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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2018 9:22:32 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2018

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The unreal cannot encounter the real; the real is the death of the unreal. And there is much more which you will have to see dying - but remember you have never died before. Death is the greatest lie in existence; it is the most fictitious thing.

The real life always continues in different forms and ultimately, when you realize it, it moves into the formless. It becomes universal and that is the most blessed and the most ecstatic moment: you have found the very meaning of life.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2018 9:25:46 PM

The Thousand and One Tales of the Arabian Nights

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God said:

Beloved, yes, there is a God sense in every land responsive to the notion of God.

In department stores of old, there were Notion Departments, as if ideas had their own departments. Of course, these notions were about pins and needles and certain kinds of sundries that are kept track of to this day, or, it could be that these days such departments are called outright sewing departments or, perhaps a customer might just call out across the room today: “Where do you keep your sewing supplies?”

Nowadays people aren’t so aware of other people going out on expeditions in search of God Himself so much any more as they once were used to coming across God out on a specific path or green field where God Himself might be found. This has happened on occasion on other climes, as you might have hoped to come across God, for, in this world, what has not happened now and again?

You have likely had wonderful surprises at every stage of your life as well as your share of disappointments. This is the world for you, or is it?

Or is this rather what the world asks for after a long sense of woe?

Had you gone to a different school of thought, you might have learned the same or differently.

Even so, had you gone to a different school, it’s still possible that you would have learned much the same

And what is this that is said that’s there’s nothing new existing under the sun? My sense of it is that there is always a new sun under the sun from one angle or another. In the same way, there are always a few more stories to tell about under the same sun, why not?

Of course, there is always another story that you, the prospective Queen, could have gone into from one or another angle and fallen asleep while tantalizing the King to let you live one more night for the sake of one more story.

Could not even one or another of the brides from the Arabian Nights have figured out the same ploy and remembered a good story she could also tell from beginning to delayed ending anyway?

Or, could not one or another of the other brides have gone back from one time to another and come back out with Infinite Arabian Night Stories instead of only One Thousand and One Night of the Arabian Nights?

What kind of great prize was this King for the prospective Queen to live to tell her stories to one more night and again and to stay alive to marry this King? Was she obliged to marry him?

Surely, the King doesn’t seem to be such a great shakes to marry. If this weren’t a fairy tale, I would have encouraged the bride to marry someone else or trade her cards in. Or, if the King weren’t so tiresome, she could simply have run away from him and set an example.

Also, could not the King have summoned the Royal Librarian to find him an early edition of the page-turner or even hired someone to read the stories out loud to the King, whereas each princess could have kept her head and have had an extra first-hand story to tell as well?

Or perhaps this bride could have been another bride instead who was rumored to weave straw into gold. What cannot be?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/27/2018 11:41:36 PM

Answers Ep. II – The Council

Answers Ep. II – The Council

Several questions can be answered by addressing one very interesting one that concerns a person’s experience of learning that they are a “light-bearer”. What is a light-bearer and how does one live as a light-bearer?

To the individual who brought us the question, we would state that a very great honor has been bestowed. The honor recognizes the degree of dedication and accomplishment over vast ‘periods of time’. An aside: Notice how often we place references to time in quotation marks. Sometimes we can only explain things using your linear means of thought. Our further explanation is not, in any way, meant to lessen that honor.

Every living being in the cosmos, and that means everything, is a light-bearer, because everything is made of light. So that person whose actions you cannot forgive is, my friends, a light-bearer. How does he/she come to be here? What is their function? Why? And why now? Why? Why? Why? If that is true, then there must not be a God!

Now we may make some statements here that many will have a very difficult time with. The first of these is that, that person, and that situation, are of God. Are Perfect. Are necessary. There are no mistakes.

The biggest reason that you do not understand this is that, for most of you, there are perceived separations. I am not he. I am not that. I am not, I am not, I am not. And the biggest of those is, God is separate from us, from me. All of those are untrue. We don’t even need to explain that. How would you answer if we asked you “Where is God? Is God everywhere? Is God in everything?” Most in this age would say yes, because you have evolved to that understanding. So, how can you say “Except over there. Except in her. Except in that”?

Here is another part of your answer. Everything is divine. Everything is light. Everyone is light made manifest as flesh. So everyone is a light-bearer of sorts. They cannot be other.

