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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2018 7:06:24 PM

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Healing Separation of the Physical and Spiritual Reality

Audio version. Video version,

In my communication with you today, I, Archangel Michael wish to share with you tools from the Angelic Realm and my own energy to gift to you adding your ascension and empowering your current journey upon the Earth.

The tools, techniques, and practices I wish to share with you are focused upon enhancing your spiritual and physical journey upon the Earth, while recognising that both are the same. Your spiritual and physical journey are synthesised, they do not exist separately and should not be recognised as disconnected either.

Your physical life is the canvas for your spiritual being and soul to paint and create whatever inspires and fulfils you.

When you exist only in your physical reality and do not engage the presence of your soul then life becomes boring, mundane and challenging. When you only engage with your spiritual self and pathway and give less importance to your physical reality you miss the purpose of life and are unable to see the beauty of the Earth.

The physical reality and spiritual reality are one and the same. When you are able to recognise this, you access the magic, purpose, and fulfilment of life.

1st Practice: Recognising Separation in Your Physical and Spiritual Reality

During your day encourage yourself to be aware of when you are thinking of your physical and spiritual reality as separate pathways. Examples are when you believe a physical action doesn’t involve the Creator, such as house chores or educational studies. When you feel you need to make time to meditate or need to be in your special space or room to meditate.

Integrating the physical and spiritual could be meditating on the train, in a queue, while walking in the park or doing house chores. Another example could be making yourself feel guilty for not having time to do your spiritual practices, therefore, thinking of life and spiritual practices as separate.

Allow yourself to document all the thoughts and actions that you recognise are creating separation between your physical and spiritual existence, causing you to acknowledge yourself as two separate beings existing on the Earth in the same body.

Try to integrate easy spiritual practices into your everyday life such as meditating, radiating your life, repeating affirmations, downloading light, making requests to the divine.

2nd Practice: Recognise Your Divinity

There is a need to recognise your physical body, your physical reality and existence on the Earth as divine and sacred, created from the love and truth of the Creator. When you allow yourself to adopt this perspective you begin to recognise your entire self as already being divine and an expression of the Creator. Thus, the way you act and react transforms as well as your perception of the world around you. If you are a creation of the divine born from love and truth, then what is everyone else?

Each morning take time to honour the divinity of your body and all that you are in a way that feels appropriate and meaningful for you. You may wish to express thanks or gratitude. Another way is to allow yourself to be aware of your entire being and body, then say, ‘I recognise and honour the divinity of my entire body and being, I choose to empower this truth throughout my entire day. I am the divinity of the Creator in embodiment and motion.’

3rd Practice: Discovering the Core of Separation

Within your being you have hidden an energy of separation, this energy may have been created in your current lifetime or past lifetime, however, it was most likely created before you entered into the rebirth cycle of the Earth. Therefore, you have carried your inner energy of separation with you throughout all your lifetimes on the Earth so much so, it exists at the core of your being, and is an energy from which you create without realising.

When you contemplate that there may be an energy of separation within you hiding at the core of your being, you open yourself to realising that you have the power to discover, explore and heal this illusion you have been holding onto. It is important to mention that most souls upon the Earth hold the illusion of separation within their being. Separation is an illusion, it is also an energy that has become trapped and hidden within you, which simply needs to be recognised and released.

Take time to breathe deeply and focus your attention into the core of your being, wherever you believe this to be. ‘I ask that my soul and guides bring forth into my awareness the core of separation held at the core of my being which requires to be recognise, healed and released. Help me to recognise any insights I gain from the core of separation as not personal to me, nor my fault but simply something that occurred and created the energy. Support me in letting go of the energy once and forever with divine perfection. Thank you.’

4th Practice: Rediscovering Your Core of Integration

Within your soul and essence is the energy and presence of integration, it can also be labelled unity, oneness, harmony, and connection. This energy of integration supports your existence on the inner planes and the Earth, it is the divine flow of the Creator that supports your entire being. Integration is the essence of the Creator as all that is the Creator exists in oneness and synthesis.

When you access your inner energy of integration you recognise your ability to exist in harmony with every aspect of the Creator. This is a very powerful and inspirational way to live your life on the Earth.

Take time to breathe deeply and focus your attention into the core of your being, wherever you believe this to be. ‘I ask that my soul and guides bring forth into my awareness the core of integration held at the core of my being. Let this most sacred energy shimmer and pulsate throughout my entire being.

Allow me to experience the delicious and healing nature of the energy of integration, let it positively impact my entire being as I absorb it into my cells and complete existence. I am the essence, embodiment, and expression of the Creator’s integration.’

Observe how the energy of integration impacts you, any shifts or transformations it creates and any realisations that dawn.

5th Practice: Welcome the Bonding of Your Physical and Spiritual Life

Create a brief and yet meaningful ceremony in whichever way feels appropriate for you. In this ceremony, you recognise your physical reality as one colour and your spiritual reality as another colour. Then imagine the energy of integration as a different colour of light.

See, sense or acknowledge these three colours of light integrating together to create one light. Let this light download into your entire being and imagine it radiating from your eyes. Let yourself imagine you are the oneness of your spiritual and physical reality and view as if through your eyes your spiritual and physical reality as one.

