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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2018 6:45:55 PM

The Compassion Road: Love (the Mother) and the Love (the Father)

When we truly LOVE our self, our ego, there is no separation within/without from One, from Source.

When we do, there is understanding of the Mother’s Love and knowing of the Love of the Father.

On all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — old entrenched beliefs in punishment are not of truth.

Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us: “We see disease as an external event that is internalized grief, mourning, sadness, disenchantment, war.” (1)

There is space for being in the Now,
where the emptiness allows for inspiration,
place of peace and serenity, where ego is Love,
place of forgiving and forgiveness, where God is Love,
place of compassion, gratitude for everything life teaches.

We are the Mother’s Movement of Love with the wisdom, the Loveof the Father, where the Mother and the Father are ONE. I Am because we are.

Unity. . . Oneness. . . seeing how building societies that work begins where everyone/thing is LOVED, the Mother’s Movement with the Wisdom of the Father, the LOVE.

Sanat Kumara:

“When you reach — now we are talking collective consciousness — when you reach a realization as a race called Gaians that you are not alone in the multi-verse, it changes the perceptual mindset of how things such as governments, which is really stewardship, is managed and organized.

“So, with Love — and I am not talking as some would say pie in the sky — I am talking the practicality of living the Mother’sLove – with that comes the elimination – yes, not decentralization, not the softening – the elimination of structures that want to control.”

We are eliminating the insidious belief that “God is punishing” — bigotry, hatred, limitation, control — and that we are separate, a disappointment to the Mother, because of what we have created here on Earth.

From these experiences we know what doesn’t work Now and understand that the Mother forgives everything.

As within, so without,
patterning the Movement of Mother’s Breath,
Love within, Love without.

Sanat Kumara: “If your daily life, if your in-breath and your out-breath are not in alignment with Love, with the Truth of Who You Are, bright angels, then the external construction will not be of the truth and the peace and the Love that you are seeking. It will not be the genuine reflection of the Universe that rests within thee.”

I go into the fray, the chaos
being the example of no separation,
of the LOVE for the most disenfranchised,
the most addicted, the homeless to the most wealthy,
with the knowing of no lack of self-worth, no lack of self-love,
no punishment, no separation –
the Wisdom of the Father.

Sanat Kumara: “The galactics are helping you. There is new technology being seeded upon your planet every day. The explosion, shall we put it that way, of new inventions, new technology is not coincidental. So do not feel that your brothers and sisters of the various forces are not in active assistance. They are.” (4)

As ONE in balance,
that wide line in the middle,
in forgiveness, compassion, gratitude,
in peace, LOVE and JOY for sacred purpose,
in co-creation with our Star Brothers and Sisters.

Sanat Kumara:

“Joy overrides everything. Joy is the ability, the choice, the capacity, the practice to stay in the Love, to be the Love, to experience and to express the Love regardless of what is transpiring, both in what you assume – and I do mean assume – is actuality, or reality that is unseen.

“Joy allows you to move into the knowing of Love, and in that knowing there is in fact greater joy, greater bliss, greater peace, greater truth because they are stand-alones.”


Thank you, Sanat Kumara.


(1) “Sanat Kumara on the Changes Happening to Us,” January 30, 2017, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, All quotes are from the same source.

Sanat Kumara on Tender, Gentle, Loving Relationships

“If you wish to have an assignment, let me give it to you three ways. Choose a partner. It may be a family member. It may be a friend. This is over and above the millions that each of you are working with. It may be a stranger. Every day engage either mentally, esoterically or actually in a kind and loving exchange of relationship that is expressive and reflective and in alignment with how you love and treat yourself and, in reciprocity, how you love and wish to be treated every day.

“Then formulate the same relationship with prayer, meditation, intent with your water and with your food. If you were to do these very simple and most difficult three things: individual, your water, and your food. Kind, loving, nurturing and gentle, for one month, and we, I offer you a date my friend, and we were to revisit this in one month, the shift upon your planet would be unbelievable. I do not say significant. I say unbelievable. Because you would be breaking the old pattern and erecting, constructing new, ignoring what does not serve because it does not serve. And anchoring what does serve, what fills your heart with supreme gladness in form. That is why I am suggesting to each of you, to engage with a friend, a family member or a stranger and watch it blossom.

“Watch it blossom. Watch the old pattern smash away and the new that is underneath truly shine like the brilliant pattern of the Mother and the Father that it is.

