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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 6:54:28 AM
Hi Eileen! :-) How's the lady with the big smile? :-) I understand you needing more time to decide. It sure isn't easy. Take care! 8) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 6:59:40 AM
Hello Janise! 8) Yes, quite an elite group we have here and there are others in the community that need to be acknowledged for their hard work also. We will get to them all eventually. Take care Janise! :-) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Leon Horton

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 7:46:52 AM
John, I CAN'T DO IT!!! I would feel like I am making a public betrayal of the ones I don't nominate. Nevertheless, I must... Bob Needham who has recognized a need and filled it. Bo Tipton who has helped me so much in his training. Beverly Armstrong who is ever-present and helpful to me personally. I could go on John, but you limited my choices. I don't think this is fair to have to make a public nomination and have to leave out some whom you have become dear friends with. So, I have cut my throat and made the sacrificial demonstration. I hope my other friends can understand and not be hurt by my not selecting them. Peace, Leon
Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 8:11:22 AM
I know what you mean Leon! It's tough choosing! Thank you for taking the time to nominate! 8) Hey, I just sent you the html code, enjoy! Take care Buddy! :-) John Blog’s Forums Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Carla Carey

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 8:29:08 AM
HI John, I know what people mean when they say this is difficult! I have sooo many good friends in here who were POTW last year! I'll just get this over quickly and nominate LaNell,John Sanchez and Marion Tucker. Thanks alot and thanks for the contest too! God bless! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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