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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 7:02:18 PM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Anxiety and Fear is Excess Energy

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel packs a powerful message about the concept of grounding, and how to use it to change your consciousness.


Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present moment.

Shanta Gabriel
Until late 1988 I was not even aware of the concept of grounding. If anyone had brought it to my attention, I would have asked, "Why?" My life was focused in the upper realms of the Divine, and the Earth held very little interest. That is until something bothered me, and then my emotions would engage and I would be very upset at the way my life on Earth was appearing in that moment.

When my mentor suggested the need to ground my thoughts and emotional states, it became clear that I really never felt safe to be in my body. This was a revelation of sorts. I had never felt "at home" on the planet. Like the story of the Mistaken Zygote in Women Who Run with the Wolves, I was sure there had been some mistake and I had landed here by accident. At the very least, I did not believe that my Soul had planned that this Earth, with all its darkness and challenges, was the one I volunteered to incarnate into.

Still, I paid attention to the advice I was given and began to do Safety Affirmations.It's safe to be on the planet. It's safe to be who I truly am. It's safe to live in my Truth.Those helped tremendously, but it was not until I started to incorporate the grounding process into my daily spiritual practice, that life began to change more dramatically.

I found that the process of grounding the excess energy I was experiencing brought me immediate relief from the anxiety-producing sensation of having my finger in an electrical socket. I also noticed that I could feel nurturing energy running up my legs from the Earth, and the base of my spine felt more free and open. The most surprising thing I discovered was that the more I embodied my spiritual life in my physical body, the happier I became.

Two side benefits also occurred that I was not expecting. One is that my body has a natural wisdom that can really assist my process in the world and alert me when I need to pay attention. For most people that will seem obvious, but for many energetically-sensitive souls, it has been too painful to fully inhabit our physical bodies. This left my personality and small physical being to take care of the task of life, which she was woefully unprepared to do.

The second thing that helped me love this process was learning that when I am grounded in my body, my heart immediately feels more open and I am more at peace inside.

There are some that say we should not ground our negative energy into the Earth, that she has enough problems already. My experience, however, is that the Mother of the Earth does not judge our energy as negative or positive. It is just "energy," and as such has great value. When we confer energy onto the planet, we are blessing her. This is especially true if it is our intention.

In 1990 Archangel Gabriel gave me an alignment exercise for bringing Divine Light through every chakra to ground in the earth. For many years I have used this Golden Pillar of Light, from my connection to Source energy above the head flowing down below the feet, in a powerfully whole visualization that demonstrates our attributes as a blended being bridging Heaven and Earth.

Once we have an intention to ground any excess energy we are experiencing, something as simple as slowing down our breath and placing our hands on our heart will bring us back into our body awareness, where we can be more resourceful in dealing with life.

Grounding allows us to integrate the new frequencies and learn powerful ways to stay connected to Source energy in every area of our lives. The intensity of the Light frequencies we are all experiencing, as well as all that is transpiring on Earth, is having an impact on our nervous systems. We need to be able to detach from the high level of emotional upheaval that is all around us and be more present in our bodies in order to feel more peaceful.

We are here to spiritualize our lives so there is no separation between our heart and mind. This allows us to bring spirituality more profoundly into our work and into our relationships. When you ground any excess energy that is causing you to feel anxious or over-emotional, you can come back very quickly into your heart. The resourcefulness that you create will be able to establish a deeper place of Peace and Harmony within you that is incredibly practical.

Most of the people reading this information have chosen to be in this life to bring a deeper connection to the realms of divinity and blend those aspects of Self into the fullness of their humanity. With every choice we make to bring Spirit into matter and be present with the wisdom of the Earth, we are affecting the world around us in beautiful ways. Each person grounding their deeply spiritual intention for life affects hundreds of thousands of people.

Finally I have realized that it is to introduce ways of living in the Spirit while being in a physical body that I believe my Soul planned for me to do here on Earth. We are all recognizing that our hearts hold the key connection to being able to create the world we want to live in, have Beauty and Well-being active within and around us, and to be deeply fulfilled and happy.

When we are fully grounding our spiritual connection into our physical bodies, we become a powerful force for Love on the planet. From that place, miracles occur naturally.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for blessing me with a physical body in order to fulfill my soul’s purpose. With every breath I take, may I bring more of my divinity into my human form to anchor Heaven on the Earth for all beings.

With every step I take, may I bring more nourishment into my physical body so I may be a blended human and radiate Well-being through me into the world. May all find resonance with their most Divine Selves and ground that aspect into the Earth for the awakening of all humanity. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
August 19, 2018

The Gabriel Messages Book ~ #26

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger
into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.

Dear One,

Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.

A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the "ground." For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits. It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through. If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.


Your feet are in touch with the earth, a place of bountiful supply and nourishing energy. When you are aware of the earth's presence, you feel supported and nurtured. You can visualize energy leaving your feet or from the base of your spine like moving beams of light into the earth. This will allow the excess electrical energy in your mind to dissipate.

