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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2018 1:25:40 AM

God Calls You to Him I

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God said:

Beloved Godwriter, there is an impulse in your heart that prompts you to Godwrite. Sometimes My desire for Our recognized Oneness squeezes your heart. Yes, impulses from God reach far and wide. Through your desire and My desire, Our hearts reach.

Godwriting can seem like the sound of almost silent silver bells reaching you from Heaven or perhaps the lightest of silver and golden leaves swirling to you from Heaven. Here they come, thoughts upcoming, thoughts awaiting, thoughts pending, thoughts blown to you through God’s breath, inspired to fall like earthen leaves delicately or sometimes blown sweepingly by strong winds in autumn.

Somehow you are caught up in a subtle reverie, a gossamer-like enchantment; this beauty from Heaven is given to you in service to love. You follow this vast beautifulness called Godwriting. You come all the way to Oneness, One Beloved Self.

How in God’s Name does Godwriting happen in the world of Earth? You wonder: How does it come to you – to you, of all people? In reality, are you a sojourner in Heaven seemingly only on loan to Earth?

When Godwriting comes to you, you swing high in the delight of a holiday in Heaven. Godwriting can come to you any hour of the day or night.

Happy day! You come to know inestimable happiness.

Your life newly blessed with Godwriting likely will not reveal itself constantly as happiness personified. You may still follow old trails. Some of the old continues to keep company with the new. Because you are blessed with Godwriting, this doesn't mean all the good you deserve is in perennial bloom or filled with stardust for you.

Beloved, life does not have to present you with purple sunsets and pie in the sky, and yet… and yet there will be…more and more pure joy…yet every single day isn’t a lucky streak with the sidewalks paved in gold. You will receive shining moments of remarkable joy even as you continue walking in your old shoes or barefoot in brambles. You may well have all the good that will come.

Often you have thought, have you not, that if only you could have this or that given to you, you would have total happiness and never a stumbling block. Is this familiar to you? If you had more money, a new house, a new counselor, a new wife, then you would have no difficulties, and you would be happy beyond measure. I don’t want you heaped with disappointment. Anticipate, yet not insist.

You will receive greater happiness, greater in depth and bulk, greater in happiness and ease, happiness greatly sustained, yet not constantly in terms of the world. This is the world for you, Beloved.

Yes, attain a total state of Nirvana, yet no one on Earth knows the exact moment of what is called death, and, as best you know, no one knows when every single moment of extraordinary happiness will solidly stay yours.

The world will change overnight, yet the world may not change overnight every single night like clockwork. Cherish what you have. You still have growing to do. You and your experience of daily life grow. Life teaches. Life humbles you even as it enlightens you.

Look at what you gain through life always.

Godwriting is God-Given, yet Godwriting and what is referred to as you happen to be a part of world life. There is always more to come. It will come. To your joy, greater comes to you as if out of the blue. It also comes from Heaven’s decree, not necessarily at the moment you desire it. By your very Being, good fortune is a gift to you when good fortune says so.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2018 8:19:10 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2018

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The ultimate -- call it God, enlightenment -- is only for those who are really courageous, immensely courageous, because the ultimate becomes available only to those who can drop the mind and move into the immediate.

The immediate is the door to the ultimate.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2018 8:33:24 PM

Jolt of Awakening | Galactic Logos Melchior via Natalie Glasson, Nov. 24, 2018

November 25, 2018

Jolt of Awakening
by the Galactic Logos Melchior

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 23rd November 2018 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greeting and divine blessings I share with you to support your ascension journey now. I am the overseer and Logos of the Galactic Level, I receive the light of the Creator and deliver it to the Galactic, Solar and Planetary Levels of the Creator’s Universe. I blaze to you the silver golden light of the Creator’s vibration I embody and share with the Creator’s Universe.

I come forth to share with you some insights into the Ascension period you are currently moving through. In these times there is a need to focus upon maintaining the balance and alignment of your being, the peace and love within you as well as a sense of purpose for your actions, reactions and thoughts. As you preoccupy yourself in these areas of your spiritual growth this will completely stabilise you as powerful waves of light charge through the Universe of the Creator and penetrate the Earth.

