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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/12/2019 9:08:52 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2019

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Remember, whether you succeed in awareness or you fail, be patient. Don't be impatient, because impatience is not going to help. Just watch patiently and wait in tremendous trust that if this much can happen, more is possible.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/12/2019 9:13:57 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday October 12, 2019

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The more open and easy you are with flow, the more possibilities and potentials you can discover and explore. You become a beautiful expression of faith and trust in motion, which opens you to the full magic and wonder of the journey. What we want you to understand is through your focus and surrender you are both the creator, and the experiencer, of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/12/2019 11:36:35 PM

13th October 2019 21:09 UT: Full moon in 21st degree of Aries

by SARAH VARCAS on 10/10/2019


Renewing the Future


Sarah Varcas

Close to Eris and squared by Pluto, this is an intense moon which highlights the power struggles that can readily occur in the course of everyday life. With Mars now journeying through Libra and Mercury preparing to turn retrograde in Scorpio at the month end, relationships may be up in the air, challenging us to greater clarity of communication and more penetrating honesty. Difficult issues and disagreements previously side-stepped will become impossible to avoid as pressure is piled on to deal with the elephant in the room. Whilst this may augur a stressful time, difficult conversations had now will pay dividends in the long run when greater understanding flourishes from what may at first be a deep divide.

Most people come with wounds that complicate everyday life. Old pain can cloud the air between us, creating a gulf that separates what we intend from how our words and deeds are received. Unwittingly or otherwise, we may dig at each other’s sensitivities, making effective communication especially difficult. Emotions triggered now can be all consuming and powerfully influential, refusing to let us go until we’ve looked at them directly no matter how uncomfortable doing so may be. As such, this moon demands searing honesty within an emotional maelstrom. Few people are equipped to deal with such interpersonal challenges without a few ups and downs! So be prepared to forgive and forget as much as to discuss, explore and forge a new path ahead.

We may be at risk, right now, of rapid-fire responses which fail to stand up to scrutiny when the moment has passed. Decisions made on the back of emotional reactivity are best avoided no matter how pressing things may seem. Give it a few days, let everyone cool down, then revisit current issues from a calmer perspective. If it feels like you’re embarking on a battle of wills, taking time out to reflect and step back can make the difference between conflict which creates irreconcilable differences and healing space which allows all parties to say their piece without entrenched division.

With this Moon’s proximity to Eris and the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction on the horizon, certainty is a luxury no longer at our disposal. The next step of the journey takes us more deeply than ever into the great mystery of Becoming. It may well feel unsettling and we may have to face many fears, for sometimes everything must be thrown up in the air to re-pattern the very fabric of our being. Both personally and collectively this moon may put the cat among the pigeons. Nothing is as clear cut as it first appears, despite our desire for clarity. It affirms there is no such thing as incontrovertible truth in the midst of such commanding forces of change.

No one knows what will come of current evolutionary shifts. It’s a step-by-step process whose outcome is revealed only as we harness the courage to walk into the unknown. This moon reminds us that whilst it is we who take each step, some forces of change may call the shots when we least expect it or would most prefer they step down! But being ready and willing to respond when they do can be the very thing that turns our troubled world around. For in aligning with change we can also shape it and allow a fading future to be renewed.

Sarah Varcas

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/12/2019 11:44:39 PM

Just Ask!

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You have the power, knowledge and wisdom to change a negative to a positive at any time.
If you are feeling misunderstood, ask for it to change.
If you feel unloved, ask to be shown how much love is around you.
If you feel as if you are always giving, ask to receive.
If you need support, all you have to do is ask.
It is just a matter of remembering! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/13/2019 12:26:50 AM

The Most Recent Channeling from The Sacred School of OmNa by Natalie Glasson

by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson,
September 15, 2019,

Archangel Metatron, return to continue our discussions centred around anxiety. I do so, as anxiety is a growing energy within people upon the Earth, so much so that anxiety is becoming empowered beyond its natural or necessary nature. Due to many souls upon the Earth thinking, feeling and acting from a space of anxiety, the energy of anxiety exists within the consciousness of humanity. Humanity draws from a well of energy and wisdom that all are connected to, anxiety is present here for all to accept and embody, if they choose. Of course, within the consciousness of humanity there are numerous other energies, abilities and creations available to download. As humanity achieves ascension shifts accepting higher vibrations of truth and acknowledging the essence existing within them, so the consciousness of humanity or well from which all draw, shifts to higher vibrations. If a greater majority of people choose to recognise and heal their wound/s connected to anxiety or creating anxiety, then anxiety would be healed and released from the consciousness of humanity. Therefore, generations to come would not know or even be able to access experiences or an embodiment of anxiety.

