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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:11:01 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday August 4, 2018

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Your encouragement and faith in another’s divine capability to navigate their own life in whatever way is perfect for them is often all that is required for someone to have the courage to step forward into expansion and the discovery of their own highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:12:27 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, August 03, 2018

3rd August 2018. Mike Quinsey.

There are so many uplifting messages coming through Kryon, I could easily include extracts every week. However, I want to try and keep to my normal way of introducing them where possible every 4 weeks.

But occasionally I feel prompted to fit in a relatively short extract. The one following, apart from some very minor editing, is a complete extract. For anyone wishing to listen to this message it is part of a slightly different format to usual, as there is first an introduction before Kryon commences to speak at 12.06 minutes, and when completed it is followed by another message by Kryon to the end at 57.40 minutes.


Your soul resides inside and outside of you. Residing in God in some mysterious way is the beauty of the Creator of everything, and it is a Oneness that goes way beyond you, or the land you live in.

It is a Oneness with the air you breathe which is also from the Creator, and if you could suspend all the things you have been told – this is the way it works, this is what to expect – here is what is next if you suspend that. I would like to tell you something, that you can start building a truth that goes beyond anything anyone has ever told you, and you can call it “[your name goes here] truth” because it is the truth of you.

And you start asking questions and, if you want to metaphorically muscle test them, do it. “Am I here on purpose” – Yes. “Does the Creator of the Universe know me” – Yes. “Is it possible that when I die as human being that the beautiful part of me goes back to the Creative Source” – Yes.

Therefore it makes you eternal. It makes you not a human. The human is simply a vessel that is being used right now that is in the mirror every day, but the real you is magnificent and is loved by God.

God is the name you made up, human being. If you do not like the name make up something else you do like, the Eternal Light, the Great Central Sun, Spirit, the Creator of all Things” – give it a name. It is You, and what this will actually do if you can simply suspend all of the chatter of what you are supposed to be, what this does is enable you and empower you to solve the things you came in with.

Now we get personal. The God in you and the God in me are the same. You are entangled with everyone here and without even knowing that which is the problem you walked in with, I can say it is solvable, more than solvable. When you start the chemistry of your belief, your body responds. The profundity of what you have from the Creator inside you is lost on most and when you start understanding that the fire of creation and life itself resides in you, realise that all things there that would straighten out your life are there already in the field. It is a matter of selecting them with a human consciousness that starts to be tuned to the truth. There is nothing wrong in following those who give messages as long as they are the truth of love.


The next steps are very much down to the Human Race as every soul now has the opportunity to lift their vibrations, and their Guides will assist once they see that there is an intention to do so. There are of course many distractions and it requires a good amount of faith in the future to move through the present period without being affected.

The difference from the period prior to 2012 is that there is more help at hand, and things will gradually become easier as the ability of the dark Ones to carry on with their interference is becoming more and more difficult. Their power base is weakening and their plans are being disrupted as they can no longer exercise the degree of control they would wish to carry them out for total domination.

They have lost many of their leading supporters and others are being arrested who are essential to their plans. The break-up of their body of control is still continuing and will do so until they can be totally removed. There will be no way back for them and victory for the Forces of Light is assured.

Unbeknown to you, much is being done to overcome the underground activities of the dark Ones, who have been well established for a very long time, and have advanced well beyond your present level of technology. However, it does not take much in modern weaponry to destroy their installations, and progress has been made in that respect.

Their biggest problem arises from much of their funding having been cut off, although they still manage to steal through fraudulent means. The net is closing in on them and eventually there will be no escape route or [or way of] avoiding justice for their crimes against Humanity. Their plans to escape from the Earth have also been blocked and they will have to face the consequence of their actions.

The massive funds kept safe and under the control of St. Germain will when possible and, in due course, ensure that great strides are made to quickly bring much needed changes about. It will be well beyond the ability of the dark Ones to interfere with the release of such monies that are safe and well protected. The syphoning off of money intended for good work will also be prevented by the total safeguards already in place.

