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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2019 2:19:25 AM

Friday, October 11, 2019
The Lost Memory of SELF--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today.

Dear Suzille,
Yes, we always have a message for those of you who pass on our information for others.
NO you do not need to add the above sentence, as we said it to you specifically.

There are many challenges within your third dimensional reality. An important reason for these many changes is that Gaia, the beloved planet on which the humans live, is going through many transitions.

Yes, planets, including your dear Gaia of Earth, are alive beings that have times when they are calm and stable and times when they are going through transitions. It is within your NOW, that Gaia is going through many changes, which are largely do to the humans who live upon Her planetary body.

Many humans think of dear Gaia, the alive being known as “Mother Earth,” is currently preparing, and also is now, going through many changes. It is within the NOW in which Gaia is changing that humanity changes, as well.

You see, dear human ones, Gaia is a living being in the same manner as you humans are living beings. However, far too many humans, especially certain humans in higher places, have forgotten that they took a human incarnation within this now to assist Gaia with Her changes.

Just as humans have times when they feel stable within the human body that they are wearing, Gaia has times when She feels stable within the planetary body that She is wearing.

If Gaia is in a stable NOW, the humans often feel that stability. Of course, many, if not most of the humans, are not aware that they are sensing Gaia’s stability, but they are often aware of their own stability.

Some humans, if not most humans, are grateful for this sense of stability, but only think of it as their “personal sense of stability,” and do not realize that that they are feeling stable because Gaia, a living being on which they live, is also feeling stable.

On the other hand, there are also humans who are aware that they, the humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel on Gaia during this time of transition, are aware that they are sensing the changing energy fields of the planet Gaia, on which they live.

Some humans feel strong enough in their higher/inner perceptions that they will share their information with others. But, most humans are afraid that others will mock them for thinking of dear Gaia as a living being, rather than a big, circular rock.

The humans who are not aware that Gaia is a living being in the same manner that they, the humans, are living beings. Therefore, those who do NOT perceive Gaia as a living being have no problem with harming Gaia’s land, dumping their human waste, which is huge, into the ocean, the earth, and to allow the tainted energies to move into Gaia’s sky and atmosphere.

We, the Arcturians, as well as all of your fifth dimensional Galactic Family, have made the huge sacrifice of taking a third dimensional earth vessel. To many humans on Earth, taking an incarnation on third dimensional Gaia does not seem like a “huge sacrifice.”

The reason that many, if not most, humans do think of choosing to take an incarnation on third dimensional Gaia is because they cannot remember their lives on the fourth, fifth and beyond dimensions, as well as on their Homeworld or Starship.

In fact, most humans do NOT remember their own higher dimensional life. The reason for this forgetfulness is that it would make it too difficult for many of them to remember their higher dimensional reality.

Therefore, they FORGET that frequency of their own Multidimensional SELF, and only remember their third dimensional childhood and forward. However, more and more humans are beginning to remember that there just may be something, somewhere and someone that feels VERY familiar.

However, there are only a few humans who are born with, or even find their adult human selves, in a situation in which they begin to dream about, remember, or even wish for, a different reality. This “different reality” is different from the daily strife and challenges of their third dimensional, physical reality.

Some, in fact more and more, humans are beginning to awakening a component of their third dimensional, physical SELF who remembers. At first this “remembering” seems like a dream that they must have had, but have almost completely forgotten.

In fact, it may seem that all that is left of this “dream,” is a vague memory of some place or some thing, or maybe even some one, who is kinder, more loving, deeply centered and fully awakening.

“That can’t be any part of me!” they think, trying not to be conceited.

But what does conceited mean? The human thesaurus says it means: conceited, proud, smug, arrogant or even superior. Humans, who are actually Galactics who have chosen to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia in Her time of great need, must remember that “being conceited” is a bad thing on the third dimension.

It is very difficult for those who remember that they are NOT JUST humans, but also feel a higher frequency of their own SELF that resonates to a higher frequency of realty, must not tell anyone else who they really are, or they would be “conceited.”

Worse yet, if one were to reveal the inner fact that they have “remembered” about their higher dimensional origin, they would be considered to be “crazy.” It was not the humans who started that rumor. Nor was it the Galactics that started that rumor.

It was those who wanted to have power OVER others that need to diminish that who are awakening to their true, Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we, the members of your Galactic Family, have come into your NOW to remind you that YOU ARE CORRECT!

YES, YOU are Galactic Beings whose Home Worlds are in the fourth, fifth and beyond higher frequency of reality. You, yes YOU, have volunteered to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that you could assist Gaia, a seemingly third dimensional planetary being, to ascend into a fifth dimensional planet.

