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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:20:38 PM

Let It Be Enough When the Sun Does Shine

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God said:

Beloved, it is a good day when the sun does shine. It is a good day when day has dawned. It is a good day when the sun has set and the stars are out. You arise, or you get back under the covers. In any case, you live under the blanket of Heaven named the Sky on Earth however the light may fall.

Join Me today. Join Me tonight. Join Me in life under the sun or under the stars. You are alive in Heaven and under the Heavens. We are alive together, you and I. There is a Cosmos, and We dance on it and above it. On the stars or under the stars, We dance, and We sing. Let Us make merry. We light the stars like street lights. We ignite the Sun. We ignite the Sun so that all may see the brilliance with which I lighted the Universe. Every day there is a parade of life like light itself streaming forth so that We openly make life merry. What is life going on but for Us to to be merry? Can it be you have been thinking any other way?

Merriness is the only message to carry and pass on. Make life on Earth merry for all. Leave no one out. Most certainly, do not leave yourself out. Absolutely not. Join the parade right now. Earth is to dance on. Let there be no sobering purpose here. Take life lightly. Choose to make merry and set the tone for all. No one is to rise touchy or grouchy. All are to dance in joy.

There is no doubt about this. You are not here on Earth for dirges. Heavens, no. Make happiness. Bang the gongs. Awake! Life has arrived today. Make nothing else of life but a blessing. Get up on your feet and connect to the Earth. Dance on the grass. Tap dance or waltz or polka. Leap! What dance do you choose today? Your heart is to dance on Earth on this very day. Wait for no other day. Let the dance begin. Lift your toes. Let life transfer throughout the Universe today. Let joy in life be your humble gift to Me today.

Well, what else do you think I would ask of you? Never do I request a frowning face or anything that covers up the dance floor of life. Start life today to the beat of My Heart. Shall We not swing from star to star and exalt the earth with all the love in the world today? Would We not? Why would We not join hands and raise a flag for today? Today, this is the very day that is Ours to share. To share it, We must. It isn't My day or your day, it is Our day. Today is for all. Roll out of bed. The minute your feet hit the floor – dance! Hum a tune. Wake up the world. Hold today and your head high.

You are destined to be the Light Bringer. You are to sing My Songs. You are here to open the world. You are the first to herald today. Join hands the way a chorus might march onto a Broadway stage arm in arm for a grand introduction. Every day is a grand overture. No two are alike. Every day is beautiful in its opening. Have you not known this? Beloved, wait for no man. Do not wait even for yourself. What have you been waiting for? Whom have you been waiting for? Simply strike up the band.

I say, “Thank You to Me, Beloved.”

Say to Me: “You’re welcome, God. Yes, it is for me to serve You in the Highest.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:22:37 PM

Mary Magdalene via Natalie Glasson: The Truth of Mary Magdalene’s Journey Updated

Audio version. Video version.

Natalie: I have now visited twice the Grotte de la Sainte Baume, which is a cave in the south of France where it is said that Mary Magdalene spent much of her time after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The cave is on the side of a mountain, and it takes about a 45mins steep walk through glorious and luscious woodland to reach this sacred place.

Before entering the cave, I began to communicate with Mary Magdalene to discover the purpose of my visit and why I was being guided to visit the Grotto. After my second visit, I received new and updated wisdom from Mary Magdalene which I felt needed to be shared once more with anyone who was willing to receive.

Mary Magdalene: It is an honor to connect with you, and I shower you in the vibrations of the Divine Goddess and Goddess Isis. Even as a child I wore the symbol of the Golden Serpent. A symbol of being initiated into the teachings of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Isis. I was and remain a High Priestess of Goddess Isis Order dedicated to the power, magic, and love of the purest form of the sacred Goddess.

While we honored and embodied the Cosmic Goddess, we also cultivated the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within our beings, recognizing this sacred union as our truth and creative power. I, Mary Magdalene was initiated into Magdalenes which furthered my spiritual development and harnessed my understanding and experience of the Christ Consciousness, an active, healing and creative energy of the Universe of the Creator.

Each stage of my childhood was dedicated to my union with the Creator and discovering how I may be of service by following the murmurs of guidance within me.

