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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 9:39:24 PM

Echoes of God's Words

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God said:

You ponder:

“Does emptiness exist? You have heard that the core of a seed is emptiness? How can that which is vibrant and fertile and empty perpetuate life? Is DNA emptiness? Is emptiness that which makes DNA ready to carry on life to more than one precise destination? Is emptiness what Innocence amounts to? Are questions part of existence? If Yes, how does life get away with this, for from one question inevitably arises another?”

Further, you ask:

“Does DNA carry life on into Infinity? Does DNA stay Whole forever? Is there no end to Wholeness? Does Infinity mean no end to it? Then it must be that there is no end to life, for it is seeded Infinitely.”

“Why are such thoughts coming into my empty head? How on Earth do such thoughts spring up from one like me who knows nothing, not with certainty, that is. Can it be that I was actually born with Knowledge and then let it fly off without actually grasping it?”

“Hmm, are my thoughts of my DNA flown like dandelion puffs to the air? Of course, it is no surprise that air plays an important part in life. Air carries life and perhaps DNA so that life as DNA continues.”

Now I will speak for you again:

You tend to think that you must be playing dress-up when you pull on a royal robe because you’re sure royalty doesn’t belong to you, not in a million years.

But what if royal robes really are yours and you do more than play dress up? Look in the corner of the robe that you are sure doesn’t belong to you, and you will see your initials sewn in there.

You are sure the idea of you as royalty is preposterous, yet what if it is True? Unimaginable, yet True? What can life not be attributed to, when I say that even all those seen as nonentities are Great Beings? You passed by your gloried Self, somehow wearing unseen robes of Great Stature unbeknownst to you yet never forgotten.

Hey, Beloveds, what if you do have the eyes to see, and incredible as it may seem to be to you, your eyes are wide open, and they see afar.

Or, what if you are a Godwriter? Blessed be you. A Godwriter simply hears the Echoes of My Words. You are God’s beloved dummy who hears My words and babbles them without knowing what they mean, or, you are the last to know. So what if it all is without your knowing, so what?

When you take a walk in the woods and sniff the flowers, and you are happy, how much happier can you be? What if you are simply falling under My Spell? Isn’t this good enough? Or isn’t this even Great?

This is all I ask for you, and this is all that you ask for yourself. Perhaps even far more than you would have asked for, actually far far more than you would have asked for, and yet, more than what you would have asked for has been thrown in your lap, and you picked up all the bread crumbs or simply followed their path and find yourself where you never knew the official name for where you find yourself now. It might have been called Nowhere, yet, Beloveds, look at yourself now. You are Somewhere.

At the same time, you are well aware that you are not at the end of the tunnel. There is no tunnel, yet you arrived Somewhere, even undocumented. Inasmuch as you got here, who cares about documentation?

I say it is documentation enough that your fingers touch My Hem, and I am as happy as ever.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2018 11:43:31 PM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 25 February 2018

You have been left in no doubt of the lengths the Cabal will go, to hold on to power. Even you were shocked. You did not realise how low they will go to destroy anything that may stop them completing their evil plans. Many of them have faced the fact that their plans are doomed to failure and have asked for mercy. They know they cannot hide the truth from humanity for much longer. Absolutely everything humans were allowed to know was strictly controlled: total lies. Everything was designed to prevent people from progressing. All knowledge was hidden. The Cabal controls the manufacture of food and drugs. They have successfully convinced people that they need their deadly vaccinations and drugs.

Man was successfully living on the earth long before the Annunaki arrived, looking for gold, and then decided to take over. They are still controlling it to this day. They have assumed many guises. They always ensure that man looks up to them. But their exposure is assured. They can no longer hide behind a veil of lies. They are in positions of power everywhere; sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight. Your governments obey them while your politicians pretend to hold power. They are the hidden hand, the real power that controls all. You can see for yourselves the power wielded by religions. Ask yourselves why religion is accepted without question. Why is religion forced on you? Why were you forced to accept such lies.

Love and peace should be the objective of humanity. Now you have the opportunity to take back your power and ensure that love and peace prevail. You now have the numbers to take back control. You can see that the Emperor has no clothes. It was all an ILLUSION and you were all taken in by it. But the illusion cannot hold you hostage one moment longer because you are free. Free to explore the truth, free to see what was used to create fear in your lives. Free to see all that was used to hold you hostage. Free to protect your precious children from the paedophiles that are everywhere, so organised that they have been operating right under your nose, though you failed to see them until now. You can never close your eyes to this problem ever again. You owe it to your children to prevent them being exposed to the lies that you were forced to accept. Do not allow the lies to take another generation into control. Education fails to teach truth, as it is totally controlled by the Cabal. It is dangerous to you. You must ensure that your children are prepared to accept the truth at an early age so they can recognise it when they see it. Such an education should begin in the cradle, gradually opening their eyes to the reality. They will thank you in later years.