We can recognise that the energy of anxiety within the consciousness of humanity is akin to a magnet, acting as a pull for humanity to anxiety. Often anxiety can feel addictive, it is because the mind becomes accustomed to the drama and presence of anxiety. It is also due to this pull of the energy of anxiety in the consciousness of humanity which is akin to a well of energy all draw upon. When you dwell on anxiety, severe or not, it becomes like a sticky glue hindering the expression and creativity of the truth and essence of your being. Anxiety is akin to a force pulling you away from the amazing divine being you are. As the energy of anxiety becomes empowered so people feel confused, create fear and limit the expression of the Creator flowing through them. It is important to realise that anxiety and fear are a natural part of being a human on the Earth, although these energies were designed to protect and safeguard you rather than rule and control your life.

If you can recognise that you energise anxiety within you, whether small or large, you are opening yourself up to heal and release the growing and smothering power of anxiety. To recognise, acknowledge and accept is the first step to any healing process. To dismiss the presence of an energy such as anxiety within you, is to live in illusion and limit the ascension process available to unfold within you. You are everything and everyone, you are all that is the Creator and all that seems as if it is not. Therefore, you always have the opportunity to heal and transform to aid yourself and others. There is always something to heal within you, because each instigation and recognition of healing allows the oneness of the Creator which is your natural existence to emerge.

Archangel Metatron’s Tools to Heal Anxiety

Recognition is the Key

Your ability to recognise, acknowledge and accept the presence of anxiety, in whichever form it manifests within your being is priceless. It is the beginning of your healing tool. Judging any anxiety that bubbles from within you will only add to its energy. It is also essential to realise that you can live a life liberated from anxiety, this is your divine right. Acceptance that you are choosing to energise and focus on anxiety within you, creates an opening for healing to take place.

Then comes the questions, ‘What is the core of the anxiety you are feeling, however small or large? Where within you does the anxiety come from? How did the anxiety originally form?’ You may wish to ask yourself these questions and take time to contemplate. You are looking to discover the starting point of the anxiety within you or the wound which manifested the anxiety.

An energy wound within your being can form easily and simply from a negative or traumatic experience, a misunderstanding, a belief formed from a situation, a lack, or an unfinished transformation/healing process. An energy wound is stagnant, it is a vibration being held within your being by you for a reason. The reason is the key that unlocks and releases the wound therefore creating an experience of healing, liberation and inner transformation.

Therefore, the essential steps to focus upon are:

  • Describe the anxiety as you feel it now.
  • From where did the anxiety originally form? Ask within and allow yourself to be guided, you may be alerted to an experience in your current lifetime or different lifetime. Accept any insight you gain. If you do not gain an insight then know you have connected and continue with the process, you may not need to be consciously aware and can still follow the energy pattern to experience a liberation.
  • What wound was created and what reason or message is held within the wound? If you wish you may use a visualisation to gain the understanding you require. Imagine what the wound is like, maybe it is a box, cave, or something else. Enter within the wound. Just being present within the wound will allow you to understand the message. It is often that the message is repeated continuously so with patience it can be accessed.

An example of the information or insights you may receive: The anxiety is of flying on an aeroplane. The anxiety originated from falling from a tree as a child. The message within the wound is not to lose control otherwise you will experience pain.

Remember that wounds or messages that stagnant within your being are projected constantly into your reality, this is why people discover that some areas of their life simply don’t work as they wish them to.

Where Do You Place Your Focus Next?

As you recognise the message that has been stagnating within your being and projecting into your reality you may automatically experience an inner liberation or transformation. It is important to recognise the shift completely, in doing so you will allow yourself to experience the transformation fully. You can achieve this by saying within, ‘I acknowledge the divine opening, liberation and transformation awakening within me now.’ In doing so you align your conscious awareness and entire being with the awakening and healing taking place within your being, so your entire being benefits from the transformation. Thus, this transformation will be projected into your reality, manifesting beautiful divine opportunities in your everyday life.

The Outcome

As you make the voyage of discovery, recognising that anxiety is simply a product of something more interesting and transformational taking place within your being, so you will release the presence of anxiety in your life. You will also clear the presence of empowered anxiety within the consciousness of humanity, thus reducing the magnetic pull anxiety can have upon humanity. No longer will the consciousness of humanity energise and empower anxiety within humanity. Thus, a powerful awakening, healing and transformational process will take place for humanity.

It is essential, I, Archangel Metatron, share that everything has a purpose. This means I am making you aware of the pull of anxiety within the consciousness of humanity and how it is empowering anxiety within you and vice versa. It is an ascension activation taking place for all now. The Creator is inviting all to purge anxiety that has no service or need in your life, in order to create new divine awakenings, realisations and experiences for all. The fact that anxiety has been empowered within many on the Earth and within the consciousness of humanity, in itself is a process of ascension. There is a need to see, sense and acknowledge how powerful and all-consuming anxiety can be. In doing so, you allow yourself to reach new vibrations of truth and liberation.

In constant love,

Archangel Metatron

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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