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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/20/2017 2:16:19 AM
Heavenletter #6173 With Silver Spoons in Hand, October 19, 2017

God said:

The reference to everything in the relative world being relative in its appearance cannot be overlooked. Relative means relative to everything else. This means that everything is compared to something else. This implies opposites and constant comparisons. Thinking in terms of opposites can be looked at as not so hotsy-totsy. Looking more deeply, it may be wiser to not compare and contrast so much. Life on Earth is not always made up of what someone else may be doing better or worse than someone else.

On a surface layer, We can honestly wonder about Suzy’s comparing her dress to Lily’s. Whether the comparison is up or down for one or the other, wherein lies the merit? Possibly, when Suzy and Lily are both dress designers, there can be a business reason to contrast and compare.

Let Us take another look at comparisons and contrasts, for from another direction there can be some merit in contrasts.

Let’s say in the land where you live, you have just had two weeks of rain and now the Sun comes out. Without having to speak of it or figure it out, you are brightened on this day. You smile up at the Sun. You take a deep breath. You are heartened. This is good news – the Sun Is Shining Once Again. What a good day! These are the circumferences you assign.

If you live where there is a lot of smog, and you visit the country, again you take a deep breath. Once again, you recognize the good fortune of fresh air.

Perhaps you haven’t been a good dancer. You’ve been too stiff. Then, one evening, you have a breakthrough, and you really find yourself dancing as you had dreamed of dancing. You spin in air!

On another day, your heart is broken. On another day, the heaviness you took on fades for a while, and, as with the Sun, the heaviness lifts, and your heart begins to hum a tune.

Perhaps your country is at odds with another country. Perhaps your own country is at odds with itself. Perhaps two countries have been war-torn, and now Peace has been declared. The country that loses the war may feel defeated while the one that wins is overjoyed. There are three matters here – winning, losing and the end of war.

There is the declaration of no more fighting! Think of it! Of course, both countries have won regardless. Peace has been declared. And so, there is at least a modicum of Peace. Let there be dancing in the streets! Let there be hugging and kissing and jumping and leaping and singing! Now there is absence of active war. The contrast is marked.

Because this is relative life, the Joy may settle down, and now you may see or question other battles to fight. Absence of war is no longer so Joyous until you spot a flower in bloom.

Ah, the little joys that can sprout like weeds.

Beloveds, even in war, there are still remnants of Joy and remembrances of Peace.

Of course, wherever you find yourself, you can find that which lifts your Heart. Lift it. Lift your heart and lift others’ hearts. Lift the world. This is an assignment I have ever given to you. I have given this assignment to everyone. Remind yourself of the Great Power that lies within you.

Your Great Power to spot Joy is ready to spring up from you for all the world to see. If not see, to feel, to embrace, to blossom along with. The Bells of Joy in Life’s Potency can rise from anywhere, and, therefore, everywhere, including bursting from you!

All is not lost. It is a scientific fact that no energy is lost. You know, of course, that I did not really clasp onto the details of Creation. When Creation began, you could compare me to a hungry diner who goes into a fine restaurant to put my order in and wait for it to appear.

“This is what I would like,” I say to the waiter in this seedling restaurant in which the whole world will be served, and, voila, you arise and all the confluence of the world perfectly created arises and is still here -- this world born anew. Life may not always have been well-used, yet Life is still here in the world just the same, and it is still your Life to play in and to love playing in wherever you may be and with whomever you happen to be, including with Me as We sit down at the Table of Life with silver spoons in hand.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/20/2017 5:38:10 PM
Heavenletter #6174 What’s in a Name?, October 20, 2017

God said:

Coincidences are what you see in front of you as unlikely bizarre occurrences. Coincidences carry a certain aura of unbelievability, yet such combinations do occur, and they occur frequently enough to be common even in their seeming impossibility. Well, you have heard that there are no limits, so why are you so surprised?

Some remarkability appears as rare and odd to you, for you do not expect the improbable. You see limits whereas Life sets none. This includes what you are thrilled with as well as what you are appalled at. Your view is your view, and it is you who puts your view in place. It is you who doesn't hold conscious awareness to seeming coincidence.

You bought a certain size bag chock-full with sundry items for $5.00 at a yard sale, and the bag, as it turns out, contains either a cubic zircon or a rare diamond, all seemingly by chance. Which is for your shopping pleasure? You call yourself out of luck when your bag includes a zircon. You find yourself whoppingly lucky when it is a 2-carat diamond you come home with!

You have good fortune regardless. You simply have one experience, or you have another. Of course, it matters to you, yet, in the long term, what difference does it make?

There are many ways you can look at the feats in Life. It's all in your mind, isn't it? Something is as you say it is -- it is like this or like that. You make appraisals often, one you favor and another you don't. In this way, it can be said that you call the shots. You are the one who considers yourself an authority. What if you aren't really? What if everything you vouch for is simply a label you paste on? You declare conclusions.

Inevitably, what does it matter when the tables are turned, and glass is called rare and diamonds common? If gold were seen as dross and tin held the rank of gold, you simply could say up-sa-daisy! Regardless of reasoning, is everything, after all, a matter of opinion? If everyone has his or her own opinion, who can declare the validity or fallacy of another's opinion? Who has the right or might to judge, and what for?