Be assured that plans for the restoration of the Earth have already been made, and, as was previously mentioned, are in no way going to be allowed to fail. Advanced methods are ready to be used to carry out restoration work so quickly you will be very surprised to say the least. You have been waiting a long time for something positive to happen, and it is hoped that your wait will soon be over.

All we can say to you is be ready and positive by giving little if any encouragement to those who still desire to stop changes from taking place. Their efforts will be to no avail as decisions have already been made that will prevent any negative activity directed against the Lightworkers being successful.

Certainly the dark Ones never give up trying to interfere with you, but as time passes they are getting more and more dejected and disappointed at their waning power. At this point it may be worthwhile pointing out that the dark Ones are souls chosen for their extensive experience in playing the negative roles, and in a way that may sound odd to you but are actually carrying out their roles to play the “bad Ones,” and by serving you in this way they gain some credit. Their ultimate fate will eventually be decided by the higher powers, and not those on Earth.

You are now well into a cycle that is opening up many more opportunities to raise your vibrations to help you go all of the way to Ascension. As the years slip by you will find proof of the changes that will help you achieve your goal. So it is important that you keep your eyes firmly on your chosen pathway, and not be distracted.

I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:14:24 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/3/2018

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Our whole upbringing is such that it goes against pleasure, against joy, against the sense of humor, against rejoicing in small things of life - singing a song or dancing or playing your flute. Nobody is going to call you a saint because you play the flute so beautifully - except me.

I will call you a saint if you dance so totally that you disappear in the dance and only the dancing remains; the dancer is completely merged, melted and has become dance. If you play the flute so totally that you completely forget yourself, only the song remains, and you are not the singer but only a listener, then the flute is on the lips of God.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/4/2018 7:15:50 PM

Light Up All Hearts on Earth

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God said:

Beloved, I speak with a flourish. I say: In terms of the world, responses to all the senses seem to remain all important. A human baby cannot live without being touched. Untouched is deprivation.

What lack of meaning is it to be not seen and not heard and not responded to? What statement of unworthiness does this make?

It’s possible that even being yelled at is better than no glance at all.

Every single one of My Children is a sentient being. How are souls to be nudged without exchange? Holy is the exchange of light. Even two nods on Earth fill the Universe.

To survive, a puppy has to be licked by its mother. Otherwise, a puppy does not know of its existence. An exchange is essential. Every sentient being requires a welcome to Earth. In Heaven, there is only welcome. In Heaven, unwelcome is unknown.

Of course, to be welcomed on Earth is of the utmost importance. No Being is to be overlooked. No Being is to be cast aside. You understand that remaining unnoticed is inhuman. Life exists to be noticed. This is what is meant by Love. Human Beingness must be noted and nourished. To be loved is to be noticed. Beingness also has to be fed. Abandonment in not an option. Not in My eyes. Eyes must meet. Souls must touch. Hearts must breathe in and breathe out and be intoned.

Teaching and learning are exchanged through love. At the very least, love. Love given in school can be for a subject taught. There inevitably has to be an exchange of love. Two sets of eyes have to exchange their light. Be sure now. Even to a stranger on the path, venture love. Reveal though your passage in life that love exists.

There is to be a daily exchange of love. Once in a while is not enough for humanity to progress. Isolation is not to pass for love. Love must set the tone. Unloving is not a blank allowed. God is to be inhaled and exhaled. Share God to each other’s benefit. Exchange light and notice one another with all your hearts. No one is to be overlooked. The breeze that blows must blow on all. The sun that warms must warm all. For one to exist, all must exist in the light of day and the peace of night. Stars are to shine on all, no exception. None.

If one heart must ache, it is not to ache alone. A load shared weighs less. This is an ultimate truth of life. Your purpose is to uplift one another for the sake of all. Life is reciprocal. Hold your brother’s hand. Hold love high. See everyone. No one is to be unnoticed. Love is to be known and sung. Love is to be sacrosanct.

