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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/4/2018 4:46:22 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6431 Is There an Argument?, September 4, 2018

God said:

Beloved, who is to say that you are to be other than I made you? Who is it that dares to say you are to re-sort yourself or to be restarted? Who has the God-given right to decide for you? You are responsible for yourself. You are not at the will of everyone who believes he or she knows better. I made you. You and I, as One, made you.

Beloveds, I give you Free Will over yourself. You are not free game.

In a marriage ceremony, it is said: “Let no man take asunder.”

Who is there to decide you are to change into someone else? Alas, often in the so-called world, for one reason or another or for no reason at all, you may decide you are supposed to be made in another’s image.

Beloved, you have your identity that belongs to you. It is yours, not anyone else’s. I say to everyone: “I made you in My Image. No one is to rewrite what I have written. Know every child of Mine as I set him forth. Let him be.”

I never gave permission to anyone to take you over to be remodeled according to however he or she may deem to construe you.

Look, when you are in school, there are others whose ideas are forcibly set before you.

Of course, be courteous without giving your will away. Others are to give you free governance as well.

It is perfectly fine for you to be as you are instead of the way someone else wants to decide for you.

My Will be done.

It isn’t My Will that you be taken over by anyone, no matter how well intentioned they may be. The most learn-ed person of personality on Earth isn’t to juxtapose you according to his will.

Who in the world is to say that you are to be different according to his or her standards? Let not might be right. You are not to be subjoined.

Each soul has his sacred rights. At the same time, dear freedom-lovers, this isn’t to say that you are sacrosanct. Yes, of course, you are free to take yourself into account. This isn’t to say that you have the liberty to impinge on others at your will either.

Everyone is to be granted mercy and goodness. Freedom belongs to all.

Is there any argument here?

I repeat this theme of life to all: There is room at the Inn for all. No one is to be force-fed.

No one has the right to impugn on another what religion he must believe in. Why would someone cramp how someone else feels in his heart when there is room for all at the Inn? Beloveds, I do not cavort with ego. I say there is room for all. Is this not clear?

By what right does any other on land deign to take over another’s heart of hearts? Who can assert over another what he ought to feel or think or believe? Where does this idea come from? Where does this idea come from as if it were a divine right? This is not a

This looks a lot like bullying. To no other have I assigned the right to take over your mind and heart. I say no. I say you are to decide for yourself. No one is to decide that you are to be remade in his image. What moxie is this? I do not concede this right to anyone.

Dear, no one is to make up such decisions as if in My Name. All My Children are holy, including yourself, yes or no?

Not one of My Children is authorized to take over for even one of My other Children. Hands off. No one is authorized to take over for Me. You are each My Beloved. Be My Beloved. No one is to deem to take you over in My Name.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/5/2018 4:41:06 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6432 How Christ Healed, September 5, 2018

God said:

Beloved, within healing lies a relationship through which confidence flows. Without effort, something passes through the one who gives healing and the one who absorbs healing.

It is also possible that it is the patient who accepts the healing the doctor brings. Something happens that is beyond calculation. Who is the healer or the healed isn’t so easy to say.

A cheerful attempt at camaraderie and determination to heal and determination to be healed go only so far. Healing cannot be reproduced or manufactured. It cannot be faked. Healing does not come from effort.

Healing comes as it comes. It comes when you are not looking. There is a connection between the healer and healed. It is definitely not style We speak of. It is not about impressing one’s will upon another’s will.

Christ was not seeking a name for himself. In healing, something deep happens, or it does not. What happens is above the world. It is like a buzz that happens. Healing is the embracing of two souls. It is a communion. It isn’t obeyance.

Some years ago, I, God, got right down to healing with the question: "How did Christ heal?"

There is something in Christ's Will to heal, yes, that is yet beyond his Will or any individual’s will and more akin to My Will. It is something that travels in consciousness. It doesn’t come from a book. It goes beyond an X-Ray.

From a spark of connecting, and, yes, awareness, a healing passes simply and humbly beyond power of will. The healing may have passed in front of Us or passed before We knew it. It was no spectacular great event. Something happened. Perhaps, illumination reached the healer's fingers.

Christ did not bow down to any illness. He did not revere any illness. He didn’t study illness. He did not set out to be a great healer. He desired to touch. His hands of healing were like hands simply flowing through water. There was no effort in his bless-edness of healing, no obstacles to his healing possible. There was no necessity to heal, certainly no urgency. Christ healed without so-called effort. There is only healing.

Christ did not see illness. Illness did not exist for him. Naturally, his simple healing went far beyond any mechanics of healing. His healing surpassed the healing of the physical body.

I would say his healings can be likened to the Peace that passeth understanding. One Soul meets another in the same way that two stars meet in their own light. No darkness is anywhere to be seen or commented on.

