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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2018 11:52:54 PM

Evolution and Expansion

August 20, 2018

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s August 17, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Perhaps you have decisions to make, and your logical thoughts don’t provide you the clarity you need. Such is so because you’re learning to make decisions from your heart as do all beings in 5D and beyond.

“Let Go!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You have been a god/goddess of creation since your Universal inception. And it is those of you with Universal creation abilities who are the forerunners of this transition.

Perhaps those statements cause you to wonder why only a small portion of Universal beings are creation entities for you believe anyone of 5D or beyond can create what they wish. Such is so but not in the way you think.

Some Universal beings, such as yourself, are Olympic creation stars. Others merely follow what you report to the totality.

You are similar to 3D technology creators.

After a few created the personal computer, many others designed applications and software to fulfill the needs of those interested in those technologies. Without the basic technology, there would be no need for applications or software.

You forerunners are the creators of a specific piece or entity and those following enhanced those creations with pieces you were not interested in creating.

So it is you forerunners created the earth and other planets upon which many Universal entities shifted, perfected, played with, and changed to the extent you felt a need to return to redesign your original earth.

Now you are at a loss for you have completed that 5D earth shift. So it is you are moving beyond your creation scope in ways you have not previously.

Your being is undergoing much the same process as those just awakening. Knowing you wish to do something more – which you decided, en masse, when you chose not to exit earth after you built the New Age bridge.

Your need to remain of the earth in this lifetime was your inner-directive to expand your creation abilities from the large to minutia. Now you are at a loss about your next step. Not because you are unskilled, but because this role is so new to you.

Your purpose, your role is to expand your creation skills far beyond anything you ever have. For just as the earth is evolving, so are you. Your earth shifts are Universal shifts.

Many of your forerunner friends, relatives, and media stars opted to leave before undergoing this phase for they decided to continue as large creation entities. You are more like Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. For not only did you create the new box that is now earth – with the assistance of earth for the earth is also now a creation entity as of its 3D to 5D shift – you are creating the pieces that fit within the box.

Some of you are undecided – do you move forward with new creation skills or do you end your creation activity before doing so? There is no right answer. Nor will ending your creation activity end your earth life.

But most likely, you are excited about the possibilities of what comes next. If you are in that group, you are or soon will be discovering new creation skills.

Some of you pooh-pooh that concept for you are not excited about anything. Does that mean you will exit earth? Or merely that you have not yet discovered something exciting?

It is the latter. For you have practiced and practiced to go beyond your planet creation skillset. Your new goal is creating within 5D earth.

Perhaps you question why so many need to be addressing new processes, structures, thoughts, and feelings of the earth? Such is so because all of you of earth at this time wish to expand your skills in new and different directions.

Throughout our years of journeying together via this channeled blog, we have stated many times that as you evolve so do the Universes. You are now discovering the accuracy of that statement.

Perhaps you wonder why we are seemingly belittling your planet creation skills. Such is so because you are bored with creating the same planet shells over and over just as would be true for any relatively easy earth activity.

You forerunners are becoming excited about something you likely cannot yet pinpoint. You will decipher that excitement in a dream or other means that rev up your new skills for adventure.

For now, most of you are moving into this exciting phase with little or no indication what that means for you. Allow that to be as you awaken your new skills.

Perhaps you will find joy in creating new structures within society; something mechanical or scientific; new music or artwork; or something to enhance nature. It does not matter for you are learning how and where you wish to expand your creation skills. All of which will combine to create the heaven on earth you long dreamed of.

The difference is in this life you do not expect other entities to perfect your creation.

If such is so, who will create new planets, new Universal areas? Those following you. The Universes are a learning/evolving center for all.

Allow yourself to know you never stop evolving as is true for every Universal being. So it is this transition is not about repetition but evolution and expansion of all. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2018 11:58:12 PM

Choose Both the Finite and Infinite

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God said:

Beloved, develop your listening skills. For the most part, you know how to chatter very well. Listen more. Go back to the beginning. Go basic. There are stones you don't have to lift. Talk is one of them. It's good to settle into a modicum of silence. Cover your bases.

Attend to what is yours to attend to. Attend to what you have not been attending to all along.

