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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 11:13:37 PM

The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Sept. 23, 2018

SEPTEMBER 23, 2018

Dear readers, welcome to these times in which the birthing of a new consciousness both personally and globally is taking place. You are ready. It is time.

You have paid your dues in preparation and were aware that a great deal of chaos would be taking place, yet you chose to come because you wanted to be here and be a part of it. Many others wanted to be on earth as well but were deemed not sufficiently prepared for the shift of consciousness now taking place.

You came into this lifetime with the intention of completing anything unfinished from other lifetimes and tie up loose ends with regard to people and belief systems. Completing something left unfinished from another lifetime is often the reason two people marry only to discover that they have nothing in common. Relationships of this sort frequently represent the pre-birth intention of one or both to bring closure and resolution to something unresolved involving the person who is now the partner or others in the family group.

When an individual feels spiritually prepared, he/she often chooses to be born into a family or situation that is enmeshed in the particular belief system or issue that he feels ready to clear from himself. By doing this, the energy of the issue that he still carries (strict religious beliefs, male domination, abuse,etc. ) is reactivated, and the person once again finds themselves a part of the particular negative pattern.

However, now, having attained a higher level of awareness, he/she is able to see it from a new level, rise beyond it, clear it from cellular memory, and once and for all be free of something that may very well have plagued him/her through lifetimes. When some negative energetic situation that has been carried through family lineage for lifetimes is finally healed and dissolved in this higher way rather than just humanly repressing it, the lineage is broken and descendents will no longer inherit it.

The particular issue or belief system can no longer exist in his/her experience because his/her awakened consciousness no longer holds the substance from which the issue was formed in the first place and so is no longer being created. This is why the best people to help others with some particular problem, are those who have been through and risen above that same problem. It is not unusual for an evolved soul to choose to experience and then rise above some three dimensional issue such as alcoholism in order to serve as a light for others.

Remaining stored cellular memory from intense experiences of both good and bad are and have been clearing from your energy field for some time. A great deal of clearing takes place as you sleep and is often reflected in dreams. Some energy clearings manifest physically as unexpected aches or pains which can be intense and traumatic if the person is unaware of what is happening. Clearings of this sort usually just fade away (some more quickly than others) as their frequencies shift to new and higher levels.

You knew and were prepared to do the required inner work before incarnating–work that would enable you to add the Light of your awakened consciousness to the universal three dimensional consciousness that holds mankind in bondage. Never doubt that you knew what you needed to do before coming and that you were also aware that some of it would be difficult.

Experiences judged to be failures according to third dimensional thinking are more often than not graduations for the serious student of truth–experiences that are necessary in order to better recognize some false concept or belief they may still hold. Consider any so called “failures” to be simply notches on your awareness belt.

If you are living the truth, then you are doing the work dear ones. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be and that everything is proceeding according to plan because you as humans are not really running the show. Try not to despair or fall back into the hypnotism of three dimensional appearances, becoming enmeshed in the games of duality and separation that are being played out at this time even if those around you say you must be more practical. (According to their belief system) .

The real essence of every individual regardless of appearances, is and can only ever be Divine Consciousness because that is all there is. Those who do not yet know this live their lives according to the false concepts and beliefs that make up third dimensional consciousness. Your job is to silently acknowledge the reality behind all appearances at all times and in all circumstances. A consciousness imbued with truth can actually shift another out of their illusions if the other is receptive. This is Light work.


Many still think of Light workers as being only those who channel, are active in one or more healing modalities, or teach classes of spirituality, etc. Light work is nothing more than living out from (be-ing) your highest awareness of truth in each and every mundane and seemingly ordinary activity of the day.

You are a Light worker when you silently and secretly acknowledge the Divine nature of the person serving your table at lunch, the person collecting your garbage, and your child’s teacher, as well as the CEO of some large and possibly corrupt corporation or your nosy neighbor. No one is more Divine than another in spite of appearances to the contrary, some are simply more awake than others. It is folly and separation at its finest to worship some person from the past or present simply because they know and live realities that are fully present within all.

Like it or not, you become a Lightworker the moment you awaken to truth and cannot go back to the seemingly more easy life you think you had when spiritually asleep. The Genie of awareness can never be put back in the bottle although many try when life becomes difficult. Have you ever attempted to once again be the old you, the one you were when you simply believed what you were told and had many like minded companions only to have an annoying little inner voice say; “You damn fool.”?

