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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2019 11:52:29 PM

Linda Li

Divine Mother on the latest happenings

October 7th, 2019

Image may contain: 2 people, night

The Divine is busy lifting up the planet right now. Gaia is officially residing in the 5th dimension. Now what we, the Divine need to do, is to bring the planet up to the 5th dimension, and humanity and Gaia’s children also have to be lifted.

The difficulty in lifting up the planet is the current state of the consciousness on the planet, which is quite chaotic, and which poses a challenge for the Divine and the company of heaven. In order for the Divine and the company of heaven to be able to help the planet, we have to reach down to where the planet and humanity are, in terms of consciousness, and bring up the entire planet and humanity. That is a tough job. The Divine has been trying to do so with some level of success. However, due to the density of the tough planetary situation, the Divine can’t completely reach down and lift up the entire population. The Divine can only reach parts of the planet and humanity to lift up to the 5th dimension.

I love you dear ones. I am your Mother God. The current situation on the planet is very intense. Your Father God has been working very hard to calm the situation down and bring some level of calmness to the planet. Due to the ascension process which is now at the full speed, the Planet now is heading in a direction that was designed by the Divine and the company of heaven. At this speed, mass ascension is coming much quicker than originally anticipated, and that is a good thing. The Divine has been ready for the mass ascension for some time now. The only drawback is that the process can be intimidating for some and that can cause a certain level of the chaos. Your Father wants the planet to have a peaceful ascension and that is why he is doing whatever it may take to calm down the planet and humanity. However, it doesn’t mean that he is going to slow down the process. It means that he will bring peace to the process and to the human mind so that the level of mass ascension is going to be the same, except the chaos will be less and the planet will be more peaceful. That is the goal for the next few weeks or so, and your Father God has been working toward that goal.

Besides the chaotic nature of the mass ascension and the fall of the old energies, the Divine will also bring fresh and new energies to the planet to fill the void created by the ascension process. This ascension process has been quite eye-opening for the planet and humanity. Sometimes, it can be quite jarring for young souls because they have not gone through this kind of human evolution. At the soul level, this kind of growth is definitely welcomed. An opportunity like this is rare. Nevertheless, once souls come to the planet, walking as humans, they tend to be intimidated by soul growth opportunities and that is why mass ascension seems chaotic. Souls are acting out. Their mind has a limited understanding of what it is going on and that translates into fear and threats to their existence.

So, in order for this ascension process to go smoothly, The Divine will continue to bring in the peace element and that will be a great help. Humanity needs to know that everything is alright. The human existence is always honored and it is always going to be there. That approach helps to calm the planet and humanity. And that is what your Father God is doing. He is bringing the peace element to the planet, the peace every soul needs in order to live in this chaotic time.
I love you my precious children on earth. I am your Mother God. Things have been heating up lately. The planet is releasing relentlessly and that trend is going to continue. Mother Earth has had enough. Now all she wants to do is to let go, and let Gaia live. What that means is that the old energies have no choice but to transmute into light. The old patterns that have been running the planet for so long are now done. The planet has zero tolerance for any destructive behaviors and patterns. Spiritual laws are now in effect. Any soul who breaks the spiritual laws are now paying the price right away. There is no grace period any more. Souls learn their life lessons very fast and that is partially because the planet has been on the spiritual path for awhile, and the spiritual routines have been adopted by the planet and the human race. From this point on, the planet is going to continue the path of spiritual journey. The human race literally has to adopt what the spiritual laws say about how to be a spiritual being and how to live on a planet which is on the ascension journey. Everything will be measured in the spiritual sense. And all things have to follow the spiritual laws and truth. That is how life will be for the planet and human race, and that is the true nature of Gaia and her design for the planet and humanity.

The Time has come dear children on earth. human life has changed. The new has taken effect. Every human on the planet has to follow the new spiritual journey that the planet is having. There are no exceptions. All souls here are being treated equally and all souls on the planet are required to follow the Divine and spiritual laws. That is the call of the Golden Age, and that is the planet-wide spiritual journey that every soul is taking. The Time has come dear ones. Take your journey seriously and learn about spirituality. Know there is no more grace period. Any time there is a law breaker, a price has to be paid and lessons have to be learned. It is just that simple. Humanity has come to a point where spiritual laws are totally in effect and are respected by the souls on the planet. That is the new nature of the planet and human race and that is why your Father God has come. He wants the spiritual laws to be reestablished on the planet. And he has the rules and laws working for him. He is the ultimate law enforcement officer. And he is now doing just that, enforcing the Divine laws on this lawless planet. And we have seen the results of that.

