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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 7:01:58 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – June 4, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth!

We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. Our writer has a question, which we shall share with you now:

COR: Dear ones, I have been wondering, and people will often ask me, about the children being born now. We call them Rainbow or Crystal children—some people will state the years that one or another group of enlightened children came to Earth.

I am wondering, How are these children different from those born 30 or more years ago, or even 20 years ago?

Do they have special sight? Special abilities or wisdom? A special path or mission they are coming here to fulfill?

People are asking, How do we raise children with more strands of DNA than we may have? Are they here to teach us, instead of the other way around?

And have they come in from other galaxies and other planets, because they see how badly they are needed now, in this Ascension process we are in?

THE COLLECTIVE: You are in fact inquiring, dear ones, about far more than the children being born now.

You are asking about your own development, your own Earth mission.

For those coming in now could not do so if the way had not been paved by several generations ahead of them—those of you now living as young or middle-aged adults, who have seen many drastic changes in the world and experienced so many great shifts in energetic resonance and outcome.

You have seen, for example, increasing openness and heart-based concern regarding the daily workings of education and health care.

You are seeing now a growing awareness of the need for self-aware, active-voiced participants in government and spirituality (once called “religion”).

These are all areas of life once left to self-appointed authorities, who are now reeling with shock to see their old power positions dissolving beneath them, as millions reclaim the power they gave up eons ago.

You are seeing your own awareness shift to the point where it would be nearly impossible for you to birth children who were Not Universal in outlook and origin.

Due to your bravery and hard work, they come forward now with a mission of the highest order—to create the next steps in developing those paths and inroads you yourselves have created.

You came not only to assist Earth in Ascending into the fifth dimension, but to do so yourselves, which you are doing.

And so, yes—they have astounding abilities.

You have already seen children upon the Earth who understand automatically, upon birth, that there is No object or situation that is solid or unchangeable—that all is energy, and energy is by nature malleable.

Unlike the mystics and sages of old, these children need not enter deep meditative states for weeks or months at a time to guide their bodies’ cellular design to move from assumption of density to assumption of liquidity or etheric lightness.

They are born with that knowing, and can exhibit it openly.

You hear now of children who are able to move or reshape objects with their mind, to walk through walls, to manifest what they need when they need it, to send and receive messages telepathically, to see through walls, mountains, buildings, and tunnels over thousands of miles, and to report what is occurring there.

Your old power systems have foreseen all of this, and thought they could capture and engage these beautiful spirits for their own purposes, as they often have in the past.

But the powerful tidal wave of electromagnetic pulses—of Light data coming to you from your Sun, via the Great Central Sun—is too powerful for their limited consciousness to grasp, or to block.

In keeping themselves rigidly to their own narrow objectives, they are missing the central Truth of what is occurring.

Which is that human sovereignty is developing on a galactic scale unlike that which this Universe has ever seen.

That is because the sovereignty you once had and decided to relinquish for a while was natural to you before this era you are now in.

This time, things are far different.

This time you have actively claimed it as your truth and your path, staking that claim against the very great odds of 3D density, establishing it within this new astrological era of Peace and prosperity.

You will not relinquish it again, for anyone.

That is more than a significant moment—it is astonishing and unprecedented, considering the level of density to which Earth and much of this galaxy fell.

You had fallen to depths unimagined even by those who supported the decision for Earth souls to explore the physical on a third dimensional level.

And so yes—they are most assuredly here to teach you, dear ones!

They have come for that, from every corner of this galaxy, for you are returning to being an intergalactic society, not a quarantined one that denies the reality of the vast expanse of lifeforms in this Universe.

Yes, they have a powerful and important mission, these children.

And yet—when you speak of how to raise them, you must realize that Love is the central reality of all that is molding your Earth life into new and higher levels now.

There is no worry regarding how to teach a child to Love, to remember that they are Love itself!

For you have seen how they watch everything that happens around them—how their brilliant young minds absorb and then play back all they see and experience.

Part of this tendency is the passivity that has been taught and deeply ingrained into Earth souls for eons.

