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Eva Gutray

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 3:47:20 AM
02/01/2006 Tasmania - Australia G'day my friends, Please advice me how much I must contribute to be a member but I have my provider Intas,net,au and I do not need new one. Please advice me at please.. Warm Regards Eva ____________________________________________ We are Inviting you to Exchange Links with Us at : Http:// is interested in using the Internet to help bring and end to Child Poverty, and any person, and animals abuse, through education, and support of worthy organizations as chosen by the purchaser of World Win Sweepstakes The winner of Greeting - Gift all in one, will receive All expenses - paid VIP holiday for two + $$$$ in Australia - Tasmania, and many more CASH prizes
Non for Profit Organization from Tasmania - Australia GLOBAL HARMONY PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE WHERE? AT
Timothy Sullivan

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 9:23:32 AM
Thank you very much for the post. I found it very informative as I haven't been involved in any of the forums discussing the upcoming changes. I have considered becoming a paid member here for quite sometime but was already involved in a paid program similar to Adland but as Anthony mentioned in his post, there aren't any that come close to Adland in terms of ease of use and freedom to "move about" here and my decision to terminate that particular program will happen very soon. At that point I will upgrade here and take advantage of everything that a paid membership here offers...when you really look at those advantages you will find that you do get a lot of "bang for the buck" here. If you have any links I (We) can use to find out more on the proposed changes please post them. To our success!!!
Sandy Morgan

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 10:00:21 AM
Change is good for growth , and growth increases opportunities!
Misty Hickox

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 11:16:57 AM
I will be the first to admit I jumped the gun on this issue. I must apologise. But I never said I would leave. I like it here!!
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Big Changes Coming at Adlandpro
2/1/2006 1:07:22 PM
Hi Luella, Thank you, dear friend. :) Yes, change can be a little scary, but the fact is that it is often the anticipation of the change that is scarier than the final reality. As humans, we have this amazing capacity to imagine the worst! ;-) God bless, Dave

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