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Mary Hofstetter

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Portrait of A Scammer
11/2/2010 12:17:16 PM

Beware this man is a scammer

 What a nice profile and such a lovely "About Me" Many are not able to do that and leave that empty. The big scammers have it down pat.

Birthday Sunday, February 14, 1960

Gender male

Member Since Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last Activity Tuesday, November 02, 2010 Location El :Paso, Texas, United States Place of Origin u.k Profile Views 17 Twitter Skype MSN Yahoo alan.derrick07

What a lovely "About me" Loves Christian Music, favorite book is the Bible, and he likes Christian Movies.

The truth is he is a scammer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11/1/2010 7:00:26 PM


Sir, please this is Alan from United kingdom, I will like to discuss very important issue with you if you don't mind.

My Regards.


Interesting, almost any language recognizes Mary as female. United Kingdom, thought he was from El Paso Texas. Sentence structure is a dead give away.

I asked him what he needed and here is his response.:


11/1/2010 9:50:39 PM

hello ma

I am kindly proposing you to partner with me for a business transaction that will benefit you and I,

being the financial consultant and auditor of Kym Financial Services Ltd UK, In the cause of my auditing job; I discovered an inheritance certificate belonging to a foreign client who has been late since 2007.

I want to present you as the beneficiary to the Inheritance funds currently floating in the vault of a Financial Security firm and have since been awaiting collection; hence I kindly seek your partnership to present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance funds which shall be released to you by the Financial institution where the funds is deposited.

For your assistance in this transaction, I am ready to part with 40% of the entire funds as your share. If the assets are not claimed urgently, it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's assets which will benefit only the directors of my firm.

My Regards.


There are variations to this letter. The key ingredient is G R E E D. If he can find one desperate person who needs to get creditors off the back or who is need of cash, then he has made His/HER mark. We are ripe pickings for this activity as most are new to internet marketing, trusting, desperate to make some money.

This has been reported to the administration but he is still on the loose in our community. The new regulation of being able to post for 3 days after joining has not been put in place yet. Be careful who you welcome.

SYNFEX AMERICA SAYS: getting new friends should not be a pain

Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/2/2010 12:34:54 PM

If greed has its way, a person would respond to this offer. What's next? There are fees to be paid for this transaction so you need to sent $$$$ XXXXX$$$$. That should do so the victim sends the required fees. Now Greed has sunk its teeth into the victim, they want the money and they are out $$XXX$$$ which has to be recovered. The scammer will now work the system. Even the most intelligent of people can be sucked into the lair of the scammer.

The second posibility is that the scammer would like to make a direct deposit into your account. Will greed allow you to give that info to a total stranger.

The third possibility is that a large check will be sent to you. You are to deposit and send back the required percentage to the scammer. The check of course will bounce, your account becomes overdrawn and you are now out the money you thought you gained PLUS you have lovely overdraft bank fees to pay. This one doesn't work so well anymore because banks coucil the depositer and many have you sign statements that you personally know the check issuer. But what if G R E E D truly has a gripe on the victim, a night deposit is made and we head off to the local grocery store to buy the much needed food. Then its off to Walmart to buy the kids, some shoes and what the heck lets get that wide screen T.V. Do I need to help you see the picture on this one?

Beware of your associations here in our community because you have not only invited an evil person into your friends list butyou have also invited G R E E D into your family issues.

Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/2/2010 1:21:33 PM

Thaks Mary-he certainly does not look like the Boggie Man!

I've been watching American Greed on MSNBC and it is heartbreaking to watch how these people get normally sensible people to give them their money. We all need to vigilant in these times as they are permeated through every area of our day-to-day lives.

Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/2/2010 1:36:49 PM

Joyce, thank you for stepping in here. The t.v. show 60 Minutes also featured this kind of scam some time ago. They featured a very intelligent lady who wanted so much to believe a distant relative had left her money in a Swiss account. After all she did not know too much of the history of her family so she believed.

As she sunk more and more of her money into this scammers account she was forced to believe this was true because she was out thousands of dollors and of course was ashamed to tell anyone close to her.

It came to the point that she was to meet the scammer in a motel room to pick up the trunk with all the money. Of course before turning it over, she would have to pay a few thousand more so she should bring the cash to the meeting. After all there were charges this benevelant person had incurred and more fees needed to be paid.

The 60 min. reporter confronted the scammer and he refused to admit to any wrong doing. The scammer is in jail now but it looks like his understudy is on the loose here in our community. He hasn't even passed English 101 yet. But then GREED really would not care as long as the offer is good.

RE: Portrait of A Scammer
11/2/2010 2:03:37 PM

Mary & Joyce, I am just checking in and I also received a similar message. I have reported this person.

Yes, my friends, they are running rampart on the internet, by phone, by email and mail. Please beware and if you have elderly relatives, check with them often because they ae most vunerable.

There is no way to know right now if a person is legit or not. You have to be informed as to possibilities.

Thank you,



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