But part of it is also how you as human beings have chosen how to learn about and adjust to the environment you are born into.

So there is no need, for example, to go into detailed explanations that state, “You are special and unusual,” because every child is such, and always has been.

There is no need for long-winded explanations of how important it is to Love and respect others—they will already judge for themselves the importance of Love, by the presence of it in your own energies, words, and actions.

They will already have come to understand, from your treatment of them, and the energy you carry, that they are expressions of Divine Love itself.

That Love is not something that one Does so much as something that one IS—something that flows naturally from one’s essence and presence.

This has been a teaching shared by the great spiritual teachers of your world, including the poet known as Shakespeare.

(“Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds, / Or bends with the remover to remove. / O no! it is an ever-fixed mark / That looks on tempests and is never shaken . . . “ [Sonnet 116])

And yet—you see how the left-brain obsession with dogma and “using the right ideas” to express something has moved the reality of Love out of experience and into pure mental concept—into the narrowest possible channels of understanding.

Does the tree Love the Earth as it draws its nourishment from soil, air, and Light?

Of course—and in like manner, all you need do is Exist, dear ones.

To live, to breathe in the present moment with a thankfulness that well outruns the days’ to-do list, the chores of living, the pressures and pains of the workday, of bill-paying, of keeping family relationships positive—that feels to be a tall order, and yet you came for this!

As they see you enjoying Nature, taking time to listen to what they saw and did today, taking time to read them beautiful stories of inspiring hero’s journeys, encouraging them to leave screens and gadgets behind for many hours each day and to express their own creativity and true nature—

They will know they have come not to the same cold, strange place you yourselves were born into, but to a beautiful Earthly iteration of the higher realms, seeking to move higher at every moment.

As they feel the warmth of your smile, noticing how brilliant and irreplaceable their presence is on the Earth, and realize that you know you do not own them, but are simply a help and a guardian for a while, learning with them as you go—they will far more easily remember Who they are, and Why they came.

We would only hope that you will likewise take that same time, consideration, respect, and nurturing for yourselves, whether you are raising children or not.

For you are also special children in the highest sense, dear ones!

For Love you came, and Love is all you are!

Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2018 9:24:32 PM


Mahala ~ Planet Alert June 2018


We just passed the full moon of May, which was on May 29, 2018. I would like to share with you the meaning of the degree of that moon. It was on eight degrees Sagittarius. This degree means that within the core of Earth new elements are being formed. This alchemical fire will purify and transform the Earth. In other words, Mother Earth is giving birth to new elements that are on a new frequency.
When I realized that new elements were being formed from the core of Earth, I thought about how the Hawaiian volcano is erupting and creating new elements. That volcano is on 19.4 degrees. The greatest power point on Earth is 19.5 degrees. This point connects with all of the other planets in our solar system. This means that the energy from this Hawaiian volcano opened doorways to other planets in our solar system. We are now connected to the whole solar system and will be able to connect with other dimensions such as the 5th to the 13thdimension. My understanding is that our sun manifests the energy of the 13th dimension.
We are now living on a higher frequency Earth. This means that we need to learn how to create from a higher frequency. Most of us have been creating from our subconscious minds and then we wonder why our creations do not manifest. Look at what you have held in your subconscious mind for a very long time. You have created from your poor me energy such as; I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve to have what I choose to manifest, and so forth. I know that I have been working for years to release that energy from my body, mind, and emotions. From now on I am going to create from my higher consciousness or heart energy. I also choose to look at life from a whole new perspective.
I received an email the other day containing a script from a channeling by Kryon of magnetic service. It is an awesome channeling and has new information in it that I really enjoyed. I knew about our Akashic records although I had never thought about addressing that part of me and cleaning it from all negative thoughts. The Akash belongs to an older energy and needs to be cleaned so we can take our power back and be in charge of our own lives instead of our subconscious mind controlling us. Then we can create what we choose to experience instead of what our subconscious mind thinks we should experience.
Here is a question from that channeling “Is it possible for a Human Being to rewrite the energy they remember from a thousand lives? Does humanity have that power? The answer is yes.” This is why I am including the link to this message for you to enjoy. Message
When we start manifesting higher frequency energy we will no longer be controlled by our Astrology chart because the planets have all changed. All of the planets in our solar system are vibrating on a new frequency. Saturn no longer controls the Earth and the people on it because the good ETs destroyed all of the equipment the dark side put on that planet to control us. The ETs also destroyed the big machine that was on the moon that was a broadcasting station from Saturn. This caused a lot of people to become very disturbed during the full moon period. That machine is gone so we can now enjoy the energy of the beautiful full moons. We are now free; all we have to do is to start claiming our freedom.
Mars was hit by a comet a couple of years ago and its energy completely changed from war and violence to peace. Now it is up to us to create the peace we choose to experience. Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me. I know that many people have been on a fast-speed track for the past couple of years to release all of their anger and fear. Fear, which adds up to the number three is the same energy that we receive from the past Karmic planet named Saturn. That planet now brings us rewards for work well done. Anger, which adds up to the number nine is the opposite energy of the word love. Release all of your anger and you will automatically manifest love because that is how it works.
The planets have changed so let’s start manifesting their higher frequency energy. Saturn can become the planet who brings us gifts. Mars can be the one who brings us peace and love, Pluto can transform us into light. We can now become great creators of what we choose to experience and enjoy life to its fullest.
Pluto will be crossing the Ecliptic from North to South in July of 2018. This is a big deal. The last time Pluto crossed the Ecliptic from South to North was in September of 1930. To me this means that Pluto has been dominant on Earth since 1930. Pluto is considered the God of the Underworld and negative in nature because of its desire to control everything. Pluto is also considered the transformer and is in Capricorn right now and it is very obvious that it has been transforming our government here in the United States and many other governments in the last 7 years or so.
There will be a partial eclipse of the sun on July 13, 2018. The sun will be on 20 degrees Cancer and this is the degree of happiness. Everything plays its part, and on this degree man experiences social happiness and a sense of fulfillment. It appears like we are going to start feeling happy so the energy from Pluto will probably become less dominant as it crosses the Ecliptic.
Here is another link to a Kryon channeling that I think you will enjoy! Kryon VideoKryon Channeling
I think life is meant to be happy. Be grateful for all you have and give thanks every day for your blessings. Walk softly on this beautiful planet because the energy of love is soft and gentle. Think how nice this planet would be if everyone just forgot about their problems and started enjoying life. All is well in my world. Let’s create HOME! Heaven on Mother Earth. So Be It!
Written in love and light by Mahala Gayle – A Galactic communicator from The Pleiades Star System.
We are still doing Edgar Cayce Past Life readings for a $30 donation. My son Dave is the one who does these readings and I really appreciate that. He also does the work on my web site. If having one of these readings appeals to you just listen to the short video he put on my blog Help understanding the Pastlife Reports there are also three sample charts for you to look at to see what they are like.
If you have already had your chart done and would still like to donate money just go to and look up I am open to donations of any amount. Thank you Angels of Love.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2018 9:30:17 PM

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, June 5, 2018

Valerie Donner

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner

By email, June 5, 2018

Greetings, I am Mira. I am in full service to the earth on the Earth Council, to assist with the ascension of the planet.

I greet you today in a new gateway that was just opened for the ascension process. It will allow more expeditious travel between planetary systems, by giving us more access to strategic locations where our help is needed. We will be installing some more of these as time progresses. We are coming from a place of strength and competency, and so are you. There are increasing numbers of us, because we are on a rapid trajectory to assist the earth’s ascension.

There has been too much outside interference with dark ones going where they do not belong. This is being remedied and will soon be complete. We have numerous ways to purge what needs to be taken care of. We have them running. We are making huge progress and there is still much that we cannot tell you. In the end, you will be made aware of all of it. Right now is not the appropriate time. We have to keep certain information to ourselves.

I can tell you there is a lot going on with your governments. It is behind the scenes. It is election time in the United States. Much change is afoot. Many new people have been called to action. The old system of service to self will be slipping away. You will have better cross representation of the populace. Make the best of the choices at hand. You need to be heard.

