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Michael Caron

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8/28/2010 7:00:06 PM
Hi Pauline,
I hope that you are feeling better. I would like to share a true story that happened just recently.
As you all know, Shirley and I have not been doing so well money wise. Our food ran out before the end of the month this month. We have been getting by on soup and crackers. Last evening, we used the last of our frozen chicken, the last of our vegetables, and the last of our pasta. As we were eating, Shirley asked, "Honey, what are we going to do until the first?" I replied, "Pray." As we were finishing up our meal, a knock came on the door. I opened the door and our upstairs neighbor was holding several bags in her hand. She had purchased some food that her family didn't like. She asked if we could use them. With tears in my eyes I said, "We sure could." They were Turkey meals, turkey, brocolli, and stuffing. These were the steam meals that you steam in the micro wave. There were seven meals all together. This morning, our next door neighbor, 94 year old Mildred knocked at the door, Shirley opened the door and Mildred was standing there with a chair with wheels on it and a box. Mildred asked if we could use some extra food. Coffe, Butter, Corn on the Cob, Sausage, a couple cans of soup, and Tuna Fish. We are no longer worried about how we will make it to the first.
I had been quite upset that none of the organizations that are suppose to help, would. Plus, even though we are at the lowest level that we have ever been, our rent has been raised almost one hundred dollars a month. I just decided to put my hatred aside and just do the best I could. GOD Answered our prayers. Next month may be the same, however I will keep my ill feelings at bay, and just do the best that I can.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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8/28/2010 9:44:22 PM

Hi Pauline,
I hope that you are feeling better. I would like to share a true story that happened just recently.
As you all know, Shirley and I have not been doing so well money wise. Our food ran out before the end of the month this month. We have been getting by on soup and crackers. Last evening, we used the last of our frozen chicken, the last of our vegetables, and the last of our pasta. As we were eating, Shirley asked, "Honey, what are we going to do until the first?" I replied, "Pray." As we were finishing up our meal, a knock came on the door. I opened the door and our upstairs neighbor was holding several bags in her hand. She had purchased some food that her family didn't like. She asked if we could use them. With tears in my eyes I said, "We sure could." They were Turkey meals, turkey, brocolli, and stuffing. These were the steam meals that you steam in the micro wave. There were seven meals all together. This morning, our next door neighbor, 94 year old Mildred knocked at the door, Shirley opened the door and Mildred was standing there with a chair with wheels on it and a box. Mildred asked if we could use some extra food. Coffe, Butter, Corn on the Cob, Sausage, a couple cans of soup, and Tuna Fish. We are no longer worried about how we will make it to the first.
I had been quite upset that none of the organizations that are suppose to help, would. Plus, even though we are at the lowest level that we have ever been, our rent has been raised almost one hundred dollars a month. I just decided to put my hatred aside and just do the best I could. GOD Answered our prayers. Next month may be the same, however I will keep my ill feelings at bay, and just do the best that I can.

Many miles away and in no position to help but you have my prayers.

Keep the faith.


Karen Gigikos

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8/29/2010 2:32:57 AM
I think I have been doing to much.My leg is really hurting and I have a fever. and heart burn just terrible.trying to do a lot on my own to give stephan some rest.I think I am suffereng for it it has not been 6 weeks yet.they said it would take 3or 4 month to get better.and I went to the store to get food yesterday with stephan, to much walking on my leg , to day I am suffering for leg feels like it is on fire. I hope it is ok . my sugar level went up this moring. hope it comes back down.but because of the surgery they said it would go up and down for awhile.I am cold and I have a fever. well I better go lay down, my bed is right be side me so easy to get in it.but my real bed is in another room.but this is the one I can get in and out right now.makes it easy for me for the computer.hugs karen.Stephan will be the POTM next so please make him feel welcome. he has taken really good care of me, don't know what would of done with out him karen
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Roger Macdivitt .

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8/29/2010 7:57:53 AM
Take real good care Karen
Michael Caron

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8/30/2010 3:58:14 AM
Hi Karen,
When I had my triple by-pass surgery in 1994, the doctor told me that he would be taking some veins out of my leg. I told him not to take any out of my left leg, because that was my week leg. Shortly after I recovered I noticed that both of my legs were bandaged. I asked the nirse why and she said that the doctor began taking the veins out of my left leg and noticed that they weren't that good. He than took the veins out of my right leg. We tend to get impatient during our recovery process and want to do more than we can. I tried walking short distances, but afterwards I would have terrible pains. Shirley was doing everything for me and I wanted to help her, but the more I tried to help, the more work I was putting on her. Take it slow for now, let your system adjust and before too long you will be able to do everything that you could before.
When I had my first year check-up, the doctor said that everything was healing fine, and I was in good physical health. I asked if I was in good enough health to play Golf. He said that it would be excellent excercise and recommended it. There was a Golf Tournament coming up at our church and I signed up for it. I did pretty good but our team did not win, even though we had a good score. While we were enjoying the banquet after the game, one of my team-mates asked how long I had been playing golf. My response was "Today." With a confused look on his face he asked, "Today what?" I explained that "Today was the forst time I ever played 18 holes of Golf." Knowing that I had triple by-pass surgery the year before he asked, "Why would you take up a sport like Golf so soon after having major surgery?" I shrugged my shoulders and responded, "Doctor's orders."
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.