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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:51:18 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - February 26, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, powerful co-Creators!

We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

Our writer has a question she would like to ask, which she will share now with all of us:

COR: My friends, I spoke with you about six weeks ago (in the January 8 “Message to Lightworkers”) about how so many people are feeling devastated right now, not only for themselves, but for the state of the world.

Some have lost their income at a time in life when rebuilding and re-presenting themselves to the work world feels to be a very great task.

Others have faced natural or humanmade disasters such as flood, fire, earthquake, or violence.

Others find their health devastated, and wonder if they will ever recover.

Recently a Lightworker wrote me with a similar story.

She is in her early 60s, and can no longer do massage therapy work due to physical injury caused by that work.

She lost her home in the California fires, then her car engine died, so she has no vehicle now.

She found a place to stay, but it is purely temporary, and like many now, wonders what is next for her.

She asks that you speak to this situation, “as I am a Lightworker and Starseed, and I am concerned that my impoverished state is reflecting internal affairs too. That when the Bright Flash of Solar Light comes, I may not be moving into Ascension smoothly and with grace.”

As you noted in last week’s Message, many are experiencing their difficulties now with the feeling that they must not be Ascending, but regressing somehow.

Please speak to this, as millions seem to be at a crossroads now, on so many levels.

THE COLLECTIVE: Dear ones, we are more than honored to speak to these situations, and are thankful for the chance to do so.

For one, this dear one you speak of (and many millions of others in similar circumstances) is not at all about to “miss the boat” as they say.

The “bright flash of solar Light” she refers to is not a singular event, but a progression of CMEs (coronal mass ejections) that are already taking place, and has been for several years now.

The sun’s Light is growing higher in frequency, and carries Light data from Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, from whom Sol (your Sun) takes its cues in terms of both movement and density or vibration.

Be aware that at times, those who channel and those who extrapolate astrological signs or planetary data will somewhat misconstrue or receive interference to the actual message they are receiving, though their intentions are high, and the Light data coming through their work remains potent and empowering.

Yet a human being’s conscious mind, linked indelibly to what is a highly manipulated subconscious and collective unconscious, will take information about “the coming changes” (they are not coming—they are here!), and choose to panic out of a sense of survival and sometimes, doubt that they are ready for a Big Shift such as the Earth is already experiencing.

We would not at all say that this dear one is missing any form of progression in her Ascension journey.

What is happening is that she elected in her life chart to release her life as she knew it at this time—home, job, car and all—and to construct an entirely new life of a far higher vibration than she knew even five or six months ago.

The energy work she accomplished as a massage therapist is still with her—that cannot be taken away.

That was the main crux of the work. Though the physical aspect was of course empowering to the client, this Light Being’s path has led her to another avenue of service at this time.

This new form of service will take time and focus to build—we say this to all who have lost partner, health, home, or income over the past year or so—and she must be kind and supportive of this new and vulnerable self who is starting to come forward.

A self for whom the old boundaries will not exist, and for whom new colors, new Light, new insights and new vistas will stretch out before her as a new horizon upon which to build a new life.

She is able to get some sort of job, and to find housing, even if only to housesit for others and water their plants and walk their dog for a few weeks or months.

She is able to create online work of some kind—many are able to do this—and so begin to see new ways of offering her gifts, via online connections with others.

For those creating a new website for their new work (creative work, counseling, energy work, or other offerings), there are free website platforms—we encourage many to research these and to begin to experiment with creating something new with them.

Understand that sitting by the side of the road and feeling devastated and frozen with shock is not something that your life will be able to sustain for very long.

It is important to seek counseling, even via community resources, and even if only for a short time, to begin coming out of shock.

It is likewise crucial to allow the inner child to cry and to mourn—to keep a journal of your feelings and responses to your current life—yet not to live there as if this were your new state of being.

These are transient states, and cannot become your default frequency. That is not what this “shake up” of disasters, losses, and apparent tragedies is there for.

They are there to lift you out of your old life and to set you down into a new one—one that you must speak about with your Spirit team every morning, forming the intent to receive their wisdom in whatever way it will come.

And to do at least one thing each day to move yourself forward.

This positive action does not have to be “applied for five jobs today,” or “applied for public assistance,” though some days it might.

It might include picking beautiful flowers or pine cones from the side of the road, or listening to inspiring music on YouTube on the computer at the library.

It might include finding your town’s food bank and volunteering to help there one or two hours a week or month, as well as being someone who benefits from the foods they offer.

It might include writing thank you notes or emails to everyone who has helped you even slightly to build a more stable, more obviously Abundant life.

You must decide what will feed your soul during this time, dear ones—you are the only ones to do that.

And it will take some bravery and going against the grain of what you have been taught.

For you were all trained from the womb to view losing a home or your health or your job as one of the worst possible things that could happen to a person.

They are not.

A far worse thing is for you to count yourself amongst those who are lost, who are worthless, or who have little or nothing to offer others, or nowhere to go and nothing to do.

And we say not as a criticism, but as a caution, that if you call to the shadows and live in them for any protracted amount of time, they will in time become part of the default frequency that you consider to be your true self, though that true self is far from despairing, hopeless, or alone.

And so we are sending energies now to all who read this (and those who allow an etheric connection with us), that you will all see that your true Abundance is in Life itself—and that you are Life.

There is your investment, and you cannot lose any of it—your powerful Spirit, your gifts, your ability to see more than what is physically in front of you at any one time.

Your beautiful presence on this Earth, which no one else take the place of.