Everyone chooses to live on earth in three dimensional energy in order to gain wisdom and eventually remember their Divine nature through experiences of duality and separation. In order to do this, an individual must experience all facets of third dimensional living–being male, being female, being a warrior, being a king, being beggar, being black,white, red, brown, being homosexual, being heterosexual, being smart, being dumb etc. etc.

The retarded person you feel sorry for may very well have chosen the experience and is not atoning for anything done in the past, as many believe. Experiencing a mentally handicapped life may well have been on the soul’s “bucket list” so to speak. Difficult lives are planned before incarnation with the help of Guides and input from those around the person who will be affected as well because they too will learn and evolve from the experience of being the parent, sibling, teacher, caregiver, etc.)

Never categorize a person or situation because the reality behind appearances can never be fathomed. Even the most intelligent human mind is by itself very limited. There are the accumulated energies of hundreds of lifetimes and interactions playing out in most all human situations, much more than can ever be analyzed with three dimensional thinking.

It is difficult not to judge and become angry as the darker side of humanity continues to be exposed. These times are especially problematic for those who have believed in and relied on falsehoods promoted by ignorant and un-awakened governments, religions, experts, friends, and family. At this time, the world of illusion is collapsing for many and they believe they have no where to go.

Lightworkers do not ignore world problems nor does it mean they cannot assist those who find themselves floundering in the midst of their collapsing belief system. Rather, this is where and when Lightworkers silently, secretly, and sacredly do the work. Often the action of simply throwing out a tiny seed of truth, nothing more, along with love and gentle support, will serve to open a tiny crack that allows the suffering one to begin seeing life on a higher level. Some will plant the seed they have been given and others will not, but that is not your concern.

Learn to live as an observer in these chaotic times, simply doing whatever it is you do from a level of consciousness that has learned to be detached from outcomes and does not give the power of spiritual reality to appearances.

At this point you are aware that there is no death and that three dimensional situations can only exist as long as they are energetically fed. The material world you see and experience with your physical senses is in reality, the very real spiritual world being interpreted and viewed through the limited awareness of a third dimensional consciousness that consists of concepts and beliefs in duality and separation.

Man, as an expression of the one and only Power and Reality, is a creator. What are you choosing to create? We have brought this up many times, but it must be reiterated because many, even some considered to be spiritually awake, believe themselves to be at the mercy of outside people, places, and things, and until they allow the truth they know to become their attained state of consciousness, they will be.

Lower, denser, and heavier frequencies are unable to align with and enter into Light. Your defense and shield is always your enlightened consciousness. Trust your intuition always, and know that we are not saying that you can walk down some dark alley in an unsafe part of town with only an intellectual knowledge of this truth and expect no harm to come. We are saying that your state of consciousness appears outwardly as form.

Never doubt that you bring your state of consciousness with you wherever you go because it is you. Entering a convent or monastery, or moving to another state or home simply to avoid some unpleasant situation will not eliminate the experiences. They may take a different form, but if the energy of them is still present, it will manifest. Consciousness always expresses itself.

Learn to be the consciousness you are (I AM) rather than just bearing witness to it outside of yourself (separation).

As you live each day from your highest level of awareness, more will be given. Truth flows energetically and increases as you allow what you already have to flow out. Consciousness can not exist as empty space, and the truth you live and allow to flow out immediately fills in with more. Truth is infinite.

All third dimensional situations are temporary and many of you have reached a readiness to leave behind the things that may be holding you in bondage to something finished. You are ready to be free.

It is time.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/23/18

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 11:27:52 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2018

will's picture

Easiness means disappearance of tensions, anxieties, disappearance of all kinds of perversions, of all that is unnatural, and just becoming a natural human being - so relaxed that no energy is being unnecessarily wasted, not even thoughts are destroying your energy... utterly silent.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 11:29:26 PM

Peggy Black and the Team: Weaving Your Reality

Weaving Your Reality

Peggy Black and the ‘team,” Sept. 22, 2018

We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.

That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.

You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.

This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.

We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.

You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don’t have, what they don’t like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.

