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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 1:46:48 AM

What is and what mostly is not happening – The Council

What is and what mostly is not happening – The Council

As this new season begins, let us call your attention to what is and what mostly is not happening in your world.

It was forecast that this time would be chaotic on your world. We told you that most, if not all, of the structures of your societies would begin to crumble, that this is necessary before you can or will rebuild them into the new. And many of you are seeing the beginnings of this. We would like to point out for you what is not happening.

Look around you and see that, in this world that is home to over seven billion of you – and we count only the upright, bi-pedal ones of you that are so overly proud of yourselves as a species – you, personally only interact in a small area with relatively few of your kind. This is true even if you frequent several cities or even continents.

Now, even though that is the case, your idea that you are a globally connected being, in many ways a good idea, has resulted in a kind of addiction to the emotional content of daily bombardments of information from many thousands of miles away. This is carefully sifted and maintained. This is being used to keep you in a feeling of the need for others to take care of you. This is disempowering. Empowerment is not what is desired for you – at least not by those who control your societies.

Now that you are observing this from a level somewhat above your normal perspective, look at you’re your normal day from ‘up here’. There are those who have been hurt, who have been killed, who have lost their every possession, who have literally disappeared. That is true. And we do not in any way wish for anyone not to feel compassion for those people. The rise of compassion in the world is indeed a marvelous thing. But even though those things have happened, and continue to happen every day, we would point something out to you.

Your own world is, in reality, much smaller than the one shown to you, hour by hour, minute by minute, by your media. Your own problems, and all of you have things that for you are problematic, have a far greater effect on your life than any of the things you see from other places. Yet you feel that you must continue to view those things, to listen to those things. You are quite possibly addicted to the emotional chemicals that are produced when you do that. And having your body produce those chemicals hour by hour, day after day, is not good for you. It is not good for you in any way.

This is why you are urged over and over to walk in the woods, to meditate, to take time in the quiet for yourselves. You very much need your body to have the rest and to produce those chemicals that peace and quiet will induce. And you very much need to get in touch with the person who is living their life in your world, with your friends and family, where you are. And you truly do need to know who you are. You truly do need to know that you are a divine being living here for a divine reason. You need to discover your worth, which is immeasurable.

All the noise that you are living in is designed to keep your attention away from that, do you see? Because once you do find it, once you know who you are, your effect upon that larger world will be beyond control.

So consider giving your own life, and the lives of those around you, more attention and love. Consider that your here and your now are the most important things in your world. That world will expand when your being grows and demands to be heard and felt.

Find the peace and the love in your hearts.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 1:53:46 AM

Moving Forward in Life

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God said:

Beloved, life is tried and true, and yet each day is new. Life is forwarded to you every day. Life is an experiment. You may tremble at life's inconsistency as if certainty is supposed to be the law of the land. Life is not a debt owed you. Life is given to you. Life moves along, yet life can choose any route it chooses while it is at it.

Life is not regimented. Life takes its chances as it moves along.

Surprise in life seems to be a certainty. You are trawling along in a boat on a river. No one knows how many fish your net will catch on any one day or not. That you are trawling every day seems likely, yet there are no guarantees no matter what you say.

Yes, life is an idea, and ideas change. Your perceptions of life also change.

To be alive means you grow and change. You don’t stay the same. You can’t stay the same. Beloved, you cannot stay the same as you always were or thought you were. Nor do you have to change every minute of the day. Still, change is your fortune. You can't predict all the upcoming changes.

Today is not a past event. You can part your hair on the other side. You don’t have to dye your hair purple. It isn’t exactly that you must keep up with the trends. It’s just that you can only live now and not in the past. You don’t have to be a flibberty-gibbet any more than you have to repeat the past. Life is new. You do not walk on a treadmill and tread only the past. There is greater than the past. You are ever new. Open to the present. You are not meant to be freeze dried. You can’t ride the same old horse forever.

Change is the name of the game of life.

Once upon a time, blue jeans were dungarees and were worn for work on the farm. Now blue jeans are fashion forward.

