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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/13/2019 1:12:16 AM
The Hilarion Connection Update – October 2019


Hilarion The Connection©Update – October 2019

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The cosmic Christ Light permeates the atmosphere around the planet. There has been an alignment of like-minded people and their energies that have initiated through their intention, a new beginning for the people of Earth and all of her lifestreams. In unity with the Galactic realms, this new way has been brought forward in sacred ceremony and has been pivotal in the reset to original Divine plan for the Earth, its people and all its kingdoms who share the joy of life together on this planet. Well done! We are as One on this activity.

There will be other such ceremonies take place in the coming weeks and months in order to ‘cement’ and anchor in this new template. There are many people across the planet who will be participating in ceremonies, meditations and rituals that they personally resonate with that hold a sacred space to make all that they do anchor in the holy and sacred way of life. Celebrate this moment in Earth’s history, for it is an historic occasion! The inhabitants of Earth have spoken through and participated in bringing forth their choice of a new beginning of a new and more enlightened way of living!

We of the Ascended Master realms are so immensely pleased with this collaboration between the people of Earth and the Galactic community. It now behooves the persistent and reinforcing activities of the Lightworkers of the world to continue to solidly anchor in these powerful and special energies of September 28th that were initiated in a focused, enlightened, sacred and loving effort on behalf of all life on Earth. May it continue to be so and may this movement grow exponentially in the coming months! Joy abounds on the higher planes of existence and all hearts are filled with hope!

Let all people from all walks of life take part in such endeavors to work for the future they desire – for it is seen in the etheric realms as a ‘vote’ for moving into this new way of harmonious living in the new Earth reality. A reality where everyone takes responsibility for being self disciplined and open to co-creative efforts together with others for the highest and greatest good of all. It is so good to see more of humanity putting down their constant tools of distraction in order to focus their personal attention and intention on participating during this special time of cosmic opportunity from the realms of the Divine itself.

We ask you to have patience as your physical body is accepting more of the higher Light, for it is stirring things up within your body in its weak points. The great influx of infinity Light that is now coming in will make it easier to heal and once the healing starts, it will be manifest very quickly in your human experience. This is a transformational process and you will see and experience the renewal of health and vitality, strength, clarity and energy in your human body system. Trust in the energies that are coming in now for they are bringing forth the giant leaps in consciousness and miracles you have been intending to take place. All is well. Everything is perfect!

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/13/2019 8:55:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2019

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Meaning has to be created in life; meaning is not given already. You are given freedom, you are given creativity, you are given life. All that is needed to create meaning is given.

All the essential ingredients of meaning are given, but meaning is not given, meaning has to be created by you. You have to become a creator in your own right.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/13/2019 9:04:53 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 13, 2019

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We understand many of you are afraid to sit with your emotions. You feel like it will be overwhelming or more than you can handle. If you have been avoiding emotions for a long time, you might be scared that too much will come spilling out.

Dear Ones, you can start to explore your feelings a bit at a time. You can start by sticking your big toe into the waters of your emotions. You might be surprised that once you don’t resist them, they aren’t that scary after all!

Your emotions are one of your greatest gifts and strengths. They show you how much you have cared, how beautiful and tender your soul is. They are your beautiful human responses. You can honour them for all the feedback they give you, for the insight they provide. And you can look underneath them to lovingly gather up any parts of you that feel abandoned, misunderstood, afraid, or simply need love and inclusion.

This is another instance where the fear of doing something is far worse than the actual doing of it. You can start small and grow this skill like any other. It is the ultimate act of self love, self guidance, and self acceptance, for once you realize you can stop denying yourself, inner peace and comfort can prevail. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/13/2019 9:11:42 PM

Power? Or Power!

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It is time to clear up some confusion. Human have learned that power can mean greed, negative ambition and holding sway and dominion over others. The Universe sees power as the individual embracing self-worth and Unconditional Love, showing kindness to others without boundary violations and a deep knowing that embracing the truth will always bring you closer to your manifestations. Now is the time to re-educate yourself and know you are held safely in The Universe’s care. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2019 12:30:40 AM

Excitement about The Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Excitement about The Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, channeler of arcturians and archangels


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to be witness to your evolution of consciousness, and we invite you to join us in that excitement. You are all so eager to just get there, and by ‘there’ we mean the fifth dimension that represents the giant leap forward, the expansion of your consciousness. We are much more excited to see how you are going to get from where you are to where you are going than all of you are. We don’t know exactly how it is all going to transpire. There are several scenarios that are more likely to occur, given the timeline that you are on right now, but nothing is set in stone.

We want you to be excited about the feeling of transforming from within, rather than just being so eager and enthusiastic about living in a galactic community with extra-terrestrials and having all sorts of abilities and gifts that you haven’t been able to access yet. The journey is more interesting and exciting than the destination. That’s why the movies you watch end at the destination, at the point the character has been striving to get to for the duration of the film. The fairy tales that end with, ‘…and they lived happily ever after’ end at that point because the happily-ever-after is not as exciting as the journey.

This is why we invite you all to join us in our excitement for your journey. You will talk about it after it is complete. You will share your ascension stories with each other, and they will be very interesting. You will enjoy being fifth dimensional beings, of course, but even then you will be ascending to the sixth dimension from the first moment that you are fully fifth dimensional. Therefore, you might as well enjoy this moment now, because it’s not that different from the moments you have to look forward to as fifth-dimensional beings. We say this not to dampen your excitement for getting to the destination, because when you are there, in the fifth dimension, we will be talking to you about the shift to the sixth, and we will be encouraging you to enjoy that journey as well.

This is the good, fun, tasty part of the meal, the part where you are still hungry, and you get to enjoy the feeling of being satiated by the foods that you take in and chew. We want you to see life in this way so that you can start enjoying life now. There is no better time than now. You will always be in the now, and in this moment, right now, you could be celebrating how far you’ve come and how much you have to look forward to as you continue on. We tell you this because we see so many awakened individuals lamenting the fact that this prediction over here did not come to fruition about the shift happening at the end of September, or whenever the latest prediction had you shifting your consciousness.

We want you to understand that the enthusiasm for getting there is good, but the enthusiasm for being where you are now and enjoying it all is slightly better.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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