It was my training which paved my way to my union with Jesus as well as preparing me to continue the teachings shared with both of us, after his ascension. The teachings Jesus shared were born from love and given in love, they represented the union of the masculine and feminine vibrations of the Creator in harmony and oneness, awakening the same within all.

His teachings drawn from the knowledge we had gained, understood and discovered through our childhood, and yet Jesus had a way of sharing the energies and wisdom we were accustomed to in a new light as if rebirthing and advancing the wisdom so all could understand and embody. He was truly being divinely inspired, he enabled all to access purer, higher vibrations of light.

During the times when Jesus shared his teachings, I would also receive the same downloads of energy and inspiration. As a representative of the Divine Feminine, I acted as an anchor, grounding the sacred energy into the Earth and consciousness of humanity.

It was after the ascension of Jesus that I was guided to continue to share with others the detailed teachings and healing practices I had received. One of my greatest purposes at that time was to share my wisdom with the Goddess Isis Order, Magdalenes and Christ followers further afield in the neighbouring countries and beyond. We knew we had friends far and wide who we had not met yet, and that they were waiting to receive the energy and wisdom Jesus and our community had anchored.

My mission was to preserve the teachings for generations to come. The divine directions and tasks given to me by the Creator seemed endless at that time. I was to develop the presence of the Goddess and remind many of the merge of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within them to nurture the world, as well as healing some devastation which occurred in humanity due to misunderstanding when Jesus left the Earth.

I was to distribute energetic codes, templates, and healing as well as physical scrolls, objects, tools and crystals of spiritual value in certain sacred places across the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of the healing and awakening Jesus had begun. I didn’t do this alone as most of our sacred community who enveloped Jesus and I through his ascension, travelled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there at times in his energy body offering words of wisdom and insights to encourage us.

I had another very beautiful role, a role which everyday healed my heartbreak of physically losing Jesus, even though I understood the truth of the matter. This role encouraged me to be determined to achieve the tasks given to me by the Divine Creator while also filling my days with fun, love, and laughter.

In my opinion, it is the most sacred role of a woman, I was given the gift of being a mother. Sar’h was the creation of the Divine Creator to embody my energies as Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ sacred vibrations; she really was the image of our union in more ways than seemed possible. A sacred gift to the Earth and me. She carried many names, the Golden Chalice, the Holy Grail, the Grail Treasure, the Golden Serpent and the Union of the Divine in Manifestation, to name a few.

Sar’h was already born when Jesus moved through the crucifixion and resurrection initiation. As I began my travels I was pregnant with our second child who was to be born in France and named Maya.

Our purpose when arriving in the South of France was to begin the process of distributing the many sacred energetic and physical scrolls, tools and templates which had been placed in our possession. These were to be given to specific people and hidden in certain places to preserve their safety. We were greeted and supported by the members of a Goddess Isis Temple and Order dedicated to the Divine Feminine.

These women and men of such profound inner beauty supported our mission, as well as creating a sanctuary for Maya to be born into the light of the Divine Goddess. Later the Isis Order lead us to a space of safety near their temple. Our shelter was a cave in the South of France known now as the Grotte de la St Baume. This shelter was needed to ensure the safety of Sar’h and Maya, both energetically and physically. We also wished to educate them in our teachings as they would distribute in their adult years what we had begun with Jesus.

There was a need for us to be sheltered away from the outside world as Sar’h was immensely sensitive, she held and radiated such pure Christ Consciousness and yet as a child could easily absorb the energies others emanated. If these energies were of a lower vibration, Sar’h would become sick very quickly. She needed to be constantly surrounded by the light and those who could master their thoughts and clear their energies.

This way she could learn to protect herself while sharing the purity within her being. There were also those who had heard of Sar’h and Maya and wished to sabotage our work and mission of distributing the light and love of the Creator.

Natalie: During my time in the cave the presence of Mary Magdalene was very strong even though this area like a church now has been overseen for many years by monks. The Divine Feminine vibrations still remained within its energy. As Mary Magdalene appeared in my third eye before me, it was Sar’h whom she pushed forth to me. Sar’h seemed to me to be about twelve years old when Mary Magdalene was bringing her into my awareness. Mary Magdalene wanted Sar’h to share some of her insights into her life in the cave. I had never consciously met Sar’h before, so it was a new experience for me.