These powerful energy waves are beginning now and will continue into the beginning of the New Year of 2019. The purpose of these energy waves is to jolt humanity into a new awakening and higher expansive awareness in preparation for the New Year. Jolts of awakening are essential to cleanse the collective consciousness of humanity and allow space for new wisdom and understanding to emerge.

Many people who have not been interested in their health, the wellbeing of themselves and others and the spiritual nature of their being will feel drawn to exploring these fields with greater depth, perhaps for the first time. Others will feel that their being and reality is being cleansed of all that is no longer needed or that blocks the realisation of the Creator within.

For some it may feel as if extreme transformations and shifts are taking place within their beings and lives, causing awakening and liberation as well as confusion and uncertainty. Those who are clinging to and resisting change, inner awakening and transformation will find the journey most extreme and challenging.

The outcome will be that the vibration of the collective consciousness of humanity will rise allowing new wisdom and awareness to become present within people at a physical level on the Earth.

Sustaining Inner Balance

Many of you are devoted to your spiritual evolution and remaining in the light of the Creator, for you the energy waves entering as a jolt will not feel extreme or shocking. However, you will experience the energy waves impact upon your being.

As you focus upon remaining balanced and aligned, recognising the peace and love within your being and creating purpose in your actions, reactions and thoughts, you will experience an enhancement in all that you are as a spiritual being in a physical body. Your recognition of your expansive energy, inner enlightenment and united connection with the Creator will be empowered, enhanced and truly experienced for you upon the Earth.

Focusing your attention upon your spiritual evolutions, especially the areas I, Melchior, wish to explore with you will stabilise you completely in the presence of the energy waves allowing you to be a source of support for others who are feeling unstabilise by the current ascension conditions.

Balance and Alignment

To remain in balance and alignment with your being is to harmonise with your true self. Harmony within your being manifests when you are aware of the light, love and wisdom that naturally flows from within your being. You are a beacon and expression of the Creator, there is so much within you waiting to be shared, whether with yourself or others. When you follow your inner guidance, allow yourself to follow your inner happiness and release yourself from self-imposed limitations, you become harmonised and in balance with your truth.

Remaining in balance with yourself is to recognise when you are battling with yourself, judging or criticising yourself as well as blocking your inner guidance. Being in balance is to be aware of who you really are or seeking to discover who you are in your every day life. There is no need for you to have all the answers or to understand yourself fully, the simple desire or focus to will support you in remaining balanced and in harmony.

Alignment with your being is to ensure you are connected with your soul and soul group, as well as your guides. This simply requires you to create a request each day or every few days for your entire being to be aligned with your soul, soul group and guides. Alternativity you can meditate to experience this fully. Alignment with the Creator to receive all the necessary Creator qualities and guidance will also benefit your ascension now. Alignment can be experienced as a request/ intention or during meditation, inviting the Creator to embrace you fully. Alignment and balance are especially important when you are feeling stuck, confusion or insecure.

Peace and Love

The energy vibrations and qualities of peace and love naturally exist within your soul and being. When you become entirely focused outside of yourself and into your physical reality you distract yourself from your inner peace and love as well as the strength and power these energies hold. When you recognise the peace and love within your being you view yourself and your reality with clarity, an expansive perspective and a deeper understanding of what is taking place.

Without peace and love you look for answers outside of yourself, feel confused by situations or challenges in your life as well as close yourself off to opportunities and the divine flow of the Creator manifesting in your reality. The acknowledgement of your inner peace and love as well as focus upon radiating your peace and love allows for you to feel supported, loved and guided in every step of your life. Thus, you experience fulfilment, the joys of life and a deeper connection with those around you.

You could say that love and peace are the foundations to your being and existence, take time to focus upon and recognise love and peace. Let your reactions be from love and peace and your creations born from the same. Become a beacon of love and peace, observing your life transform.


Many light workers worry and concern themselves with discovering and living their true or soul purpose upon the Earth. Instead, I, Melchior, invite you to change your perspective. Give a sense of purpose to the actions you create, your reactions to yourself and others as well as your thoughts. You do not need to know your purpose instead choose what you wish to focus on and create, and then gift this purpose to your actions, reactions and thoughts.

If you wish to be a beacon of love, enthuse your actions, reactions and thoughts with love. If you wish to change your career, become more creative, or help those who are suffering, let this be your purpose, give the purpose you choose to your actions, reactions and thoughts. Your sense of purpose will empower you, supporting you in creating fulfilment in your life. When you create a purpose, your soul flows with greater ease and you easily find yourself achieving your soul’s purpose without realising it.