It is also important to calm your emotional body. Just as the mental body is electric, the emotional body is magnetic. This means that your emotions have the power to attract to you what you are experiencing through the Law of Attraction. Many times what you attract is the opposite of what you think you want to have in your life. It is important to ground these excess emotions as well. On the electrical beam that grounds into the earth, you can wind a coil for the magnetic energy of your emotions. With your intention, you can send these excess emotions into the earth.

If you have trees, mountains or bodies of water near you, it can be useful to see these as places to ground excess energy. You can visualize light beams radiating from your feet, powerful light cords from the base of your spine, or pillars of light from heaven to earth; whatever image suits you. This is a very simple but powerful tool for you to use.

As you become more aware of this grounding process, you will begin to be more present in the moment. Being present means bringing an open heart to wherever you are and whatever situation is challenging you at the time. When your heart is open, you are able to make decisions from a place of love and not fear. As more people do this, the consciousness of the whole planet is raised. As more minds are consciously connected to the One Mind, all are blessed and can live more freely in love and peace.

You can be a part of this peace-filled evolution with the choices you make every day. Choose to live in love, not fear. Notice when you are running anxiety or anger through your body and are feeling "over-amped." Take the time to send this excess energy into the earth with a prayer, asking to experience only love. Know that all on earth are blessed when one person chooses to open his or her heart in love to another. Know the earth is blessed when you give energy to her, so in turn, all will be blessed as this great planet gives back in sustenance and life.

In these simple ways you can bring peace to the world when you...
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 19, 2018

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/22/2018 6:19:24 PM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, Aug. 21, 2018

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, Aug. 21, 2018

Dratzo! As the world continues to change, the cabal remains deeply perturbed at losing their grip on humanity. You have had a long struggle of ups and downs and yet your resolve to hold the Light is ever present. Most beings on your planet sense beneficial change on some level.

The world you have known for centuries is in a state of collapse. The current global scene is running its course. Hot on its trail are events that promise to be quite life-changing. They involve the birth of a new era of true spiritual growth and the emergence of long-sought ideals such as peace, prosperity, and personal sovereignty. We now find ourselves in an interregnum, watching as the old Dark Age dissolves and a new era of hope and renewal comes into view.

For those of you who follow world events, you are witnessing a time when all of the puzzle pieces are falling into place. A clear plan and timetable have been set up. What we require of you now is to wait patiently while a number of seemingly unrelated events occur, unraveling the dark’s agenda and replacing it with one in alignment with the Divine Plan. The Alliance has implemented a plan that is fluid. This specially- constructed, ‘infinite-sum game’ and its accompanying quantum solutions, are providing our Earth allies their advantage over the static cabal strategies.

Let us turn our attention in this message to an aspect that parallels your prosperity: the heavenly preparation of your physical self for full consciousness. This process entails a complete redoing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Final reintegration is to occur while you are safely inside a crystalline Light chamber. This special living compartment of Light is to fashion a complete re-sequencing of your cellular RNA/DNA.

It works as a dynamic Light instrument, according to each individual’s particular requirements and orchestrates new sequencing codes that move you instantly toward achieving your full physical potential. Designed by Heaven, this process will take approximately three Earth days to achieve its divine goals. Your own body guardians and your other heavenly guides are to direct it. Once you emerge from this living crystal of Light, you are to be returned to full consciousness.

Full consciousness is the divine goal. The Creator decrees that your reality is to return to a fully-conscious one. The reality you know now is rapidly becoming something quite alien. We witness these events taking place before our very eyes and closely observe the galaxy shifting back into a unified, multi-dimensional state. The frequencies showering your planet are vast energy waves that reorder the energy fields that intertwine space and time. As this reweaving progresses, the galaxy manifests her beauty in a suffusion of luminous color and breath-taking shapes. Glory be!!!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The time is coming when a new era of peace and enlightenment is to shower Mother Earth! This new reality is beginning to manifest in many blessed ways. It is this glorious new reality that allows us to move humanity forward into a new Galactic age! As we become more able to understand how this realm is changing, we learn new ways to spiritually address each other. What we ask of you now is to dream of, and visualize, a wondrous new world that is kind, caring, and prosperous.

Your ever-growing consciousness is redefining how you see each other and how new realities are being added to your perceptions of the world. For centuries, we have observed the Light of transformation grow stronger and stronger, causing the dark ones to grudgingly retreat.

This new reality is beginning to manifest in myriad blessed ways. Each day we watch as your planet becomes energetically more magnificent. As the old reality’s grids collapse, we can see glowing streaks of light and fantastic cloud formations appearing suddenly in the sky for all to witness. Your reality is soon to expand and remake itself. We will be your divine guides and spiritually-appointed mentors, and we take this privileged role very seriously.

We are grateful to our space family for visiting us in ever-greater numbers and we rejoice that the Light of Heaven is pouring down all around us. We are also greatly pleased to know that increasing numbers of you all over your world are sending us daily prayers of Love.