Sar’h shared some visions with me. The first being a procession of women, men and children dressed in white wearing the mark of the golden serpent walking up through the woodland to the cave. Sar’h told me that they came to visit them in the cave every day bringing food and anything they needed. She said she enjoyed their visits as some of the initiates of the Goddess Isis Temple were of similar age to her or even younger, so she had time to talk and play with them before the daily ceremony lead by Mary Magdalene.

She told me how she loved running through the woodland with her friends and sister, like her they did not really know what the outside world was like, however, they enjoyed sharing stories of their inner plane experiences. Sar’h shared that she also enjoyed the daily ceremony held within the cave as it allowed her to see her mother at work, the power, grace and wisdom she exuded. During their stay at the cave, the Isis Order would conduct all their ceremonies and initiations within the cave.

The second vision Sar’h shared with me was of herself and Maya during night time embraced in their mother’s arms within the cave as Mary Magdalene shared her memories of Jesus. She would ask her mother to share everything she knew about her father from his birth to his ascension. Sar’h said she loved these times the most as sometimes in those intimate moments of sharing with her mother and sister, her father would appear as an energetic form in the cave to share some time with them.

Sar’h told me that she enjoyed living in the cave as she had everything she needed, and they moved from the physical planes to the inner planes of the Creator’s Universe very easily. I believe Mary Magdalene’s sharing of Jesus’ lifetime with Sar’h and Maya was her way of guiding her daughters through their initiations and preparing them for their adult life.

Mary Magdalene: As Sar’h reached the age of fifteen years old, I knew it was time to support Sar’h in the next stage of her life. I had known from the moment we arrived at the cave that we would leave the safety of the cave and travel to a sacred Druid community in England when Sar’h became of age. Our destination is now known as Glastonbury. I knew her purpose was to marry and remain with the Druid Community.

This made our journey to England exciting as I knew a new life awaited Sar’h, while also being heartbreaking as I knew I would eventually, once she was settled and we had travelled some of the area, be making the journey back to France without her.

It was not long before Sar’h was in love and married to a soul who was deeply familiar to her, a soul she had journeyed with many lifetimes together. They had many children and a very blissful life. Sar’h took on the role of sharing the teachings of love passed down to her from her father and me. Her healing powers were breathtakingly beautiful. Sar’h spent around fifty years in Glastonbury. At the age of sixty-eight, she journeyed to Scotland where she lived for the remainder of her life passing over when she was nearly a hundred years old.

I, Mary Magdalene, continued to care for Maya while in the Druid community in England until she became of age. Maya was such a strong fiery character, she had the ability to gift the most advanced spiritual teachings to another in the simplest way, so they would understand completely, experiencing beautiful inner transitions. She had a lovely way of communicating with people and was almost fearless in her approach to life and ascension. She was determined and continued the work her father had begun.

I, Mary Magdalene returned to the South of France and lived out my days within the temple of Goddess Isis with the Isis Order who had cared for Sar’h, Maya and I for many years. I no longer needed to live in the cave to protect my daughters and ensure their safety, so I enjoyed my time surrounded by the beautiful souls of the temple. I visited the cave now and then when I felt that Jesus wanted to appear to me and share some time with me.

I travelled a little around France and Europe. However, I had completed my tasks given to me by the Divine Creator, so I was able to spend much time in peace and solitude, sometimes reliving my memories, other times in deep communion with the Creator. I ascended leaving my body behind when I was over the age of one hundred and entered into an energetic body which allowed me to more easily move between the earthly and spiritual planes.

I wanted to share the truth of my journey after the ascension of Jesus, so we may connect on a deeper level, and so you may further access the truth of my being and soul.

I am Mary Magdalene
Thank you
Read More from Mary Magdalene

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/5/2018 8:55:02 PM 7-19-18… “Benjamin Fulford: Helsinki, India, and Africa”

Some may be interested in this Benjamin Fulfordinterview. I’ve not listened to the entire video, but usually there are helpful data points in these videos. They discuss their Malawi project at 2 minutes, and the interview begins at about 4 minutes.