“I would be glad to help you! I invite all of you to call on me. It is time to truly see and experience, in form, in this lifetime, in this time, the beauty of what it means to be on Gaia at this time.” (1)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2018 6:49:57 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2018

will's picture

The art of living fully, totally, and intensely is not something arduous or difficult, but it has been made almost impossible. It is so simple and so obvious that there is no need to learn it.

One is born with an intuitive feeling, intrinsic in life itself. The trees know it, the birds know it, the animals know it. Only man is unfortunate. Man is the highest peak of life, and he wants to know the art of living. There has been a continual conditioning against life. That is the basic cause why the art is needed.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2018 7:18:27 PM

You Are as Fine as a Star That Twinkles in the Heavens

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, life does not seem to want to be pinned down. It wants to roam the range. Naturally, you want life to be hail-fellow well-met. Instead, life seems too often to be like a pig-in-a-poke. What a fine kettle of fish life is. Did your life happen to skid on a banana peel?

You may wonder what all the fuss is about. What is this attention on landing at a destination about? You might as well relax in the first place. It’s okay to keep rising and not have to plop down somewhere. You don’t have to nail yourself down. Life just keeps rolling around like clouds in the sky, and life is like a well in the country that just fills up to the brim. Hail to life!

Does it matter if you walk upright and spin around and be amazed and keep wondering at what seems to be going on while you gasp for breath? What information must you leave for your grandchildren to know about you after you toddle off from earth? What is the importance of what you stomp your foot about today? Does life have to be a package you tie up with a ribbon, beloved?

Take My Word for it that We are all One. What is this big need to differentiate one angel from another and sprout different wings and what different stories to tell all over the place and nail everything down? It’s okay for you to float and consider yourself dispersing in air. The sun rises. Dust settles. All is well. Nothing is amiss except your consternation.

If you didn’t have so many questions, would you crave so many answers?

Does peace amount to so many questions being erased? Who says that life is a puzzle that must be answered right away? Why wouldn’t it be all right to be Heavenbound and this to be enough? I say Heaven is undeniable. I say Heaven is inevitable.

No one is overlooked in Heaven. You will land lightly in Heaven and be reassured once and for all. You will return Home and be welcomed as ever. You will bounce on air. You will rise to all the heights imaginable. You are to the manor born. You land exactly where you are supposed to. Start smiling now. There are no tests you are bound to take. Flowers bloom as ever. Petals open. All is well in Heaven and on Earth, and you are as fine as any star that twinkles in the Heavens.

You speculate whirlwinds and pockets with holes in them and bedazzled hearts hoping above hope for something not quite yet discernible. You ask yourself why it all matters so much that you must carry hope even at the same time you hang on to the idea that all is lost. Beloved, truth is endless. Truth cannot be lost.

All returns to its origin. It isn’t that hope springs eternal. It is life that springs eternal. It’s okay to jump into life. Dive in. The swimming is fine. Stars sparkle. There is room for all. No one is denied. All are welcomed. There is no need for you to worry about your having to be protected.

My love protects you. You tend to look for measurements when love has none. Love never runs out. Love is immeasurable. There is no hole in the bottom of the bag of love. Love is effervescent and evermore.

You seek for the real world without awareness of what real means. Real isn’t outlined. Real is bountiful. There is no end to the meaning of truth, yet Truth is eternal, and so are you. Therefore, Truth is measureless. There is no ladle big enough to fill the bowl of life, for life is already brimming over with love.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 2:52:49 AM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 3, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Phenomenal One!

This week the Collective speak on the heaviness we're feeling right now -- emotionally, physically, and energetically.

They point out what we all know, but find hard to accept -- that we walked into this environment, including the demands of the Ascension path, precisely because it's so dense.

Yet even in these intense times, we are not alone, as the power of our own souls, and the Love and support of the billions of Angels encircling this Earth, are ready to assist, as we call on them.

And . . . with all the stargates and eclipses happening, this a powerful time for manifesting what in the past we would have considered only a pipe dream.

I have been reading an amazing book on manifestation that is life-changing -- Ken Elliott's Manifesting 1, 2, 3 -- and I highly recommend it!

(And I'll be interviewing him in September on The Empowered Lightworker on LNM Radio Network.)

As always, thank you for all you do and are -- for having the courage to be on the Earth at this time.