Once a flying machine was a conjecture. Today airplanes fly in the sky every day.

Once computers were imagined. Once computers were bulky and slow. Look at them now.

Once television was black and white.

Today the whole world is before you. Mosey on. You can’t stem the tide. Nor can you pretend the tide away. New is here.

You want your joints flexible, and so you want to be flexible with life as it comes to you.

Every year is a New Year, and you are new as well.

And then there is also something called human nature that seems to stay the same!

Indeed, there is NEW under the Sun. Look up! As you roll out of bed, the Sun rolls itself across the sky. Welcome, Sun!

Life is unprecedented and ever new. You can’t leash life. Nor can you slow it down.

Who knows what tomorrow brings? Who says you have to know? You’d like to know, or do you?

Pretty much you have to take life in bite-size pieces. Pretty much you have to take life as it comes.

It is said that God is the Doer. Where does that leave you? You and I are One. You participate, and, yet, you as you perceive yourself – you are also a receiver. We are One, and you are also a Witness even as Oneness Is.

Oneness is, and you, as the individual, imagine you are a distinction as you sit in the Heart of God. You cannot depart, and yet you also observe God’s Doings. Well, which is it you would be, beautiful Doer of God’s Will?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 2:00:45 AM

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Dec. 13, 2018

December 13, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. A common thought around your world is, “I can’t believe the year is almost over!” Most people who are sensing that time is speeding up, don’t know what to do.

Vibratory rates are accelerating because Earth is moving into progressively lighter planes of energy. But everyone who is sensing that change is in the air is right about that. Your new year will bring forth long covered-up truths and firm steps toward a world at peace, where cooperation will replace divisiveness and the world’s resources will be allocated fairly.

Now then, the planet always glows brightly during your month of December as family and friends celebrate traditional holy days and enjoy festivities, but the sparkling illumination comes from more than the upliftment of joyful music, merriment and religious devotion.

During this season there is magnified desire for the betterment of lives everywhere, for comforting persons who are grieving and sharing with those who are burdened by hardships. The heartfelt spirit of the givers and the gratitude of their beneficiaries add to the radiance emanating from Earth because those emotions—like forgiveness, compassion, empathy and joy—are of light’s high vibrations.

You know how those finest qualities of human nature feel and how love feels, so it is natural to think of love as the special emotion in romantic relationships and feelings for family and dear friends. Love is incomparably more. Love is life itself! When I told that to my mother many years ago, she asked me to explain what love is and how it works “in action.” This is what I told her:

In simplest terms, love is God’s sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.

In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action.

Knowing that you and God and every other of God’s creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious is love.

Listening to one’s god-self is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love. Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love.

Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love.

In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. [Excerpt of “Love in Everyday Life” chapter of Illuminations for a New Era.]

Mother, thank you for inserting that passage. Knowing some of the myriad ways love is expressed lets you see how you, dear lightworkers, and all other souls living in godly ways are spreading love throughout the planet. It is the infinite, eternal, unequaled power of love that is transforming life in your world!

To the dear soul who wrote that the holidays deepen her sadness about all the people who are suffering, we say, the low vibrations of sadness don’t help those about whom you are thinking. Please change your thoughts to something that makes you smile—a happy memory perhaps, or a pet’s devotion, your favorite photograph or poem, an upcoming pleasant occasion—and lightheartedness will follow.

Acts of kindness and a smiling greeting to passersby also lighten your heart and raise the recipients’ spirits—love “in action.” With the universal law of attraction in constant operation—and keep in mind that this law has no reasoning ability; it can only bring back something that matches the energy you send forth—thoughts, feelings and deeds that produce high vibrations contribute immensely to your wellbeing and your world’s.

“How about the energies from space/sun/the waves of light coming in?” This is part of everything in the universe being in acceleration mode and it’s all to your benefit. Those energies that are increasing the rate of vibrations on the planet and within its residents are undergirding the shifting of polarized attitudes and behavior toward balance, wherein all is light.