Each of you possesses the prime quality of saintliness, which has been suppressed ever since the dark ‘reset’ this reality nearly 13 millennia ago. The time approaches for you all to transform and become physical Angels once more! Together, we are to create an urgently-needed new star nation and fulfill the Creator’s most sublime and ardent dreams. A time for miracles and wonder is on its way!

Today, we continued our message. As we have mentioned, an immense change is to descend upon this surface realm. It is our responsibility to be ever aware of this and to note that the universe is revealing its magic at this very moment! The time arrives for us let the wonder of this Light in! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/22/2018 6:27:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 22, 2018

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We wish to reiterate the importance of having fun as part of your enlightenment process moving forward. Getting in touch with what brings you joy is essential as you begin to navigate in the new, higher vibrational energies. Sadly, so many of you have been so serious for so long you don’t even know what that is any more.

Think back to when you were a child. What did you love to do? What were your interests and passions? Your childhood can hold many clues because as children you are least resistant to your soul preferences. What types of things did you like to do? What were you naturally good at? Where did you focus most of your free time? What elements of those activities can you bring forward now to match who you have grown into?

Do you think having fun is frivolous? Or do you think you have to forfeit fun in order to watch over everyone else? We are shifting from the old paradigm of martyred service into joyful service. What if following your joy was the way to your highest service? We can tell you that it is. Joy and presence are indicators of alignment and embodying higher vibrating energies, which only serves the whole. Honouring the importance of fun is also healing for you, as it allows your inner child to come back to the forefront and have their needs met.

It is time to release the old belief that fun is irresponsible and should be last on your to-do list. It is time to put the light back into enlightenment but honouring your soul’s interests, passions, and the activities that bring you joy as the essential elements they truly are. By finally allowing how your soul yearns to express itself, you begin to shimmer and shine in your true glory. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/22/2018 6:31:48 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/21/2018

will's picture

Love is a miracle. If it happens, and you are totally involved in it, then it takes all the energy from fear, from self-condemnation, from doubt, from sadness, from misery, from anxiety. And once the energy is taken away, all those concepts are only corpses; they lose their grip on you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/22/2018 8:36:37 PM

Chugging Right Along

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God said:

Beloved, take a stand on what you will allow to rock your boat. All is not lost. You are not in the grips of a vise. If you are a captain of a ship, you haven’t sunk your ship yet. You got off course for a minute. You don't have to take it so hard. You were not attacked. You did not fall overboard. You have the option to take disappointments more philosophically. You don't have to take even one occurrence so hard. When all is said and done, you don't have to be done in.

You don't have to take life harshly. You must not. Beloveds, learn the art of letting go. You don't have to get hung up and be at the end of your wits because of a mistake. A mistake doesn't have to be a fatal flaw. Let it go.

A car’s not starting is a car's not starting. It isn't the end of your life.

When you do come to the end of your life, even then, you don't have to take the so-called end of your life so hard.

Despite what is called death, you do not die. If it were true that you did die, let go of the idea of dying as a fault. Likely you will receive other rounds at life.

Hey, spilled milk is spilled milk. Wipe it up, and go out and milk another cow. The world has not ended. You don't have to be overwhelmed. You are mightier than this. Don't allow yourself to be at the end of your rope when tomorrow is another day.

What has happened to good naturedbess? Okay, you stepped in a puddle. Who says you have to boo-hoo over it? Not I. Okay, you don't like to step in puddles, yet what's wrong with a HA! HA! while you're a it. Laugh rather than cry. What percentage is there in banging your head against the wall for even one second? Stepping in a puddle isn't exactly tragedy. Even if somehow it were, by what law would you pull a shroud over the day?

How about considering that you are lucky to have this mix-up absorb your heart rather than something on a larger scale taking over? You know, you don't have to take everything that occurs in life dramatically.

Perhaps you composed a magnificent concerto, and the page of your great work blew into the fireplace and burned up. Alas. You may not be able to reproduce the same work, yet you can write another work. I suggest that you get this disappointment behind thee.

Always, in life, chug right along.

Look, hold joy to you. Dispense with despair over what isn't the end of the world. If you have a sore toe, be glad you at least have toe to be sore. See the good in what you do have. You can start again. No need to hover faithfully over the past.

There is a new day a-coming. Make a fresh start. Get on with it. Make hay while the sun does shine. Take every opportunity to move ahead and not get stuck. When you are stuck in the snow, you naturally get out of the snow. A mistake can only be a mistake. It can’t be a fateful flaw. Beloveds, you were not born yesterday. You are no one’s fool. I did not bring you to Earth to hang on to yesterday’s newspaper. Beloveds, I have given you a “Get out of Jail Free Card.” It’s a pardon from yesterday. No more keeping yesterday held over for even one extra day.

When your life features a marvelous day, then you can hold it over one extra day, and, then you get going ahead in life and take the new day in your stride with My Blessings.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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