In the world, votes generally come down to numbers. Is Life a matter of pecking order? Who has the right to say another is correct or incorrect? Your heart may say one thing and another's heart something else, yet which of My Children insists on one way or the other. What is the difference between a squabble in first grade and a war in the adult world?

And so people line up, and choices are made, and someone wins, and someone else loses. The one who is called victorious -- what has he won? Anything? Pride perhaps, yet what is pride but an empty promise? For a moment, he is prideful. His arm is raised for only a moment as winner. He will pass the winner's cup on soon enough.

What is winning but another stamp of approval here today, I say, and gone tomorrow.

Even when Peace is won, what is the meaning? Forced surrender isn't peace. Forced surrender isn't so quiet. Forced surrender can be a brewing storm. Declaring Peace may not mean Peace, so what is the good of it? Does the world think that silenced uproar is the same as Peace? Peace has to be more than the absence of riot.

Only beautiful is beautiful. Declaring something beautiful is a declaration of beauty. You can declare righteousness or anything until you are blue in the face, yet what good is it?

You can declare fallacy true, yet fallacy remains fallacy.

No one needs to declare himself a Prince. Declaring doesn't make it true.

I declare you a Prince. I speak Truth -- yet when will you believe Me?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/21/2017 2:43:59 PM
Heavenletter #6175 An Amazing Cast of Characters in Your Life, October 21, 2017

God said:

If from this Life on Earth you had one adventure to choose as your all-time favorite, you might find yourself attached to a slew of moments. You might not have the heart to give away even one of the now precious moments that wove themselves into your Life.

Which person could you give away? Truly, it would be too difficult. You have many moments and many people in this Life you may have called miserable more than once, yet you see now that they mean more to you now than you had let on to yourself.

Which face could you give up? Which voice? Whose eyes? Which hands? Which breath?

You may have well made a fuss during these moments you now see in a different light. It's hard to understand now that you had carried ill-will. Of course, your ego was uptight. How could one or another person have stoked so much animosity in you? How could you have wasted even five minutes in resentment and indignation?

You would cast out your ego now. At this moment, you have cast it out. Tomorrow you might find another occasion for upset here and there. Perhaps you will think better of it sooner this time. There is no way you would really toss out one soul so ruthlessly.

You have had an amazing cast of characters in your Life. They all played their parts spectacularly. No one could have played their parts better.

From your past, schoolteachers now long gone thirty years, let's say, which one would you not run up to now in Joy? Any one of your elementary school teachers you would not? If the teacher still lives on Earth, he or she may no longer have any recollection of you, yet you remember all your teachers from long ago. Unbeknownst to you, each teacher had stolen your heart. Had you only known sooner, you may well wish that you had said a fond goodbye. Their role in your Life may have been a minor role, yet now their participation in your Life means more to you. Please do not think you are just being sentimental.

What you realize now, whether others' places in your Life were minor or not, pleasant or not, no matter what they represented to you or not, each teacher played his or her part in your Life. Whatever the parts were, whatever their significance or insignificance may have been, they played their part to the hilt. They were characters and personalities in your Life. They played their parts for you in good stead. You may be sorry now for the part you played.

Even Cinderella's wicked stepmother, as wicked as she was, was instrumental. If there had not been the wicked stepmother and wicked stepsisters, would Cinderella's foot have fit the glass slipper so perfectly?

Somehow the people in your past, even those you begrudged, were nevertheless part of your engagement in Life. This was the story you wrote then. You would rewrite the story now.

I applaud Cinderella that she rose above her past. She didn't let her wicked stepmother hold her back.

In a fairy tale, the good thing is that there are roles. The people who play the roles enact them.

Some of the characters in your Life may not have been virtuous. They may well have been seriously misguided. They may have been hazardous.

Now that they are no longer on stage, they dropped their ridicule of you, and now you drop your attachment to the roles as you saw them then.

They were like no other, those who played their roles in your Life. One way or another, they entered your Life. Whether they played a horrendous part in your Life or a sweet one, they played their roles.

Now you would play your own part differently, and together your lives would have made up a different story.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/22/2017 2:46:39 PM
Heavenletter #6176 A Steady Stream of Self-Love, October 22, 2017

God said:

When you truly Love yourself, what difficulties can there be? When you love yourself, what greater Proof of Love could you have from anywhere? I ask you to claim your own Love. Your Name is deeply embedded in My Heart and My Love. Your Love and My Love are the One and the Same. You are Mine, as I am yours.

Love Yourself, and worries no longer exist. Your basic source of worry has been that you feel unLoved, or, at the very least, not Loved enough.

Yes, of course, this is the case. Lack of Love is the crux of all worries. When a Loved One flies the coop, you protest. Whether your Loved One leaves you from personal choice or from leaving Earth, you howl that you are bereft of Love. When Loved Ones innocently die, you may feel: "How could they, how dare they go leave Me alone without them. Who is going to love me now?"

Through thick and thin, Beloveds, Love Yourself. Then what will you mourn? Love Yourself as I do Love you, for you art My Very Self.

