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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2018 6:31:57 PM

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof, May 22, 2018

I highly recommend that everyone read CA’s message for this week:

Callista: Do you have a message for us today, please, Awareness?

Cosmic Awareness: That which is the collective voice, the collective consciousness of that which is Cosmic Awareness is indeed available at this time and does indeed have an important message.

That this message has to do with the events that are ready to take place now, events that have been long in building up to a point, a needle point, a razor point in consciousness that will have great power, intended force that will change the course of human history and specifically shatter the veils of illusion and delusion that have been in place for some time.

This has much to do with the events in the United States of America, events that have been building up over the last months and years, hidden behind a veil of secrecy, hidden from the few of those who have had power for so long, those who have had corruption and deceit and ill intent towards the people of America for so long.

While this is an event that will have great significance in America, it will shake the very foundation of humanity itself worldwide. It will indeed be the shot heard round the world and the precursor to other events that are ready equally to begin to unfold and to be revealed in the weeks, months, years ahead.

It is a point of epic proportions and a point of no return, for when the events that are ready to take place occur there will be no going back to where it once was, but rather a movement forward into those unknown realms of the future. An old dream, indeed an old nightmare is ready to come to an end and a new dream, a new vision, a new human experience is beginning to dawn in the paradoxical nature of human events.

The events that are ready to occur have been a long time coming. And yet, here it is on your doorstep. Here it is ready to burst the illusions and delusions of those who have been asleep for so long, those who have been manipulated and controlled for so long, those who are totally unaware of the truth of the reality that lies beyond their conception.

For their conceptions and perceptions have been controlled and manipulated for so long that they do not know any other truth. And that truth which has been accepted for so long is the very truth that is ready to be destroyed by events of great magnitude that are needed and necessary at this time to finely begin the process of ending the control and manipulation that have been practiced upon humanity for some time.

For not decades, for not hundreds of years, but for thousands of years now humanity has been imprisoned. Humanity has been led down a [path] towards its own destruction, its own disappearance. This awareness has spoken of the razor edge of events and energies that are under way. It spoke of the energies coming through from 2017 into 2018, that these energies would continue.

And they have built to a point now where it is not only a razor edge but a needle, a sharp point that will burst that which has been the prison walls that has surrounded humanity for so long, but specifically that have imprisoned those in the great state of the United States of America, into an American dream that has no longer served and does no longer serve, that has actually led the many into the level of enslavement that humanity, that America finds itself in now.

Several months earlier this awareness spoke of the unzippering of America, that event that opens up America so that what lay within and under the surface finally can be released. And this is the process that is under way.

And there are those who are involved, who are deeply involved, who have been involved for some time now, who are the head actors, players, participants in the unfolding events, events that will shatter the illusions and delusions of America, events of such great magnitude that many will not be able to comprehend or understand what is happening.

And many may find their world falling apart as their country falls apart. But this is not truly an energy of destruction. It is an energy of transformation, a transforming from that which has been to that that which will be. Many of you are particularly here at this time to be part of this great time, this epic event and to be part of the dream that is now beginning.

But for the new dream to begin the old dream had to come to an end and is now coming to an end. Be prepared for the upheaval that the next week will bring, events of such great magnitude that many will not understand, but many will.

For those that understand know that this is but the beginning and an ending as well. Know that this is your choice to be part of it. Know that this is the very act of empowerment that you have been waiting for, that you have been dreaming of for so long. And these events are those events that are ready to unfold now.

Hold on for the ride, hold on for the future, and remember. It is the future you have dreamt of. It is the future you have wished for. It is the future you are here to participate in. And it is so.

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Website: Rainbow-Phoenix

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2018 9:10:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday May 24, 2018

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Many of you start moving along quite nicely into your next grand adventure but the second you get into those new energies, start to doubt the choices you have made and whether you have arrived in the right place.

The first thing we wish to tell you is if you have made choices based on what felt right to you, you are in the right place. You are simply in a space of energetic adjustment.

Arriving in a new place and then immediately doubting it is much like taking a flight to a new location, landing, and then deciding not to bother exploring what it has to offer and judging the entire experience on the airport itself.

Trust that if you are making decisions by listening to your heart you will never make a mistake. You will land in a new energetic space that will support you in your next beautiful expression of self. Be willing to be open to where you are and allow the unfoldment to lead you to all the wonder it has in store for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2018 9:11:37 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2018

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CONTINUE EASY AND YOU ARE RIGHT. Never forget for a moment that the difficult is the food for the ego, and the ego is the barrier that makes you blind to see, makes you deaf to hear, makes your heart hard to open, makes it impossible for you to love, to dance, to sing.

