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Diane Bjorling

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/10/2013 9:10:08 PM
This is an interesting idea. If I am reading this correctly, this would be an ongoing thing, where someone can set a percentage of the credits they earn, as they earn them, to be passed to someone else.
This has some merit, but I am also concerned about how we might open this up to abuse/hacking. Having had my own site, on which people can earn credits (still do... last time I checked... lol), I have seen how much of a target credits that can be exchanged for traffic are for hackers. Any time we create another connection, like this would do, we offer up another way in for hackers.

Just a thought.


Hi Dave:

I have been thinking about this off and on all day and I think that a question needs to be asked

Why was this credit builder created?

If this system was created to "get" people to be social and reward them, then I maintain that this is the way it should be and nothing more should be done. To be honest if I was personally promoting Adlandpro, this what I would be saying (kind of) Here is a company with a great affiliate program AND you can earn rewards through a credit builder just by being social! You can exchange your credits for advertising or cool cool items. Kind of like Airmiles the Adlandpro Way.

The suggestion was made or rather asked if a person could use the credits and "give them to others" a form of gifting and interest was shown in this idea..but how to do that would keep the concept ( if I have it right) of people being social AND maybe using their credits to give to draw people in.
The added value to not changing anything is the amount of data that is collected by being social that can be used in the future to help with any additional services that might be created for the whole membership.

You are absolutely right Day in your concerns and my added concerns would be people coming to Adlandpro and JUST advertising.

I feel that the direction we have been going with social and then networking is the way to go and its working.. do we need to keep adding and changing the way things are done until it has been given a chance to see if this is a good long term plan.... I don't know..but because the issue had been raised I felt it fair to find a way to make this "pay it forward" idea workable.

Am I making sense?

Dave Cottrell

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/10/2013 11:28:28 PM
I think the idea of giving away credits is very social. I do agree that the term, "gifting," has come to have very negative connotations, and I would discourage people from using that term.

It is very simple, and better use of the English language, to say, "giving," rather than "gifting," anyway.

Giving presents, such as credits, has always been a part of the social experience in the real world. It would not require a great deal of extra programming, and by itself, would not create any major windows for hackers.

The concern I had was with an ongoing sharing of credits, as mentioned above, a certain percentage on an ongoing basis. Any time you make an ongoing connection like that, you are creating an enticing target for hackers.


Mr. D

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/13/2013 11:41:00 PM
Hey, you got it working.
The Credits just started. Let it run and leave it alone.
Dave Cottrell

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/15/2013 8:03:31 PM
Hey, you got it working.
The Credits just started. Let it run and leave it alone.

I hear you, Mark. But there is an old saying that if you are not making progress, you are going backwards. You cannot simply stay with the status quo.

We can look at all these ideas and add them where they merit being added. It is good to talk about these things and brainstorm; often ideas that come up in such sessions are put on a list for future consideration and some are not necessarily ever implemented.

Dave Cottrell

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/19/2013 1:35:46 AM
We are now developing our Adlandpro Affiliate channel on Youtube.

Soon, we will be adding videos to the Affiliate tools.
Onward and upward we go!

We have a new Adlandpro Affiliate group, here now, too.


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