“I just read Matthew’s message where he said Earth once was the Garden of Eden. There wouldn’t have been vast deserts then or polar ice caps, and surely no toxic pollution or violence. What changed Earth into the kind of world it is today?” In a word, darkness. Originally the planet, the embodiment of the soul named Gaia, was an unpopulated paradise, the Garden of Eden in its entirety. Dear family, you need to know the true history of what today is your homeland, and we shall give you a brief overview.

The first people to arrive on the pristine light-filled planet, which then was called Shan, was a group from Lyra who hoped to find gold. They hadn’t obtained clearance from the Intergalactic Council to go there and hadn’t submitted a mining petition because they didn’t want to share a potential gold lode with other civilizations.

Those violations of universal laws sowed the seeds of deception and greed, and that initiated the low vibrations of negativity on the planet. Then the group brought a subhuman species to do the arduous labor of mining; harsh treatment of that slave population and damage to the land by gold extraction added more negativity.

The dark forces, a massive and powerful force field of base thought forms that meanders throughout the universe wherever low vibrations attract it, homed in on Shan. That was the entry of darkness. During the ensuing eons, some of the many populations that lived on the planet came under the spell of the dark forces. Their violence and degeneration created so much negativity that it had to be released via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions so that Gaia’s body could survive.

In a series of those essential occurrences, mountain ranges, inland seas and deep canyons were formed as land masses and the oceans underwent drastic changes, and twice all life forms were done away with in cataclysmic cleansings. However, the dark forces remained in the solar system, ever at the ready to influence subsequent inhabitants.

Somewhere along the way, Shan also became known as Terra, but both names were forgotten there after a population called the planet, Earth. And, when negativity once again was amassing due to the influence of the dark forces, Earth used her light to sustain the life of her residents. Because there wasn’t enough light to preserve the environment, too, lakes and rivers dried up, desert areas formed and the most northern and southern regions became ice.

In many different epochs during approximately half a billion years in linear time, some of the planet’s residents were the people you call Neanderthal, the species that evolved from the Lyrans’ slave population, and their more evolved descendants. Other residents came from civilizations in various star systems and were the progenitors of Earth’s different races and cultures. They were advanced in intelligence, spirituality and manifestation capabilities, and those who united with evolving peoples in antiquity endowed their progeny with those high attributes.

At some point in universal history, the dark forces promised wealth, power and control to many individuals, and those who succumbed to that lure became their puppets. One of their heinous acts was taking over less experienced civilizations and deactivating all except two of their DNA strands to greatly diminish their intelligence, introduce violent tendencies, and make bodies vulnerable to weakness, disease and a short life span.

Millennia ago some of those peoples started living on Earth, where the puppets easily controlled them through fear, ignorance, perpetual warring and bare subsistence, conditions that evoked the basest of human traits. Once again negativity amassed as they were brutal to each other and to the animals and mindlessly damaged the planet, and once again Earth used her light to support all of her life forms. Eighty-some years ago, her light had waned to the point that her orbit was so unstable that she was in imminent danger of hurtling into space and certain destruction.

Gaia didn’t want her body to come to that end and she didn’t want all life to be destroyed again, so she cried out for help. Instantly God authorized spiritually-advanced civilizations to infuse the planet with intense light to stabilize its axis and let it start rising out of deep third density’s low vibrations. Some residents were stirred to embrace the light that saved the planet’s life, and by so doing, they were able to cast off the puppets’ shackles that had held them captive.

Earth became a battleground where the universal light forces fought the dark forces and vanquished it from your solar system. Far distant civilizations kept beaming light to uproot the darkness entrenched on the planet and some of their members volunteered to incarnate there to spread and anchor the light. As more and more of Earth’s peoples “saw the light,” they started generating their own, and long-hidden secrets and activities of the dark forces’ puppets started “coming to light.” And that brings us to the state of your world today.

Now let us look ahead. The deep wounds that darkness had long inflicted on the planet and all of its life forms will heal along Earth’s journey to her destination in fifth density, where Gaia remained spiritually and consciously throughout her body’s descent from its origin in that density location-wise.