So we are inviting you to change the conversation, change the vibrations you are offering. This is important and especially true as your begin to be aware that you are interfacing with a higher dimension of consciousness. Your vibrations, your intentions and emotional offerings will manifest more quickly as you move into the fifth dimension. This is part of the ascension process you are experiencing. You are being invited to refine the energies you are offering.

The Universe is responding to you. It is giving you signs. Begin to notice. These messages, this guidance comes in many forms, in conversations with others, on a broadcast, something you read or overhear, an inspiring idea or solution to a problem, an epiphany or a synchronicity. It might come as a thought, a feeling that feels just right, an inner knowing or instinct, people showing up at just the right moment. We invite you to begin to notice these signs along the way.

The more you notice and acknowledge these messages the more they will become obvious.

Once you begin your partnership with the energy field, once you honor the possibilities that will unfold in this relationship, you will begin to see patterns unfolding, doors opening, problems resolving. You will discover that the Universe, the quantum field will arrange itself to match your vibrations as well as present you with endless opportunities.

The key is the vibrations that you are offering. So make it a practice to increase the coherent uplifting energy vibration and frequency that you offer. Practice feeling appreciation, practice being grateful. These emotional vibrations are the easiest and begin to allow you to integrate and interface with the field in a more powerful positive manner.

We realize there are times in which the idea of being grateful or in appreciation might be the most difficult emotions to call forth. If you are suffering in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or in a situation that feels difficult regarding your health or your finances or having problems with family or co-workers, it might feel impossible to be grateful or thankful, it might feel fake or false.

Let us assure you, this is the most important time to begin to engage or call forth even the tiniest shift into gratitude. Find something no matter how small or insignificant for which you can be thankful; continue to observe the situation looking for a reason to be grateful. It might be a stretch, you might find it difficult, however your simple willingness to look or discover a place where you could offer gratitude or appreciation will shift your vibration and your frequency.

When you make this shift the Universe is ready to mirror the slightest change in what you are offering. So pay attention, watch for signs that show this shift in your reality.

We know you will become skilled at raising your vibrations. There are many techniques and practices that can support and assist you. Meditation, being in nature, being with beloved friends or pets, laughter, dance and movement, doing something that you enjoy, all of these actions shift the frequency you are offering to the field.

Now, when you couple that with your words, actions and intentions, you are a powerful creative force. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember you are a magnificent divine being who is playing in this hologame. You are moving consciously from the limited third dimension to the fifth unlimited dimension.

Remember that synchronicities are happening all the time. You just need to trust yourself and the universe, notice and allow for this ongoing conversation. With your energetic thoughts, emotions and intent you become a co-creator with the Universe. Imagine for a moment as you are weaving your reality that the universe is providing the thread.

Your high frequency vibrations of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation will align you with all possibilities. These vibrations invite the best results to any situation; you are connecting to an energetic web of support where things and events unfold with grace and ease.

Also you are energetically stepping out of the limited third dimension and walking into a new energetic reality where your heart’s desire and intentions for life sustaining realities become real.

You are here to anchor this awareness and this consciousness. You are here to transform any and all misqualified or negative emotions, thoughts, patterns or programs. You are here to assist humanity in moving into the fifth dimension where you know that you are truly connected to all.

We continue to empower you and remind you of your true magnificence. We invite you to practice extending more coherent vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, gratitude and appreciation. We remind you to transform any discordant, misqualified or negative energies as the true multidimensional alchemist that you are. the ‘team’

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 11:38:26 PM

The Real Goods and No Less

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, there is an aspect of you that doesn't require being handed answers. You don't have to look something up or be advised. Everything is known within your very Being.

True instructions are built into you. All that which is true lies within you. Of course, go ahead, take all the courses you want, yet True Knowledge lies deep within you and from within Me and not necessarily from anyone else.

Because certain advice is just right for your friend doesn't mean it's just right for you. Nevertheless, you may be led off course. How important it is to set yourself straight. Not everyone knows better than you by a long shot. Know thyself.

Odds are you are well able to acquire first-hand knowledge as it grows from within you. Unless you find this knowledge inside you, you may think you can order it from Amazon or you acquire it somehow from outside you. Perhaps it is bootlegged or simply tossed at you as a bone to a dog.

All that lies within you alights on you. When knowledge lies outside you, it may not quite be the Living Truth. You don't have to check out a book from the library. You are free to heal yourself right here and now.