From one fire, build another. Everything on earth is an exchange. No eyes are to be hidden. No mouth is to be closed. Love is to have its say. No love is to be turned back. Hallow-ed be Thy Name. All breath is to be exchanged. Oneness is to be known, and known freely. No love is to be hoarded or locked away. Love is to be in the public domain. All for One and One for all goes further than a theory. Love is to be lively. Love is to be underlined and made holy. Love is to be sung from one heart to another. No holds barred. All songs to be sung are of Love Unified. There is nothing else to sing of. Herald the dawn of love on Earth today. You are vital to the ensemble.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/4/2018 7:17:50 PM

Blossom Goodchild Channeling the Galactic Federation, Aug. 4, 2018

Welcome to you this fine morning. Somebody wrote in asking if you would talk to us about ‘Free will’. For you say, no one can take it away from us. Yet, many would beg to differ. He wrote ‘How can anybody claim that we are down here making choices of our own “Free will” when we are clearly in no position to do so? No – any “choice” that humans are making here in his place is being made without access to “all the facts” and out of a distorted and heavily manipulated state of consciousness, indeed in many cases, “choices” are being made under duress. Would you care to speak about this please?

Welcome to you and indeed, it is a fine morning from the beautiful country in which you reside. Not all can say the same weather wise and yet, perhaps that discussion is for another communication.

There is so much involved with … so much, that sometimes it is not always so easy to condense such vast topics into a conversation such as ours.

This matter of ‘Free will’ is a curious one. For we have stated only recently, that one cannot take away ‘Free will’ of your soul. However, there is much manipulation through controversy and mind influence that suggests one … does not/is not … able to be FREE to do exactly what they want.

Well, on our Planet … one would say this is very much the case. For there is much control taking place in many, many areas of our lives. Which definitely takes away our choices, therefore, our ‘Free will’ surely?

Yet, you CAN CHOOSE how you CHOOSE to CHOOSE!


In that … there is an acceptance of certain probabilities … at this stage in ‘The Game’ … regarding things … out of/ beyond your … control. The way governments and their agendas are run … and not excluding those that reach far above that of the government protocol. However … and we reiterate … at this stage in ‘The Game’ … you do have the ‘Free will’ to CHOOSE the way in which you decide to … think about/ behave towards … such matters that are occurring.

NO-ONE can take away your KNOWING of ‘EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT’ … no matter what is presented outwardly. And should one so CHOOSE to hang on to that KNOWING above all else, no matter how things appear … then ‘EVERYTHING ‘WILL’ BE ALRIGHT.’ You have the ‘Free will’ to make these decisions.

You have on your Planet what is known as THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It is a law unto itself. That which you think, you attract.

The Energy in which you CHOOSE to Vibrate regarding your thoughts and desires, is the ultimate key as to whether or not such desires come to you sooner rather than later. This too, is your ‘Free will’.

One can moan and complain until they are blue in the face. This too, is ‘Free will’.

One can adopt a change within their thought patterns of negativity and change their lives around, literally, due to their focus on that which they desire and Vibrating on the knowing that it is theirs. You have the FREE WILL to BE YOURSELF.

Yet, do we? Are there not those who are able to control our minds through microwaves etc?

Yes. This is so.

Then this would prevent ‘Free will’ would it not?

Yes. It would. Yet, we would state that ‘The Self’ … the ‘True Self’ … can be aware of this and break through that mind manipulation. This matter is intense and complicated. There are also certain drugs that are used to manipulate one’s thought pattern and one could say that they too, take away ‘Free choice/will.’

Even from this knowing, we would still say that the soul … the will of the soul … has the power to break through that which one feels they cannot control.

The Power of the soul is more than you CHOOSE to imagine.

The Power that is within you is more than you can imagine.

Yet, isn’t that because a lot of our imagination/skills/tools were … taken away/shut down? Where is the ‘Free will’ in that?

It is within your soul. It remains in your soul. Your ‘tools’ to access this Power have merely been ‘put to sleep’ … and yet NOW in these Glorious days … THEY ARE AWAKENING. YOU ARE AWAKENING. Each one … in their own choice of time.

Ok. So, let me question that … ‘In their own choice of time’. Surely, if one knew about this possibility … we would all wake up immediately in order to access this power?

