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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/25/2018 5:59:21 PM

Step UP!

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Very powerful energy is arriving on your Earth-plane and many are very confused and overwhelmed by it. I am going to tell you that, in no uncertain terms, do not ride the wave back down into the ‘noise’. As you grow and learn, there may be energy attempting to silence you. This is another way to drag you into the noise of the good/evil battle going on at the moment. Remember, you are and have been vibrating above that for years! Release your fear of the unknown and embrace the incredible light The Universe will be sending you over the next few days. If it becomes overwhelming, take a step back, breathe and, again, ask for assistance when you need it. Do not let your pride get in the way. In times like these, silence may work against you. Lastly, keep in mind that you are a child of The Universe, more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Step up and show the world what you are made of! The infinite power of Unconditional Love is beside and guiding you every step of the way. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/25/2018 6:05:41 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 25, 2018

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Your mind navigates through control and effort. Your heart navigates through freedom and flow. Which method do you think holds the most potential, comfort, and ease for you? Is it time for you to finally let go of the old systems and habits that simply cannot get you where you wish to go? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/25/2018 6:16:10 PM

The Council – Awake and Aware
July 24, 2018

The Council – Awake and Aware

We are going to ask you to think about the words awake and aware in what my be an entirely new way for you. Most of you would interpret them to mean awake to what is going on around them, as they interpret it, and aware of its meaning. We, however, would like you to understand that what is going on around you is less important, for you, than what is going on within you, where that comes from, and why it is more important than anything outside of you.

You are very likely familiar with our repeated theme of your surroundings being a mirror of what is inside of you as a collective, and also as individuals. We tell you often that, even though you may not be able to reach out and change your world situation, you can change yourselves and thus have more of an effect upon what you see than you know. While that is true, it still is not what we wish to discuss.

Do you understand that much, if not most, of what you think you are awake and aware of is the effect of your having been subjected to constant and conscious programming by others who have agendas that you very likely would never agree to if you were to see them laid out in front of you? Even many of those who deliver that programming are not aware of its origins or its purposes, although many are aware of it. Programming is the only word that fully describes what you receive from all of your media, from your schooling, and from the social pressures that you are subjected to.

So what kind of awake and aware are we referring to? We are asking if you know what you truly believe, what you know to be true, where the ideas came from, and why you believe them. We are not talking about whether the ideas are right or wrong. You are the arbiter of that. Whose ideas are they? Have you truly examined them? Do they conflict, truly, with other things that you know are true? Are they truly in your best interests? Or have you accepted what you have seen or heard from others? Why? If you have accepted something from a friend, from your media, from an authority, why did you accept it?

The awake and aware that we are speaking of is what puts you into your own power. The awake and aware of what is outside of you does not necessarily negate that, but its unexamined acceptance can do so. You do not gain by allowing another to do your thinking for you. You gain by making your own choices, even if they turn out to be less than you expected.

Now, if one is struggling just to survive in their environment, there is no energy nor time for also struggling with these issues. Ask yourself if perhaps you would be more able to deal with such things if you were prosperous, had more free time, and were under less stress. Would you then be more difficult to control? Control, you see, is what this is all about.

Start where you can, if you begin to see what we are explaining. Begin to examine why you do the things that you do. Why do you believe what you believe? Who said it was so? Why did they say it? Do you really agree? Are there facts to back it up? Even as a child you knew that “because I said so” was not good enough. Because ‘they’ said so is even worse.

Our goal, you see, is for you to begin to take back all of the power and control of yourselves. You are the one who decides, even if it is by not deciding. Not deciding is a decision to let someone else decide. And that is the source of a great deal of the uncomfortable feelings many of you live with. That is where “what can I do?” and “I can’t do anything about it” come from. You feel powerless because you have let it all slip away, and you aren’t even aware of it.

Awake and aware. Be awake and aware. Take your lives back. You, in your truth, are far more powerful than you know. ‘They’ know that. And ‘they’ are quite happy that you do not.

There is a growing and already very significant wave of empowerment already in process on your world. It is everywhere. It speaks every language. Step into your own awareness. Wake up. You will find that you are far from alone.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
7/25/2018 6:18:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/24/2018

will's picture

First cleanse yourself; let fresh breezes pass through you, let new flowers of silence blossom in you. Then you know the spring has come, and now you are in the hands of the unknown. Just leave your hands in the unknown, allow them to move not according to your wishes, but according to something bigger than you, something vaster than you. You will be surprised that they move, and you will be surprised that that movement is not coming from you - it is coming from the beyond.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/25/2018 6:20:53 PM

Invite Your Dreams to You

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, alas, it would seem you see a greater proportion of struggle in your life on Earth than you take joy home with you after work as a gift for the kids.

Everyone knows the expression: “Chin up!”

This expression bears taking a look at. How did this conjunction of two words come into existence? Is it possible that literally positioning your chin up has an effect on you that leads you to greater joy? It can also be possible that putting your chin down equates to feeling less hopeful.

Long in the world have you been told to sit up straight! It is likely that such common well-known expressions in your language set the tone of your day.

Take the expression: “Don’t be down in the mouth.” Not being down in the mouth may correlate with fewer wrinkles. Why not? There are smile lines and frown lines. Take your pick.

Do eyes lowered convey the opposite of eyes that look up? Look up, and you may feel more hopeful. Keep looking Heavenward. Is this asking too much?

Keeping your eyes wide open encourages you. What a good idea that you encourage yourself to be encouraged. What would I want you to be but inspired to go for higher? How about it?

Of course, holding your head up carries a meaning of alertness.

Shake a leg. It’s possible that the actual act of shaking a leg wakes you up and gets you going.

I gladly give you more choices to choose in the world. Take your choice.

Stand on your toes. Why would you want to be down in the heels?

There are certain simple ways within the mind and body that will make you more flexible. This isn’t startling news. It has long been thought that the Moon and other planets affect your moods. There are such things as pressure points that can relieve pain, and, who knows, perhaps even turn your life around.

You are a conductor of self-change and self-healing more than you credit yourself with. How powerful are your thoughts! What an effect music has on you! What cannot affect you? And no matter from how far away!

Make change happen. When you smile, you beam. When you smile, you are telling the world it’s okay being alive. Perhaps smile first, and you will feel better afterward.

Wear a pretty outfit, and you may quicken your step.

It’s no secret that exercise can uplift you. This isn’t a new thought.

Think of your hair as your crowning glory, and how do you feel? You have a choice of what thoughts to think. Choose.

How do you feel when you say you are flying high?

How do you feel when you say you are taking it lying down or you feel heartened or disheartened? Or that you are rising to new heights? Or that you are falling heads over heels in love? Or that you are riddled with fear or that you are overwhelmed with joy? Remind yourself that dreams do come true before your very eyes. Invite your dreams to you.

Will you accept once and for all that how you think about your life makes a difference to your life itself?

Beloved, hark to the herald angels! Be your own angel. Be somewhere over the rainbow. Be your own star in the firmament. Go ahead, fly to the moon. Take leaps right and left. Further your own progress. Set your own dial.

Enlighten yourself. Dance to your own tune. Sing a song of sixpence. Introduce yourself to your Self. Hop to it!

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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