You are Loveworthy. When you Love yourself, you are not forlorn. Stop gazing at disparity, and you will not conceive of even the concept of loneliness. You will be your own steady Stream of Love. You will be complete unto yourself. When you Love yourself, what imagined lack can hold you in its thrall?

Trade in loss for Love instead.

Instead of being fraught with worry and rue and sorrow and feeling sorry for being imperfect, fill yourself with Love. When it comes to Love, take Love out from its confines.

Love is your Natural Prerogative, yet you wrapped up your Love and put it away. Instead of Loving from the Sun of Your Heart, you called for Love to come to you from somewhere far away. You are learning, dear Ones, that there is nowhere else but within. There is nowhere else, and there is no one else. You are It, for you are naught but Myself. There is no separation in this Universe.

When you feel cast aside, it is you who has cast yourself aside. Come to your Inner Chambers with Me.

There is no individual you. You made this individual appurtenance up. You have no valid Identity but Oneness. There is no living separately from Me. Oneness is not alone. Oneness is Wholeness. Loneliness does not exist. It's something made up. Foreswear loneliness. Whatever you may think, you merit Oneness. You are nothing but Oneness. No longer attach yourself to an emptiness that does not exist.

You pulled the wool over your own eyes. You sold yourself on a fake I.D. Your fake I.D. does not cross borders, Beloveds. A fake I.D. makes you think you are isolated. Isolation is a false front. Come out of the shadows. Face front. Admit your One Self to all the Love that is yours. Reclaim Love.

There is no lack of Love. When you think so, you side-swipe yourself. You protest and finagle away your birthright. In so doing, you fling yourself away from the Kingdom of Heaven. The troubles of the world come from this disavowal of your True Heritage. Put your ignorance away. You have no right to it.

I know. I know all your excuses. You mistake humility. You call humility arrogance, and arrogance humility. Certainly it is not humility when you manufacture that you know better than what I say. This is not your modesty. This is your ignorance which is a form of immodesty. It is immodest of you to raise your own flag.

What do you think it means when you hear: "To Thine Own Self Be True."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/23/2017 9:35:42 PM
Heavenletter #6177 Blessings Are on Their Way to You, October 23, 2017

God said:

Dear Ones, when you see bad guys in front of you, you have brought them into existence. You imagine you see them when you brought them in before you. When you see villains, you see them in your mind. They are of your imagination. You are disturbed by that which you call forth. You manifest your ideas. You take to your ideas. You believe in them. You believe wholeheartedly in what exists in the mist of your thoughts.

You would never do that, not consciously would you, not when you are clear would you. Unclear, you insist that bad guys exist, always have, always will.

Tell Me, Dears, whose creation can bad guys be but your own popping up in all corners of the world? They are someone’s thoughts. Unbeknownst to yourself, you appropriate bad guys. Certainly, these offenders to your rickety ego system appear before you like floaters in your eyes. You are your own victim, I kid you not.

Let go of the concept of danger, and now predict blessings lying in store for you.

When you feel a grudge creeping up inside your Heart and Mind, who handed it to you? You did. And when someone else before you appears to have a grudge ready against you, who notes and declares this? Who brings you the invention of the Theory of Grudges altogether? You put grudges on a shelf where you can behold them.

Sleepy Eyes, I do not pick on you. There are those of My Children who believe I am accountable to you for how you see the world. You are accountable for how you see the world. You are also responsible for the world. Raise yourself High, and you will scale Great Heights. This does not mean that I grant you your every wish, and all will be as you will.

Wipe away grudges from the Face of the Earth. Bestow Peace. If anything is to crowd your mind, let it be Peace. From whence comes Peace but from Love?

Send yourself a beautiful invitation to the world as if you were I, God. A universal invitation could go something like this:

“Dear Everyone, I invite you to the world. Yes, all possibilities abound. How do you desire your invitation to read? Let’s make One Invitation to the Entire Oneness of the Universe.

“Begin with the idea of Blue Skies coming your way. Clear Blue Waters, sparkling with the Sun’s Light, Life on Earth is filling up with Peace and Silence and all you desire. Love and Beauty abound to fill up non-existent space.

“In the midst of Life are you, a Visitor here, welcomed for the enjoyment of the Earth.

“Enjoyment and Ease and All Wonder are the Menu of the Day. There are no exceptions.

“You are Wondrous, and Life is Wondrous.

“You come here to Earth to lie down in Green Pastures.

“As One with you, I lounge on the Happiness of Still Waters. We breathe deeply. Love emanates. We are replete with Love. We star in Love. We know naught but Love. It is a fact, that there is naught but Love.

“There is no end to Stars, and that which you call you -- you are nothing less than Starlight. You are Starlight as clear as a Bell.

“Avast! You sail the Skies, day and night. You drink of the Clear Waters. You know Everyone – the One – as your Self, for you are what the Kingdom of Heaven is made of and comfortable in the Oneness We are. We hold hands like cut-outs circling the Universe.

“Welcome, One, here. Welcome to My Heart. I am here. Oneness is here. Welcome to Life on Earth as Life truly swings around the world.”

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