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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:18:07 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 27, 2018

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There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

So how do you start moving forward more comfortably? We recommend doing things one now moment at a time. You make the wisest decisions for yourself by taking things as they come. Move forward one step and then see what is possible and the next best choice from there. Surrender and see what shows up, and then navigate from there. Follow the signs and synchronicities as they are a sure indicator that you are being loved and guided along the way.

Take the time to reassure the part of you that does experience fear and doubt by being your own loving parent, spirit guide, and best friend. Let that part of you know that you are wise and empowered and will make sure it is safe and an included and cherished part of your forward movement.

You don’t need to know all the answers all at once, Dear Ones, because true expansion, growth, and change is a process of unfoldment that can be not only navigated with greater ease but enjoyed as you go, much as you can enjoy the scenery as you drive towards a destination on a route you have never travelled before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:27:28 PM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation for February 27, 2018

Selamat Balik.

The clean-up operation continues. Our crowning victory grows closer each day. Most of the major bases and strongholds of the cabal have been utterly destroyed. Our list of arrests grows longer by the minute. Meanwhile, the plan presses on to implement the New Republic, empowering our allies to ultimately take over USA, Inc. The RV continues to roll out and move forward. Our allies are discovering just how weak the cabal has become. Its few remaining strong points dwindle with every day. The long-promised prosperity is systematically approaching its delivery date. A most auspicious moment has arrived when the foundation will be laid for a new reality and a golden age.

Our mission is based on carrying out a series of heavenly directives. These decrees were issued to assist humanity's return, at the right divine time, to its former state as fully conscious galactic humans. It is vital to realize a new realm, free of the hindrances contrived by the relentless scheming of the devious cabal and its many henchmen. In the past, many of our diverse groups of allies were working separately and their efforts were disjointed. With our support, they are learning about "Fluid Group Dynamics", which has helped make the different Light groups coalesce into an unstoppable force. This ever-increasing strength is freeing the Light to create myriad ways to defeat the dark. Their collaborative effort is proving to be the knockout blow that can crush the dark. As the light grows, the dark shrinks. You tremble now on the brink of disclosure, heralding a golden era of unimaginable peace and the dawn of limitless prosperity! The old reality is waning and a new and glorious world is being established firmly in its place! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

We possess an ever-expanding dynamic whose momentum cannot be denied and the dark realize/realizes this. The cabal knows its time is coming to an end. Many of the wicked factions on your planet have surrendered and negotiated agreements for their cooperation. There still remains however, an obstinate clique that refuses to surrender. and is resolved to fight and wreak havoc to the bitter end. This is unfortunate, as it creates only confusion and doubt in the minds and hearts of Lightworkers where none should exist. However, the forces of Light are growing in number and are united/of one mind/like-minded in their sacred purpose. Nothing, and no one, can keep Gaia and all her people from experiencing this expansion in consciousness.

The next phase/step in our strategies is about to be revealed. Fluid Dynamics is coalescing the many diverse groups that until recently were not allied. Now that they have, miracles are possible and are taking place on a daily basis. Once you hold prosperity in your hands, many untold technologies will be released. These technologies, which already exist on your planet, will provide safe methods to clean up your water, air and land. Healing technologies will replace your broken medical system. Imagine a world free of chemtrails, fluoride in your water or soil depleted of nutrients. Yes, envision a world of clean, clear skies, pure drinking water and organic farmlands. Imagine your body utilizing vibrational medicine to fix your physical ailments. Last week we informed you of the throat chakra and Well of Dreams chakra integrations. These chakras continue to cause restless sleep, vivid dreams, headaches and continuous dry cough, which should begin to subside following the Spring Equinox. Your Well of Dreams is a new chakra that will assist in your connections to the galactic and spiritual realms.

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters. Today we arrive to discuss the art of being gracious. More than simply being kind, it is in fact an inner state of mind. Learn to stand firm for the Truth while at the same time radiating kindness. In these uncertain times, you need to see the world as more than news reported by the mainstream. It is about how you perceive Gaia and how you can make her a better place for all who live upon her. A major aspect of your journey is to be gracious and to feel at peace as you go about dismantling the dark cabal's power structure. In your ever-changing pace of life, you must learn how to apply grace and to refrain from a strictly emotional response. Being gracious, therefore, becomes the key because it sets the tone for what you see or say, and how you respond to the reality you create for yourselves.

The key to being gracious is to remain sane and centered in a chaotic and unbalanced world. It is important to understand the ever-changing environment that surrounds you. Discernment, too, is the basis to keeping your heartspace in Love. Each is like a butterfly caught in the swirling winds of change. In this rapid eddying are ideas born and coalesced. Because the sheer number of scenarios bombarding your consciousness can readily cause confusion and doubt, we encourage you to apply the arts of discernment and graciousness in your daily affairs. These qualities that can free you of anxiety. These qualities provide answers to the problems you will face as you create your new reality.