It is important for you to remember that those of you who are able to connect with your own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, have chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that you could understand and assist the other humans who also believe that they are only third dimensional.

What most humans do NOT understand is that Gaia—Earth—is NOT just a third dimensional planet. Gaia, Earth, is also a multidimensional being, just like all of her inhabitants that have taken third dimensional forms on Gaia so that they can assist Gaia to return to Her true fifth dimensional and beyond Planetary SELF.

The problem is that humanity cannot believe what they do not understand. And, since many humans do not understand the concept of being a Multidimensional Being, they cannot understand the concept of ascension.

To a being who only believes that they are ONLY the third dimensional body that they are wearing, the concept of their being a Multidimensional Being seems impossible. However, these humans are thinking and perceiving ONLY from their third dimensional perceptions and third dimensional belief systems.

To be able to have multidimensional perception of your reality, one must be able to believe in and understand the concept of “multidimensional.” Therefore, we, your Galactic Family, who remember and embrace our innate Multidimensional SELF, wish to assist you, to remember that YOU too are a multidimensional being.

However, once you had a few third dimensional incarnations on the third dimensional frequency of Gaia, you totally forgot your true Multidimensional SELF. You FORGOT your Starship that took you to Earth in order to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension. AND, you forgot your own Multidimensional SELF who piloted and/or rode in a fifth dimensional Starship.

Worse yet, spending so much “time” on third dimensional Earth, you forgot that time does not exist in the same manner in the fifth dimension and beyond. In the fifth dimension and beyond, time is only NOW. Therefore, you do not look forward to the future or regret your past, as there is only the NOW of what is often called on Earth as “no time.”

Therefore, many brave warriors who took a third dimensional vessel in order to assist third dimensional Gaia, have forgotten their innate sense of “no time.” Therefore, they have forgotten that “time” creates a sense of “separation.”

It is for this reason that many of our brave warriors for the LIGHT who chose to take an Earth vessel, got lost in the “time” of the third dimension. Therefore, they forgot that they never needed to wait for anything to occur because there is no “waiting” within the fifth dimensional NOW.

In their innate fifth dimensional reality of the higher dimensional worlds, they instantly created their reality with their thoughts and emotions. The “thoughts” created the framework for whatever they were creating, and the “emotions” filled in the framework with the substance.

When all creation was formed while in a fifth dimensional reality, there was not “time” to wait for that creation to be decided on, studied, slowly created and/or finally completed.
Instead, the thought became a “thought-form,” which was then filled with “unconditional love,” which is the innate creative force of the fifth dimension and beyond.

Once the format of the “thought form” was filled with the creative powers of “unconditional love,” the creation was completed. However, the more “individual beings” who joined into “ONE unified being” the stronger, larger and more powerful was the creation.

We, the Arcturians, realize that it is difficult for our brave beings who volunteered to take an earth vessel to protect, and actually to rescue, our dear Planetary Friend, Gaia, to remember they too—in fact YOU TOO—are among the Ones who chose to take an incarnation on our beloved, planetary friend Gaia!
We, your Galactic Family, who still reside in the fifth dimensional worlds and fifth dimensional Starships, wish to honor ALL of our dear comrades and family members who have chosen to take an earth vessel within this importantNOW of Gaia’s transition into her fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

Gaia wants all of her beloved human friends, many of them who are Galactic Friends, to accept the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love that we send to you with our every thought.

Your Galactic Family
We miss you and hope that soon YOU too will remember how to communicate with us while you are still wearing your third dimensional earth vessel.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2019 2:38:36 AM

The Arcturian Council’s Connection to Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

The Arcturian Council’s Connection to Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have established a connection with so many of you now that we have a tremendous amount of information with which to go on in regards to how we help you. We also have been amazed by so many of you, as these connections have taught us about the struggles of being human there on planet Earth. We know what you have been through, and we respect you so much for taking that deep dive into density.

We are better equipped now to offer you energetic transmissions, and we want you to recognize that how we feel to you today will be quite different from how we felt to you three years ago. And we want you to recognize that difference because we want you to be able to discern when a being, or a group of beings, is offering something to you that is in fact helpful.

We know that we were still being helpful three years ago when we were coming through this channel in the early days of our transmissions, but we also know that what we offer you today is of greater value because of the intimacy that there is between us now. We invite you to approach life with your feelers out all the time, rather than always checking with your logical mind to see if something makes sense. You need to feel into the different beings you are connecting with and the different pieces of information that you are receiving, even if they are coming to you from a trusted source.