It could be said that it was Christ’s love that healed, yet I take caution in saying this, for Christ’s union of love goes beyond what is generally called love. There was no striving for love. There were no professions for love or hints of being loving or attaining a quality of love. Love was the same as the Sun’s coming out. The Sun shone. Oneness was palpable.

There was no waiting for a healing or urging healing energy to come. Christ's healings were healings of Consciousness. There was nothing examined under a microscope.
There was no seeking a trace of illness. Christ didn't run away from looking at illness. He simply saw from a higher view.

Something real passes through during a passage of healing. What passes is not an attempt at Union. It is Union. Something happens. Whatever happens isn’t a learned activity. We can say that it is a gift of Oneness that passes between two beautiful souls without any to-do, the same way two stars may light the night on Earth.

That which is called Christ’s healing arose of itself. With Christ, healing is done before it dawns on anyone. It is love so-far-passing the notice of your heart; it is like mist. It isn’t even mist. Illness isn’t attended to, yet something happens that elevates the consciousness of the world and elevates it still to this day.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/6/2018 3:51:30 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6433 You Are the Listener, September 6, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is something special and essential in Our One-on-One conversations, whether you hear Me firsthand in your own Godwriting or as a posted Heavenletter shared around the world over the years again and again. Regardless, We spend time together. We are in each other's Presence.

In the process of Godwriting, you, the Listener, forget about being on your toes. You are not trying to create a magic act - not at all. Rather, in Godwriting, you sit back. You listen. You are eager to hear Me speak. You want to do your best for Me, yet you aren't trying to be a great Godwriter. You are low-key about it. You let God be Easy does it. You are embraced in My words before you know it.

You naturally take a back seat. You are present with Me in order to hear what I sweep you up in. You can tune in. .

In terms of Godwriting, We sit down together so I can whisper My Thoughts to you, and you can hear Me. I am the Godwriter. You are the God Listener. You pick up My thoughts. You are here to hear something new and/or in a new way. What an opportunity.

We can meet together any hour of the day or night. We can renew Our heart connection. Your listening is a great gift. We sit down together for Our listening pleasure. We are One.

In Oneness, we meet together casually. Oneness is an experience that you want. see. You lightly look for it. You look for it as if in passing, yet it is your ultimate experience.

At the same time, Godwriting is a little bit like the arrival of Spring. "Suddenly, Spring is here."

Suddenly, Godwriting is here.

There cannot be too much of Oneness. Oneness is not satiated. There is always desire for more. Godwriting catches on to insurmountable joy in life. This is in consideration of beauty. Oneness finds you. A carriage stops for you and delivers you to My front porch where together We rock together on a sunny day on My porch in My divine neighborhood! This is much the same way you always have joy in going to the beach in summer.

Godwriting requires nothing more than Our sitting together. The joy is in Our rocking together. Of course, Godwriting is not a performance. Godwriting happens as of itself.

We go ahead and share this ambrosia of beauty. We are speaking of the waters of life We share for the good of all. This is humility. Ego takes a back seat.

There will be no sequestering. We share God's Glory.

Beloved, you pick up the beat of of My heart, and something happens as if on its own. You discover Godwriting, or Godwriting discovers you. Godwriting is always available. You are invited to welcome God's writing within you. You don't mandate Godwriting. You certainly don't make it happen. It happens. You partake.

There is something about Godwriting that is compelling. It is innocent, yet it is compelling. You are captured, as it were. You are pulled out from hiding. Does Godwriting find you, or do you find it -- My Words, that is, or do you find them?

There seems to be something about Godwriting where there is no longer a thin layer of shellac covering you on the outside. It is possible to say that, at the moments of Godwriting at its apex, you are all inner and that the outer you doesn't exist. Perhaps nothing of the former you as you knew yourself exists. The possibility exists that you are 100% THE God. Is this perhaps dawning on you? You are complete and total. There is no other but the One named God. Are you becoming enlightened? Pinch yourself.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/7/2018 4:11:55 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6434 The Balm of God's Love, September 7, 2018

God said:

My Beloved, drink out of My Cup. My Cup is filled to the brim with My love for you and each so-called other soul. The balm of My Love restoreth your Soul. It restoreth your awareness of your Soul. There is no gap except for within your awareness. In My Light, each Soul is beautiful! Where you may see gaps, fill them with love on the double.

It is truthful to say that you are innocent. The idea of innocence may be uplifting. I daresay that no one wants to be thought of as ignorant of a bigger picture even as this may well be the case.

I speak to every single heart in God’s Kingdom now. Truly, when you feel yourself superior to another, the thing to do is to stop right there. Refrain from judging. Judge not, not because you will be judged, for others already judge you. This isn’t anything new, this business of judging.