Looks like you're the sort who doesn't like to miss out on any of the excitement!

With much Love and Light to all upon the Earth now,

P S For more manifesting processes and Abundance activations, join us every other Wednesday for the Abundance Group Conference calls.

If you'd like to receive reminder emails with time, date, and call-in info, just email me, and say "YES to Abundance!" and I'll put you on the email list.


A Message to Lightworkers -
August 3, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

We are aware that these are taxing times, in which you are feeling the intensity of old emotion—past experiences that have brought realizations, beliefs, and paths of learning that have been painfully steep and difficult.

At times these paths have been so demanding—beyond what you believed you were able to process or integrate at the time—that your mind or body rejected the experience, seeking to step out of the moment and to retreat into the purely etheric, or into nothingness.

We understand your hesitancy to relive these painful and often numbing moments of Earth life. Those of us who have experienced Earth lives know them well, and are aware of their intensity.

Yet no one Ascends from the third dimension without facing that darkness, that shadow that seems to follow one from one Earth life to another, dogging efforts and intentions, and dimming even the most joyful of beliefs, thoughts, and emotions.

Yet in part, you came here to live in the shadows.

“And why on Earth would I want to experience in-depth pain and trauma, as well as my own shadow aspect—the thoughts and feelings I would prefer to admit to no one, including myself—when I could have incarnated into some life where the Light would never leave me?” you may wonder.

“At least in that environment, I could have spread my Love and higher Light in ways that would have helped other people, and Earth’s overall vibration!”

And we would say, it is understandable that you would feel this way. It is a logical notion, but not entirely relevant.

For if you had not experienced the darkness firsthand, you would not be present in it, and being present in it is a crucial part of your Earth mission—not only your own Ascension path, but your greater soul mission, in which you contribute to Earth's and humankind’s evolvement.

You needed to know the depths of what the shadow world was on the Earth, so that you could anchor Light in it, in ways not have been possible for those of us who live above and beyond it vibrationally . . .


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:09:30 PM

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Channeled through Valerie Donner, August 2, 2018

A channeled message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, August 2, 2018

by email

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you probably remember that I have been working full time with the Earth Council for the Ascension process for these past six years. I periodically report through this channel what we would like you to know.

You will begin to have increasing numbers of sightings such as the one this channel and others saw at Mount Shasta. Before you know it, seeing ships in the sky will become an everyday occurrence. Can you imagine the excitement that you will feel? We are open and are enthralled with anticipation. We cannot wait to meet you and to get acquainted. We have a lot to share and so do you. We will be helping in every way possible. You will be able to come forward and do your true work for your purpose and destiny.

In addition to the joyful reunion, the skies will light up with potential while your hearts sing to the music of the cosmos. This is what we have long awaited. You will become more beautiful and will learn about the sacredness of life. The waves of love are getting stronger and some of you are feeling this. It is expanding your happiness. It is as if you have been touched by an Angel. You are sculpting your angelic selves, your master-fullness, and starting to make the earth beautiful again, beginning with yourself.

Never before in the history of the Ascension Process anywhere in creation has such brilliance been delivered to any planet. The earth is the most deserving of all for what she has had to endure. The esteemed Lightworkers deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, gifts, and honor for the work that you have achieved. Without you, the beloved earth would most likely not have survived.

The divine plan is being carried out to the fullest. You are part of this plan, an integral force to its completion. You will be given everything that you need. All abundance is yours. Little will remain from the past for you will have little use for it. This last stretch, towards home, will go quickly. You will need to be on your toes and aware of what is occurring around you. Your razor -like sharpness, increased intuition and psychic abilities, sensitivities, discernment, and keen determination for the planet’s Ascension are integral to the success of this mission.

Release any doubts you might have about your abilities to complete this cause. You are almost there. Let those around you make their own choices. Sometimes this is not easy and we understand that. The glory that you are creating mandates that you follow your strategically dealt directions. You will magnetize to your selves like-minded community members that will support you significantly with your work. Your lives will get easier. You will have everything you need to complete your assignment.

Allow others their choices and do not judge them. Love them, have compassion, and be patient. They could surprise you with an awakening in their most divine timing. No matter what, keep kindness in your heart. This will elevate you and will keep you in sync with the energies that are coming. Brace your selves for what is new, true, and divine. Please remember we are one. We love you and our assignment.

I am Mira saying good bye with love to all.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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