I love you my angels on earth. I am your Mother God. Go in peace dear ones. I love you. So it is.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2019 12:37:13 AM

Returning Home to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

return to source energy channeled by daniel scranton channeler of the arcturians and archangels


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an appreciation for the degree to which all of you are willing to go from that knowing that you are Source Energy Beings. We have witnessed you feeling such despair because of that feeling of separation and loneliness, and we know that humanity has gone further from that knowing than any other beings in the galaxy in humanoid form. We want very much for you to embrace who you really are, and we can tell you that you are aspects of Source until the cows come home, as you say, but it won’t do you any good. It won’t even do you any good if you just think it or put it on a coffee mug to remind yourself of it. You need more than that. You need to feel that you have come home.

That’s the feeling you are searching for. You see, moving away from Source is like leaving the nest. You don’t know how far away you will go, what dangers you will face, and sometimes you feel that you will not be able to find your way back. When you individuated your consciousness from Source, it was a similar experience, and some of you have felt that you have been wandering around the galaxy since you first physically incarnated. Others believe that home is another planet in a star system and feel that they will only have that sense of home when they return to that star system of origin.

But we understand what you really want and need. You want to feel that you never left the Source Energy nest, and the truth is that you never did. Everything is Source, so you could never really leave, but you’ve given yourselves the impression that you are small, insignificant, egoic beings, living out a short lifespan, and that has been very difficult on that reclaiming of your sense of home. You are there to experience it. It is inevitable, and it is your birthright to feel it and to let it sink in, viscerally. So how do you do it? How do you get there from that pit of despair?

This will be easier said than done, and we admit that before we even say it. The feeling of home, the feeling of Source, and the feeling that you are always connected, is something that you get when you let go of everything else that contradicts all that you seek to experience. You have to let go of logic. You have to let go of theories that say that you are all there by accident. You have to return to your center, your inner world, because that is truly where you will feel it and experience it. And then you can share it with everyone on planet Earth, because when you experience that, you will understand that it’s what’s been missing from other people’s lives as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2019 1:04:01 AM

Awakening and Illumination : October 2019 to January 2020

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Celia Fenn

Beloved Family of Light, we have reached a moment that many of you have waited for, and asked for, for many lifetimes. There is a wave of Cosmic Light approaching your Planet that will activate a “Great Awakening” on the Earth. Even now, many of you have felt that wave as it began to approach at the September Equinox. This energy is so intense that it causes physical symptoms in many as your body seeks to integrate and balance.

This rising energy will be felt at the 10:10 Portal on the 10th of October, and it will continue to intensify at the Major 11:11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. Then it will continue on to the 12:12 on the 12th of December and the 21:12 on the 21st December (Solstice) and will culminate on the 12th of January (1:12:2020), when Saturn and Pluto move into conjunction in the sign of Capricorn.

At each of these important nexus points, more of the New Divine Masculine will be revealed on the Earth. It will be the Divine Masculine that will lead the way in creating new structures for the New Earth. This is the role of the Divine Masculine, to create structure for the flow of the Divine Wisdom of Sophia, the Divine Feminine Essence of Wisdom and Light. It will indeed be a powerful, intense and awe-inspiring shift on many levels.

10:10 : Initiation into the “Great Awakening Time Line/Time Spiral”

The great disturbance that so many of you have already begun to feel, is the establishing and energizing of the “Great Awakening Time Line” for October 2019 to January 2020. When a powerful new time line is energized, other alternate time lines collapse and fall away.

On the 10th of October, the 10:10, this Wave of Awakening will be initiated and will begin the process of bringing forth a new group of souls to join the Planetary Awakening process and accelerate the manifestation of the New Earth.

This may create “shock waves”in the fabric of TimeSpace that can cause physical symptoms. But know, Beloved Ones, that closing time lines and activating new time lines (time spirals) is an activity that is undertaken with spiritual and collective consensus, as being for the highest good of the Earth at this time.