It is important that you take a stand on what is most important to you. This is the main way that you will be able to change the planet. Follow your heart and put your energy in to projects of great value. Begin to envision your future. Picture a clean earth. Feel into the abundance that is coming to all of you. See a planet free in all ways. Stay centered and calm. Find new power and strength. Move into the oneness of life with every being on the planet.

We are finding our way to be with you again. Many of us are on the planet already. The truth about us cannot be suppressed. Right now your U.S. government is clearing the deck for full disclosure because they have been told by us that it cannot be stopped. They are trying to save face from anger and distrust when you all know the truth. It could happen sooner than you think. It could shake up many people but it needs to happen. We do not have time for spoon feeding the populace or your government’s control. It is nearly over.

We know that for some of you it brightens your day (or your night) when you see us in the skies. We delight in these maneuvers. We communicate telepathically and enjoy your excitement when we connect. You will begin to see much more of us. Welcome us and this makes it even more favorable.

These are exciting time for all of us. We love and support you. I am Mira.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2018 9:33:32 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 6, 2018

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What you push against in your life is where you lose your flow. For many of you, that area is something you have struggled with, by habit or by expecting it to be a continued issue, for a very long time.

A far greater practice, rather than engaging with it, would be recognizing when you come against it and then choosing to surrender it to be resolved, and staying in that flow long enough for it to happen.

Some of you have challenges you have been grappling with for so very long. Why not allow us to help you navigate above and beyond them, once and for all, and discover the solutions that exist but you haven’t been able to find by yourself? That is what we are here for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2018 9:36:50 PM

Love All

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, in you, yes, you, I put My Faith and Love. I receive you in My Heart. What I create, I love. Once I create, this is it! What I love, I do not rescind, not even for one minute. Once Mine, you are Mine unto Infinity. When I shake hands, there are no second thoughts. I do not change My mind. The deed is done. You may have second thoughts, yet not I ever.

If I ever were to have an added thought, it could only be to love you more! Now, I take this thought back because I do not know how I could love you more. I am certain this would be an impossible task. Once Mine, you are Mine. Beloved, you are My fait accompli.

There are the languages of the world, and I love each language. Each language arose from the land and air and the Sun from which each language sprouted and each human Being, and, of course, every particle arose from My Love. All is as it should be. I love all languages, and I love all people. All are One with Me. I created One Being as if a Coat of Many Colors. In this sense, you can say I am color-blind.

I mean really, I do not look at My Creation as a box of chocolates where I would have to pick and choose My favorites. Rather, each chocolate in its little pleated wrapper would be My favorite. It is not My desire to grade by any distinctions. I much prefer to love all shapes and sizes as One Big Love. I ask you, whom would I not love? What a silly question. For Heaven’s Sake, why on Earth would I make a decision to pick and choose, as if I would ever choose to separate? No partitions for me. Preposterous. I do not waffle.

I never could quite fathom why some of My Beloved Children, absurd as it is, would covet some colors and reject others. I still shake My head over this, for this makes no sense to Me. Why does it make no sense to Me? I am a God of love, or I would not be a God. To conjure any reason not to love is beyond any path I can walk. The intelligent and natural path is to love all. This is as true for you as it is for Me. You may be sure I love all. Loving all means just that. I love all colors, and I love all those who may object to one color or another. With love comes freedom.

Free yourself from any chains that bind, and you will love as I do love as easily as the Sun shines. It is easier to love all than to make distinctions. I have no desire to be haughty. I much prefer simplicity and humility. Of course, I do not make distinctions. Can you not laugh with Me? I don’t stylize love. I just love, and that’s it.

When I created Creation, I did not analyze it beforehand or after. From the first moment life arose, I was a goner for love, pure and simple. In My case, there never were any two ways about it. I am a simple God and always am a simple God. Be like Me and accept love as the day follows night. I delight in Creation. I have gazed upon Creation and have said: “This is good.”

I may have further said to Myself:

“God Almighty, this Creation is supercalifragilistic! I pulled out a plum. What else can I pluck out! What a God am I!”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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