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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/26/2018 2:50:58 AM

God Calls You to Him II

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God said:

Note: This one very long Heavenletter, with God’s blessings, reveals itself here in two parts:

Part A: I, God, Place My Thoughts Like Jewels in Ordinary People

Beloved, when you were a child and someone made up a good fortune for you, you didn’t hear anything about God’s thoughts gathering forth within you or anyone, as in the days when the ability for everyone to hear from God was favored. Later in the world, this ability may have become frowned on.

What seems to have become frowned on in modern days is when I place My thoughts like jewels in ordinary hearts. There were those who would actually aspire to receive My thoughts, and I would still actually talk to every One One on One, that I would give a high sign to you, kiss your brow, surprise you, and bless you.

Oneness is! You and I have always been One. One. One. There is to be no surprise that Oneness is established on Earth forevermore.

I sweep you up now in a stream of Truth and Images of Oneness of My listening to you and your listening to Me. Innocently, you accept the Words offered to you the same way as little children receive snowflakes on their tongue to melt. Wonders of Wonders, My thoughts circle in the Heavens for you as lightly as air.

You say:

“God,’ I ask, “do thoughts occur to me as they occur to you? Can this be? Do Your thoughts fall on me?

“I may have heard thoughts from You, God, as a matter of course, all my life. Is this true that you have always been talking to Me? Have You whispered to me in the middle of the night and in broad daylight?”

Beloved, I, God of Oneness, tell you that My thoughts fall to Earth. You are swept up in a stream of thoughts that come from somewhere. How? Why? As ever, My thoughts fall to you. My thoughts are like a bird at hand – this isn’t new.

I speak to you who write down My messages and to all who read My messages. You may be certain that you, an Honest-to-Goodness Godwriter or Heavenreader, receive Me in all languages. In all your Grace, you hear Me and I listen to you.

Write as fast as you can. You can hardly keep up, so it seems, whereas you are Infinitely in the Presence of God and never away from My Presence.

Some passages you hear in My Omnipresence seem to be slow and lingering. Never mind about paragraphs and punctuation. Of what value are they to you, such small man-made rules?

Sometimes you wander into My heart, one sentence at a time, or in a few words slowly like rose petals of thoughts that wander in, in a sentence or two or one word at a time. There is no telling. Words may be more powerful than you know – words slowly, words in a waterfall, words bespeaking Our Oneness and love.

My Words have been following you all your life. You want to be here with Me forever, and, of course, so you are. My God-whispered words that you are sure are unforgettable are so effervescent that, on occasion, they may fly off like birds on the wing. This can happen just at the moment My Song wants to sing itself.

The song still resides somewhere substantial in the perhaps Universe but gone from your recall. So far as you know, these precise words are never to be written again, ever-wandering by themselves in the Heavens like lost children. My Words, the elixir of the Gods, alight somewhere Holy. My words do not forget themselves.

Part B: Come, Warm Yourself by My Fire

Beloved, in Heaven, all is well. Beloved, in Heaven, there is no straining to remember. Nothing is lost except as you say it is.

I am never lost. I never forget My One Self.

You wonder how you can know with confidence that you are actually Godwriting or if you are in the middle of an idle reverie?

Take Me at face value, Beloved.

Hear Me. Hear your Self. How blessed are you to hold Me in your heart and hand.


“Thank You, Beloved God, for loving me and the world enough to make Your Oneness known.Thank You, God, for Our One Being and Your starring in One Heart. Yes, God, it is of thee, I sing.

“God, did You pick me up and plop me down here on Earth? I have no recollection of how I got here.”

Now, I, God, speak:

“Beloved, you have ever been here. This is the whole story. You have never been away. I have never been away.

“Now, We can say you are more one-pointed. Beloved, My Self, We are Divinely swimming in One Stream Together now.

“Hello, My Self, One!”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/26/2018 7:17:02 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday November 26, 2018

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We were asked, “When do you know to take action versus when to just do nothing and allow?” We would like to address this today.

When you are in the pregnant pause, when you feel it’s time for change but that change hasn’t shown up yet, it can be difficult to know exactly how to proceed. Do you attempt to make things happen? Do you just wait patiently? How do you know which to do?

The answer is very simple, Dear Ones. If you are surrendered into being guided for your highest good, all you must do is stay in the flow, watch for the signs and synchronicities, follow the path of ease, and do what is being energetically supported at any given time.

Surrender takes the guess work out of things. If you know your intention was to stay surrendered into the flow and not one thing happens that day, you can rest assured that the stillness was for your highest good and the highest good of all. That may mean that you were busy on an energetic level, integrating energy or holding space for the collective.

If you are surrendered and things start synchronistically popping into your awareness, coming together with ease, and feeling light and supported, that is the universe giving you the big neon sign that flashes THIS WAY. It is the same with feeling inspired, energetically drawn, or finding yourself in action spontaneously, almost as if you are in auto-pilot. All these are indicators that the flow is leading you to a place that is in alignment with your soul.

And you may find that there are little bits of movement and then stalls. This too is fine. It tells you that things are still taking form and all that is required is that you trust the energies and work with whatever is being supported on any given day.