During the ascension process, the civilization’s intelligence level will rise as conscious and spiritual awareness grows, and the planet once again will become as it was created—beauteous, wondrous, healthful, peaceable. By helping your Earth family awaken so they can manifest the pathway to Earth’s Golden Age in all its glories, you, too, are advancing as multidimensional godselves.

Beloved sisters and brothers, enter your new year with confidence and optimism. Live the truth of the words in your popular song and inspire others to do the same: “All you need is love….love is all you need.”



Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Have joyful holidays and a bright, exciting new year!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 7:01:53 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday December 14, 2018

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What would you be like today if no one had ever said a disparaging thing against you? Feel into that for a moment. How much have those opinions and projections dimmed your light and affected your confidence and self esteem? If you could imagine them not being there, how much more flow would you have in your life?

We understand it can be uncomfortable to feel such things, but it is in the acknowledgment of these energies that healing can occur. Next we wish for you to ask the question, was this person qualified to judge you? Did they know your soul path? Your purpose? Your beauty? Your truth? Did they see how precious your innocence and sensitivity was? Were they living life expressions you would aspire to? Dear Ones, we can guarantee if someone was in the habit of judging you they were not qualified to do so for a being with the ability to see you in your truth would have no interest in the energy of judgment and would instead only see you with acceptance, encouragement, and unconditional love.

So now that we have identified that you have been treated unfairly by a person or people who could not see you accurately, we see that it had no validity. That is the first step of healing and release. Now you can truly get down to the business of shifting that old energy that simply did not apply up and out.

It is as simple as sitting quietly and asking whichever being you feel an affinity for to come and help you release those old untruths. You might call on Mother Mary, your favourite angel, a trusted guide, or Source energy. If you do not know who to call you can simply request the ideal helper who specializes in such healing to come and assist.

Feel the old energy gently being loosened because you now know it is not a match to your energetics. You might feel it crumble, or release in huge chunks. Allow it to go and honour yourself with your own love and reassurance through the process. If you feel emotional that is a wonderful sign that it is dislodging once and for all. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and bless yourself with your compassion for all you have carried for so long.

Once you feel the bulk of the energy has been dispelled, invite all the love and support you did not get but always deserved to come and fill you up. Feel the unconditional love and the true acceptance that comes with it fill up every little nook and cranny of your being. Feel any wounded aspects of self being wrapped up in a blanket of that energy and being loved back into wholeness. Know that you can call on this stream whenever you like. And lastly, commit to keeping those aspects safe by never again abusing yourself through your own negative self talk.

If you do not feel energy please know your intention is more than enough to be successful at this exercise because whether you feel it or not you are in charge of your own energetics. Dear Ones, please know it is never too late for you to not just heal but to thrive under your own beautiful guidance and the love that has always been there for you from a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 11:14:49 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, December 14, 2018

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, December 14, 2018

“I will be taking a break to have more time for family and friends. I send you all season’s greetings, so enjoy whatever celebrations you may have, and we all look forward to an exciting New Year. My next message will be on Friday the 4th January 2019.”

14th December 2018. Mike Quinsey.

David Wilcock is without doubt the most reliable source of information, as is his video that lasted 3hr 1min 30sec covering quite a few of the changes that lie ahead, and I believe they will be of much interest now to many of you. The extracts have been condensed, but if you wish to hear/read the full version it is mainly from the section commencing 1hr 51m 54sec to 2hr 30min.

David Wilcock 2016.12.12. New Living Expo.

Forty ET groups have bases on the Moon and inside the Earth and they call the Earth the Experiment. The Sphere Beings first showed up in the 1980’s, when a gigantic Orb the size of Neptune was found in our Solar System heading towards our planet and it circled all of them in turn.

Around 1999-2001 we had a number of Spheres coming into our Solar System that have remained ever since. In November 2015 in Australia aboard the new Aircraft Carrier Aegis, they had a massive Draco Super Beam Weapon that they fired upon a Sphere, causing it to glow bright red, and it then re-directed the particle beam back to the Aircraft Carrier, and it blew up the whole base in Pine Gap. After that a “no fly” zone was created around the Earth.