CONTINUE EASY. Your whole life should be an easy phenomenon. Then you will not be creating the ego. You will be a natural being, just ordinary. And to Chuang Tzu, and to me also, the ordinary is the most extraordinary. The people who are trying to be extraordinary have missed the goal.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2018 9:17:23 PM

What Is the Meaning of This Life You Seemingly Live Anyway?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, your current life may seem like a roller coaster ride to you, riding at break-neck speed with bright lights flashing, ya know, like somewhere you might go to on a Saturday night for entertainment. Nor does your life have to seem straight-laced either.

Take life in your stride, not make too much of life nor slough life off as if it were only entertainment either. Life is here to stay – the one and only you have at this moment, so to speak.

Don’t imagine you are stuck with life or that life is stuck with you. Something great is going on, and you are part of it. You are not blind-sided. A part of you really knows what is going in. You are not, by any means, the last to know. Of course, you may see through closed eyes, not quite staring life in the face.

This is your life, Beloved, not someone else’s, even as you may have moments when you are a stranger to your life. You see yourself, yet it is hard to believe that this is truly your life occurring. You may feel far afield. You may feel an error has been made. You may feel certain that your life was meant to be different from what it looks like. You are sure you are meant to have a life filled with certainty rather than a wanderlust life that falls by the wayside.

You may have waited long and hard for what is called true love, and true love never caught up to you. Strange, isn’t it? Alas, some of your dreams fell through. You don’t know what else to make of your life. Your life sure hasn't been a straight line – not at all – rather a most wavy in and out line, up and down, through crevices and also through bright skies, yet you can only wonder what to make of it, this unexpected life referred to as yours.

Could it be that you really received someone else’s life, and someone else received the idyllic life you sought? Of course, it’s also possible some of your received life hit the nail on the head. You can’t deny that some of it did. Yet, how can it be that you wrote this tale yourself when you feel like such an onlooker to it and not always dancing for joy?

Who are these people you seem to know? Who are they really, and what are they doing in your life? How did they get here really? What is anyone doing in this that is called life? And, it would seem that not all are meant for each other. There has been a lot of fury, you must admit, even as there were particles of love enjoined yet perhaps put aside.

It could be possible that you were switched at birth, yet, switched with whose life though? It could be that the life you receive is meant for you, as wild a ride as it may be. Yes, it is hard to figure. You might as well, then, just as well leave it at that.

How can it be that you were born into the family you were, and you were the first-born or the last born, or the only one? How did you get here, and what are you doing here, all by yourself, so it seems?

There was a sci-fi book called A Stranger in a Strange Land. You may not have read it and just heard about it, yet you figure that the title of the book was taken from your life as it played out.

It’s not so easy to follow your life and relate to all of it. For all you know, your life could have been written in a foreign language. You never did really understand what you were trying to say.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2018 9:20:16 PM

Solar Gateway Influx: Coherence Effects

Solar Gateway Influx: Coherence Effects

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Deep gratitude to all who are holding focus during this Gateway by calling in and forth these highly refined frequencies. Integration requires much rest, calm, time in nature and meditation.

Remember the message *Some of these energies can only be integrated in dream state.* The sleepiness is palpable, like a drug. Embodiers will feel this more than others, as the HUman conduit function is affecting the entire HUman heart grid. Our Lightbodies are changing to compliment the activated crystalline structures within. This is unfolding rapidly with the band of light we are traversing at the moment. Honor it with extra sleep, rest, yoga/flowing movement and meditation.

We are moving into a more coherent state of Global Unity Consciousness as the Primary Timelines raise the trajectory for all. Allow stillness with the Higher Self. Let the Light change you.

Solar flaring continues, increases as *Sunspots appear out of nowhere,* a side-effect of the Stargate opening last weekend. Notice how different the flaring feels right now; these pure photonic plasma fields are laden with consciousness-shifting, veil-dissolving codes which affect physical realities. This is the flashing activity that many of us experience in the subtler realms, physicalized as a hearts-up for all concerned.

We were alerted to this passage, which continues through the Full Moon next Tuesday, in order to prepare for a much higher collective trajectory shift in June. In our Divine Service, we continue to raise as many onto the higher timelines as possible.

A video about the New Earth Now experience will be released this weekend. Kindwhile, let us maintain our calm focus on this influx.SUNday Unity Meditations will be focused on peace as always, and we will distribute these new embodiment codes through the HUman Heart grid.

Blessings upon all of creation for this transformational experience!

In Love, Light and Service,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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