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Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/3/2010 1:26:17 PM
I had forgotten about the one I got a few years ago. This man sent pictures of 'himself' standing in a hospital gown holding an IV pole! He was so ill it was a desperate search for a beneficiary before his impending demise.
I sent the whole kaboodle to the FBI.
I would also add, that people in desperate situations don't always think clearly and to have someone present a solution at what seems to be just the right time-it extremely tempting!
When these things come along, talk about it out loud-even if only to yourself-it can help:)
Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/5/2010 2:52:52 AM

Something strange is happening the last couple of days. We seem to have a huge influx of religious leaders coming here to socialize with us. They are famous authors and preachers, worldwide known. They have no friends, don't join forums, and aren't doing any socializing. What would be their interest in our community.

Maybe its time to pass the collection plate? ? ? ? ? Everyone sit on your credit cards.

Pauline Raina

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/5/2010 3:41:42 AM

Something strange is happening the last couple of days. We seem to have a huge influx of religious leaders coming here to socialize with us. They are famous authors and preachers, worldwide known. They have no friends, don't join forums, and aren't doing any socializing. What would be their interest in our community.

Maybe its time to pass the collection plate? ? ? ? ? Everyone sit on your credit cards.

LOL @ your comment Mary :))

Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/5/2010 3:54:17 AM

Hi Gregg, thanks for stopping in. Keep alert, they are among us.They only need one victim and they have earned a good sum.

Here's another clue to look for: In the About me, the same sentences are repeated several times. I don't understand what they are doing but since they don't read English they don't realize they have recopied the same sentence.

Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/5/2010 4:00:03 AM

Hi Pauline, not so funny if someone gets taken fora sob story from one of these preacher profiles. I don't think it would be a small donation being sought. We do have naive, new to the inter net people here who may believe that these are the real guys.

I wonder what they would think if they knew their pictures were stolen and quotes copied and pasted from their sites. Someone is truly failig their Crime College course when they steal the portrait of a famous well known person.

Has anyone seen George Washington or Gandi profiles in our community.