Be a sense of purpose of your choosing in your life, rather than seeking your purpose.

In Service to Others

Each of these areas of focus, awareness and action will support you in easily remaining balanced as the energy waves penetrate the Earth. Even without your focus on the areas I have shared you will recognise the presence of balance and harmony within your being. You are being supported so that you may support others. There is a need to extend your compassion, love and understanding to those who feel off balance or confused in the coming weeks.

Patience is required and an understanding that they are experiencing a deep cleansing and an awakening because of the new energy wave which has been labelledthe ‘Jolt of Awakening.’ To extend anything other than love and peace to those experiencing turmoil would be a disservice to yourself and to others. \

It is time for you to realise your loving strength in your listening, forgiveness and patience, recognising the shifts and transformation this can support in yourself and others. Let yourself be a beacon of love and peace, you do not even need to say anything, it is time to simply hold the space for others to awaken.

I am holding the space for you,

Melchior, Galactic Logos

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/26/2018 1:32:30 AM

Daily Message ~ Sunday November 25, 2018

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A lot of enlightening human beings are experiencing the pregnant pause. You have finished up, to a great extent, the life you have lived up to this point, but have not yet seen where your new life will be taking you. This can be an uncomfortable feeling, as many will experience a great urge to do something but cannot quite put their finger on what it is they should be doing.

It is so important to use this “hurry up and wait” period as an opportunity to rest and keep your clarity about what you would like to create. Rest assured that the time for movement will come before you know it, and the best thing to do in the meantime is to keep your balance and gratitude, and dream big about what you would like your next grand adventure to be.

We understand that it is easy to fall into doubt and impatience, but the pregnant pause is truly a gloriously expanded Now moment that can help you get very clear about what you want to experience. Don’t know what to create? Your highest path always starts with whatever brings you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/26/2018 2:43:59 AM

Answers Ep. XVII – The Council

Answers Ep. XVII – The Council

How exactly it is possible to make an all-powerful soul/God forget their true nature/memories while getting them embedded in time/space/physicality?”

Dear friend, you are allowing yourself to consider the self that you are experiencing to be the entire Self that you are. We will go back to the point where YOU created you in order to have this experience. Please suspend, if just temporarily, your doubts, and allow your imagination to follow this. Even if you can merely accept the possibility, it will clear up many seemingly unanswerable questions for you.

For the readers: In this message, when we use ‘YOU’, we mean your entire divine self. And when we use ‘you’, we mean the part of that, that you now interpret as the whole. As an aside, this does not apply to a growing number of you who have expanded into a wider understanding.

Now at some point, the YOU of which you are a part began to assemble aspects of himself/herself that seemed to best be able to handle a needed experience of learning, or teaching, or service, or any mixture of the three. Having accrued a great many lifetime experiences to choose from, the YOU has a vast number of attributes from which to choose.

Now these are aspects that you would have complete access to IF you had expanded your consciousness to accept that you are, in reality, YOU. Why? Because they are your experiences. “But I want to know them!” you say. Well, maybe that is so, but the vast majority have no real relevance to your current life. If they did, YOU would have sent them here with you. And your current self has quite enough to deal with, thank you very much.

And there, my friends is the answer to your question. YOU have not forgotten anything. But YOU have done yourself the favor of only giving you what you need at this time. Yes, you may object. But you very likely haven’t expanded enough yet to see around all of the corners and over all of the hills. YOU, however, can and does. And when you truly have a need, it will be met, usually in a far better way than you can imagine.

So, can we offer some advice? First, accept that your divine YOU exists. Accept that you are NOT separate from YOU. Know that you are a part of YOU. Know that YOU have only the deepest love and greatest intentions for you. YOU have no reason to cause you suffering. But YOU will do whatever may be done to keep you on the path chosen. There are others, you call them guides, that have similar purposes. Can you trust? Can you accept? Can you know?

Ponder these things. It is even acceptable to ‘try them on’. See if things change when you live with them for a bit. Talk with us. You talk. We hear. See the answers. As you learn to see them, they will seem to multiply. The fact is, they are there already, but your sensing of them will increase.

This is a much greater topic than the space we have given it today. But we trust a beginning has been made.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
