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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/18/2017 8:48:31 PM

Why Am I Here?

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God said:

Because time does not exist, there is no hurry. Therefore, there is no urgency, no emergency, no rush. There is nothing depending upon anything. In terms of Life in the World, there is no depending upon a whole lot anyway. So where does your sense of urgency and breathlessness come from? It comes from your attention on depending upon certain conditions.

You intend your rented sense of urgency as a condition to bring you what you want. I too want Life to bring you what you want. At the same non-time, I don’t desire you to insist upon Life the way you exhort it, for it is the have-to that entraps you. Free yourself from your attachments, and you free your Life. Sometimes you want to tie Life hand and foot. You want to make Life your slave. No, you are not to entrap Life, do you see what I mean? Do you get it now?

Of course, you think of your Life as yours. You play out your Life, yet your Life isn’t all yours. Your Life is in your hands even as Life is out of your hands. Even as distance doesn’t exist, for there is no space the same way there is no time, how can it be that you possess anything? In this way, your Life, your individualized Life isn’t yours to define anyway. It is said you live it. You do play it out on stage while you also live a Life beyond the daily one you go through the motions to perpetuate. You are more alive than you attribute your Life to.

There is more to Life than you realize even as there is less to Life than you realize. It feels to you sometimes that you have no clue as to what Life is about. It could be that Life isn’t even about anything at all.

In the world, Life is about activity. At the same non-time, Life is all Being, you are out of the factions and fictions of time and space and you exist in Infinity which you may see as high above the clouds.

Are you in Infinity or are you Infinity Itself? You feel like you exist as another dimension whereas you gather you are not a dimension. Surely, Infinity is higher than any dimension even as the word dimension means something set in place or time and the word higher may have non-dimensioned meanings as well.

You are not sectioned into any dimension, yet what is Infinity and what are you? Do you even exist? And if you do, where do you exist? If there is existence, does it exist somewhere?

Or, can you exist out of time and space? What is all this dimension business and what is all the fuss about existence and non-existence and shape and form, you wonder. Can a void be full? What is all this talk about Fullness of Nothingness then? Is nothingness fullness? What is this jabber anyway? Is this gibberish?

You might ask: “Did I just happen to fall out of the sky?” And then you answer yourself: “Well, I might just as well have.”
It is all the same mishmash to you. You ask Me:

“God, I believe You say there is Oneness. In my terms of understanding, You and I exist as One. I am unable to follow this. I can’t put a handle on it. Is this what You mean?”

I answer:

“Beloved, I won’t say that you are out of your depth just because you are from Greater than you can grasp and hold onto. The point of Our talks is to remind you to let go of boundaries and enter into Existence as apart from anyone or anything including all the questions and discourses. What is it exactly that you have decided you must once and for all know as well as you must know the alphabet? What? Anything?”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/19/2017 6:31:22 PM
Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - December 18, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Powerful Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you here again.

We are aware that many are distressed at world events—the wildfires in California, the undrinkable water and lack of electricity and other infrastructure in Puerto Rico, lack of respect for environment, communication rights, and human health, and bills being passed in numerous countries that represent the interests of the banks and the billionaires, and that leave working folk to their own devices.

We are aware that many are anxious about the full enactment of NESARA law, about the Full Disclosure of your Galactic family, and of recognition of human rights and human sovereignty on every level of life.

You are wondering, many of you, if these will ever occur, while others look hopefully to 2018 as a year of deliverance from the very great weight humanity has labored under for so long.

We are sending, through this Message, heightened energies to speed the manifestation of what you desire in this respect.

Not to intervene in ways that are not our role nor our mission to intervene in, but to support and speed along those thought/feeling energies within you that vibrate perfectly with your co-Creative abilities, overriding the belief that you must wait for what you desire.

That expectation of needing to wait slows your manifestations, because you are looking not at the joyful end result of your dream, but at all the many wheels that must first turn in order for them to occur.

And indeed, we have said many times to our writer, and to many others, “Many wheels must turn in order for NESARA and Full Disclosure to come into your outer reality.”

We say this not to slow your desire for co-Creating these beautiful progressions, but to explain some aspects as to why these moments have not yet occurred.

Their actual manifestation is most assuredly sped along by your feeling the reality of them as already being with you.

This is why you will hear some say that the Ascended Masters have noted, “You have already won,” regarding the dissolution of the old power structure and the creation of a New Earth.

The energies, the momentum, are already well in place.

It is now up to you to solidify and anchor them as Earth reality by rejoicing in them, and allowing yourself the joyful feeling of that reality, as if it had already occurred.

And how do you do this? With that co-Creative power known as your Imagination.

Not a fluffy place of “maybe Some Day,” but a place of co-Creative power such as other beings in your Universe can only marvel at.

Begin now. Ask yourself, “Now that I have financial backing from NESARA funds to fulfill my life work, how will I spend my day?”

“How will I allocate those funds? How many days a week will I give to joyful service to others? How many days or hours will I spend exploring and learning exciting new things—or traveling, or creating?”

The more time you spend feeling wonderful about this new reality, the sooner you shall experience it in your outer world, because nothing then will be able to hold it back.

And if you have guessed that this is also a wonderful prosperity exercise for all times, you are correct.

And yes, all of you are already very prosperous, regardless of how you feel about money, and not only in financial terms.

