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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
9/8/2013 4:05:43 AM
Hi Hafiz,

Never saw him before, don't remember many dreams. But I will look for him.

Hafiz 2013

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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
9/11/2013 2:07:30 PM
Bojana Danilovic – The Woman Who Sees Everything Upside Down!!

A woman’s world has literally been turned upside down by a rare condition which causes her to see everything upside down. Bojana Danilovic, a 28 year old Serbian council employee suffers from a strange condition that has left doctors and scientist bewildered.

Although there have been some similar cases recorded in history, Bonjana’s case is truly unique. Not only the way she sees things but everything in her life has been backwards, even the way way she came into this world (feet first).

Her parents say that when she first started crawling, she used to move backwards, and also when she first began to walk, she did it in reverse. Her mother left her job in order to teach her to walk normally. After a lot of practice, she managed to walk forward. But this was just the beginning of her unusual life.

Her bizarre problems continued in her school when she started writing. She would always start writing from the lower right corner and finish in the upper left corner. Although her teachers and fellow students tried to help her change the style, it was too tough for her as she couldn’t make sense of the words when she write normally. Later, she got a job at the municipal administration, in her home town of Uzice, where she surprised her colleagues when she turned the monitor and keyboard upside down so she could make sense of her work.

At home, she relaxes in front of an upside down television stacked on top of the normal one that the rest of her family watches. After series of studies conducted on her, experts from MIT and Harvard University confirm her condition as “Spatial Orientation Phenomenon”.

They say her brain is perfectly healthy, but its field of view is entirely different from that of most people’s. They confirmed that the her eyes view the images as we see, but its her brain which changes them.

Despite her unusual condition, she says, “It may look incredible to other people but to me it’s completely normal.I was born that way. It’s just the way I see the world”. But she says her biggest regret is she can’t get a driver’s license.

Source: Encyclogroup

Hafiz 2013

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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
9/14/2013 3:45:39 AM
Rare image of ovulation!!

Rare and startling film has been captured of a human egg emerging from the ovary.

Fertile women release one or more eggs every month, but until now, only fuzzy images had been recorded. The new images were taken by accident by gynecologist Jacques Donnez while carrying out a partial hysterectomy on a 45-year-old woman.

The release of an egg was thought to be a sudden event, but the pictures published in New Scientist magazine show it takes over 15 minutes for the translucent yellow sphere to emerge.

“The release of the oocyte (immature egg cell) from the ovary is a crucial event in human reproduction. These pictures are clearly important to better understand the mechanism,” Donnez, from the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, said.

Shortly before the egg is released, enzymes break down the tissue in a fluid-filled sac on the surface of the ovary that contains the egg. A reddish protrusion forms and then a hole appears from which the egg emerges.

The egg is surrounded by supporting cells, which protect it as it enters the Fallopian tube on its way to the uterus.

Professor Alan McNeilly, from the Medical Research Council's Human Reproduction Unit in Edinburgh, told the BBC: "It really is a fascinating insight into ovulation, and to see it in real life is an incredibly rare occurrence.

It really is a pivotal moment in the whole process, the beginnings of life in a way."
Hafiz 2013

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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
9/25/2013 5:26:26 PM

10 Unbelievable Future Technologies for Control of the Population!!

Here is a list of ten future technologies that will probably be used by the governments to limit our freedom and have a total control of our actions.

1. Cultivated human organs in genetically modified, patented pigs.

Those who will be in urgent need to find a compatible transplant will procure directly from Monsanto that willcultivate transgenic pigs which will be fed with modified seeds. Then hospitals engaged in the black market organ trafficking and illegal transplantations will endeavor to deliver the transplant to the applicant during his visit to the hospital.

2. Behavioral vaccines will rewire the nerve centers of the brain and eliminate dissent.

Disobedience is disease. And the cure for disobedience (the today’s medical term is oppositional defiant disorder) will be an advanced vaccine that will rewire the biological functions of the brain. After the injection, expert psychologists will be invited by the state to evaluate the individual. If the behavior is satisfactory, he will be characterized as ”socially acceptable”.