Of course, everyone wants to be heard. It is many Human Beings’ favorite hobby to be heard! You like to excel at being heard and add up points and come out ahead. Dear Ones, you already have most everything covered. You are at the head of the game. Remember, Beloveds, all this play on earth is a game, and how you like to win at all kinds of games!

Most of My Children probably desire that I expound more. I am expounding right now. Why do you keep wiggling in your seat? Sitting still can be a great activity. Of course, this advice isn't for everyone. No advice is. Not everyone has the same template from A to Z. DNA is a variation on this. You are all, of course, related – no two ways about it. You are close enough.

Related doesn't mean that you are not also unique. No one has to prove his spectacular uniqueness. You don't have to be one in a million. You are One with Me as it is, and this means you are, indeed, good enough.

It's all right to be a bump on a log. You don't have to be a trailblazer each and every day. No one has to outdistance himself. You don't have to get ahead of yourself. Without effort, you are one in a million. No two are repeatable. It's okay to snooze.

Subtraction may be valuable for you. Hustle-bustle isn't required of you. There is no point you must make. I hear you in silence. I speak to you in silence. Beloveds, I am the pause that refreshes. I give you a tune-up. Sure, check in with Me. Hear My Silence. Absorb it. Hold it close to you. Keep My Silence in your Being. If you must feature something, feature your own strength, which is full in your silence.

Noise can cover ground. Silence covers ground better. Silence leaves no stone unturned. Silence speaks everywhere. If your desire is to be effective, try silence. This way no one has to block his ears.

Does not water have to be dammed up in order to stay in? You don’t have to give every gem away. On Earth, there is more than the one sense of sound. There is also the sense of feeling on many levels. Feelings cover more ground than a chorus of crickets chirping. How powerful are feelings – most especially feelings which amount to love.

Ultimately, how much more is there to be said? Words are finite. Silence is Infinite. What do you want to put your money on, the finite or the Infinite?

Which are you? Well, of course, you are both. Join Me in the Infinite. What do you want more of, an end or continuity? I suppose We can say that even the finite can keep going on forever and ever. Certainly, there is more to life than the finite. There is far more to you than the finite as well. This is how it is. Life rewards you. Life rewards everyone. No exceptions. All qualify for Infinity. All are assured Infinity. There is no randomness here. This is across the board. From A to Z, you are a shoo-in. No mess-ups here.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 1:00:23 AM

A Sacred Space…

How often do you allow yourself to have those ‘not so good’ moments? You may have always been or worked toward becoming a happy person…then something broadsides you. In an instant you lose your ‘happy persona’ and the people around you wonder what happened. They may even become upset that you are not the way you’re ‘supposed’ to be. Oh darn! (Smiling)

Remember, my dearest child, you are human! You will have your moments. This is not something you need to apologize for…it is you being you. It is wonderful to please others, however, pleasing yourself and practicing self-care during times of sadness/grief/pain the most important thing. Allow that sacred space so you can move through it in a way that works for you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 6:45:31 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 21, 2018

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Many of you are still integrating energetically from the recent powerful shifts you have moved through. The sun is assisting you in that process. The best way to ground in new energies is by putting your focus on your body. Eat the foods it is asking for. Allow it to move in whatever way it wishes to in your own intuitive dance. Spend time outdoors and feel your feet connect with the earth. Lie on the ground and let the earth energy wrap you up with its grounding support. Commune with the plants and animals. These are just a few things you can do.

There is no greater expert than your body on what it needs to integrate any energetic shift. Allow it to take the lead. Support it in whatever it is asking for. Know that there is a natural intelligence within that knows exactly what to do. Trust your intuition. What works for one person may not be what another requires. Experiment. This is how you will bring forth your own ancient knowledge, and step into being the empowered master of your own vehicle. What wonderful times you are in that are allowing you to make these discoveries of your own amazing abilities! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/21/2018 6:50:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/20/2018

will's picture

All the religions live on fear; they make every child fearful. And the fear becomes the psychological atmosphere of your being. So you are never total in doing anything, you are always hesitating - whether it is right: what you are doing, is it going to lead you towards reward or towards punishment; are you coming closer to God or going farther away? Each step is full of fear. And because of this, religions have been able to exploit you.

A man who has no fear cannot be exploited. He lives his life according to his own light. He has a lifestyle which is his, not borrowed, not given by somebody else.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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