All of the powers of the higher realms, of Alcyone’s brilliant Light-intelligence rays, of the star and planet configurations, of the Angelic realms, of the new age of Peace and Abundance—all of this and more not only bear witness to your new creations, but are actively assisting them in being birthed into your daily lives.

And so, the next time that you hear someone say with a loud sigh that they are doubting NESARA (or their twin flame) will ever arrive, say to them,

“We are creating that, just by talking about it and expecting it, this very moment.”

And so it is, our powerful co-Creator friends, for you have declared it so!

This is your Universe, into which your powerful souls were created, and are even now, remolding all that occurs within it.

Namaste, dear ones!

Your holidays are but a pale expression of the joy and celebration you are creating at every moment in the etheric.

And we are with you, always.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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12/19/2017 6:31:22 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 19, 2017

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Dear Ones, sometimes you will experience an obstacle that was unexpected. We understand this can be very frustrating for you! What we want you to know is that if you come upon a blockage it is because the energy is being rerouted for you for your highest good.

Sometimes it is simply about timing. The timing is not right or fully supportive of that energetic path, so you experience delays. It may be that more things need to come together, behind the scenes if you will, for the highest result, which will always be worth waiting for. It may be that there is a completely different road that is much better for you, that will lead you to much more satisfying experiences. It may be that staying put for the moment gives you an opportunity to develop skills and traits that will serve you in the future.

You may know why things unfolded the way they did in time, or you may never know. But what we want to impress upon you is that you are being lovingly guided, always. The universe is always leading you to your next soul desired experience and seeking to bring you your best energetic matches that allow your growth and expansion. It is acceptance and surrendering into the unfoldment of the flow with faith and trust that will allow you to redirect with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible into your next highest experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/19/2017 8:51:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/18/2017

will's picture

A certain silence immediately comes to you if you stand quietly. Try it in the corner of your room: just in the corner stand silently, not doing anything - suddenly the energy also stands inside you. Sitting, you will feel many disturbances in the mind, because sitting is a posture of a thinker. Standing, the energy flows like a pillar and is distributed equally all over the body. Standing is beautiful.

A technique is to do the meditation just standing - try it because some of you will find it very, very beautiful. If you can stand for one hour, it is just wonderful. Just by standing and not doing anything, not moving, you will find that something settles within you, becomes silent. A centering happens, and you will feel yourself like a pillar of energy; the body disappears.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/19/2017 8:53:25 PM

What Do You Think You Must Atone For?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Sometimes you seek the ultimate of yourself. No matter how fine you are, tomorrow you want more of yourself. In this way, you are never satisfied.

The cry of More! More! may be asking too much of yourself. You may whip yourself to a frenzy. You may not let up on yourself. You may ask too much of yourself. You may not love yourself enough -- or why would you keep berating yourself? What do you think it is that you must atone for?

I teach forgiveness, yes? No, I don’t even teach you forgiveness, for what do you think you have to be forgiven for? If you have been a scoundrel in a previous Life, so you have been a scoundrel. That was then, and this is now.

Be good to yourself. How can you be beautiful to others when you frown so at yourself? Love yourself first, and then others will be drawn to your Love.

There is a tendency for many of My Children to be too stern with themselves. There is a tendency to perhaps punish themselves, as if they do deserve punishment.

Have a more friendly approach to yourself and to the world and to Me. Engage with Me, Beloveds. Do not be hard-hearted to yourself as if this is how to win My approval.

Win My approval by accepting yourself as a worthwhile human Being who learns, not all at once, but little by little. You don’t have to be an overnight success. You don’t have to be a Child Wonder who makes the headlines of the newspaper.

Be your own teacher. Do you want a teacher who is loving and kind or one who is so strict you can hardly breathe? Let go of the idea of being a hard taskmaster who demands more and more of yourself. Don’t be over-demanding. Bestow some of the Milk of Human Kindness to yourself.

Accept that you are on the right track.

Give yourself some of your own approval. Don’t be impossible to please. Start with a clean slate.

If you met up with Christ in the world, do you think he would frown at you? If you think that, think again. My Son Christ would shine his Light on you. This is the least you can do for yourself. Be genial with yourself. Enough of faulting yourself.

Never are you to kick yourself in the shins. Open your heart to yourself. Don’t have it in for yourself. You really aren’t so bad, you know. Give yourself some air. Do you really want to be some kind of perfect saint who is so somber he cannot laugh and smile?

Give yourself a pat on the back, and stop trying so hard. Give yourself a break.

I created you Beautiful. I created the world Beautiful.

I do not put x’s on anyone as if I write them off or throw them out of My Good Graces forevermore or make it so difficult that they are to be wilted in guilt.

Not at all. Stand up straight. Put your arm around your shoulder, and hold your head high enough so that you can see above the crowd. Do not endure yourself. Don’t put up with yourself. Don’t kick yourself aside. No, be gracious to yourself. Encourage yourself. You are My Child.

Easy does it. Hard, encrusted, stale, doesn’t do it. Love does it.

Do you desire hard-to-please people in your Life? Do you think that hard-to-please people are good for you and beneficial to others and the world? Do you want frowns or smiles and some pats on the back?

From this day forward, be what you desire others to be. Be what I desire you to be. I desire you to be warm and loving. Start with loving yourself. If you want to grow fast, this is how to do it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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