You may indeed feel better just from the idea of healing from the honest to goodness lighted-up truth of your own. Despite what you've been told, Coke isn't the real thing. Get your water from the Source.

Nor do you have to be in a hurry to cure all that ails you. Take a breath. You don't have to read up on everything, You can simply reach for the truth within you as you desire. This is a lovely place for you to come from. Be authentic.

You know the difference between homemade bread and white Wonder Bread and between margarine and cultured homemade butter. You know the difference between the real aged bubbly and an aerated look-alike.

You know the difference between fresh air and stuffy air. You know the difference between a hand-knit sweater and a sweater off the shelf.

You know the difference between home and a motel. You know the difference between fresh ground coffee and instant coffee.

You don't have to believe everything you read.

If you're really lucky, you may find true love, and you may give true love. You know when something adds up, and you know when it doesn't. You know when all is right with the world and when it isn't. You know what is solid truth and what isn't. You know when you get to your wedding on time. You know when you're stood up or when you have stood someone up.

You know when you are sorry. You know when you've said so, and you know when it's time to say so.

What a difference in the day a word makes.

There are two matters we talk about now - good intentions and making sure you stand on solid ground. Intentions aren't everything by a long shot.

Where do you go from here? A lot depends upon your being clear and no less. And, ah, yes, that the floor is solid under your feet. These questions aren't small potatoes.

Yes, your intentions and your feet on the ground in sync matter. Less isn't good enough. Pie in the sky isn't good enough. Be clear that the least you have to do is to emerge in the full light of day, Beloved.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 11:45:26 PM

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Sept. 22, 2018

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Sept. 22, 2018

By email

Good morning! A fine morning indeed in my world. Your tip the other week of taking deep breaths and smiling at the same time is an excellent one. Especially when one is not in the mood to do so … It really makes a difference. Thank you! A burning topic is as to why many Solar Observatories have been shut down all over the world? I haven’t had time to look into it much and also, I don’t like to be influenced by reading about things, when I know I am going to bring it up with you. Your thoughts if you please?

Welcome to you, Dearest Blossom. We can tell immediately that your Vibratory functioning is ‘off the wall’ as you would say.

Yep. I am in an exceptionally good mood this morning.

The topic of the Solar Observatories has allowed your screens to become abuzz with speculation. No one has really given an answer as to why, one in particular, seemed to cause so much ado!

Can you now do so?

Our words will be cautionarily expressed in conjunction with safety factors on, would we say perhaps … a ‘need to know a little bit about’ basis.

Your Sun … as many are aware … is not just a bright bubbly Lantern in your skies. It is far more than that! The Energetic frequencies that are emitted through it … have a vast array of purposes and are an indication of levels of ‘what is taking place’ all around. Not just your Earth yet, many other Planets within your Universe, also.

The Sun is not called ‘Central’ by chance! It is also one of … in fact we would say… thee largest Portal within your stratosphere … to date.

So, it’s a portal. Yet, used by who/what? As surely, one would fry up getting anywhere near it?

We would correct you here, Blossom. For ‘All is not as it seems’. Yes, the Sun’s rays give sustenance to your Planet in many forms. Yet, it has many layers to it … on many levels … within many frequencies and Dimensions.

I can see this is going to be one of those communications when I wish I was Tesla, in order to understand you.

Not so. Let us give you little bits of information. The Sun is indeed, a Portal into other Dimensions. It is the same Sun that appears on other Planets in other Dimensions, as the one you see in your skies.

How can this be?

Because of its incredible Source of Energy. Because of what it is. Because of its magic! It has a Power Source like no other. It can ‘pop up’ where required, in spaces and places that desire its Energy.

You have often been told or shown photos/videos of many fleets of ships, along with extraordinarily HUGE craft that have been captured on camera around this system. This is due, for want of a better way of expression … to it being a Universal fuel station! In that … craft are charged by its Energy … just by being within a certain vicinity of it.

Yet, don’t they burn up?

No. They have ‘protection barriers’ that keep them in ‘form’. Yet, also have devices that allow the ‘make up’ of the ships to absorb the extreme Energy / Power that this sphere has to offer.

To go into further detail regarding ‘refuelling’ would become a little too complicated to explain at this point, Blossom.