They also support a project in Malawi to help orphaned children. Go and click the donate button on any page.

Found this via RMN.


Benjamin Fulford: Helsinki, India, and Africa (Published on Jul 19, 2018)

On July 19, 2018, spoke for a sixth time in this series of 2018 interviews with Benjamin Fulford.

Benjamin tells us what Putin and Trump talked about in Helsinki, including security of Europe being provided by Russia and the likely return of Golan Heights to Syria. Benjamin speaks again about the rise of India and the potential of Africa.

Benjamin Fulford continues to work to liberate the planet from the bad guys. He is literally fighting to bring freedom and new life to humanity.

This interview is about 45 minutes long and we hope you enjoy it. Let’s take our cue from Benjamin Fulford… and turn our world into a wonderful place! The transcript will be posted below when it is available, which is usually within a few days. We are an all-volunteer organization. We do set aside a little money to support our website, but nearly all of your donations to support an orphanage of about 400 children in Malawi, Africa. Think about donating to these children, who have lost their parents. The donation buttons are on https://benjaminfulford.com

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/5/2018 8:57:54 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/4/2018

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Love needs, as a base, a certain centering, a certain grounding in your own being, because unless you are centered in your being you will not know all the treasures that you are carrying within yourself. Love is only one of those treasures. There are even greater things - there is truth, there is ecstasy, and there is the experience of the divine. Unless one is deep in meditation he cannot love, and he cannot live.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/5/2018 9:06:12 PM

The Compassion Road: Gender Equality Begins Within

Sanat Kumara told the New You group in 2014 that they were transcending time and space reality and added:

“I want you to know this in the very core of your brilliant tri-flame, which none of you are working enough with, by the way.” (1)

Let’s look in a little more depth at that tri-flame and how it relates to gender equality.

Gender equality begins within.

Within our emerald heart chakra is our tri-flame, the Mother’s Blue Flame, our own pink flame with it’s silver core, and the Golden Flame of the Father.

These flames when burning brightly, equal in strength and vitality, are gender equality within.

With equal Love for our Divine Mother, our feminine energy and our Divine Father, our masculine energy, in peace andthe forgiveness, LOVE and the compassion, joy and thegratitude we are BALANCE, gender equality within.


In contemplation of our tri-flame, we find understandings, clues to our becoming.

The knowing of the Mother’s Movement of Peace, ability to forgive everything, and the Peace of the Father, the wisdom of forgiveness, is held within the blue flame.

The Mother’s Compassion, Love for everything, ability to bless everything, be non-judgemental, and the Virtue of the Father to hold the highest vision of the Love for All, is found in our pink flame.

The Mother’s Joy, our sacred mission, action, physical building of Nova Being, Nova Earth, and our sacred purpose, the Joy of the Father, the gratitude for the balance of gender equality, is found inthe golden flame.

Equal qualities of the Mother’s Movement, Her Ability of Blessing, of Loving Everything, and the Love, the Wisdom, the Virtue of the Father are found in each flame.

Mother + Father = ONE

A balanced tri-flame is gender equality.

Understanding and knowing
feminine and masculine,
blessing and virtue,
N o v a B e i n g

We = One

Sanat Kumara:

“Long ago the Council has given you the exercise of two fingers to the heart to give the Love and open another’s heart.

“Now this is not merely a feel-good or esoteric exercise. You can touch the hearts of millions all at once. You can give them this gift.

“You can line them up and say, ‘Today I am opening the hearts of all the recalcitrants. Today I am opening up all the hearts of ISIS. Today I am opening up all the hearts of all who sit in governance.’ And simply do it. You are far more powerful than you have recognized and given yourself credit for.

“Now we know how powerful you are. We are not partnering with juniors. You are not in a training phase. And we have passed the preparedness and the readiness. We are in action, beloveds!” (2)

Heart Consciousness
Love is E v e r y t h i n g


The Scales of Justice: the Knowing of Balance,
the Gratitude for Gender Equality Within/Without


(1)Kathleen Mary Willis, “Working with the Tri-Flame and Our Love of the Mother,” Golden Age of Gaia,

(2) “Sanat Kumara: You Have Fully Assumed the Mantle of Your Divine Authority,” June 10, 2017, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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