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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/14/2018 11:58:58 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/13/2018

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Sambuddho, that's what has been happening down the ages. That is the way of autohypnosis. John Lilly is absolutely wrong. "What the mind believes," he says, "is true...." It is not. It only appears true.

And he says "... or it becomes true." It never becomes true by being believed, but it starts appearing true. Yes, for the believer it becomes true, although it is not true, because belief begins in ignorance. Belief cannot create truth; truth is already the case.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
12/15/2018 12:23:22 AM

Create – The Council

Create – The Council

What will you create today? You are a creator being, fashioned in the likeness of the Being who created you and you have been given free will. Let’s explore for a short while some of what that might mean.

Let us begin by stating that you will create something. The one thing that you cannot create is nothing. You will have thoughts. You will make decisions. You will have experiences and you will form opinions. You may decide to actually turn some of your thoughts into physical things. But even though that is likely how you think of creating, all the rest is creating, as well.

Now you can use some of your energy to look upon those things as good or bad. You have, of course, the ability and the freedom to do that, to judge what you have done. And when you do that, you are also quite likely to judge yourself for having done those things and even for judging yourself. And then you have also created what you call a vicious circle. Good name. They are vicious.

You also have the freedom to choose to use your best efforts to make every thought and every word, every action, to somehow improve something for someone or everyone. Will you make mistakes? Yes, you probably will. You are always learning. You are always able to look back and see things you might have done other ways. And you can fall again into the judgment thing. Or you can just decide to do it the other way next time. You can use the ability to see better ways to make new choices instead of spending time and energy beating yourself up for what is already done, thereby turning the experience into the cause for something of higher energy.

What is good, you can increase. What is beautiful, you can increase. What is of benefit to yourself, to others, to the All, you can increase. This is a decision that you may make and pour your life into. And when you do that, you raise the energy of absolutely everyone and everything. There is nothing that will not benefit from that decision.

So what are we saying here, really? We are saying in a rather roundabout way, so that you can get a slightly better grasp on it, that you are a divine being of immense power. The extent of the effect you have on your world, not one atom of which you are separate from, cannot be known by you… yet. At the present time, your conscious awareness is not great enough to hold all of that. But, if you have come to trust what we tell you, then, as you say, you can take that to the bank.

And the time is soon to come that will have your awareness and abilities so far beyond what you have known that you will be hard pressed to believe it. In fact, believing it is what you are learning to do. If you can believe it, you can learn to be that new you that you have been talking about for a while now.

And we have now come back to the original question. What will you create today? What will you contribute to the field of consciousness in which you have your being? How will you respond to what is before you? The choice is yours, but you will need to begin where you stand. You may wish to begin somewhere else, but that isn’t going to get anywhere. You have the honor, the privilege, and the ability to build from where you are. Go for it!

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/15/2018 12:33:55 AM

“To Thee I Sing”

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God said:

Beloved, of thee I sing. To thee I sing. I sing a song of Myself to Myself.

I am the notes I sing. You are the notes I sing. As you see it, I sing a song of what you call your little self as separate from Me.

I do call you My Self. It may not always be easy for you to make this transition. It is as easy as pie to Me, for I see Truth, and I am Truth. You are My Truth, yet you do not always see.

What I offer is the most natural thing in the world, yet not to you as you see yourself as existing. You may see this naming business as vain. It is awkward. You call yourself a world-given name like Jack or Jill. You are so associated with the world and the thunder and gossip of the world, so you ask yourself, “How can I possibly be in the image of God?”

You can accept that you are a piece of the pie yet not the pie entire. You fear you can only be abashed, as if you are taking on airs and walking on stilts. You are eager to be someone and someone great, yet…

You do not want to overextend yourself and be fooled. Life is serious to your little self. You prefer to be out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind. If your Greater Self were to be included, you would be hard-pressed to ignore your Greater Self. You would rather gaze upon your Higher Self as if your Higher Self were far, far away at a distance from you.

You wouldn’t mind singing and humming to a God in the distance. The fact is, however, you don’t know how to sing. You may not dare to reach a high note or any note in My Presence.

You may conjure that you are not good enough to sing or even to speak up in a whisper in My Presence. You are too humble to even be heard.

You might mumble to yourself: “What God would want to hear me?”

You may have no idea of your worth and your worth to Me.

You would not debate with Me, and yet you step over what I say as if what I say could not be so. And so, you seemingly discount what I say as if you do know better when, in actuality, you don’t know quite how to read Me. I am saying that you are My Word made real. This veil that is bruited about, you put it here. Come right up to the availability and responsibility of Oneness.

For God’s sake, as you see it, your shoulders are not broad enough. This is short-sighted of you. Perhaps you think I ought to have tattooed on you “Child of God.” Maybe then your shoulders would have widened and your heights heightened.

I say: “Sit at My right hand. Choose to be with Me.”

You overlook yourself. You may say: “Dear God, not right now. Maybe later.”

I offer the Kingdom to you, and you postpone Our wedding. What? Do you require yourself to put on lipstick first? What impossible heights do you say you have to reach because of an imagined demeanor that I don’t even notice or care about in the first place?

When I say to you, “Come with Me,” I mean exactly that. When I say: “Jump!” well then, “Jump!”

When I say: “Will you dance with Me?" Then extend your arms and dance with Me. Make no further delay. Certainly, not from shyness.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/15/2018 5:50:45 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 15, 2018

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Dear Ones, every single day, every single moment, love is a choice. It is completely available to you to choose whenever you like but you will find that when you nurture your alignment with Source and practice self love it is more natural and easier to be the flow of love for others.

Do not stress yourself out over love! If you have a moment that is not loving, simply redirect. Choose again. And the more you remember to choose love, to give and to receive love, the more you establish the habit of love because it feels so good. It will become your default choice in no time, and your life will reflect that in all you experience.

Love is, simply put, your most beautiful means of self expression and how you allow your truest essence to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/15/2018 9:12:07 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/14/2018

will's picture

Your belief or your disbelief is not going to make any difference to the truth. Truth is truth, whether you believe or you disbelieve.

But if you believe in something it starts appearing as true to you at least. That's what the meaning of belief is: belief means to believe in something as true -- you know that you don't know, you know that the truth is unknown to you, but in your ignorance you start believing, because belief is cheap.

To discover truth is arduous, it needs a long pilgrimage. It needs a great emptying of the mind, it needs a great cleansing of the heart. It needs a certain innocence, a rebirth: you have to become a child again.

Only very few people have ever dared to discover truth. And it is risky, because it may not console you; it has no obligation to console you. It is risky: it may shatter all that you have known before, and you will have to rearrange your whole life. It is dangerous: it may destroy all your illusions, it may shatter all your dreams. It is really going through fire; it is going to burn you as you are, it is going to kill you as you are.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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