Ok. So back to the shut downs of observatories. What was that all about? I think they are now re-opening?

Yes, they are. We would make the suggestion that certain images were captured on screen that put the ‘powers that be’ into panic.

Images of what exactly?

Firstly, a larger than usual gathering of ships … which was enough to be cause for concern as to the reasoning behind this … and also, due to … how do we put this? … The motion of Radiant Energy that is ‘lifting’ from the surface.

Ok. Being no scientist, I know I need to now inquire about the talk of the Sun sending a Solar Flare out at some point, which many folk derive to be happening in conjunction with THE EVENT that you speak of. Is this what you mean?

It is. The Flare that is to occur derives from within the centre of this ‘station’. It is to be part and parcel of The EVENT … for the Energy that THE EVENT carries HAS to come from deep within this ‘ship’.

Ship? Station? Portal? Anything else?

Oh yes.

I thought you might say that!!

You see, Blossom … the Wave of Love that THE EVENT is to carry through … comes from the Ultimate Divine Source … Your True Home. Therefore, it comes through the Portal of THE SUN.

Even then, it will be filtered, due to its strength. Its fullness would be too much at this time, for your Planet to take.

A bit like when one is out in the sun … it just makes them feel better? Is this due to Source Energy coming through it?

Yes, indeed. Yet, THE EVENT is far beyond that feeling of ‘warmth and Love’ that is received on your, so far, day to day basis.

So, will this flare ‘contain’ the Energy of Love that will sweep over us?

Yes. It is the carrier of the Energy. It has been ‘traveling’ in a different form … a more compact form … through the star systems … through Dimensions … through just about … you name it … it’s travelled through it!

Hold on! What do you mean by that?

This Energy that will project itself from the Sun … started from Source. Yet, in order to BE what it is … it has had to ‘collect’… information/status/ … words far too numerous to mention … before it became ready to present itself through the Portal. Since doing so, it then had to ‘mingle’ with the Sun’s Energy and change its form ‘back’ into Light … and ‘hang around’ preparing its changed form … ready for ‘The Off’.

Deep breath … which is when? I know you just ‘aint gonna say!

We cannot. For again, Blossom … this is not a ‘time machine’! It will take place in accordance to/with many other factors … trillions of them … that must be in alignment in order for all to go smoothly.

Yes, I get that we Earthlings cannot possibly imagine what all of this entails. Yet, we DO KNOW that we were chosen to be down here to anchor the Love, to emanate the Love, whilst all of this is on the amber light … waiting for the Go! So, how come the observatories are now reopened?

Because after much investigation, nothing ‘solid’ … (we smile at the ‘anomaly’ we are using,) could be ‘nailed down’. Also, due to all the media hype … too many questions were being asked … and no reasonable answers … at least any satisfactory ones, were able to be given.

Yet, would you say … just pushing the boat out a bit here … that what was captured on camera … was representative of the fact that the said Solar Flare and all the trimmings that accompany it … were showing signs of ‘lift off’?

We wouldn’t go as far as to say ‘lift off’ … Just yet. We would say more in line with showing signs of …

I am seeing an image of great big chains being released from a huge circular Light all around the sun.

Would we therefore say … preparations are in the making.

And with respect, I would say … I won’t hold my breath. This could mean ‘any time’ from now to kingdom come!

Yet, it is so much further underway than perhaps you would expect.

There seems to be so many more sightings as you said there would be. So much caught on camera now. It is very exciting. Yet, I have TRULY, TRULY, TRULY come to the understanding within myself that … BEING down here now … is about BEING DOWN HERE NOW! IN/AS/OF/THROUGH our Highest expectations of ourselves. Learning to live within the laws of attraction … Learning to BE LOVE and LIGHT … Learning that this is what we are … this is what we came here to emanate. Because, by doing so, we are showing the way … leading the way … and assisting others in their Awakening. The more that are ready to receive the Wave of Love, when it comes, the better it will be for the whole. So many seem ‘stuck’ in waiting for it to happen … instead of BEING of Light and Love.

You are correct, Blossom. We understand that there are ‘states of affairs’ upon your Planet that bring one down deeply into a ‘humdrum’ existence … yet …












Thanks Guys … as always. So uplifting and encouraging. In Gratitude, in Loving service … I AM.

Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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