Be very wary of what are known as ‘Old Peoples Homes’. Many are not as they appear to be. Some are dangerous, taking control of the residents and acting as though the person is in prison. There are many of these homes in different parts of England that would shock you, if you knew the truth of what goes on in them. There are vile predators everywhere, always ready to pounce on unsuspecting people. Husbands that are not allowed to visit their wives is common. Protect your loved ones, as they are not safe in many of these places. Medication is administered without disclosing what is being given. They are sedated without consent. This is a disgrace. Veronica is trying to help one such person who has asked for help and is going through hell. Please pray for her and all the others in the same predicament. When questions are asked, the predators reveal themselves, and threaten legal action in the hope of frightening away the questioners. No one is safe from such vile people who live off the suffering of others. Do not allow them to get the better of you.

You ask, who can you trust? Very few in positions of power. Exposure does help to remove some of them, but you must strive to remove all of them. Be prepared to take steps to remove all predators before it is too late.

So much has been put in place to hold humanity under control that you must now take down all the control, whenever you come across it. It takes courage and a belief in your own ability, to see it through to full exposure. Support each other, as you have the numbers to free yourselves from your predators. Many obstacles have been removed and the energy of the earth is in your favour. So this is your big opportunity to actually achieve freedom. Do not let it pass you by, through lack of courage. We have put so much in place to free you from slavery and to release the truth of who you are, of the earth you live upon, and of course, the predators who hold you captive. Freedom is yours to take and own. This is your opportunity to expose and remove the banking cartel that has ensured that life on earth is a struggle for survival.

Religions have destroyed the religion of LOVE which all people lived by in bygone days. It was replaced with lies that would ensure that they could set one religion against another. This was their plan, and you fell for it, and continue to pay a heavy price for it. But the truth can no longer be hidden. The internet ensures this. The predators are trying to remove the internet from you. Do not allow this to happen. Find your voice and say NO to any control of it. Remember, the Cabal CAN ONLY GO AS FAR AS YOU ALLOW THEM TO GO. YOU ARE THE 99%.

You are watching every move they make and they know it. They are at your mercy and they are not used to this, for AN AWAKENED HUMANITY IS THEIR GREATEST FEAR.

Protect yourselves by refusing all vaccinations, and when possible, refuse their drugs that were designed to shorten your life. Removing the Cabal’s control of your lives with all the information you now have at your fingertips will be like a walk in the park. Without your assistance they will lose all their power. They will be helpless. Never betray your fellow man and freedom is yours for the taking.

My dear, I am proud of the way you are handling the serious issues regarding some Old Peoples Homes that have been taken over by corrupt individuals with no regard for human life. These people care only for the money they can extract in whichever way they can. Many old folk quickly become prisoners. You must protect the vulnerable in your care. Living your final years in fear, trapped in such places, should not be allowed in any country. Yes dear, life gets tough when you question such people. The man’s hand, without a body attached, that tightly gripped your arm as you worked at the computer, was done to scare you off.

Please do try to rest, and be prepared to act when necessary.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Dave wants you to understand how much your letters mean to him. To hear his name called when post arrives, makes him feel that he is not alone anymore. To know that people care and are interested in what happens to him, gives him hope. He reads and catalogues them and re-reads them, over and over again. The lovely cards are now on his wall beside a beautiful drawing sent by Ruth. They have changed the energy of his cell. Sadly, the jail returned all cards that had glitter. Some contained envelopes and stamps. He appreciates your kindness but the jail only allows people to send things through the jail’s Commissary, and books through Amazon. It is important that the jail and lawyers know that there are people out there who care and are watching out for Dave.

I thank you, also. You have made a big difference to Dave’s life. I am so grateful to you for this.

Contact Details
Dave McCann
, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
, California, 93712, USA.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/7/2018 7:07:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 7, 2018

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It is quite common for enlightening human beings to think that they aren’t doing enough in terms of their service. This is due to having a high level of diligence and commitment, but also from old conditioning that is based on the martyred service paradigm.