Judge not, yes, is good advice, because your spoken or unspoken judgment is how you dip into the Law of Otherness. Beloved, you don’t want to separate anyone from yourself or yourself from any so-called other. This is the error of judgment's ways.

In the world, it seems routine to believe fully in the concept of otherness. In making otherness indelible is when or where and how, in effect, you evict others from a Room at the Inn.

When you raise yourself higher and remark, if only to yourself, how shortsighted another may have revealed himself to be, you divide yourself, and so you create a him or a her, a thou and a they. And, so, you separate one seeming other from your heart and blandly erase Oneness from your awareness.

Beloved, you frown at how another may act in the world and hold yourself above an unloved entity whom you no longer offer to sit beside but now move away from an insubstantial idea of superiority.

Beloved, anyone you might look askance at is also you. The most unknowing of all are those who see themselves as higher than others. As soon as you frown at another, you forget your place in the Universe. What is your place in the Universe? Your place in the Universe is the same place as Mine, which is to raise hearts.

When you lower even one Being in your mind, you have lowered yourself. And so you believe in your own self-righteousness. You cast yourself aside as elite, smarter than one or another by virtue of your good fortune or perhaps by virtue of an illusory inborn supremacy. In the world, you may see putting yourself before another as the price of doing business. You may say it goes with the territory. You color yourself more beautiful with or without excuse.

Then you become one of the most innocent of all. The innocent you come to spurn may also exhibit qualities of leadership and loyalty, intelligence, and fortitude. In other ways, they may be generous and not callous at all. They may cry at a movie just as you do. They are energetic. They may not meet with your approval, however. Therefore, you may cast your shadow rather than light over them.

Everyone is learning. You too will no longer be so quick to paint the picture you do about another Beloved One when you come to see another’s appearance before his Beingness.

There are those who may sell themselves and others short. Anyone can do this. You may do this. No matter, you are My Beloved. Take a chance and come see as I do see.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/8/2018 1:50:48 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6435 Stay Within Your Own Grace, September 8, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there are days when you are stretched beyond your endurance, and you really have to slow down and cool down. If you have a limit, then stay within your limit.

If you need more rest, get more rest. If you need peace and quiet, give yourself more peace and quiet. You know enough not to speed on the highway. Then also know enough not to go beyond the speed limit in your life. When you feel pressured, reduce the pressure. What I say to you is: “Peace be unto to you.”

When you need to cool off, cool off. When you need to lean back, lean back. It isn’t for you to get hot under the collar. When enough is enough, it is enough. Be your own referee. Don’t extend beyond your own grace. Take a break from over-extending yourself. When you are due to give life a break, give life a break.

Resurrect peace to the world. Don’t find yourself rubbing the world the wrong way. When you are required to bring peace to the world, give the world all the peace it needs. Don’t flare up.

No matter how right you are, no matter how belied you may actually be, straighten up your boat.

When water for tea is already boiling, turn the burner down. You don’t keep the water boiling until the water burns out the pot. You don’t want your water to boil to a frenzy. Nor do you want to lose your cool. Your whole life doesn’t have to be about how you feel.

Keep the peace. Be in peace. You gain nothing by lighting yourself on fire. Nor do you have the right. You are meant to be a peace-giver. Make a truce with peace. Declare it. Wave a peace flag. What are you thinking? By whose authority do you rage? Not by Mine. Stay calm. Stay within the bounds of human compassion. Think before you despair. Find a way to cease from lashing out in despair. You are not a tyrant, nor do you want to look like one. By what divine right do you fly off the handle?

Support life. Support the demise of anger and don't increase debate.

What are you thinking, or what are you not thinking? It’s not for you to raise the temperature of the world. Moderate the temperature of the world.

Be a force for good even when you are upset. Make no error. Start off on the right foot.

Mend your emotional ways. Learn a new thing or two. Don’t play all your emotional cards at once. One way or another, you are heard and by those who don’t have to hear you. Why does anyone have to hear you spout? Is there an advantage?

By and large, no matter what state of emotion you seemingly find yourself in, you put yourself there. You did it. You conspired against yourself. It may well be a fine how-do-you-do, yet you conspired against yourself. You are the one who stepped in the pothole.

This isn’t about self-blame. This is about claiming self-responsibility. It’s the reverse of sniffling. It is about honesty. It’s about forthrightness. It’s not about pointing a finger at another. True, another may bug you mercilessly, yet you took it on. You are the one bugged.

When you lash out, you ruin your whole day. You sure aren’t pinning medals on your lapel.

You are somewhat abashed. Let this be an end to such frustration. Who is your life up to if not you?

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