And your ongoing ability to rebuild your outer life, based on the flexibility and resources of your inner life, including the power of your own soul, at any time.

For millions of years, human beings have had to create a new home, new income, new forms of health, new sense of purpose, after utter devastation.

Think of all the things you have now that they did not have—online communication and other helpful technologies.

A growing presence of Light and fifth dimensional reality on the planet.

A conscious realization of soul growth and life purpose that in the past was reserved only for persons of considerable education and social standing.

You have waited for this—you have insisted and pushed forward through other Earth lives, other time periods, until you came to this moment, dear ones!

You have not come here in vain, nor will you transform where you are purely to return to sameness and outer comfort.

The ego-mind may be panicking, but we see the shape of your Spirits, and they are as empowered, as Light-filled, as resourceful, ingenious, and inspired, as we have ever seen them.

And we have known you a very long “time,” though we do not view Time as you do.

And so, be of good cheer, dear ones. The answers and direction you seek are coming to you now, as you daily demand from your Team what wisdom you require to move forward.

And as you bless your current circumstances for all they are giving to you—in that way, you release them!

You cannot become “stuck” in them, because in that moment of giving thanks, you gain all you were ever meant to from them—the wisdom, the renewal, the remaking of the Light Being you have always been, except now, in human form.

Namaste, Light Bearers and co-Creators! Gods and goddesses of New Earth!

When we say you are never alone—we know you cannot quite imagine the billions of Angels surrounding you now, singing tonal frequencies to lift you to where you not only remake your own lives, but that of an entire planet, then galaxy, and Universe.

And yet, it is so.

And yes, we are with you, always.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
2/27/2018 9:38:25 PM



Tuesday, February 27, 2018

So much is happening in the world! Tonight I will join Phoenix on the Truth Frequency Radio network from 7:30 - 9:00 pm EST to put a few things into context (Sabian symbol-style) and hopefully shine some light in this great time of change. Topics tonight:

The Full Moon
on Thursday
The Gale Force of the "New Wind" since the New Moon on February 15
5G - Why Now?
The Minions of the Archons Falling Under the Righteous Force of Second Renaissance
The Passing of Billy Graham
Preparing for Mass Rape Trauma Syndrome of the Fellowship of Humanity as Secondary Victims of the Global Pedophile Ring

I hope you can join us, but you can catch the show later at TFR before it goes in the subscriber archives.

Happy Full Moon and love to all-


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2018 9:08:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 28, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

You could ask yourself, “If I didn’t know one person on this planet, what would I do?” which is a wonderful way of getting in touch with your own preferences. You can stop and still yourself and connect with your own divine heart which is full of wisdom. Or you can simply shift into an activity that brings you joy, much like children will leap at the chance to play and enjoy free time if they suddenly get let out of school early.

Do you see? There are so many things you can do that support your forward movement, growth, expansion, and co-creation, regardless of where you are on your journey. Again we say you do not need to have all the answers, you simply must be willing to allow the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2018 9:17:03 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2018

will's picture

The answer is beyond the mind. Those who go on seeking through the mind go on coming upon new questions. The very few people who have found the answer are those who have gone beyond mind, beyond words, beyond language.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/28/2018 9:19:50 PM

Message from Ashtar for February 26, 2018

2/26/2018 10:49:00 PM

Ashtar 2/26/18

Greetings friends, it is I, your friend Ashtar here just above your Earth's orbit and enjoying a rather spectacular view. Your lights are "lighting it up", as you say, and it is a pleasure to watch, to observe and to participate in the grand experiment as it reaches its' conclusion.

I know you are weary, most weary, and some of you are irritated today. May I remind you that the thousands of years of bondage are in the process of being terminally completed? Surely you can rest in this knowledge that Creator's ways are perfect in Devine timing, and all is proceeding as it must - for your freedom and for your utmost safety.

The dark ones are being rounded up. We have it under control, for ultimately the light always wins, does it not? Have you not seen this in your own life? Love triumphs all, it is true, just as the movies say. (Although not many of your films portray such hopeful messages as of late - won't that be fun to fix, to change the culture of movie going?) I must say please do dream with me about all of the millions of little ways that you in your god-light can leave little sparks of change on this surface world. Your power and creativity is immense. Apply this creative force to that which you see needs changing, so that your children's children will have a totally different societal experience than you all have had. For you are the way showers - and I mean this quite literally, friends. You are laying the foundation for change, great and glorious changes, infused with God-light and infused into your forms.

We are so pleased and awe struck with how many of you are calmly dealing with reintegrating these powerful energy surges of Christ-light. You are taking it in stride, much like your Olympic champions. I tell you the truth, you wouldn't have been able to process these current energies even last week - this is how much you are changing and how fast you are evolving. Think of yourself last month, last year, 10 years past; you are not the same person now, are you? You process things more maturely and have the eyes to see more clearly. You are much more perceptive, are you not? Rejoice in this revelation and celebrate your successes! Many of you are too hard in yourselves and too serious. Laugh more! Lighten up and try to enjoy this experience like none other that you - or anyone else - have ever experienced before. And you have a thick portfolio dear friends. You do. You can't remember yet, but you will, I assure you. And please remember that you wanted very much to be here.

We pledge our eternal love and support, our friendship and guidance when required and requested! Our hands of friendship are eternally extended, for we are all one. One! Ha! Victory is at hand. It is within you. Claim it friends, claim it as your own. Namaste.

~ galaxygirl

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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