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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 6:21:10 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Do Not Allow Yourself to Dwell in Past Patterns ~ Simply Accept Those Choices and Move Ahead

June 5, 2018

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

As you move through your life, you are given many opportunities for growth. There may have been times when you chose ways of behavior which now seem inappropriate, and may even cause you great pain when you think of them. You may also have a sense of guilt for the pain you feel you caused others.

You are here at this place and time, reading these words, to know that it is time to accept the choices you made in the past and to move on with your life. You were doing the best you could at the time.

What occurred in the past is over. To continue to beat yourself up or wish you had done things differently serves no purpose. There comes a time for forgiveness, and this is what is necessary before you can make the changes you want for your future.

When you continue to relive past experiences, it keeps you dwelling in those patterns of behavior, even if you are no longer acting them out. It is necessary to clear those patterns through compassion and forgiveness.

Forgiveness is love in action. It is a cleansing balm which can soothe the tattered places of your mind. There is no person on earth who, as a child of God, does not deserve forgiveness. All that you have been through and all the actions you have taken up to this moment, have taught you lessons you have needed to learn. This is true for everyone. You will continue to receive the same lessons over and over, even if there is a slight variation in the form, until you do learn them.

It is helpful to remember your life is a huge school, where learning experiences are given in every moment to bring you to the peace and light of the Divine Presence within you. At a certain point in life, the peace of God is more important than anything else. All the choices you make will be made from the inner awareness: Does this bring me closer to peace? It is helpful to pray for others that they too might also find this place of peace within themselves.

Joy is found in total forgiveness. It can free you to live your life in the present moment, because you will no longer be looking back at what occurred in the past, or worrying about the future. When you find yourself living wholly in the moment, an energy is released within you. You can find passion for living, and a connection to the Source of all your good.

From this place, all the decisions you make and the actions you take will be for the highest good of all concerned. From this place, you can find the peace you have been searching for. It is in this moment right now, and it is within you.


Take the time to look at what is worrying you or what things in your life cause you pain when you remember them. It can be helpful to make a list, or write a letter to God or to the Angels and say all that you want to about that subject. Don’t hold back. It’s OK to go on and on, and repeat yourself. The important thing is that you clear your mind and emotions.

It may be helpful to picture yourself as a small child who did something which was not appropriate. Forgive this child of God, for if you had known how to do it differently, you would have. This is true for others involved in any situation. Forgive their inner child, even if you cannot forgive their actions.

When you feel complete, sit quietly and breathe balanced breaths. Call on the Angels of Light and Love to be with you and guide your way. Next, pray to your Higher Power, and ask for forgiveness for those actions that may still cause you pain. Ask that you might feel God’s forgiveness at the deepest level of your being.

Have an intention to heal all experiences within you from the past so you may now live in peace. When you have this intention, the flow of energy in your life will move in the way that will reflect your highest good. In this truth you can trust. Free yourself by forgiving the past, accepting the present moment as it is, and allowing miracles to be your future.

This is as it shall be when you remember your inspiration for today:

Do not dwell in past patterns.
Simply accept those choices and move ahead.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 3, 2018

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 6:30:00 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 5, 2018

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A good way to embrace co-creating with the universe is to consider it what you might refer to as a brainstorming session. You have one idea that you start with and the universe, from its perspective, suggests how to add to it. You give feedback or add to that new idea based on the new potentials and possibilities it holds. Before you know it, you have created something beautiful and amazing, just because you stayed open to the flow of creation. You can embrace the unfoldment just like that, Dear Ones, and that is exactly how you can add much wonder, joy, and expansion to your life expressions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 6:32:51 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/4/2018

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I am purposeless. And my whole philosophy of life is to enjoy purposelessness - beauty for beauty's sake, truth for truth's sake, love for love's sake. The man who is always thinking of purposes, even if he loves, it has some purpose behind it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 6:35:45 PM

Remember Your and Everyone's True Divinity on Earth

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God said:

Beloved, when it comes to life on Earth, you have heard more than once: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” You also well have heard: “Look before you leap.”