Each one of you is a joy to our collective hearts. We realize how far you have come in these past two decades! You are on a road to success that is to bring to you the return of full consciousness. We feel it wise, therefore, to inform you of these changes and to ask you to continue to go within, focusing and using visualizations to accelerate your progress. You, dear Hearts, are a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major series of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. As you know, your heart is a vast electrical center that in many cases rivals your brain. This process is to continue as you undertake renewals to your brain's chakras and to your heart. These changes are to celebrate your new-found potential and better prepare you to meet your galactic mentors.

Today, we continued our messages! The time approaches for a great change in this reality. It is time to transform the pain and suffering into joy, peace and prosperity! The dark cabal has had time to change gracefully and failed. A new day is dawning that will bring in a graceful epoch for humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:33:12 PM

Forgiveness Work

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There are a lot of uncomfortable, painful things coming up for you, yes? It is as if someone has taken a giant stick and stirred the ‘pot’, bringing up things you thought you worked through or forgotten. As challenging as this moment may be, darling one, please do not be dismayed. It is all part of the necessary process of forgiveness; forgiveness of self and others. If old, painful things are bubbling to the surface, it means that you have not truly forgiven. Take some time today and really see what you need to release. Once these things are gone, they will free up more space than you ever imagined. Put your hand in mine and we will work on this together. ~ Creator


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:34:20 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2018

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A question always comes from the mind; hence the mind always finds appropriate words for it. But the answer comes from your very being, from your depths of silence where no words have ever entered.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/27/2018 6:40:07 PM

"A New Breed of Humans; What to Expect From the Children Incarnating Now"

Today we would like to focus your attention on the children who are now incarnating into your reality. With each new generation progress is made; however these children are more advanced than ever before. They are not only more advanced in their capabilities, they also are chemically and innately different on a cellular level as well. It is our intention to give you our perspective on the changes which you can expect to see in the children coming into your reality and what they will be capable of.

New parents at this time are faced with raising very different children than ever before. What has worked for previous generations will no longer be sufficient or advisable for this “new breed” of humans. You are collectively on a path of rapid development and evolution and these children will be primed and ready for this advancement. For many generations the milestones which have become markers of a child’s development have remained the same; however within the last 5-7 years there have been large changes to the children’s development that cannot always be measured on a statistical graph.

Babies are born much more alert than ever before; from the instant these “old souls” enter this reality they are ready to make their mark, they are eager to take everything in. Children have always held very high vibrations. They do not have any limiting beliefs in place which would serve to lower their vibration. They are fascinated by the simple joys in life, and are capable of living in the now moment. A baby does not worry abouttomorrow, nor do they dwell on past events; they simply are present in the now moment and experience each moment to the fullest.

These children who are incarnating into this reality have very large roles to fill. Their capabilities reflect what is possible in the higher dimensions through the evolution of your species. Previously, you had all come into this world in order to experience duality, to gain valuable experiences from the huge variety which is available to you.

These children will not come in with as much to regain or remember as past generations have. They are here to show you how to live in the higher dimensions right from the very start. As you are evolving, as you are growing and elevating in consciousness, you are making great strides in regaining your true power. These young children are here to offer you a new perspective, a new way of living together. Children have always been known to offer very candid advice, however it was rarely taken seriously.

Scientists eventually will begin to see the changes which can be detected in these children’s brains. Their brains do not function quite like the adults around them. They will have more of their brains activated and therefore you will see new abilities and skills coming from these children; what once seemed impossible will grow to be expected. You will be able to see evidence of this on CAT scans which will show a much higher degree of activity at any one time. As a child learns and develops pathways are created in the brain that will allow for that skill or information to be accessed. These new children will have far more pathways then ever has been previously recorded. This will allow for the optimal use of each section of the brain to allow for the greatest potential to be accessed.

It is said that the average human uses only about 10% of their brain. We would say that this isn't entirely accurate. You are using your entire brain, however most humans are only using around 10% of their brain's potential capabilities. A common misconception about this notion is the assumption that this percentage refers to intelligence. However by using more of your brain as it was originally designed to be used will allow for a higher degree of connection between your higher self and your physical mind. Knowledge can be easily acquired by the proper use of your brain anytime new information is needed; not because you will have a greater ability to comprehend but more so because you will be once again universally reconnected and all information is readily available for you to “download” at any moment. What has taken previous generations years of intense training and memorization can be easily downloaded into your mind whenever you desire. Utilizing 100% of your brain will allow you to reach abilities which you have only dreamed of acquiring; an increase in overall intelligence is just one of the many uses of your brain. That would be similar to using one of the world’s most powerful computers as a calculator for basic numeric calculations. Well yes, it does have the ability to calculate numbers, however that is just one of the many things it is capable of. And so it is with your brains. And this is what these new children will begin to demonstrate.