Are they here to learn or to teach? You do not even know that about yourselves. Is it learn? Is it teach? Is it both? We will tell you this. When you accept that you are here to bring light, all the rest becomes none of your business. When you accept that, them, him, her for what they really are, regardless of how they act or appear, then your world will change. Your lives will change.

So, why? Why you? What should you do? You should be. Be the light that you are. Do not try to be what someone else is. Do not try to be what you have been told you should be, even by us. Be who you know yourself to be, and hold that in the possibility that it may change and grow. “Yes, but what should I DO?” In your words, do what rings your chimes.

You are not separate. You are not. So, if each of you were to focus on what truly made you happy, the whole world would be lifted. And we can say will be lifted, because change is on the way, and you will see much more of it than you can foresee right now.

Once again we say we will soon return with more. Thank you each.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
9/27/2018 11:46:11 PM

Answers Ep. III – The Council

Answers Ep. III – The Council

We will begin today by answering a rather simple and straightforward question. The answer that we will give will be somewhat less simple due to the importance of the information to you as followers of our messages.

“I have received messages from Spirit for much of my adult life. In later years, since 2012, a few have been from what I “feel” is called The New Earth Council. Is this the same Group that you Channel?”

Now, the question was asked of our channel. While he could answer it, we wish to do so as much of what we will say, although known to him, might not make it into his response.

The easiest and shortest answer to your question is “No.” We are not the council that you are receiving from. However, we do often provide information to them, as needed.

There are many collectives of consciousnesses in this universe. They are mostly set up around particular functions and responsibilities. The name New Earth Council describes their function quite well, does it not? There are many others. Some are a bit more or less material, physical, than others. Some of their ‘members’ can be described the same way. For instance, in one function, on one council, a being might need to interact in one way, and on another council, might need the full functionality of pure consciousness. Now to the important information that we referred to.

We did not give ourselves the label of The Council. Our channel called us that when he returned from seeing us the first time. We have no need of a label. All of you have a Council. All of you visit as needed. Almost all of you do not remember this. Those who do describe what is an energetic experience of consciousness in ways that make the most sense to their own minds. They remember seeing a stadium, a boardroom, an amphitheater, etc. They remember angels, lightbeings, or spirits. Those things are not important. What is occurring is what is important.

Almost all of you are familiar with the concept of guides and guardian angels. This is quite real. We will say that they are assigned to you by us and are members of your council. We are once removed from them and tend to deal with somewhat more complex issues. You are a member of your council. You have a permanent seat and the deciding voice. The rest of us are beings of many descriptions from your point of view, but we have one thing in common, our purpose. We exist as a council to guide you to making the best decisions consistent with your overarching purpose, that of your evolution of consciousness. If you need the knowledge, expertise, and experience of a being who is not normally seated for your visits, she will be waiting when you arrive. Notice an apparent split in your self, a part who is here, and a part who is not. You are always here with us. You must know that what you are aware of as you is a rather small fraction of your true self that is made up of what you were considered to need for your current experience. Your total self is far greater than your current ability to understand.

Going beyond this would entail writing a book. Let us just say that when we refer to your free will, we are speaking of the total and divine you of which your incarnate selves are only just beginning to be aware. Take heart. This is your time. If you wish to progress along the awakening path, you shall.

One small further note: As soon as you can begin ‘listening to’ and acting upon those quiet inner knowings that you receive, the ones that come from us, you will begin to ‘fast track’. You are not alone. You are never alone. And our purpose, your purpose, is your growth. Nothing makes us happier. And you, speaking of all of mankind on Earth, are making us very happy, whether you see it yet or not.

We consider this enough for one day. We will withdraw and speak again at another time.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
9/28/2018 9:20:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday September 28, 2018

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If you choose to stay in a space of openness and curiosity, your flow will be able to move at its optimal pace for you, unimpeded by any constraints or attempts at control your inner doubter may try to impose. A non-resistant human being is delightful to work with because they are so easily moved into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. We absolutely love orchestrating divine intersections. It is one of our favourite things to do, using our creativity and vantage point to set things up for you in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you, and then getting to watch your reactions. It is how we experience joyful service for it expands our hearts just as much as it expands yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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