In the extant world, opposites are also true even as it is not always easy for you to see this.

“Hurry up! is one kind of advice, yet the Hare does not always win the race. The Tortoise may win the race while the Hare takes a nap.

It’s not so important to win a race as it is to enter into the race. You have a part to play. You are not to sit around in life like a wallflower.

Nor do you have to be a stand-out. You aren’t looking for renown, yet you leave your footprints in the sand. You don’t have to star in People Magazine, yet I do ask you to live your life to the fullest.

Beloved, I keep my eye on you. I follow your life, and I root for you. It is My pleasure to see you unfold like a rare Lady Slipper in the Springtime.

No one in the world may grasp your full merit to the degree that you and I do. I count your blessings, and My light shines in your eyes. Of course, I feature in your life. There is a reason why I follow your story. I invite you to feel the joy I take in your presence on Earth now and forever. I relish you. I insist on your being here. I brought you here for something. I brought you here to fulfill that which no one else can quite fulfill in the way you can. You are to extol the world. Better a world with you in it! You are here for something.

Godling, I sing your praises for good reason, and so may you sing My praises for the glory of all. Everyone who is here on Earth has signed up for Me. You don’t have to steal the show. You are here for many reasons. One is that I requested you bright as a song here as a voice to sing out for Me on Earth. Sing out, and sing out again so I may hear your sweet voice and so you may hear Mine. Of thee, I sing. Hallelujah, and of My blessings you sing!

The whole world is made of a chorus of angels on Earth. This day on Earth has come today, this very day on Earth.

Blessed be you, and blessed be the world. Life on Earth is for a reason. There is nothing on Earth that is without great purpose. No one is excepted. No matter how hit or miss life on Earth may seem to you, everything and every Being, including an ant working away with industry in a tiny ant hill, is here for good purpose. You may not have yet seen your own Divinity, yet not ever are you here by chance..

Glory to you. Your picture of yourself in this lifetime on Earth is about to change. You will know that the world is richer for your presence. Whoever reads this Heavenletter today – and whoever does not – you are about to wake up. You are to take a keen look. Your estimate of yourself and your destined ballgame on Earth this time around is going up by leaps and bounds. You are about to discover you are a star on Earth. You are nearer and dearer than you have contemplated. You are not just hanging out in this world on the odd chance that your life is meaningful. Your life is meaningful. You and I dreamed a dream of you, and something wonderful is happening before Our eyes this very moment!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2018 6:58:03 PM

How to Improve Any Relationship

Today we would like to briefly discuss how your thoughts and expectations play significant roles in the relationships that you have with one another. Though this will not be a particularly long message, we do feel it is a rather important reminder. We say reminder because we are never sharing anything with you that you do not already know within on some level.

Now with that being said, each of you have all sorts of relationships with your friends, family and loved ones, however that does not mean that you love everything about each one of them. Though we do not see the differences as being a negative, not by any means, in fact they present you with wonderful learning opportunities.

There lies within every single being things that you like and things that you do not like, parts of them that resonate with your being and parts that are not in alignment with your being. What we would like to remind each of you to do is to concentrate on the parts of their being that you do very much like, the attributes that you admire and the actions that you are grateful for. You see it is up to each and every one of you to focus your attention on what you wish to expand. Many of you fall into the trap of becoming frustrated with the differences in opinions, or the differing view points that you do not wish to experience in one another and of course those attributes expand.

Though you never have the ability to change another being, you always have the ability to focus on the parts of them that you enjoy, the parts that you are grateful for and the views that are in alignment with your own. Just as with everything in your reality, what you focus on will always expand. What you expect out of someone will be what you receive. Expect great things from one another. You are all far more in harmony and similar to one another than you realize.

So again we remind you, focus on what you love about the people you come in contact with and you will surely witness your world transform. Remember you are the creators of every aspect of your reality. Focus on the good in one another.

We hope that this simple reminder has served you in some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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- Dr. Taryn Crimi

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Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