These new children will be incredibly receptive and in tune with not just the thoughts and feelings of those around them, but also of the energy of the past, present and future as well. The psychic abilities of these children will far exceed anything you have seen before. Many of these children will be telepathic. They will be able to send and receive the thoughts of others, near or far, distance will not matter. It will be incredibly important for these gifts to be cultivated by their parents and care takers. Although these children will be born with these gifts and abilities, if they are not nurtured and encouraged to develop these skills, these skills will weaken over time.

The chemical and genetic makeup of these children is physically different than any previous human before. You will notice that these children are incredibly sensitive both in their own feelings as well as to others. They will not learn in the same manner as children did before them. The old ways of learning will seem quite boring to them and they will regularly lose interest. Many new parents are witnessing this in their own children but are unsure of what to do. Mundane memorization of random facts will be of no use to them. Children innately know that they are to follow their passions, their interests and to retain mundane facts is not of interest to them. Your technology has advanced so rapidly that you may now “look up” any question you have and receive answers within seconds on your internet. So what need will these children truly have for memorizing such facts? New skills will be required of these children who will be moving forward in an ever evolving world.

These children will not respond well to stresses placed on them by outdated traditions; what we mean by this is that they will not prosper in an environment that expects them to follow orders which are given to them simply because “that’s the way it’s always been”. Many traditions continue without the necessity which once created the tradition in the first place. Many continue to pass them down simply because that’s what they were taught and they simply see no reason to change. These children will help to replace the old way of doing things, with new ways that are beneficial for all. Many industries such as your medical profession, school systems, financial industry, and politics are in need of drastic changes. These children will question everything, as they are here to break the mold and introduce a new way of thinking.

You have started to see the very beginning stages of the changes in how these children learn with the children who have been labeled as ADD or ADHD. The medical profession says that these children have a defect that does not allow them to focus, however we have a different perspective. These children do not have a defect but rather they simply are unable to properly express the unique gifts and abilities that lie within them in a system that is unwilling to evolve. It’s not that they cannot focus; they simply choose not to focus their attention on old and outdated methods of learning. We recommend that you find what these children are passionate about and ask them to expand upon this topic and many would be amazed at their uncanny ability to absorb a tremendous amount of information on the topic.

Their minds are much more capable than they are given credit for; however they are not being stimulated or encouraged to use their minds in a suitable manner. Their minds work in a different way than what is considered to be “normal”. Many parents have been taught to fear any deviation their child displays from the normal progression of development of other children, however it is our wish to assure you that this is nothing to fear but rather we ask that you embrace the uniqueness of each child. The new standard will simply be, there is no “norm”.

These new children require a more individualized education rather than one that is fashioned for all to fit into its mold. You will see more and more of these new children who will not resonate with the old systems and as their numbers grow, they will force the education systems to grow and evolve. More and more the medical field will search for a label to give to these children who do not fit the “norm”, however it will not be long before the education system takes notice that there is nothing “wrong” with these very bright students, they simply do not learn the way children used to. All children are hungry for knowledge, however not all children are hungry for the same knowledge. Many of the current education systems are focused on merging a diverse group of children into very similar molds, however these new children will prosper in environments which they are encouraged to develop their unique gifts and in doing so, they will flourish amongst diversity.

Not all children will share the same skill set, nor will they all experience the exact same development. Just as all of you have your own unique gifts and abilities, so too will they. In fact more and more you will notice that the “normal range” of development for a child will widen considerably, as each child will flourish in their own way at their own pace. However, we do want to touch on just some of the abilities that you will start to see develop within these children. Some children will possess strong psychic abilities, recalling past lives and sensing the unseen, while some will possess tremendous healing abilities; others will use their incredible creativity to shape and mold the world around them in ways that will astound you. Some will amaze you with their natural talent to draw such vivid pictures at very young ages. Some will possess a “super-natural” ability to manipulate numbers in their minds in just a matter of seconds, while others will be able to “see” the energy that exists all around you. We are not saying that any one child will possess all of these talents….yet. However, know that all of these abilities have lied dormant within your own physical bodies; although, these children will be born with these abilities already activated. In many ways they will show those around them what is possible, they will help many to see what has always been right in front of them. There will come a time when all of these skills are no longer seen as extraordinary, but rather they will become ordinary.

Children of future generations will still require parenting, they will require your guidance, your encouragement and your love, however much of the mundane information which requires so much time will be by passed. Parents will be able to focus their attention on other more important experiences; such as cultivating the child’s individual interests from a very early age.

Your young children hold the template for what lies innately in every human as they have not yet been conditioned by your societies. You will notice that these children will all be unique in their own right; however their development will be similar in that they do not learn in the same way that other children before them have learned. These children, at a very young age will seek to introduce views which will embrace difference rather than fear it; perspectives that will consider what is best for the community rather than any one individual. As these children grow into mature adults they will inherit this world in which you live, and they will continue to make changes to ensure that with each new generation, humans continue to evolve back into a higher state of consciousness. These children are just the beginning of the dawning of a brand new civilization.

We hope that this message has in some way served to enlighten you as it is always our wish to simply share our perspective on the reality in which you call “home”

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides


Much Love,

Dr. Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
