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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/10/2018 6:37:04 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/9/2018

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Start trusting yourself -- that is the fundamental lesson, the first lesson. Start loving yourself. If you don't love yourself, who else is going to love you? But remember, if you only love yourself, your love will be very poor.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/10/2018 8:53:07 PM

Giggles Without Boundaries

December 10, 2018

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s November 30, 2018, channeled “Creation Energies” show at When you entered the earth, you adjusted to a dense physical body and negated most, if not all, of your previously experienced dimensions. You’re now doing the same in reverse. So you’re likely feeling chaotic this holiday season as you jump between 3D and 5D and adjust to new 5D experiences.

“Odd Duckling or Beautiful Swan?” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You continue to be more task-oriented than child-centered. Yet your most direct action path is a child-like belief, innocence, and play. All of which most of you push to the sidelines as you complete one should task after another.

Even though you might enjoy those tasks, enjoying them does not necessarily preclude child-like fun and innocence.

Do you not feel some sparkles of joy and innocence when you observe a small child in Santa’s lap? Reviewing memories of how you used to believe in magic and joy without boundaries.

Likely, your flashes of joy or child-like fun are pierced by thoughts of what you should be doing – and enjoying it as you do. For you have shifted your joy from special occasions to everyday tasks – as we requested. Yet, most of you have not yet shifted your joy to child-like fun.

Child-like fun is created when you have no objective other than play. It does not matter if the floor is dirty or tomorrow’s presentation is complete, you merely drop personal shoulds to play and giggle.

You counter that you must finish the report or you might not have a job or clean the floor for a visitor – again giving your power to others.

You continue to push play to the end of your day or other smaller segments instead of awakening each day to plot giggles instead of daily shoulds. It is likely that if you fully allowed yourself to follow your giggles instead of shoulds, you would discover more efficient preparation or cleaning skills.

Relax and play more and your seemingly endless list of shoulds will melt away. Continue to focus on shoulds and play will falter, then fade into nothingness.

You cannot be new you if shoulds dominate your being.

Trusting new you will occur when you allow yourself the freedom to be in all your child-like sparkle.

Perhaps you cannot understand what we are speaking of for you have always established a to-do list that must be completed before playtime. When in truth, playtime will greatly decrease your to-do lists in ways you cannot yet imagine.

When work of any sort becomes part of your playtime, that work will dissolve easily and quickly.

Of course, you do not believe this concept is possible for you were trained to believe hard work produced results and play merely postponed the drudgery you faced after playtime.

Let us give you another thought that might help you switch activities from work-time to playtime. You are a new being in a new physical body so that which used to be required is no longer. You have different skills and interests than was true in 3D.

Your current difficulty is trusting those new skills for you remain convinced that hard work is required for all forward action. The opposite is now true. Hard work only creates more hard work as you focus on the diligent efforts to complete the task.

Your new approach is asking yourself if a task will be fun and if not, do not complete that task until you determine within yourself a more fun approach or no approach at all.

You are no longer of 3D. Yet you continue to approach “life is difficult, you’ll never get this done,” etc.

Trust your new self, enough to complete the task in fun instead of drudgery or not at all. Perhaps that task is not needed, or you will discover someone who enjoys doing this for you as you enjoy doing that for them.

You already know you do not have the same interests and skills as others. Yet you expect to enjoy all of the skills you found necessary in 3D as you trudge through those areas you really do not enjoy.

Your future is to play with what you enjoy and expect that someone will complete those tasks you do not, or you will create an easier way of completing them.

You are a new being in a new body with new skills and interests. Even though you have perhaps shifted your perceptions of those tasks you feel are drudgery, it is time to shift those tasks from shoulds to playtime or no time.

You are free.

Your new focus is child-like play. Any task that does not feel as such can be negated, shifted or created anew. All are within your new skillset. You are no longer one of the crowd. You are a special being with a special task not the least of which is claiming yourself through child-like innocence.