I, Archangel Michael, wish you to know that I am present to support and serve you,

With angelic blessings,

Archangel Michael
Read More from Archangel Michael

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2018 7:12:18 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 22, 2018

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If you have found yourself in profound resistance, rather than pushing against that resistance, we suggest you simply choose something that feels lighter to you. When you are in such a state, it can be difficult to know what you need in order to allow yourself to move forward with greater ease. While your brain may not know what you need, your body and spirit can easily identify what would feel lighter. So simply ask yourself, “What can I do that would feel lighter than I’m feeling right now?”

Resistance is heavy. Lightness is just that – light. Identifying what feels heavy or light is a skill set that every single human being on the planet has, so there is no special training, understanding of energetics, or enhanced sensitivity required. You can embrace that innate ability because it is impossible to get it wrong since the answer is always unique to you. It is something you will always know without doubt.

As you choose anything lighter you choose to disengage from resistance, which will naturally induce more flow, relief, and forward movement. This will allow you to incrementally move out of your discomfort, without pressuring yourself into any specific practice, since what feels lighter could be a myriad of things. Further, it is an empowering exercise that helps you gain confidence in your self awareness and ability to self direct from whatever energetic state you may find yourself in.

Your heart always knows what is expansive and light, so it is a wonderful way to shift out of the mind and into the heart without the need for specifics. Once you have moved into a lighter state, however you choose to get there, you’ll be much more aligned with getting back into your spiritual and co-creational practices, and before you know it, you’ll be flowing along as if the resistance never even happened. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: I’m wishing everyone a very happy fall equinox! Equinoxes serve to not only lock in our progress but also to ground in some balance. I like to think of it like when people climb a mountain and need to make camp to allow themselves to assimilate to their environment and not get altitude sickness. This is an opportunity for us to catch our breath, adjust to the higher altitudes we’ve reached, and make a plan moving forward. I wish you all a wonderful day celebrating the progress you have made through the summer of eclipses. May we all embody greater balance, grace, light, and ease moving forward!


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2018 7:13:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/21/2018

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The difference between easy and lazy is the difference between the positive and the negative. Easiness is a positive feeling; it is not empty. You are overflowing with energy, but you are simply enjoying the energy with ease. The very flow of energy is becoming an inner dance. In this very sense, Chuang Tzu says, "easy is right and right is easy."

Out of this easiness everything is possible, because it is not lack of energy, it is a fullness of energy, without tensions. It is energy relaxed. And the more relaxed it is, the more fresh, the more young, the more potential to be creative.

Laziness is negative; it is just feeling drained, having no energy, a kind of emptiness - No longing to do anything, no desire to create anything. One is simply tired, exhausted, spent.

The distinction is very subtle. One can be confused. When Chuang Tzu says, "Easy is right," you can think that perhaps laziness is right. Easiness is just the opposite of laziness - diametrically opposite. Easiness has a grace and an overflowing aura of energy. Laziness makes you almost appear like a corpse.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2018 12:17:11 AM

Enrich Your Life

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God said:

Beloved, toss out your worries. What do you need them for? What good do they do you? Find other things to think about again and again.

Think how fortunate you are time and time again and again. Look at the blessings you have stumbled on. It’s time to recognize how blessed you are to be alive on Earth. Imagine, you go this way and that, and blessed be to have the privilege to sing and dance on Earth.

If your thoughts are to be worthwhile to you, choose inspiring thoughts while you are at it!

If you are going to redecorate your living room, you would choose a color you like, wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t choose a dingy color, especially over and over again. Why then would keep repainting your mind with darkened thoughts again and again? Why keep muddying up the passages of your mind? Whitewash your mind this moment instead.

If a friend were going on a journey today, you wouldn’t give him a send-off that includes: “Watch out for the bogeyman.”

You would say: “Bon Voyage! Have a good time. See you when you get back!”

Beloved, Beloved, life is the biggest voyage you will ever go on. Give yourself a good send-off. Have the best of times.

Of course, you are going on a journey today. The journey's name is Life. You may see it as an installment. Give yourself a good send-off with balloons and beribboned bottles of champagne. Live Life with a capital L. Live Life to a T.

Take a train if you like, fly a jet, row a boat, paddle a canoe. What matters most is what you make of life in this moment.

How you feel becomes the life you reward yourself with. If you desire a new excursion, be new to yourself. Be open. You are the frequenter of your life. How you see your life affects your very life itself. You are, in effect, your own emcee. You are your own interpreter. You connect the dots of your life. You wind your life around by your little finger with your thoughts.

You are the teller of your tale. You name it. You set your life’s tone of voice. You bring your story home. To some degree, you tug life toward you.

If your story could be considered a voyage, you are the one who sets off on a raft, a tugboat, a sailboat, a speed boat, or the Queen Mary. You have some say on the story you reveal.

It is your vision. It is for you to set the tone of your life. Celebrate your life. If you cannot celebrate your life exquisitely, for Heaven's sake, stop complaining about it.

Make peace with your life. Be circumspect about it. There is some merit to your life. Rejoice in it. Acknowledge what your life does hold for you. Look from a different angle. There is a thing or two to be glad about. Don’t clomp around grumpy about your life. Be not miserly about your life. Begrudge not your life.

Don’t throw your life down the river. Be glad enough that you have a life. You don’t have to be the Queen of the May.

Somebody would be glad to have your life to spare today. Why not you?

You also don’t know all you may reap from this day. Don’t give up on today. It may hold treasures for you. This day may yet hold great joys for you. Confess that you don’t know today’s outcomes. Awake!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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9/23/2018 7:21:52 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 23, 2018

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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