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Paul Davey

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 12:34:58 PM
. Hi John, well I have found this very difficult and after a lot of thought I must go for the following... 1. Kathy Martin (for her continual good forums dispite her personal problems and hospital visit for both her and her son) 2. Beverly Armstrong (for her knowledge and all round helpfulness) 3. Crafty (for her humourous forums that have kept me sane, if I knew what was sane anyway?) LOL Regards Paul aka soldier blue
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La Nell !

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 12:53:10 PM
Hello Everyone! ;-) Thank you for your participation and sharing with others. You all are great! This is a fun community. I am helping John today. LOL,LaNell
Nan Herring

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 1:11:37 PM
Kenneth Sword Jr. John Sanchez Bogdan Fiedur
Rose Smith

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Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 1:58:21 PM
Oooo. Scary to go public with these votes. Okay: I nominate Bogdan and John Sanchez.
Re: Person Of The Year Nominations For The Year 2005!
1/10/2006 2:53:19 PM
I nominate John Sanchez for his efforts on POTW .... Lisa Westberry for her efforts in finding poetic gems and telling us all about them .... Kathy Martin for her efforts in finding kwel sites, people, and of course her daily devotions.... Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

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