As a child, you expect to be cared for and fed. The same is true now. Expect those uncomfortable or abhorrent pieces to be completed in ways you cannot now imagine. It is time to open your child-like expectations that your reward for a job well-done is the freedom to create different methods of completing tasks.

You do not have the interest nor the energy to focus on unpleasant tasks. It is time for play. Play as you create your life of ease and giggles. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
12/10/2018 11:52:20 PM

Almost Time for Lift-off – The Council

Almost Time for Lift-off – The Council

We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run. It is almost time for lift-off.

As you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are.

But consider this. You may be approaching the end of the run and yet still find some final baggage that you need to jettison. You won’t make your best jump carrying a bundle that you don’t need, will you?

Now you don’t need to get all tangled up in that mess. Just look at it, think ‘Oh, that old stuff.” And drop it. If there is a lesson in it that you can see, stick the lesson in your pocket. But drop the baggage.

ski runLift-off is fast approaching for you. Lean into the jump and amaze yourself at how far you will fly.

For those of you who feel you are not touched by this message we say this; you have either made your jump, or you are in line for the run. This is a time that will skip no one. So if you have chosen the path up this mountain, know that it will very soon be your turn to jump.

As each of you jump, the ones on the ground below will see your amazing flight. You will inspire them, and many of you who have agreed to teach will be sought out. Many others will have not made that agreement. And that is appropriate, too. Let your flight say it all.

Some of you have a picture in your mind of what your flight will look like. You think, “It needs to be like this.” And you may be quite correct. But do not be surprised if it is quite different and even much greater than you have thought. Let your soul live this out. Your intellect, we promise you, has no clue. You did not come down to the planet with the purpose of showing off your intellect. Well, some did, of course. But we don’t see many of those reading this sort of message.

That is why we have chosen this image. It is almost your time to launch yourself out over your ski tips and let yourself fly. Prepare daily. This is your Olympics.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/11/2018 1:25:09 AM

Look into My Mirror

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God said:

Beloved, how might life look differently to you when you see Me as top coach in your book – not as a possibility but as an absolute reality? What if you saw Me tossing basketballs into the net of your life, not now and then, but every second of the day?

What if you could see Me playing out in your life fervently, as if you can see Me meaning everything to you as I run interference for you, doing everything for you? How might you find yourself feeling more eager about life? You wouldn't have to put the wind into your sails.

When you can feel that I am YOUR basketball player, wouldn't you be relieved? Might then your life be more of a bird in hand?

Would you not have more of a spring in your step?

When you would think or say: "MY God!" how enlivened you would feel! Might you not bet more on yourself? Wouldn't you be more self-empowering and running a mile-a-minute with infinite energy? WOW, you would be jumping for joy! You would know the God You are made of.

Why aren't you solidly aware of Who You are right now? I cannot believe you would be dragging your feet. Have you ever heard of an angel dragging his feet and leaving his heart in left field? You would be more like the Little Engine Who Could. You would have all the steam in the world.

How could you not?

You are as you think.

I ask you to absorb My view of life. Wait not a moment longer to be Who I say you are. See as I see. I see you as the spitting image of Myself. You, too, would see miracles before your very eyes. You would be the gold standard. You would have no doubt.

See your posture now. Boy, would you be standing straight and tall. You would be a whiz-bang. You would be a horse at the gate ready to run a race with great enthusiasm.
You would not have to urge yourself on. You would, of your very nature, be chomping at the bit.

It seems to Me that you may see yourself as draggy-down. What's the good of your being low energy and heavy-laden? Be as light as air. Be the subject of your life and not the object. Be substantive. Be alive. To be alive is why you are here. Reach the stars.

Grow the muscles to leap tall buildings. Be High-Spirited. Build your life of huge building blocks. You yourself are to be your inspiration. Be it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/11/2018 7:38:28 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 11, 2018

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Do not be afraid to experience the depth of your emotions, Dear Ones, for they are the very things that demonstrate your humanity and your divinity and both aspects of you are equally glorious to behold. It is the combination of it all that makes you so beautifully and uniquely you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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