your longing may be. For all you know, you could be longing for a longing.

When you have a tooth missing, your tongue finds the gap.

It can’t be that your soul or part of your soul is missing, yet what is this vagueness of urgency that seems to follow you around? You know not its name. You misplaced or forgot altogether what now seems to be a blank. You would like to send out a search party. Perhaps you lost your own address. Could you be a missing person? Could you be missing from yourself? Could you have been crossed out, and no one told you? Why weren’t you told?

I tell you now to go out into nature, and you will restore your soul. You will recall your Self to yourself. You will discover what you are doing here on earth. No longer will you feel away or apart. Pull off your socks. Let your bare feet touch the grass. Recall fresh air. You inhabit the Universe.

Right this moment, you are finding yourself. You just haven’t quite gotten the hang of Infinity. You can’t hold Infinity tight. There is no table of contents for Infinity that you can look up. There is more to life on earth than meets the eye.

Perhaps you are forgetting familiarity. You are in sight. You are in touch. You begin to hear yourself humming a song.

Something marvelous is happening. It has always been happening. You aren’t swimming at sea. You are full and deep in the ocean. You are swimming to shore, or you are swimming closer to shore. The thing is that you swim!

You require no shoring up. The water is fine. You are fine. Think less. Be more. Just be. Allow yourself to be as free as a breeze. Stop thinking of what is the matter. In Truth, there is no matter. Matter does not exist. Never mind what life seems to be. All that actually exists on this planet are expressions of love. There is no wilderness. There is no accounting. Love makes itself known.

There are no calendars. There are no markings. There are no I.D.s. There is Is-ness abounding. There are reflections of the sun. You are a reflection of the sun that you behold. The sun warms you. You are close to Home. Rather, you are Home. You are Home here with Me. You don’t lag. You fly free with Me. We fly freely. We mount the steed of love that flies across the sky. Never did you ever leave Heaven. You exist in Heaven. You have a magnificent view that stays lodged within yourself. You are never not at Home. Sometimes, you aren’t quite able to focus in this bright light that sometimes consumes you. Beloved, the only existence that exists lies in Heaven. There is nowhere else to be. Heaven expands, and so does your heart, and so do the hearts of all.

Welcome to My Country. Come sit with Me, and We shall all the Treasures of Heaven prove. We do not set out to prove. This is simply how it is. Heaven is Our address. This is where We sit and love the world for all to see.

Love flies all over. Love is the master of the Universe. Keep your eye on love. Light is your canoe, brother. Light is your heart, brother. Hallowed be Our Name.

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