We understand it can be difficult to understand from your perspective, but your greatest contributing service occurs from your own growth and evolution. As you enlighten you shift, transmute, and anchor energy. You assist the planet and the energetic grids in so many ways. As you move forward in your own process, you access new and inspired ways you can be of service to others, as well.

Further, because you have been self responsible, you become far more balanced and actuated, which allows you to be of the greatest assistance to others, both by being a powerful teacher by example, but also by being able to assume the role of guide on earth through your love, wisdom, and compassion.

One of the biggest challenges for those who are on the planet to be of service (this means everyone on their own enlightenment journey) is to shift from martyred service to joyful service. This means releasing the idea of having to carry the weight of the world on your own shoulders, or that service is hard and requires great sacrifice, and moving into the new model of it being comfortable, joyful, and a beautiful cooperative effort of many souls, all with the same heart-centred agenda.

If you are ever unsure that you are doing enough, simply surrender into being of your highest service and trust that whatever shows up is the perfect way for you to contribute that day, even if all you did was stay home and hold the space. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/7/2018 11:26:00 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2018

will's picture

The joyful and the singing and the dancing and the celebrating are creating their paradise by each of their songs, by each of their dances.

It is in your hands whether to create paradise or to fall into a darkness, into hellfire. These are not outside you; these both are within you. It all depends what you choose to be.

Choose to be divine, choose to be more and more a celebrant, choose to be festive, so more and more flowers can blossom in your being, and more and more fragrance can become available to you.

And this way will not only help you, it will help all those with whom you come in contact.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/8/2018 12:09:23 AM

Sanat Kumara: All is Moving Along

sanat kumaraAll my dear ones,

It is my mission, my promise to you that I should contact you in this time and help you during this transition period – as this is where you are right now – in a transition period – which is the most difficult period when all that has been pushed down, both collectively and on an individual level comes up to the surface, to be scrutinized, examined, to be cleansed, to be healed. If you previously have repressed feelings, fears, shame, anger, frustration – whatever it is it will now come to the surface. It is a powerful cleansing process. You have come different distances into this process and that is as it should be – you have all taken on different missions, with different starting points and different conditions and each one of you will start from where they are.

Already it is going splendidly my dear ones, but it is a question of how long you want this transition period will continue – most of you probably wish that it would be all over now and long for the light to start to be seen concretely in the world around you – that the peaceful paradise that has been promised you will start to be seen around you. But consider then that it starts with you, it starts with you calming your mind, enter your heart, connect yourselves to the Heavenly Light and to the divine Mother Earth and fill your whole being with love. I am speaking about meditation, to enter your inner sanctum and to connect to one’s highest Light and convene this with the Light of Mother Earth and the Heavenly Light/Creation/Source/All that is. To do at least one such meditation per day, when it suits you, where it suits you. After practicing you can do this on the bus or wherever you are. It is a matter of inner presence. In order to create this higher presence I encourage you to practice yoga or conscious presence as I call it. In the Western world it is these days called Mindfullness, that is to take with you the high conscious presence to everything you do every day, buying groceries, cook food, eat, in meetings with people, at work. Once you practice Conscious Presence/Mindfullness during your every day life you also enter more quickly and deeper into your meditation and it will over time become much more powerful. (Also, drink a lot of water, eat clean, preferably vegetarian, food).

Look at your lives; what can you do in order for your life to be raised yet one more small step? In this case you should ask yourself what you can cut down on in your life in order to leave more space for this work for the light? What do you do because you think you have to or maybe just out of old habit? Do you have children who demand your attention – practice Conscious Presence when you are with them – be consciously more happy, more Present together with them, have fun together – it is good for both you and your children. Yes, everybody can find ways to enter a higher frequency of light in your daily life.

Only you can tell what is needed in order for you to be the one you want to be, for you to live the life you want to live – take a step in that direction, they might be small steps, probably they are small steps, but take these steps, one by one in the direction that you heart tells you to go. Listen to your heart. Follow your heart. Your heart always shows you the right way. This is a matter of training and one cannot expect to be able to drive a car if you never have taken a driving lesson – maybe this comparison is an exaggeration, but yet not, as you often get frustrated when everything does not turn out the way you want right away – if you instead think it is a matter of taking small steps in the direction you want to go – at the same time as you increase your energy frequency, at the same time as you are more Consciously Present – yes, then your manifestations will come faster.

With Love and Joy, In Eternity, Amen, Om.


Source – Channel: Mia Lighthouse – Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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