Not so, Blossom. There are those who have settled so deeply into their slumber that they have ‘chosen’ to ‘keep things as they are’… so as not to disturb the Peace. You have to understand that there are souls who do not want to face up to the reality of what is actually going on. It is too much for them to have to deal with and therefore, their choice, to remain closed down.

Is that laziness? Why is that?

Free will!

Yet, why would they choose this? For surely each one of us ‘deep down’ knows we are of spirit, not flesh … and … of the LOVE that we TRULY are. However deep down it rests for some.

Yes … and yet, EVOLUTION of the soulself has the … right to/the ‘Free will’ to … take everything at one’s own pace. Just because one soul may desire to ‘Blossom’ more quickly than another … does not mean that either is right or wrong. All souls CHOOSE their path in this experience/experiment.

As your friend and ours … the Beloved White Cloud, has spoken off … Some may take a bus that takes you on the scenic route around the country side … Some may take a bus that takes you up the busy highway … Some choose straight through, no stops … Others like to stop for a while and take in different opportunities. Either way … the bus … at some point arrives at the same destination.

Each soul’s evolution is marked out for them … by themselves!


Their choice, their ‘Free will’ to play this Game any way they CHOOSE. Any lifetime they CHOOSE. As many lifetimes as they CHOOSE. On a soul level, there … is always/will always … be ‘Free will’ to CHOOSE ALL THAT ONE DESIRES TO EXPERIENCE … for ever and ever and ever!

Ok. This is delving down the rabbit hole and deep into the warren yet, some say/believe … that we live in a computerised matrix. The movie ‘The Matrix’ is a fine ‘trigger’ to awaken to those possibilities. IF that is the case … where is the ‘Free will? ‘

The choice to take the blue or the red pill! IF … that is the case that you are living in such a programme.

I would be hung, drawn and quartered if I let the opportunity pass by to ask … Are we?

And we, Dearest Blossom, are not here to say ‘Yea or Nay’ to that answer. As indeed, we are not here to say ‘Yea or Nay’ to whether or not this is a flat earth or a round one … or whether or not a Light ship of massive proportion is soon to arrive in your skies. We are not here to disclose these things.

Do you know the answers?

Yes. Yet, also consider the possibilities that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Therefore, it ‘could be’ … that there is neither a ‘Yea or Nay’ answer to such questions … because the answer may be different depending on that which each one desires to concentrate on.

So complicated! One question leads to a billion more … none of which gives a straight answer. No offence to you. I have a job to do here … as do you. And we both are IN LOVE and TRUST to do this to the best of our capabilities, coming from our individual positions. I get that. One day I will know answers to things that you are unable to divulge right now. When I am in a Higher Vibration to understand more.

May we say this?

You have the ‘Free will’ to say whatever you like!





Are we ‘residing in it’?

If you CHOOSE to believe you are, yes. If you CHOOSE to believe you are not … no!




Yep … get all that … and I (and many others) know the key is within our grasp. We just can’t seem to get it to fit in the lock! If we could, believe me, I would be flinging that door open so fast, it would drop off its hinges!

We would ask you to consider to be gentle with yourself. Is it not that any soul prefers to ‘come round’ from their slumber in a slow, Peaceful, gentle fashion? Rather than being awoken by an alarm clock set to loud rock and roll!

Nothing wrong with a bit of rock and roll. Yet, I understand what you are saying and if ‘I’ get the point, then everyone else will, also.

The stirring arising within your Beings in these most extraordinary days are preperational signals to … Be alert. Be aware. Be guarded. Be guided.

For as each day comes to rest and a new dawn presents … you are ever closer to the Gifts that are to unfold before your very eyes. Gifts that will swell your heart to bursting point … for the WAVE OF LOVE that is to flow … over/through … your Divine Gaia is so very close now.

Hold on to this knowledge. For as Truths untold get told … you may lose sight of the wonders ahead that will take you into a Higher position. The one that you came here to bring about.

This Change … this wondrous … change/chain of events … will show you the Lighted pathway through to your destiny/destination.

We Love you so very much …

Ditto! Many, many thanks my friends. Until next time.

Until next time … indeed.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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