As the next segment of the Time Line is energized, these “shock waves” may intensify. It will be these intense waves of Diamond Light Codes, Golden Christ Consciousness Codes and Divine Heart Frequencies from the Angelic and Star Nations that will begin to initiate this “Great Awakening” on Earth.

The First Stirrings of the “Great Awakening”

As this new Time Line begins to energize the “initiations of Light”, there will be two levels of Events. At the first level, those of you who are way showers and already awakened will be called and “propelled” into wider and greater levels of service on the Planet. At the second level, very “ordinary” people will suddenly awaken and feel disoriented and shocked as their perception of Reality changed radically, almost overnight.

The large second group of “:awakeners” will need you, the first level of way showers, to guide them through this process. According to your Soul Contracts, this is the purpose for which you have chosen to be on the Earth at this time.

Beloved Family of Light, this is not the time to shrink back or think “small”. It is time to step up and be the Self-empowered Beings and Community Leaders that you are. As you make yourself available for expanded service as a Teacher or Healer, so Spirit will guide those who have need to you. As you work with these ones, it will also be good to remember how important it also is to take care of yourself and your own process.

As the newly awakened ones shift across into the New Earth Time Line/Spiral, they will feel physical, mental and emotional symptoms that will feel like some kind of “breakdown”, for this is in fact the process of breaking down the old do that the new can emerge. Their old support systems in the old time line will have collapsed and broken down and they will feel as if they are “falling” into a void of nothingness. It will be your task to be the Light that guides them to anchor in the New Earth grids and to find their Soul Family or Tribe in this new TimeSpace Reality.

Those of you that are of the first level, the first waved of awakening, will find that you are receiving new understandings and new gifts of healing. Your Light Body system will accelerate to the point where you will explore and develop new techniques of Quantum Light and Sound Healing similar to those used by Shamanic practitioners to shift and heal energies and soul “fractures”.

The 11:11 Initiations : Star Fire and Angelic Frequencies

in 2017 at the 11:11 Gateway, the Planet received a powerful wave of Angelic Frequencies and Light Codes from the Elohim and the Seraphim. At this years 11:11 there will be another powerful wave of Light Initiations from the Stellar and Cosmic Councils of Light. This will be an Initiation of Star Fire Light Codes that will rapidly raise the Frequencies on Earth to accelerate the Awakening that is taking place.

The 11:11 Portal is under the guardianship of the Pleiadians, and is on the same astrological axis as the 5:5 Gateway, that of Taurus and Scorpio, and it is associated with the awakening of the Buddha and with the spiritual energies of the Collective Awareness.

At this time, a powerful transmission of Star Fire Light Codes will be received on Earth in the form of a Light/Sound wave that will be an initiation and an activation of the newly energized New Earth Time Spiral.

This will not be received as a single wave, but as a series of waves each carrying different codes or instructions from the Divine Heart toi activate the New Earth in the consciousness of the Collective.

At this time, those who have agreed at the soul level to awaken, sill be activated by these waves and will suddenly awaken to join this rising wave of new consciousness.

Those of you who work with Light Codes and Language of Light will be empowered and guided to “translate” these “codes” for the benefit of those in your tribe and community. You may feel guided to paint, draw, sound, sing or dance these Star Fire Codes into physical manifestation.

At this time of the 11:11, the Pleiadians will be very active in working with you to assist you to activate the Human Angelic Template and embody the Soul in Divine Love as proof of this process. As specialists in In Human/Animal and Plant DNA on Earth, they will guide you through Light Code Activations and Collective Activations.

The Arcturians have also been commissioned to guide a multi-representational group that will work with Earth, including Lyrans, Sirians and Andromedans. These ones will assist with their particular means of Light communication and connection.

At the 11:11 you may, therefor, feel guided to join a group or community to experience the Star Fire Light Code initiations as a group. You may also feel drawn to channel these codes in some way and to keep a record of the information that is given to you in these codes in a journal.

The Angelic Beings, the Elohim and Seraphim, will continue to empower transmissions of the Angelic Frequencies of Light and Color to support these initiations and the Awakening process in general.

Time Lines, SpaceTime and Slowing Down the Tempo of Life

Beloved Ones, as the waves of Light Codes arrive on Earth, there will be another “acceleration” in the SpaceTime field as consciousness is raised yet again.