Called behavioral vaccine, in fact it is a chemical brain lobotomy. This kind of technology will be the cornerstone of the global police regime, which will not show any tolerance for any kind of independent and critical thinking, particularly when directed against the state.

3. Monitoring of all health statistics by the police state.

Medical records will no longer be personal data. In the near future people will be implanted withbiometric monitoring chips that transmit information to the government about their pulse, respiratory rate and the rate of illegal drugs in their blood. These implants will be used to identify and arrest those taking addictive drugs and to oversee the level of nutrients in the body to avoid high levels of various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, which will allow the state to control people very easily.

4. The complete secrecy of dietary ingredients and origin of products.

As the food industry adopts more and more unhealthy methods for food production, it certainly will intensify its efforts to conceal the chemical ingredients contained in the products. With the penetration of GMOs in the production process, various preservatives and dyes that are dangerous and harmful to the health will be renamed to leave no room for consumer suspicion.

5. The absolute criminalization of home produced foods and medicines.

In future it will be claimed that the production of homemade food is extremely risky and dangerous. With such absurd justifications, household agricultural farming will be outlawed in many countries, and those who will seek to cultivate vegetables etc. in secret will be captured and treated by the law as drug traffickers. The ultimate goal is the complete dependence of the population on the industrialized food production, as it works now with electricity and fuel.

6. Spread of a global pandemic through seasonal vaccines.

Although vaccines are aimed to prevent diseases, now they are extensively used as biological weapons to spread diseases, that is why those vaccinated at regular intervals often get sick. In the near future the globalists are likely to make the decision that the world population has reached its upper ”acceptable” limit, so they will agree to launch a depopulation virus which will be spread through seasonal vaccines. Essentially it is an effective eugenics program that will eliminate all the weak, vulnerable groups, who will be “useless” for the production process.

7. Total government control of the reproduction.

Science will oversee the reproductive process, and through licensing laws the perpetuation of desirable offspring will be ensured. Before having children, parents will be required to apply for permission to reproduce and will go through a series of genetic tests. If the future parents are considered “appropriate” by the state, they will get a special permission along with several accompanying obligatory instructions. People with revolutionary tendencies will not meet specifications and therefore will take no such license. Only the most obedient and gullible citizens will share the benefits of reproduction to ensure the next generation are mental slaves.

8. Brain implants that will be activated remotely by the police to control the population.

The future science’ includes various electronic gadgets implanted in the human body. One of these is the “pacification chip” which will be embedded by force along with the chip that will be used for commercial transactions. They will be activated by mobile phone transmission towers that will be used by police officials strictly in the emergency cases, such as anti-governmental protests. Thus the state will have an absolute weapon against any revolutionary actions.

9. Creation of obedient robotic soldiers through genetic engineering.

In future soldiers will be humanoid robots, equipped with all kinds of guns and shields, just like the Terminator, but in a more ”human” version. The most powerful nations of the world will have secret cloning programs for “production” of super soldiers, who will be cloned will raised and trained to be as more obedient and mechanical as possible. Their body type will have features of the best athletes, while the size of their brain will be quite small, designed to execute orders and never process and question information, neither feel pain or fear. Bionic parts will be placed at various points on the body in order to enhance their combat abilities.

10. The electromagnetic activation of metals and nanocrystals.

Vaccines that will be used for the transmission of infectious diseases will be also used to release nanocrystals into the circulatory system. Such crystals will be hidden in a dormant state in the bodies of unsuspecting people for months or even years, until some day the government activates radio communication towers to transmit a message of national emergency in the wavelength of nanocrystals. This will make the population depend on the interests of the government and cause mass hysteria, violent unrest and even instant death (if considered beneficial) of tens of millions of people.

Source: Here

Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
9/29/2013 8:09:23 AM
These are wild lions!
