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4/9/2014 2:05:02 PM
Biased Media Celebrate Obamacare

By Michael Reagan

Watching the president doing his Obamacare victory lap in the Rose Garden the other day made me feel so sick to my stomach I had to call my doctor.

But seeing the mainstream media join the celebration like a pack of liberal lapdogs made me wonder if I was watching a channel from North Korea.

The uncritical reaction of the New York-Washington Axis of Journalism to the announcement that Obamacare had miraculously hit its magic sign-up number was a new low for a profession that is already a national embarrassment.

It's not a newsflash that passing along the propaganda of the Obama administration to the American people has become the main job of the media.

But come on. Are there no Sam Donaldsons and Helen Thomases in the Age of Obama?

An assistant editor of a high school paper could have seen through the White House smoke on Tuesday.

And the freshest intern on the "The Daily Show" could have been ready with better questions when Obama started boasting that 7.1 million Americans had signed up for his mandated government healthcare fiasco.

Questions like: "Excuse me, Mr. President. I'm sorry to interrupt your high-fiving session with Dr. Emanuel and the editors of The New York Times, but could you break down that suspiciously vague 7.1 million number for us?"

"Does it include people who used to have their own insurance until your program took it away from them — after you promised them they'd always be able to keep it, I mean?"

"Can you tell us how many of those Obamacare signees previously did not have health insurance?"

"Have they all paid their first premium? And a follow-up question, please: How can you tell?"

"What happens if someone never pays or stops paying their monthly premiums? Will they still get their eye exams, birth control pills, and vasectomies paid for by the government if they're in jail?"

"Can you explain, sir, why you think that signing up 7.1 million people for a mandatory healthcare plan in a nation of 315 million is a great victory for America?"

"No disrespect, Mr. President. But can you provide us with proof that your 7.1 million number is, ah, really true and not a dumb April Fools' joke your administration is playing on the 99 percent of Americans who live on the wrong side the information gap?"

Don't hold your breath waiting for questions like those from the MSM.

It will take until after the fall election before the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and Rachel Maddow stop cheering for President Obama.

And they'll start investigating Rand Paul's cousins' catering business or Jeb Bush's gardener's immigration papers long before they find time to look into which Solyndras of the insurance industry are getting the biggest bailouts for collaborating in Obama's shell game.

In the meantime, from now until November 4 the Obama media will be telling us 7.1 million upbeat stories about how their hero has saved lives, improved healthcare, and made America a better place to get sick in.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on

4/9/2014 2:08:02 PM
Helen, unfortunately you photo did not show up. If you want to try again please do or send it to me in an email and I'll try my luck. :)

OK, Helen, here goes. Hopefully I can get it posted.

Well I can see it so hopefully lit shows for everyone else also.

4/9/2014 2:15:21 PM
This is a TRUE story no matter what the govt is saying this is really going on ...
Diana Long

Spokane Valley, WA

I recently flew to Washington to visit with my grandfather who was diagnosed with lung cancer. We were told Friday that Medicare would no longer cover his medical because my grandfather is no longer improving. When I called to find out what this was about I was told that ACA has placed new rules that mandate that only patients who are improving can be covered. If there are no signs of improvement during a 72 hour period Medicare will stop helping our elderly. My grandfather also has his own personal insurance that he has been paying on since he was 30. That is 55 years he has been paying $300 a month to this company and the day before I got here they told my mother that he has reached his limit for medical care for the year. Anyone still think ACA is what this country needs? If so, you need your head examined!

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
4/9/2014 2:20:55 PM

I've seen where people accuse whites of being racist just because they don't like Obama. I am quick to point out that if I voted in the US, I would vote for Ben Carson, Howard Cain or Allen West if anyone of them ran for president and they are ALL black men and so would many of the so-called racists in the US so be careful who you call racist. It might be you, I tell them.


Sure Helen, but then gun control is all about CONTROL of all the law abiding citizens. Every time I see things posted about this fake makes me ashamed I was ever a Democrat which I no longer am. I'm now an independent. Both sides of the aisle are a big disappointment and only out for themselves, and very few are actually for the people.

Another thing that makes me furious is how the race baiters say we Obama haters are racist. I guess they forget he's also half white but to them only the black part counts. So who are the real racists???? They refuse to acknowledge how incompetent the fake is and the damage he and his administration have done to this country.


I don't know if this was posted before ...or not. It makes a good point.


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
4/9/2014 3:16:58 PM
Helen, I definitely agree about these three guys. All three are men of integrity and they have definitely earned my respect.


I've seen where people accuse whites of being racist just because they don't like Obama. I am quick to point out that if I voted in the US, I would vote for Ben Carson, Howard Cain or Allen West if anyone of them ran for president and they are ALL black men and so would many of the so-called racists in the US so be careful who you call racist. It might be you, I tell them.


Sure Helen, but then gun control is all about CONTROL of all the law abiding citizens. Every time I see things posted about this fake makes me ashamed I was ever a Democrat which I no longer am. I'm now an independent. Both sides of the aisle are a big disappointment and only out for themselves, and very few are actually for the people.

Another thing that makes me furious is how the race baiters say we Obama haters are racist. I guess they forget he's also half white but to them only the black part counts. So who are the real racists???? They refuse to acknowledge how incompetent the fake is and the damage he and his administration have done to this country.


I don't know if this was posted before ...or not. It makes a good point.



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