To many this will be perceived as time moving even faster, and they may feel the urge to try to move even faster on the physical plane to “keep up” with the increase in frequency in SpaceTime.

This would not be recommended, Dear Ones, as what is needed is to slow down and allow the body to align with “natural” SpaceTime, which is the natural frequency of Nature (Divine Source Code) on your Planet.

At this time on your Planet you have two expressions of time. The one is, as mentioned, natural time that spirals in harmony with the SpaceTime field and vibrates at the frequency of the Divine Heart. The second is “artificial” or “linear” time that is anchored in mechanical illusion and hurtles forward, ever increasing in momentum as it moves further from natural time and the spiral movement of the Galaxy.

That is why it is so beneficial to spend time in Nature. You allow your cells and your DNA to resonate with natural time and to slow down physically so that you can experience the higher frequencies of Light Codes from the Divine Heart.

To meditate and to do Ceremony in Nature is to align with natural time through focus and intention, and it will assist you to integrate and embody these light codes without undue disturbance to your physical body system, or overstimulation of your nervous system and your emotional and mental bodies.

The Role of the Emerging New Divine Masculine

As these new Star Fire Light Codes are received by the Divine Feminine Sophia consciousness, the Divine Masculine, or rather the New Divine Masculine, will have the task of creating form and structure for this new wisdom to be expressed and experienced.

In this four month period of the Star Fire waves, the planets Saturn and Pluto will be moving towards each other for their “date” of conjunction on the 12th of January 2020. This movement takes place in the house of Capricorn, a masculine energy. This magnetic conjunction of Saturn (structure) and Pluto (Transformation) creates a vortex for the dismantling of the old masculine energy structures and the birthing of forms of expression for the New Masculine.

The form and structure of the New Masculine is already emerging in the expression of compassion and love for the Planet that is being expressed through many young people, the Crystal children who are finding their “voice” and expressing what they feel to the older generations. Soon, they will be joined by Diamond Children who will have an even stronger expression of the New Divine Masculine Christ Consciousness energy and a need to prepare a path for the New Earth, which is their Soul Mission as representatives of the Diamond Light on Earth.

So, we wish you a wonderful journey into these New Light Codes and new ways of being as you stand on the threshold of this powerful New Earth Time Spiral. Move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that this is the time that you have waited for!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2019 1:21:03 AM

Aries FULL MOON: High Vibrational Choices

Welcome the invigorating Aries FULL MOON on October 13!

This is a very powerful Full Moon:

  • Sun and Moon form an EXACT T-square to Pluto – all at 20°
  • Sun and Moon form an exact trine and sextile to Jupiter – all at 20°
  • Creates a powerful 20: 20: 20: 20 code
  • 13:13 Code – October is a 13 Universal Month with the Full Moon on October 13!

13 and Pluto both govern empowerment through transformation.

What is contributing to the empowering experience is Pluto’s impact and that there are a lot of planets in opposition during this full Moon.

Oppositions ultimately bring awareness by something manifesting at an opposite polarity.

  • Aries (Moon) is FIRE, Courage, New Beginnings, Action
  • Libra (Sun) is Balance, Harmony, Love, Intimacy

So this ARIES Full Moon with Sun in LIBRA invites you to be Consciously Aware of the Polarities WITHIN, and in doing so to CONSCIOUSLY PURGE what it is you don’t want anymore and REPLACE it with High Vibrational Choices.

What you do with your life is up to YOU!

Love and Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2019 6:19:32 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2019

will's picture

In Aramaic, repent simply means return, look back; that's all. Take a count back: the day is gone, look back. Just watch again, take note when you failed in awareness -- that will help you tomorrow, it will enhance your awareness. And take note when you failed in compassion -- that will help you tomorrow to be more compassionate. And also take note when you succeeded in being aware and compassionate. Don't feel any pride for it either - - no guilt, no pride. It is not a question of guilt and pride; it is simply taking an account of the day that is gone before you go to sleep, just looking back, with no evaluation -- neither condemning oneself as a sinner, nor being very very proud that "Today I have been so aware, so compassionate; I have done so many good deeds." Nothing of the sort - - just noticing back, what happened from the morning to the evening. This is also a method of becoming more aware.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