The Illuminati planned the Twin Tower attacks to take place on the 9th November 2001 because it was the date of the birth of Christ exactly 2000 years earlier. The Twin Towers came down within a ten-minute window of it.(1)

The Illuminati thought the Spheres were the return of the Annunaki Gods who would save them. So they were trying to offset the power of the message in the Bible, as it stated that Jesus would return after 2000 years.

The Russians can prove that the 9/11 destruction of the Twin Towers was brought about by the use of a small nuclear bomb placed by the Cabal. Putin is ready if necessary to reveal details of false flag operations. The Russians have an advanced missile system called the “Annexe” that cannot be tracked by radar making military technology useless. David Wilcock commented that because of it there would never be another war.

The Mayan Calendar End Date of 2012 was when 100 very large Spheres with advanced technology entered our Solar System – they were of three different sizes, as big as the Moon, Neptune and Jupiter. The Sphere Beings are the Blue Avians of the Alliance, and would not respond to signals for contact to be made.

They are 8 feet tall and have a human body covered with blue feathers, some of which are violet and purple. The face resembles a bird but the eyes are closer to the front, and they have a beak that has flexible movement and they speak telepathically.

They appear to be the same group as identified in “The Law of the One” as Ra, and in it they describe themselves as Brothers and Sisters of Soros and have come here to help us out. The Blue Avians made a deal or treaty with the Solar Warden people to clear up the mess that they created.

They have the technology to make metal expand to stop armaments being used, and when turned off they go back to the original size and are reformed. They gave this advanced technology and power to Solar Warden (2) including an ENT-indestructible device that is so small that it can be put into a Drone and used, for example, to fly over and around a ship and power it down and shut off all of the back-up systems.

The Blue Avians built a barrier around the Solar System including Stargates, and the dark Fleet were locked out when it was set up. So no one can now get in or out, not even communications.

We already have the technology to take salt out of ocean water, pump the clean water back into the reservoirs, and create free energy and any element in the Periodic Table, all at the same time. We also have the technology to 3D print whatever we need; for example, any meal that we desire.

The energetic “Event” that is Ascension is our destiny and is still to come, it will transform what it means to be human and will be a spiritual experience. Our reality is going into the 4th Density and a new Earth, and all we have now will still be there. However, those souls on a separate negative time line will experience Armageddon, and through it gain spiritual growth.

The Global Galactic League of Nations of all the major races on Earth is represented, and they meet on a planet outside of our Solar System. Amazingly, ET’s have been on the Moon for thousands of years.

This being my last message for this year I would say the high point has been the impact the Blue Avians have had upon the Cabal, who have effectively been stopped from starting World War Three which had been their aim all along. The Illuminati have tried many times to start it but each time they have failed, due to Solar Warden having been given superior technology by the Blue Avians.

It must be pointed out that it would not be used by them in a first attack, as those working for the Light only use their weapons for self – defence, and in no circumstances would start an offensive. Not only that, they have given us greater independence and protection by keeping their Spacecraft in positions that enable them to monitor our Solar System, ensuring that no interference is allowed that would affect our freewill choices.

The New Year is looking like one that will bring many changes and the long overdue revaluation of the currencies should at last take place. Somewhere in between these happenings political changes seem to be held in abeyance in many countries. There seems to be a genuine attempt to raise the level of those appointed and replace those who do not have the people’s interests at heart.

There certainly seems to be movement for changes of this nature, and even big business is being forced to review its policies. No longer can the needs of the people be set aside and by their sheer numbers they will demand and be successful for what they want.

I wish you all an enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year and to keep faith in those who are silently setting in motion the changes that will be beneficial to all people. Everyone can contribute by lifting up the vibrations and thinking positively, and not allowing negative thoughts or actions to enter their minds. Remember that just a few people working together create a great amount of positive energy in this way. The battle is nearly won as the dark Ones can no longer dictate what takes place.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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(1) Steve: Not sure why the chronology is off (Sept. 11, 2001 and Nov. 9, 2001).

(2) A not-very-secret secret American space fleet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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