A lot can happen to that trusted source and a lot can happen in the life of the trusted source that you have been receiving information from. So always check in with your feeling senses to see what resonates and what does not. And please also note that you are getting better and better at receiving information directly. We, and others like us, have trained you to set your vibrational tone to such a frequency that you can get more directly now, and that’s a very good thing. So we are changing to better suit your needs, and you are changing and becoming better receivers of what we offer. You are becoming better receivers of all that is coming to you from the higher realms, and we applaud and salute you for honing that gift as well.

We do want you to realize that you are important in this process of offering and receiving, because you are the ones doing the asking. And please know that we hear your requests. We know what you want to hear about from us, and if it is appropriate, we will give it to you. If it will derail you from your path, then we will not go there with you, even though it’s something your mind or ego is certain is important. This is how we work together. This is why we talk about our transmissions as co-creations, and we just want you to feel into our energy as much as you can so that you will always know when something you are getting does not resonate.

This is important now more than ever because you have so many different sources of information available to you. There are many, many pure and wonderful channelers and teachers, and there are many, many beautiful beings and collectives who are helping humanity. And if you set your dial vibrationally to them, then those will be the ones you encounter and hear from. So remember that as well. This whole process starts even before you receive a message or a transmission.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2019 9:29:49 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2019

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Sitting silently, just watch your thoughts. Just see all the nuances of a thought -- how it arises, how it takes form, how it remains, abides, and how then it leaves you. It becomes a guest and then when the time comes it leaves you. And many thoughts come and go; you are a host where many thoughts come and go. Just watch.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2019 9:35:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 15, 2019

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2019 12:53:57 AM

Opening the Door from Darkness into Light

Shanta Gabriel

by Shanta Gabriel, October 13, 2019,

The essential feeling of receiving Divine Love is so inspiring, most of us wish we could feel it all the time. Once we have had that feeling, we may long with every fiber of our being to experience it again, because it is our true state.

I have found that when I allow myself to receive this love, it is incredibly nourishing to me on all levels.

The key that Archangel Gabriel suggested in this message really works. When I slow down and move into Gratitude, it feels as though a flood gate opens within me and Divine Love pours in. This love from the Creator of All That Is reminds me of the vast possibilities that are here for me to choose.

You have heard the expression “act as if,” as a way to change your patterns of behavior. I have discovered that prayers of Gratitude have the same power. They invite the miraculous flow of Divine Love to act in our lives. These powerful prayer thoughts create higher frequencies in our energy fields and allow us to open into new levels of consciousness in seemingly miraculous ways.

When we are having an experience of darkness, we do not have to proclaim the highest states of what we ultimately desire in order to change our experience. When we choose to find even the smallest things that we can acknowledge as evidence of Truth and Beauty, it can gracefully lift our consciousness and shift our feelings. I usually also add in Ease and Grace as big components of what I intend to experience.

In times of darkness, Gratitude becomes the way back Home. Sometimes it takes special effort. In those times I need to find something in Nature to inspire me. When I look at a gorgeous tree or a bouquet of flowers, I can more easily thank God for the Beauty as well as what is present in and around me.

Imagine deciding to let the Universe show you things that you can be grateful for. Here is a list of what has changed my consciousness in less than one hour.

  • Deeply inspiring music
  • Books that speak to my heart and inspire truth and love
  • Breathing exercises that soothe me
  • Green outside my window and the beauty of the sanctuary I have created for myself
  • A friend that called for a brisk walk in the fresh autumn air
  • People that send me inspiring messages, so I can choose to read that which uplifts me instead of what scares and confuses me.

When I do any of these exercises, within a very short amount of time, I feel completely different than when I first began my day.

We are in a powerfully transformative time in which small efforts to change the way we feel pay big dividends in body, mind and emotional states. We are the Way-showers. We are creating a new life on Earth as we make choices that serve our highest good. Changes can happen very quickly now in the dimensional timelines we are learning to integrate.

I have found it useful to give thanks before I see the evidence of what it is I prefer to experience. Here is my prayer today for shifting into an attitude of Gratitude.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the gifts and blessings you constantly shower upon me. I am so grateful for the Creative Solutions you provide in every area of my life. I am thankful for my health, my Well-being and for knowing that you are guiding me into situations that constantly serve my highest good.

I am grateful for the amazing beauty in this world that surrounds me whenever I take the time to truly see it.

Thank you for helping me to remember to slow down to take deep healing breaths. I am very grateful that I don’t have to tell my heart to beat or my body to digest its food. Thank you for all the gifts of this physical body that works for me in miraculous Divine Order. Thank you for more Balance in every area of life.

For all these blessings and the life I have chosen, I give thanks. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
October 13, 2019

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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