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THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/7/2012 3:51:41 PM

Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel

Dear Adland friends,

This time I will not bore you with facts regarding my life as a child or as a young and talented executive. Gone are the days when I would pity myself thinking my life had been wasted searching for riches. Gone are my frantic attempts to recover the lost time by looking to music, art and literature as life's redeemers.

Nor will I boast about the great networker I am now. All I want to tell you is what my vision of life has become, what I think my mission in life is at present, and what I believe the world will be like in the near future. All these questions can be dealt with in a few paragraphs.

Until recently, I used to think my mission in life was to help as many people as possible overcome their financial problems. Now I believe there are powerful forces working on in that area which can result in a wonderful outcome for everyone on this planet.

In effect, winds of change can be perceived and we seem to be on the verge of a hugely important shift of age that promises a global change for good in all respects. One of the things that ever attracted me is the study of these age shifts in every society and in the world at large as even to the untrained eye, they would seem to always happen in times of special transcendence for humankind.

What is more, they appear to have been marked by the presence of a multitude of visionaries and their teachings and, most importantly, by new religious beliefs. Plus every time a great shift of age has occurred, a great personality has reformulated and, in some cases, changed the existing beliefs to a great extent. Some of these teachings would prove to be of such an immense worth that they have lasted till our days. And for some reason, they attracted the simple people.

As to their teachers, they were seen as revolutionary, heretical, or downright cheating rascals by the existing hierarchies. But for some reason, maybe by dint of their strong personality, or the fact that they radiated a god-like nature, they attracted multitudes. I am awaiting such a great personality to manifest soon.

Now you may ask what all this has to do with this great community. The answer is: I just thought the time was ripe to present you all who want to listen with the above.

Thanks for listening,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Roger Bjornerud

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/7/2012 4:10:28 PM
Congratulations Luis :)

Have Fun :)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/7/2012 4:33:55 PM
Thank you, Roger

Trying to. :)

Congratulations Luis :)

Have Fun :)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/7/2012 5:21:04 PM

Congratulations, Miguel!

It took me awhile to find this thread, the other thread is linking back to itself in the last post over there and it's also locked :) I found this by going back thru the forum post history.

I don't believe in "new religious beliefs" because the old One is still valid and it's always New and dynamic every time we read it, we can find something new in the Bible each time we read it because WE CHANGE inside with time and are more able to take in more details as we grow in Spirit. God's foolishness is wiser than all the intellect of all humankind combined, and God's weakness is stronger than the strength of all humankind combined.

It all starts & ends with Love.

In recent history, when some groups were in an uproar about Harry Potter books, or the movie "The Wizard Of Oz"...because they portrayed different realities that some people were uncomfortable with...the endings were based in Love and family and home. "The Wizard Of Oz" mantra of Dorothy was, "There's no place like home!" and it turned out she always WAS home. The same can be said of people believing in "new religions"...there's only 1 home and we always ARE home with God.

Sincerely, Kathleen

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/7/2012 5:59:38 PM
Hello Miguel,

I am so glad to see you in the POTW seat. It goes to a well deserved person. Enjoy your week. Nice number too----350

Yes sir, we are on the Wings of Change, it happens every 26,000 years. Now we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, which is know as the Religion of Love.