There is always forward movement and manifestation happening. There is always much going on behind the scenes in the process of preparation to take on form in your physical awareness. Trust. Choose to embrace the benefits of whatever phase you are in. Your job is to be a willing participant in your co-creative relay with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/26/2018 7:31:21 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/25/2018

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Any master worth the name can never be according to you. People who are according to you are politicians. They know that you will follow them only if they are according to you, that is a mutual arrangement. They have to follow you to make followers out of you, that is a mutual exploitation. That's what political leaders are, followers of the followers.

They go on looking at you, at what your expectations are, and they go on fulfilling them.

I offend in every way. I cannot fulfill your expectations. If I start fulfilling your expectations, I will not be of any use to you. Then really you will be the master and I will be the disciple.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/27/2018 12:09:59 AM

God Calls You to Him III

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, when you want to Godwrite merrily along, you may come to a place where full-blossoming Godwriting isn't seeming to blossom. Where did it go? Naturally, you want Godwriting to be ongoing. Naturally, so do I want Godwriting to be ongoing. It is I, God, whose Godwriting you write down as it calls to you.

Be assured that you will feel the stirring that cannot be withheld from you. You have eons of Godwriting before you. There is no running out.

Vastness will pop into your head. Remember, nothing is lost. Godwriting will visit you again and again.

Increasingly, you may notice I pick up the pace of Godwriting about Godwriting.

Godwriting is uppermost in My heart and mind. Godwriting is a favorite theme of Mine. I rejoice in it. Within the sweet, easy process of Godwriting, Our One Heart touches base.

There were more recent times in the world when the idea of personal communion with Me was seen as going off track, as if this carried an air of disapproval, as if to do so was impertinent, as if listening in on Me amounted to eavesdropping. If not plain out forbidden, it carried at least a stern air of disapproval, as if access closer to God had to be an exclusive knack reserved only for special people. For so-called ordinary people, it was possibly seen as inopportune or fraudulent or a sign of mental frailty.

Beloved, what is Godwriting, after all, but simply coming closer to God? Come!

I invite all. I embrace all. I call out to you. I call on you. Here! I’m over here. Behold! I pat My hand on the pew beside me as I beckon you to Me in Oneness. I call on you again and again.

Assuredly, there is benefit for all to desire to move closer to Me. This is My desire. It cannot be otherwise. No one can make a mistake by yearning to come to Me. Without exception, closer to Me is where I want you and where you belong. No one is to take asunder what I put together.

My light shines on all.

Know this: Every Soul will receive Me, and every Soul does. I give Myself fully to every single Soul. Regardless of how you may see it, there is no least. Someone in a coma may be communicating deeply to the benefit of the world.

At the same time as We are One, I am God Almighty, and God Almighty welcomes all. I do not have a secret society. No one is kept away, evicted, overlooked. The more the merrier.

A chain of love enjoins all throughout the Universe, including the Whole of Heaven and Consciousness. The extant world may make categories of one kind or another. I don’t. Simple Oneness is A-0K with Me.

“Oneness is Mine,” sayeth the Lord.

What is Godwriting but Oneness?

There is no best in My statutes, and there is no least.

The heart is simple. The heart is King. The heart is the simplest of all. Join with Me in love. Is there something greater than love?

You do not have to be a perfect Godwriter. My Presence will return to you full-blast on its own. In fact, as it is, never do I leave you in the first place.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
11/27/2018 12:24:06 AM

Monday, November 26, 2018

Benjamin Fulford Update - November 26, 2018

"Rothschild rule ends after 250 years; new era to begin"

In what future historians will look back on as a huge watershed event, the P2 Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism—are suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say. This, coming with the removal of the Rothschild family from control of central banks, means the world is about to enter uncharted historical waters.

The P2 Freemasons are proposing that the world “be led by a triumvirate of the sons of the Black Sun, the sons of big Horus, and sons of the Dragon,” according to the proposal conveyed by Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and the most senior P2 member to contact the WDS.

The “sons of the Black Sun” refers to the P2 Freemasons, who give orders to the Pope and the world’s 1.5 million or so Catholics. The “sons of big Horus” refers to the eye at the top of the pyramid on the U.S. one-dollar bill, presumably referring to non-P2 Freemasons such as the Scotch Rite and Grand Orient who control much of the English- and French-speaking world. The “sons of the Dragon” refers to Asian secret societies who control most of East Asia.

At this point, most readers are probably, and rightly so, appalled at the idea of three secret societies colluding in order to continue to rule in secret. The WDS, of course, wants everything to be open and with full public participation. Nonetheless, the P2 are powerful; they told us in advance they were going to fire Pope “Maledict” (Benedict XVI) and they did so. The P2 also bragged to the WDS that they were the ones responsible for staging the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass-murder terror incident. Thus, the fact that they are now suing for peace means they know the dragnet is finally closing in on them.

This move is also intimately related to the announcement that Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George H.W. Scherff (Bush) is dead. As Pentagon sources put it, “While the G20 was prepping the world for a global currency reset, 41st President Bush Sr. expired on 11/30 because 11+30=41.” In fact, Bush Sr. died in June, but the announcement was delayed until all the preparations were made to arrest senior Nazionist (Khazarian mafia) underlings like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the sources say.
This is why U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted this famous image on November 27th with the label, “Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?”

The answer to that question, Pentagon sources say is that…

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
